By: Devvy

October 3, 2022

In a Sept. 24, 2022, piece on FOX News web site, Newt Gingrich penned a piece titled, Why House Republicans’ ‘Commitment to America’ is a big deal, quoting:  “The House Republican Commitment to America has four broad pillars that guide and inform ever(y) policy proposal:

An economy that’s strong;  A nation that’s safe;  A future that’s built on freedom;  A government that’s accountable

“These create a platform on which the many positive goals in the Commitment can be stacked: fighting inflation and lowering the cost of living; securing the Southern border and fixing our broken immigration system; making sure every child in America can succeed; reclaiming Congressional oversight and holding the Biden administration accountable. The list goes on.”

READWho is The Real Newt Gingrich, Part 1, June 15, 2009 (Mine).  “Mr. Gingrich struts around like he’s Thomas Jefferson. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Our illustrious speaker almost lost his last primary election and the election itself. Five Democrats and more importantly, five Republicans on the House Ethics Committee unanimously voted to appoint an Independent Counsel to look into his GOPAC activities – most notably, the channeling of those funds into his 1990 primary. You see, he almost lost that primary too.

“Many individuals who participate in my Project On Winning Economic Reform live in Cobb County, Marietta, Georgia, Gingrich’s district. I have received a mountain of information on him and his voting record. The media has created this image that Gingrich is the quintessential conservative, yet nothing could be farther from the truth. I’ll let you be the judge after you read the rest of this article.”

‘Pledge to America’ – Despicable GOP Ruse, Sep. 23 2010 (Mine).  “The much anticipated ‘Pledge to America’ was released today amid what can only be called high political theater pandering to desperate Americans.

“What despicable “leaders” like House Majority Leader John Boehner (who voted to kill millions of jobs) handed the GOP faithful during their big photo op is nothing more than clever word smithing. A marketing pitch for the mid-term pretend elections (vote fraud decides who gets elected). That so called pledge is nothing more than a repeat of the same deception pulled by Newt Gingrich and the Contract With America. I’m an old war dog with a long memory. For those of you who might not remember, let’s take a walk back into history.

“On November 13, 1996, I spoke with the Washington, DC based Roll Call to confirm the quote below from a popular magazine for conservatives that ran in their November 1996 issue. Roll Call confirmed to me during our phone conversation that they did indeed have the tapes cited below and that there was much more on these confidential tapes they managed to acquire and would be printing it in their newspaper.

“House Speaker New Gingrich has admitted that a hidden motive behind his ‘Contract With America’ two years ago was to control the large and stridently conservative freshman class that was expected to come into the house with the 1994 mid-term elections. ‘Nobody fully understand this,’ Gingrich explained in confidential tapes obtained by Roll Call, ‘but if you think of the Contract with America, it was, in fact, a training implementation document masquerading as a public relations device…It was designed as a training implementation document for the freshmen when they arrived…It was guaranteed that from election day through April, early April, that the House Republican Party would have to behave in a deviant manner from what it would morally be expected to do.”

“Gingrich’s ‘Contract with America’ was a monumental failure as the Republicans outspent the Democrats once they took power (see chart here).

“Newt Gingrich is a slick, deceitful political animal. The so-called Contract with America was a lie, a farce. The Grand Old Party thinks so much of your loyalty, they treat you like cattle. Mislead you, lie to you, feed you, medicate you with “free prescription drugs,” and herd you into the desired direction using phony, glitzy headline grabbers, i.e. the Contract with America – introduced only six weeks before the election in 1994.  (Note the timing of this new Commitment to America so close to the elections next month.  They’ve just repackaged the same BS with a new name and lots of hoopla.)

“Here we are with polls and pundits predicting Republicans could pick up as many as 45 seats in the House and what do we have rolled out about six weeks before election time complete with drums and photo array?  A “new” Pledge to America! What timing.

“You see, the corrupt GOP incumbents in the House know that some of the expected wins by non-incumbents are constitutionally minded individuals. Those incoming freshmen, just like back in 1994, have to be controlled.  Incumbent scoundrels will all get reelected touting this “new” Pledge with America that isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. They hold the power seats on committees. Don’t tow the line and you’re assigned to a minor position on the committee to oversee hanging wall paper. This ‘Pledge’ is all about control. It is about fooling independents for votes.

