by Rees Lloyd, Attorney

September 27, 2023

Scandalous conditions in military barracks housing American troops have been exposed by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in a scathing “Report to Congressional Committees.”

The GAO report, entitled “MILITARY BARRACKS: Poor Living Conditions Undermine Quality of Life and Readiness,” was released on September 19, 2023, after a study of conditions in twelve military installations found troops enduring “deplorable” living conditions.

The more than 100-page study, replete with photographic evidence, details rat and other rodent infestation; mold; sewage overflows; undrinkable “brown water” and other plumbing problems creating a nauseating noxious smell; and, among other things, lack of security so great that “squatters” enter in the barracks and remain until forced out.

The GAO report concludes: “Military barracks house hundreds of thousands of service members on U.S. military installations globally and all enlisted service members begin their careers living in barracks. Poor living conditions in these facilities affect service members’ quality of life and undermine readiness and mission….We observed barracks in substandard conditions that potentially pose serious health and safety risks.”

The GAO lays responsibility for these conditions on the Department Of Defense, and each of the Departments–Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines— and sets forth thirty one (31) Recommendations for curative action. The DOD has reportedly agreed to 23 of the 31 recommendations, but has not yet agreed with eight. The GAO reportedly continues its position that all 31 recommendations need to be implemented.

The context in which these revelations of the horrid living conditions of troops required to live in the barracks, should be noted:

At the same time our troops are living in “deplorable” conditions in barracks, illegal aliens invading our country are being housed in high-priced hotel rooms, provided with three-meals a day, given telephones, cash, and flying free to invade destinations of their choice, all at American taxpayer expense.

The context also includes the fact that while the troops are living in “deplorable” conditions in barracks at home and overseas, more billions of tax payer dollars are being given by the current administration to the corrupt Ukraine government, without any condition of accountability of how those funds are spent.

In that regard, the head of the Ukraine defense apparatus, and six others in top leadership, were fired recently for “corruption” involving funds intended for military defense. Why the delay in discovering this corruption? Why almost no reporting on how it happened and what is being done to prevent its recurrence?

Further as to context, it should be noted that the American troops hurt the worst by the deplorable conditions of the military barracks are young, single, enlisted American troops, who are required to live in barracks and are the lowest paid members of the military.

Moreover, the context is that all of the military services are falling very short in their recruitment goals. Notwithstanding, the military leaders callously subject to “deplorable” living conditions young, patriotic troops who are willing to give their lives defending American freedom if necessary.

In short, this is a disgrace. It is another disgusting anti-American, anti-America, outrage. It is America and Americans “last,” in action.

Americans, particularly veterans, should rise up in support of our troops, who live in squalor in “deplorable” barracks, and demand that their living conditions should be brought up to “standard” whatever the cost. (The full GAO investigation report is available at: GAO-23-105797)

[Editor’s Note: In Democrat run states and cities illegal’s that break our laws, sneak across the border are put up in the best fancy hotels in NYC, LA, etc. with 3 meals a day, free cell phones, $2,500 a month, all at taxpayers expense. No wonder they’re coming by the millions, while our veterans who sacrificed everything for our country live in deplorable conditions. SHAME on the Democrats that keep getting re-elected and the churches for their silence.]


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