By Lewis Bracket

May 12, 2023

This in my opinion on how God / Jesus did this. I will be sure to look it up in the imperial library when I get there! J

White Holes Black holes

Each galaxy was created by a White Holeā€¦ Cosmic inflation was caused be a immense number of other white holes spewing out space time into our universe!…

In the Big Inning, white holes erupted / vomited out mass and energy from the parallel universe, creating galaxies across our universe. Nowadays, mostly all these white holes have become black holes, and our universeā€™s space time is slowly disappearing back down these black rabbit holes back to the universe it originally came from…

A black hole in our universe is likely a white hole in another universe!

This space time vortex is responsible for how spiral galaxies formed, and explains why the outer rim of galaxies rotate how they do!!!

Earthā€™s gravitation. My thought is that there is a space time vortex created by Earths mass and space time is falling into the center of the Earth and then exiting back into the other universe,. This vortex causes the Earths rotation and our gravity.

I know this whole concept may make a persons brain hurt. And I have been accused of doing that, But it all makes perfect sense, explains what is going on!

One our dear brothers on five doves sent me a note about a terrestrial spacetime vortex. This vortex exiting out of the center of the Earth into another universe could be the location of the ā€œbottomless pitā€ mentioned in Scripture. The eternal lake of fire could be entered by such a vortex.

Noahā€™s flood

We know that the moon was created perfect as was the Earth. In this case, how come it has all those craters in just a few thousand years?

My concept is that using natural forces, at the right time God foreknew that a swarm of asteroids, rocks would sweep into Earths orbit, smashing into the Earth and the moon. These rocks smashed into the ice canopy, breaking it up, sending pieces of the canopy crashing down onto the Earth. The rocks smashed down into the ā€œfountains of the deepā€ underground oceans causing their contents to geyser up then fall down upon the Earth as the surface on the Earth sank beneath the waves.

The craters on the moon therefore testify of the truth of Noahā€™s flood.

Sodom and Gomorrah

Imho, these cities were likely struck by the scattered fragments of a fiery comet. In modern times, remember that huge rock that fell on Russiaā€™s Siberia early in the 20th century? No trees were left standing for many miles surrounding the impact crater!

Gog Magog war

Once again it appears that from Ezekiel and Joel that Israelā€™s hemisphere will be struck by a cometā€™s debris that will rain down on the nations from Russia South to Iran. Joel ch2 says that All of Russia will be burned by fire during the Magog war! Godā€™s vengeance upon a barbarous people constantly bring terror upon the whole Earth throughout its history.

Plagues of Egypt.

Once again, God used a series of natural forces to punish Egypt. James Cameronā€™s great video ā€œThe Exodus Decodedā€ explains how God could have done this!

In our recent history we have seen a long list of natural forces God used to punish His enemies.

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