“You want specifics? Here is the link to the 48 page ‘Pledge.’ The GOP put a lot of money into this glitzy marketing tool as you can see with the graphics and those warm fuzzy photos. There is carefully crafted language about America’s founding and principles:

“Our plan offers a clear and clearly different approach, one in which the people have the most say and the best ideas trump the most entrenched interests. Our plan stands on the principles of smaller, more accountable government; economic freedom; lower taxes; fiscal responsibility; protecting life, American values, and the Constitution; and providing for a robust national defense.”

“It’s enough to gag a maggot because once you read the document, you will see nowhere is there a pledge to cut out the cancers killing this republic, only more Band Aids…

“What is proposed in this “new” pledge is just warmed-over gruel we the peasants are supposed to swallow. Those same Republicans did not get the job when they held power before from January 1995 – 2006. Now you expect something different this time around because of this “new” pledge?”  READ the whole column and try not to get sick.

That was the first election after the new Tea Party Movement took the nation by storm but sadly, so many have given up and chapters across the country are but distant memories.  Gingrich played GOP voters and suckered them into believing all would be fixed, just give us the House, Senate and president.

Did the cancers killing America get fixed?  Of course not.  Not when you have two wings on the same bird of prey playing a game within a game as my good friend likes to say.  I covered those critical cancers in two columns long ago.  If you want the raw truth, then please make the time to read them because it is past history repeating itself with this new hooey called Commitment to America:

Re-electing the Band Aid Brigade, May 18, 2010

Electing new Band Aid Pushers, May 23, 2012 – “Mrs. Little has this on her web site: Remember We Can’t Change Washington Without Changing The People We Send There! That’s all well and good and sounds great, but if those you’re sending to Washington, DC., don’t understand how the problem got started and don’t have the backbone to stand up against the banking cartel and commit to actually reducing the size of government by abolishing unconstitutional agencies and cabinets, how the hell do you expect to change Washington?”

Now it’s poltroon hot shot Kevin McCarthy leading the faithful with more “well thought out” words and the same old recycled plan that has done nothing.  A Nation’s that safe.  That is what the military and constitutional militia (Second Amendment) are all about.  Congress does NOT have any authority to run rough shod over city police departments.  Tenth Amendment and Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the Constitution.

However, both parties for votes, decided somehow the Federal Department of InJustice could force police departments in crime ravaged cities, the cry of racism and police brutality (and yes, sadly, there are too many cases to count over the past half century) with something called a Consent Decree.  Instead of voting out the same corrupt politicians in their cities, gutless partisan police chiefs and mayors who have the authority to clean up their police departments, let’s bring in the feds, get on our knees and kiss their politically driven corrupt backsides.  Has it cured the problem?  Sure, just look at the lawlessness back in 2020 by Black Lies Movement, Fascist ANTIFA and riots in “blue” cities and states.  Today, it’s a thousand times worse and who gets blamed?  De-Fund the Police!  Call a social worker instead and that’s no blarney in some cities.

BLM hustled tens and tens of millions of dollars from well-meaning but uninformed Americans who wanted to make sure they joined the zealots so as not to be called racist.  Not to mention corporations afraid of being called racist.  Has it made any difference?  No, the violence in big metro cities is more than out of control.

A future built on freedom yaps McCarthy.  Oh, no, Kevin.  After 9/11 our freedoms began to disappear faster than illegitimate president Biden’s handlers can get him away from the podium.  COVID sealed the deal.

The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11, May 20, 2002

Domestic Surveillance and the Patriot Act. – Former Congressman Ron Paul, Dec. 26, 2005

GOP Wants to Create Secretive Gov’t Agency, Dec. 2, 2005, Andrew Bridges, Associated Press. “There is no other agency that I am aware of where the agency is totally exempt either from FOIA or FACA,” said Pete Weitzel, coordinator of the Coalition of Journalists for Open Government.”

Homeland Security Opening Private Mail, Jan. 6, 2006, Retired professor confused, angered when letter from abroad is opened, By Brock N. Meeks, Chief Washington correspondent MSNBC

Under the so-called Patriot Act and it happened to me.  A box of books I ordered from Amazon for research had a huge orange sticker that said:  Opened by Dept. of Homeland Security.  In my case a good friend who passed away from cancer told me at the time if happens again we’ll sue.  Dane was a fine American, a great patriot and attorney in DC.

A government that is accountable! says the Commitment to America.  Yep.  Life-long criminals like Hildebeast and serial adulterer husband, Bill Clinton walk Free.  Benghazi:  No one held accountable.

If you haven’t watched the movie, 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi you absolutely should.  It will sicken you and those who allowed it to happen walk free; watch on Amazon and other streaming platforms.  Another cover-up with that witch, Hillary Clinton at the helm:  Confirmed: Weapons Were Moving Through Benghazi to Syria, May 18, 2015, “Judicial Watch obtained the memos by suing in federal court.”

