By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Judicial Watch recently issued an announcement that its attorneys filed three separate Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the Department of Justice seeking all of the records regarding the FBI’s Acting Director Andrew McCabe’s political activities, travel vouchers, and employment status.

One of those named by Judicial Watch in one of their lawsuits is none other than Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who has been exposed as a liar by his own state police department following the violent riot in Charlottesville.

McCabe’s wife, Jill, received over $500,000.00 from the Democratic Party leadership for her political campaign at the same time her husband was supervising the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton and her email scandal.

The first two lawsuits specifically seek records of McCabe’s political activities involving his wife’s failed campaign for political office and interactions with Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

McCabe had previously testified before the Senate’s Intelligence Committee to report on “World Wide Threats,” and the committee’s Democrats had a field day attacking President Donald Trump using the self-proclaimed nonpartisan McCabe.

But McCabe is anything but a nonpartisan public servant and Trump should have replaced him even before firing Director James Comey, say active and retired law enforcement officers. In fact, McCabe’s wife received close to half-million dollars for a political campaign that was filtered through Bill and Hillary Clinton’s close friend and business associate Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who chaired the Democratic National Committee.

Andrew McCabe was also the head of the FBI group involved in the scandalous Clinton Foundation probe. It was he who allegedly made the decision against recommending Hillary Clinton be charged criminally, which Director James Comey also recommended to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Lynch made headlines herself when she secretly met with Bill Clinton on his private plane in Arizona a mere four days before Comey announced the decision to not charge Hillary Clinton with any crimes.

The first FOIA lawsuit, filed (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01494)), seeks the following:

  • Any and all records of communication between FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and other FBI or Department of Justice (“DOJ”) officials regarding, concerning or relating to ethical issues concerning the involvement of Andrew McCabe and/or his wife, Dr. Jill McCabe, in political campaigns;
  • Any and all records related to ethical guidance concerning political activities provided to Deputy Director McCabe by FBI and/or DOJ officials or elements.

The second Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit seeks communication records between then-Deputy Director McCabe and Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and the Democratic Party of Virginia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01495)), including:

  • Any and all records of communication between Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and any of the following individuals:
    • Any official within the office of the Governor of Virginia, including but not limited to Governor Terry McAuliffe;
    • Any official, representative or employee with the Democratic National Committee;
    • Any official, representative or employee with the Democratic Party of Virginia.

The third FOIA lawsuit, also filed by Judicial Watch on July 26 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01493)), seeks the following:

  • Any and all Standard Forms 50 and 52 (i.e., SF-50s and SF-52s) for FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe;
  • Any and all requests for approvals of travel submitted by FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe;
  • Any and all travel vouchers and accompanying receipts and related documentation submitted by FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe;
  • Any and all calendar entries for FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

“There are numerous questions about the ethics and judgement of the FBI’s top leadership, particularly Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “These new lawsuits will help Americans ‘watch the watchers’ at the powerful FBI.”

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