By Lex Greene

April 8, 2024

For over three years now, democrat politicians, judges, voters, and so-called news media have accused President Trump of “attempting to overturn the 2020 elections” and even, an (unarmed) “insurrection” on January 6, 2021, as if it were the first time a U.S. Presidential election had ever been contested. The Biden government has weaponized all Federal branches and agencies against the American people, criminalized political free speech, and established a massive political censorship machine involving all news outlets and social media platforms.

Now democrats Biden and Hillary Clinton are openly claiming that “republicans have a plot to steal the 2024 elections” – once again, accusing their opponents of the actions that the democrat party has been using almost since the Constitution and Bill of Rights were signed.

Maybe some folks just don’t know history the way they should, or maybe they are willing to cheat and lie to win, without any conscience at all. Either way, the facts actually matter, and there’s no requirement for anyone to like those facts.

1800 was the very first contested Presidential election in the newly formed USA. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr were running under the Democratic-Republican Party, and they allegedly tied at 73 electoral college votes each, due to a counting error. John Adams was running under the Federalist Party and received only 65 electoral college votes. Federalist Alexander Hamilton was the tie breaker, and despite not liking anti-Federalist Jefferson, chose Jefferson for President stating, “Burr loves nothing but himself—thinks of nothing but his own aggrandizement.” Sound familiar?

The next contested Presidential election was in 1824 – The Federalist Party had already dissolved, and all four candidates were running under the Democratic-Republican label. Old Hickory, Andrew Jackson won the election by less than 39,000 votes to capture 99 electoral votes. Jackson was the first “populist” President in our history. His challenger, John Quincy Adams, won 84 electoral votes, with 41 going to William Crawford, and 37 to Henry Clay. As no candidate earned a majority of electoral votes, the election again went to the House of Representatives.

Clay was eliminated from contention, but still controlled the House. After a month of back-room negotiations, Clay’s supporters largely threw their weight behind Adams, enabling him to win the House vote and become President.

NOTE: When Adams chose Clay as his secretary of state soon after his inauguration, an enraged Jackson called it a “corrupt bargain.” Quitting his Senate post, he vowed to come back and win in 1828, which he did as the head of a new Democratic Party.

Then in 1860, The presidential election wasn’t just contentious—it tore the nation apart. Abraham Lincoln, the chosen nominee of the fledgling Republican Party and a steadfast opponent of slavery, wasn’t even on the ballot in most Southern states.

While the Democratic Party went with Lincoln’s Illinois rival, Senator Stephen Douglas, as their candidate, the southern branch of the party defected, choosing sitting Vice President John Breckenridge as its candidate, Sen. John Bell of Tennessee rounding out the race on the ticket under the newly formed Constitutional Union Party.

Lincoln would eventually win the Presidency with only 40% of the popular vote but taking a majority of the electoral votes. Just weeks after Lincoln’s victory, South Carolina voted to secede. Six more Southern states followed, forming the Confederate States of America in February 1861, with Democrat Jefferson Davis as President. The result was the Civil War.

Lincoln would later meet his end by assassination while attending a play with his wife.

In 1876, Democratic Governor Samuel Tilden of New York won 250,000 more ballots in the popular vote than his Republican opponent, Rutherford B. Hayes, and snagged 19 more electoral votes. However, Tilden was still one electoral vote short of winning the Presidency and talk of a second civil war was spreading fast.

In an unprecedented (unconstitutional) move, Congress established a 15-member commission of senators, congressmen, and Supreme Court Justices (including seven Republicans, seven Democrats and an independent) to decide the election. After the swing vote turned in Hayes’ favor, he was awarded all 20 electoral votes from the disputed states, giving him the necessary 185. After the Democrats threatened to filibuster and block the official vote counting, the issue was settled in negotiations at D.C.’s Wormley Hotel in February 1877.

The presidential election would be challenged again in 1912, 1948, and in 2000, with the “hanging chads” controversy in Florida, where it had become apparent to even the US Supreme Court, that Democratic candidate Al Gore was going to continue endless recounts, knocking more and more “hanging chads” to the floor until he could eventually overcome the Bush victory. Five agonizing weeks and endless recounts after the election later, the US Supreme Court put an end to the insane recounts.

Then in 2016, Hillary Clinton insisted Donald J. Trump had stolen the election from her because despite allegedly winning the popular vote, Trump had clearly won the electoral college vote to become the next President of the United States. To this day, Clinton sticks to that claim and now, makes the public claim that “republicans plan to steal the 2024 elections” by simply insisting upon free, fair, lawful, and transparent election processes…denying illegal, ineligible, dead and repeat voters a right to be counted.

Of course, we are talking about the woman who committed multiple acts of treason in her international collusion efforts to prevent Trump from winning in 2016, via fake “Russian Collusion” claims that some dishonest democrats still regurgitate to this day, despite knowing it was Clinton who was involved in international dirty tricks with foreign agents to defeat Trump.

At no time throughout this history of contested elections was anyone ever accused of trying to “overturn an election,” much less an unarmed “insurrection” until 2020…

The 2020 elections were unlike any election in American history. Told that millions of Americans would die of the “Wuhan Flu” developed and released from a Chinese “gain of function” (read; bioweapons) lab just in time for the 2020 elections, voters were locked down, socially distanced, out of work, masked up and in fear for their very lives in 2020.

The people allowed governmental bodies to infringe on every basic Constitutional Right under the sun as a result, including a right to a free, fair, lawful, and transparent election processes in 2020. Democrat leaders at the federal and state levels were violating all existing election laws in 2020, under the guise of “emergency powers” due to the Covid 19 “scamdemic.”

Sure enough, mountains of evidence would quickly emerge of election interference, election tampering, fake mail-in balloting and even truckloads of illegal ballots caught on camera, as they were dumped into the systems in numerous “swing states” after hours while they thought no one was looking. Republican poll watchers were kicked out of vote counting rooms in all swing states and the fix was in, and it was obvious.

Trump received a reported 11-million more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and by the end of the circus, we had more votes than legal voters with over 100% voter turnout in countless “blue” cities across the country. To say the least, there was every legitimate reason in the world to doubt the 2020 elections as a mountain of evidence continued to explode.

But unlike any election in the past, Trump challenges to the 2020 election were treated as if “there’s nothing to see here, just a sore loser.” Immediately, the democrat party machine went into overdrive to silence any talk of election fraud or interference, despite the rapidly growing evidence that should have concerned every American Citizen and did concern millions of people watching around the world in utter disgust and disbelief at what they saw happening in what was once, the beacon of hope for the world.

2022 was also held in the same unlawful manner as 2020 and after the 2022 elections, left-leaning swing states like Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania started rushing through new State Constitutional amendments and new election laws, essentially aimed at legalizing the illegal acts they committed in 2020 and 2022, in time for the 2024 elections.

Now, if there’s anything at all that all Americans should be able to agree on, it’s free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections, because without this, the American people have no control over their government whatsoever.

Now that you know the historical truth about contested Presidential elections, should this be the most critical problem in our country to fix before we worry about anything else?

Without honest elections…exactly what kind of country do you think we have?

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