By Andrew Wallace

September 20, 2023

Patriots Must Demand Their Rights From Congress! Those Who Don’t Must Realize that They are Effectively Freeloading Dependent Communists.

Many don’t think they are Communists and resent being described as such, but their apathy certainly gives them the status of “Lenin’s Useful Idiots”. Real Patriots get off their asses constantly, to be loudly heard by their elected representatives. Most of Congress is bribed by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), billionaire families and their minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, universities, and many military flag officers.

A dreadful Economic Collapse is forecast in the near term by every Economist I know.
There are countless reasons for justifying their pronouncements. See my recent articles for ample details. People must realize that the government will collapse by their actions, and take the people with them. So it is imperative that we get government to reform, which is highly improbable in the short term.

Failing any changes, without adequate police protection you damn sure must prepare with a 12 Gauge or AR 15, ammunition, rations that last 25 years, and medical supplies.

Inflation, as we used to calculate it, is 17.3%, so most people are screwed and the ability to feed your family is in question. If you live in the Democrat/Communist cities, you must defend your family against the looting, burning, and murders by the Communist thugs.

If you live in the Democrat cities you are doomed, because it will be impossible to supply these cities when Anarchy prevails.

The able-bodied among welfare recipients and the invaders (Biden’s Curse) will loot, burn, and maim, as is their way. If you are an ignorant snowflake without firearms, give your soul to God because you have a high probability of dying prematurely.

History teaches us that it is always a small group that institutes revolts, as was the case in our war for independence from England.

I can guarantee you that out of the millions of disaffected, sooner or later, one or more will use deadly force against the ‘rulers’ for violating the rights they swore to uphold.

The rulers will always retaliate with overwhelming force, which exacerbates the conflict from a guerrilla war to a civil war.

There are a number of circumstances that could trigger such a confrontation:

1. Government’s inability to fund the 50% of the population that is dependent. This is highly probable. Most Economists agree that we are heading for a Great Depression much worse than in the thirties, caused by the Federal Reserve Bank…again.
2. Restricting ownership of firearms guarantees ignition of conflicts.
3. Instituting unconstitutional digital currency (CBDC), which is instant slavery.
4. A major depression.
5. There is growing friction between Invaders and citizens which will explode when we are in a depression (or sooner), fighting over scarce resources.
6. Failure to elect Donald Trump as president, with another crooked election or for certain if he is assassinated Like President John F Kennedy and his brother.

I am aware that many people, like ‘woke’ college-educated women, don’t like President Trump because of how he talks, his many foibles, and the PSRRC’s continuous vilification, framing and smearing by the media and the corrupt justice department.

But, the simple fact is that millions of people believe that President Trump is the only man who can save this country from destruction and civil war. I concur.

He has proven courage and knowledge. Most importantly, he is not owned by the enemies of our country, the PSRRC -donors who finance and own the other candidates. He is the only man who is independent and has proven that he has guts and knows how to save this country, so I don’t give a damn how he talks, walks, or what he calls his opponents.

I can only say that from an economic point of view, he did more for America and its workers than all the presidents in the last 100 years. Like him or not, that is the truth.

If you still have reservations, read some history and legitimate articles while ignoring the lies from media and government. Sad, but true.

Remember the rulers want you to “have nothing and be happy”.

You will note that I am only asking you to exercise your Constitutionally-protected rights in a legal manner.

Demand that Congress function in accordance with the Constitution, which they have not done for more than a century, costing the people dearly.
You must scream and holler at congress until they do what is right, and honor their oaths of office.

You don’t have to be polite to these slick lying criminals; let them know what you really think. Get some balls.

The corrupt in Congress have gotten rich, facilitated the transfer of untold Trillions to the PSRRC, impoverished our people, killed 108,866 of our military in 31 no- win wars for corporate profit, murdered millions of civilians, destroyed entire countries, and spent half of our federal expenditures unconstitutionally and needlessly, etc. All in our name at our expense. The alternative to this can certainly be civil war which must be avoided, but not by sacrificing your restoration of God-given rights protected by the Constitution.

I don’t advocate civil war because, as a disabled legally-blind 89-year-old veteran, I could not participate in a wheelchair, and I expect any conflict to be similar to the horrible “French Reign of Terror.” Read about it in history.

Old men who can’t or won’t participate should not send others in harm’s way, especially applicable to the “Senate Nursing Home for War Mongers”.

God Bless You and The Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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