By Andrew Wallace

October 21, 2023

The United States experienced exponential growth using tariffs until 1913 to finance government (no income tax!), and protect American wages and industry.

The ending of tariffs in 1913 and the introduction of the Federal Reserve Bank, Tax-Free Foundations, and Income Tax was the beginning of the end for our Republic.

What could we accomplish today with no income tax? Where would we be if the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) had not moved most of our manufacturing and middle-income jobs overseas for profits? The use of tariffs doesn’t ban importation of foreign products; it should only equalize the price with American products. In simple terms, if the labor cost of a foreign product is $100 and the labor cost of a comparable American product is $150, we impose a tariff of $50. It would not matter how cheap the foreign labor was. Americans could compete in America, and our factories stay in the United States. Most importantly, labor unions could protect their workers as tariffs could protect wage differentials, ceteris paribus.

It should be pointed out that the only real foreign demand for American products is for superior cutting-edge technologies or for commodities like food, none of which would be good candidates for foreign tariffs.

There is no legitimate reason for the United States not to have the freest and most prosperous economy in the world. Our problem is that our Constitutional Republic was usurped by the greedy traitors and criminals of PSRRC, starting in 1913, with the aid of our corrupt Congress of Killers.

Remember that the PSRRC has two major goals for power and profits. These are no tariffs to stop off-shore manufacturing, and no-win wars for profit.

Our traitors have not felt the wrath of the people because most are brainwashed by a lifetime of fake media and programmed education. The result is that so many people are ignorant, apathetic, lazy, and dependent on government, and many are Lenin’s ‘Useful Idiots’ (Communists) and don’t know it. You can’t identify a Communist by his level of education.

All federal payments (except wages) of any kind to people in the states is clearly unconstitutional. Federal government is unconstitutionally financing our Communist cities.

For the benefit of my relatives, et al, this means that government is unlawfully stealing our money and property and Rights.

It is in violation of the Enumerated Powers in the Constitution to support indolent Communists, illegal Invaders, or foreign countries.

It is also Constitutional Treason to give aid and comfort to invaders. Most members of Congress in both parties are guilty of Constitutional Treason, and more. I pray that we don’t have to wait for a revolutionary court to convict them, for God knows that most federal law enforcement and courts are corrupt.

We could avoid the destruction of this country with a strong president who is independent of the big donors. One who could close borders, deport invaders, end unconstitutional government, end wars for profit, re-institute tariffs, return to Constitutional money, terminate unconstitutional expenditures, terminate the Federal Reserve Bank and FBI, end income tax, end tax-free foundations, etc

A return to tariffs and the Constitution would reduce government expenditures by at least 50%, and double the living standard of the people bringing peace to the world.

Of course, this would not apply to those who could work but who refuse; they would starve or be in prison.

May God Bless You and the Republic.

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