By Andrew Wallace
January 3, 2025
Remember, our Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and the only legal basis for Government. The majority of our so-called government and its laws are part of a Criminal Enterprise operating to rob and enslave the people in CONTRAVENTION of our Constitution.
Citizens living in the states are not legally subject to Presidential Executive Orders or directives written by Bureaucrats in the Administrative State. Only Congress can pass laws (although a majority of which are unconstitutional!).
Congress is mostly rogue and a criminal enterprise without the lawful authority for a majority of their laws. Congress has only the very limited and specific authority given it by the states in the constitution. The federal government is responsible for defense, counterfeiting, foreign relations, currency, piracy, treason, etc. States are responsible for everything else, including police powers, and welfare of the people, etc.
The Swamp exists as a Criminal Enterprise because both parties in Congress are bribed, allowing the federal government to centralize power by usurping state functions (major federal departments are unconstitutional usurpations of state powers!).
We must not forget those who profit from the more than 100,000 deaths of our military and millions of innocents since WW two. I refer to those who control all of this theft, murder and treason as the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC). They are the billionaire families and individuals who direct and control the corporate paymasters and the Swamp.
The Constitution requires a Declaration of War, but Congress did not declare even one for the 30 armed conflicts since WW two. Congress does not have power to override the constitution, which they do constantly. These wars had nothing to do with national security, but everything to do with profits and the funding of bribes. Congress has more blood on their hands than the rest of the world combined. Most members of Congress are the lowest form of life with ironclad reservations in hell.
Our Founding Fathers wrote our constitution with the understanding that FEW federal laws would affect the people, so they directed that laws of the union would be enforced by the Militia of the Several States. But Congress changed this by usurping state functions and establishing countless unconstitutional federal laws and regulatory agencies (Administrative State) writing “laws”. Remember that police powers are state functions. Our supreme law (Constitution) put most domestic power in the hands of the states. In other words, the PSRRC has taken over our government as a criminal enterprise with no legal rights to do so!
You have every legal right to ignore unconstitutional laws passed by Congress and all orders initiated by bureaucrats in the administrative state. Presidential Executive Orders also have no authority in the states. They affect only government employees and contractors. If you do stand up for your rights, be prepared to be framed or worse. So have a good lawyer (not many available) as you may have difficulty in locating a lawyer since most are Democrats or are afraid to confront the criminal enterprise (PSRRC) and the majority of government.
The Administrative State consists of unelected, hard-to-fire bureaucrats who act as if they are royalty and resist any policy (of either party) that might reduce their power. The only way to get rid of them is to terminate the offices they occupy. Destruction of the Republic by the Administrative State is equal to the crimes of Congress.
In simple terms, our government has an approximate income of $5 trillion dollars but spends $7 trillion dollars. They must borrow an amount equal to 40% of income ($2 trillion dollars), which effectively defines bankruptcy. At any time, the government will be forced to repudiate the debt or inflate the currency to zero value. Either action will result in the greatest of all depressions, much worse than the Great Depression. The only solution is to follow the Constitution to the letter, which is guaranteed to solve all financial problems.
A depression of this magnitude would result in death of those really sick, and instant poverty of those on Social Security. Money would be worthless. People would lose homes and farms. Most people in the cities would be homeless, without government checks and services. It would be impossible to deliver food to the cities, resulting in mass starvation. Criminal gangs would roam the streets, robbing, killing, and burning. Cities will not protect the people or allow them to use firearms to protect themselves.
My best guess is that at least 50% of federal employees must be terminated now to reverse this situation. But only 6% report for work anyway, so no great loss. We must also deport 10 to 20 million illegal invaders. Invader gangs make it even more important that you have an AR15 or better, with plenty of ammunition to protect your family.
The PSRRC and their subordinates in corporations, Congress and the swamp profit greatly from wars. But the people have to pay for the wars, bury their dead and support the wounded for a lifetime.
Since we can’t be invaded, our National Security does not require 250,000 members of our military in 150 countries or the substantial additional expense of a military that can project force. Only the Military Industrial Complex of the PSRRC, Congress and the swamp profit from these expenditures and the deaths of millions.
In a few words, President Trump has the constitutional power to reinstate the Republic in all its glory without the help of Congress or anyone else. But President Trump has not indicated that he will do it. His present plans will not drain swamp or avoid a catastrophic economic decline. More on this in the next article.
God Bless You and The Republic
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