By Kat Stansell

December 18, 2024

In this holy season, we pray for guidance as we work to strengthen our bedrock of trust.

We cannot do anything without trust. Literally. Trust is fundamental to life. The sine qua non of our freedom.

Trust is not easy to earn, and once broken, very difficult to restore. But we MUST have it, in order to live in freedom. If/when we are harmed by trust misplaced, it may take a while to regrow it, but we must do it. Trust is the very bedrock of all else that we do. Think about that for a minute.

Deposit your money in the bank, trust that it is there for your use when you need it.

Walk or drive across a bridge, and you trust that it will not collapse.

Cross an intersection, on foot or in a vehicle, and we are trusting that folks moving in the opposite direction follow the rules. (Please, God!)

When our own government doesn’t follow rules, that really shakes our foundations. – our moral ones, from which the concept of trust emanates.

Let me count (a teeny few) of the ways we have larned not to trust our politicians.

Pay your taxes and…well, don’t even go there. Today, we can’t trust anybody in the federal financial world. The unelected Junta in DC has spent trillions of OUR tax dollars without the least bit of direction OR permission from those supposedly representing us under the Dome. Together they have nearly destroyed our dollar, around the world.

How about spending our money to help US!?!

We the People – our storm and drug-trafficking victims, which were directly created by government malfeasance. How about those cast into middle-class working poverty by the hideous economy they have wrought? What of the millions who have been murdered by Big Pharma and the AMA, in their incessant lust for money? Let’s have our government help its citizens, who pay into the system, but are now, only milked by it, to finance their unholy Global agenda.

Beyond the financial world, we have lost trust is just about every part of our governance, from local to national.

We feel a gargantuan evil, growing in our midst. Donald Trump cannot face that alone.

Think about the drones…

At least we KNOW what a hurricane is and generically, where it comes from – and how the cabal uses them to gain their unholy ends. We know nothing about the latest scare from the sky, although it is far from a new phenomenon since the Cabal came to town. There have been sightings of UAP’s (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) during the first and second Obama Administrations (2008 – 2016, 2020 – 2024) when flying anomalies became part of the discussion.

However, From 2017 to 2020, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) was set up as a program within the Office of Naval Intelligence to “standardize collection and reporting” of sightings of UFOs. Under Donald Trump. Yeah, I know I just gave you another hope to pin on the poor man…

Didn’t mean to sound “off topic”, but really it isn’t…. With weather warfare and spy balloons and drones that nobody seems to want to explain, we cannot even look to the heavens in our usual Holiday prayers, without concern.

We must still be able to see the Star of Jesus on this coming Christmas Eve, and not let our prayers be thrown off kilter by the miasma of lies and mistrust. People of the Jewish faith, the lights from their Menorrah, and the freedom to gather for the Seder without concern.

Yes, we’ve voted to fix things, but the evil is SO enmeshed in all parts of our society that one man, Donald J. Trump, with only four years to work, could never do all it takes. This is why he needs all of us.

Don’t get me wrong! I am a Donald Trump supporter through and through, and I trust him to do his very best – better than anyone else at this point. But, he is, and will continue to be, under attack. His landslide election did not clear his path. The dark forces will continue to swirl around him. They are why we cannot just blindly trust that the future course corrections made by 47 will be all it takes to regain our world.

The Ship of State needs all hands on deck.

Put a lighter way, whatever you do, PLEASE do not stomp outside and burn your Trump paraphernalia, when he hasn’t complete the “appointed rounds” of our expectations, in three or four months after inauguration!!

Santa Claus, Trump is not. Our best hope, he is.

Trust comes from morals. I don’t have to remind you that our Judeo-Christian morals have taken a real hit. Our bedrock of houses of worship, schools and families have been crumbled; you know I’ve said that often enough, but here’s the real truth:

The restoration of our morals and values will come only through US: how WE behave towards others, how WE teach our children; how we get our churches and synagogues back into action. It will not happen overnight, with one election or one prayer service. Regrowing our society with our moral base will take many billions of little seeds of action, planted and tended by our perpetual watchfulness. That is our job.

ONLY US, in it for the long haul.

Last week, we talked about our own roles in our own communities, where election integrity must still be the first focus. Don’t think this is off topic. The very stuff of “integrity” is morals and values, and making them part of every day going forward. Without free and fair elections in 2026, we will lose our freedom once and for all.

We are surrounded by many immoral people. We cannot let them get in our way. Ours is not to police them, but to recognize and work around them.

Look at Florida, and the lawfare being dealt Judeo-Christian Republicans, for daring to oppose Tallahassee. Look at Colorado, which has imprisoned an innocent woman, Tina Peters, who dared hold a mirror to their own corrupt elections. Look at Georgia, and the blatantly corrupt election apparatus, headed by their dirty SOS Raffensberger. Look at Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, California, etc., ad nauseum (a wonderfully apt expression), where immoral acts and attitudes are choking our freedoms, as well.

They make a lot of us sick and disgusted. Yet, it doesn’t matter…we MUST stay together and IN the fight.

We are trusting that our religious mainstays will be there for us to lean on, everyday, in every way, as we work through our tasks.

God does not disappoint. Know that. Be assured, yet again.

When Trump can’t get it all done in the first three months, don’t just go out and burn your Trump shirt! Donald Trump is a mortal, doing his best, not a lone savior on which we should lean.

Pedestals are there to be fallen from. Regardless of hopes and aspirations, which are only natural for us to have at this juncture , we must make every effort not to put any mortal onto one.

Above all, stay in the game. Our President needs you, our nation needs you!

Dear Lord, I pray that our minds and hearts will be cleared to engage in new efforts to strengthen this gift of Freedom which you have bestowed upon us.

Blessings to you all, everyday forward.

© 2024 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

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