By Lex Greene

October 24, 2024

Obama’s Democrat Party has done everything possible to steal yet another election and prevent the legal American Electors from choosing their leadership. Since 2009, the Obama regime has been in control of the entire Federal government, even while Trump held the Presidency, which is why and how the Federal government worked around the clock to undermine, destroy and end the Trump administration.

  1. Obama established ACT BLUE, the illegal international money laundering operation for the Democrat Party, BLM, and ANTIFA.
  2. Democrat controlled State governments like Michigan and Arizona are refusing to remove known illegal voters from their voter rolls.
  3. Democrat controlled NGOs (non-governmental organizations) like The Brennen Center, Gates Foundation, and Soros Foundations, are actively involved in cyber-hacking election machines across the country.
  4. Foreign governments have been working with high-level Democrat party officials to interfere with U.S. Elections since 1997, under the Clinton Administration.
  5. California just signed a new law only a few weeks before Election Day 2024, making it “illegal” for any election workers to even request proper identification from anyone attempting to vote, with millions of illegals residing in California.
  6. The Biden-Harris DOJ (Department of Justice) is suing States that have or are removing known “illegal” voters from their voter rolls.
  7. Democrat controlled States like Michigan, led by Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who also happens to be Co-Chair of the DNC and Harris Campaign in a blatant conflict of interest, have even gone so far as to illegally amend the State Constitution and ram through unlawful new election codes to protect and preserve the “steal.” They essentially outlawed any means of challenging unlawful election procedures or auditing any election results and have openly threatened election workers not to challenge election results. Michigan voters have filed suit, but so far the Michigan Supreme Court is dodging the issues.
  8. From Texas to Arizona, and Michigan to Georgia, reports of unlawful and fraudulent election acts are already pouring in, concerning electronic machine “vote-switching” and fraudulent voter rolls. The situation risks creating an “uncertifiable” election outcome, sending the nation into a tailspin headed for what some worry will be a civil war.
  9. Democrats also control the news media and censor the social media platforms.
  10. Judges are helping to hold “the steal” in place by even ordering election workers to “certify election results even when evidence of fraud exists.
  11. Obama even tells “illegals” how to vote in the USA, without getting caught.

The list of Democrat efforts to destroy U.S. Elections for all legal American Electors is endless at this point.

A new case, the first of its kind, was just filed by The Former Feds Group representing thousands of legal American Electors from across the country, with the U.S. Supreme Court. The petition or Writ of Mandamus seeks an order from the Court for all 50 States and the District of Columbia, to comply with standing Federal Election Laws in the November 5, 2024, election, or declare the Electoral College votes from non-compliant states disqualified.

The biggest issues as we head into the 2024 election

  1. All Fifty States must require absolute voter photo ID, proof of legal citizenship, before allowing anyone to vote. This is of increased importance since the Biden-Harris administration has ushered millions of illegal aliens into our country and spread them from sea to sea. A government elected by “illegal voters” is not a government of, by or for, any American Citizens.
  2. An auditable paper ballot trail must exist in every state, to verify the tabulation and reporting of voter activity correctly.
  3. Complete public transparency must exist in all 50 states, wherein all election procedures are open to public view and scrutiny, in order to build public confidence in the outcome of the elections.

Of course, more needs to be addressed, but these three things should be the very bare minimum American voters should expect from any legitimate election process. The only people who would object are those who are engaged in the fraud, or foolishly think they somehow benefit from the fraud.

This should truly be a no-brainer for the U.S. Supreme Court, if they are still committed to upholding, defending and enforcing the U.S. Constitution as the Supreme Law of our Land. Attorney Ed Tarpley representing the case, explains it all quite well in this interview with freedom fighter Ann Vandersteel.

Reacting to the free-falling Harris-Walz campaign and public knowledge of very real concerns over election procedures, the Brennen Center (behind the DOJ, CISA and CIS election interference operation) just issued a defensive statement aimed at tricking American voters into a false sense of security. The cover-up is underway.

In an overt effort to counter increasing concerns over “illegal voting” in the 2024 elections, the Brennen Center statement begins with the headline, “Some Good News for Donald Trump: We Already Use Paper Ballots.”

The statement goes on to claim, “Around 98 percent of all votes will be cast on paper in the 2024 general election,” which of course, isn’t true at all. The “mail-in, drop-box, and ballot harvesting ballots” will be on paper, and they must be heavily scrutinized for fraud. Most states now use electronic touch screen voting machines with no paper trail at all. But the good news here is…The Brennen Center effort to cover-up the fraud with this statement, just admitted that they have no reason to oppose paper ballot voting and paper ballot hand counting of the elections, to verify the electronic results in a transparent audit.

Even states that still use a paper ballot, use electronic tabulators to record and count the votes. Despite repeated false claims that “none of the machines are connected to the internet,” the Federal Government begs to differ, forming a special sub-agency under DHS (Department of Homeland Security) CISA, to develop systems to counter “internet related cyber-attacks.”

Instead of a federal agency under FOIA laws creating “a solution to cyber-attacks,” they created a private 501 front organization CIS, which is not subject to FOIA statutes, to provide “a solution” to a problem that could not possibly exist, if the machines were not accessible via the internet.

Coincidentally I suppose, these groups are also headed by Brennen Center democrat party operatives.

If you really want to know how deep and wide this operation is, and how long it has been a problem for U.S. elections and elections around the globe, CLICK HERE. Watch this video just released by highly qualified and decorated national security experts.

America currently has four types of enemies within…

  1. Everyone who sold our country out for a seat at the global Marxist table of international corruption, those engaged in “stealing elections” for personal gain
  2. Those in power who know what’s happening, but have chosen to protect their lofty positions and paychecks instead of our free Constitutional Republic
  3. Those too ignorant and blind to see the truth, or who foolishly think they will somehow benefit from stolen elections
  4. Good people who can see it all, but will allow evil to prevail, just to avoid having to do anything about it

As is always the case, this leaves the heavy lifting to just the true American Patriots willing to make a serious united stand against all of this, before every American loses their country.

Now, for you election fraud deniers, I have provided direct active links to every assertion made in this piece, so that you can easily check the facts presented here for yourselves.

This is about much more than just this one election.

It’s about much more than individual candidates or competing party agendas. It’s about the ability of the “legal American Electors” to control their own destiny, legally, securely, transparently, and constitutionally.

Without this, we no longer have a country, a Constitution, a Bill of Rights, or any “democratic” form of government.

Watching the Democrat Party remove a democratically elected candidate in Joe Biden from their own ticket and replace him with an “unelected” empty-headed surrogate for a 4th Barack Hussein Obama term should have been enough to turn every legal American Elector against the most “undemocratic” organization in the USA today…the Democrat Party.

When a state like California, with 56 Electoral College votes and the ability to impact the entire nation, can outlaw proof of a legal right to vote, the U.S. Supreme Court MUST STEP IN!

If everything presented here doesn’t do it, nothing else can and our future as a free sovereign nation will come to an end on November 5, 2024.

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