Remember:  Republicans had control of Congress for 17 months under Trump.  They and an honest US Attorney General could have gone after the conspirators in past cover-ups; force mass self-deportation of illegal aliens and more.  They didn’t.

Members of Congress always opine never to forget our brave soldiers, we support our miliary, blah, blah, blah.  More next election PR drivel at the same time covering up yet another attack on our own:  Extortion 17 Cover-Up of Seal Team Six Shoot-Down, Feb. 19, 2018.  “Ninty-six days after the death of Osama bin Laden by SEAL Team Six, an old Vietnam era Army Reserve helicopter, call sign “Extortion 17,” was shot down in the Wardak Province, Tangi River Valley, Afghanistan on Aug 6, 2011. On board the Chinook CH-47D were 15 members of SEAL Team Six, 15 SEAL Team Six Support personnel, 1 Bomb Dog, 7 unidentified members of the Afghan National Army, and 1 unidentified Afghani interpreter…”

“Fallen Angel Investigators have obtained three autopsy reports excluded from the Colt report investigation. Two of the three autopsies state, “Cook of Rounds [bullets] were recovered at Autopsy.”  The two autopsies do not mention how many bullets were found in two separate bodies. Was there two or one hundred bullets found?  The autopsies also fail to mention what the size or caliber of the bullets nor how the bullets were determined to be “cook of rounds” – a bullet exploding in a fire.  Independent analysis and testing has proven that it is scientifically impossible for a bullet to explode in a fire and break human flesh – especially flesh protected by a bulletproof vest and military clothing worn by all US Navy Seals.

“The autopsies state the autopsies were performed on Aug 10 2011 2pm-4pm at Dover AFB DE. This is four days after Aug 6 2011 the shoot-down of the Army Reserve helicopter Extortion 17 – and three weeks before the Colt report was finalized.  The “cook off rounds” discovered in autopsy were never mentioned nor were they included in the final report. The questions that must be asked is how did bullets get into the bodies of two SEALs wearing bulletproof Kevlar vests?  How many bullets were there? What were the calibers? Where and from whom did the bullets originate? Who and how were these bullets determined to be cook off rounds? What forensic tests were performed? Why wasn’t this critical information included in the final report?”  End quote.

Despite repeated requests for a real congressional investigation or FBI, just like 9/11, the response is go away.  Bin Ladin was NOT killed in 2011.  He died in Dec. 2001; I covered that in a recent column.

KAL Flight 007 another horrific cover-up where OUR president and Congress allowed the Russians to keep all the survivors as prisoners all these decades – including a U.S. Congressman.  Flight KAL 007 – Bring Our People Home Now, August 29, 2001 (Mine) Below are two other pieces I did on the downing of Korea Air Lines flight 007:  Incident At Sakhalin:  The True Mission of KAL Flight 007, Nov. 19, 1999  and KAL 007 (Sakhlin Incident) Follow up, Dec. 10, 1999

The response to these two pieces about shut down this system and was in a word, overwhelming. I have made no bones about the fact that I believe as sure as the sun sets in the west, that KAL 007 ditched safely and 63 Americans, including U.S. Congressman Larry McDonald, survived and were snatched by the Russians.  Think of their families and the families of the other passengers, mostly Koreans.  The agony to this day; likely most have passed away by now.

In a recent column I covered TWA Flight 800 and the amazing and tenacious research by Jack Cashill on that cover-up.  New:  The TWA 800 Whistleblower Is Legit by Jack Cashill, August 8, 2022. “In the past few weeks, I have received numerous inquiries about ten-year Navy veteran William Henry Teele III. After years of quietly providing information to me and other investigators into the July 1996 destruction of TWA Flight 800 off the coast of Long Island, Teele has gone public and is naming names.

“I shared some of Teele’s information in my 2016 book, TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, The Conspiracy. Teele did not claim to be on the ship that fired the missile. He was on the USS Carr, a guided missile frigate that was one of the “combatants” in the battle group that destroyed the unfortunate 747 and killed the 230 souls on board. Everything that I could verify about Teele’s account back then checked out.”

Make No Mistake About  It – TWA Flight 800 Was Shot Down by the United States Navy, July 12, 2018

And still nothing but silence by Congress and unfortunately Trump did nothing to bring this to the American people – if he even knew about it considering he was surrounded by back-stabbers.  (There’s also NO doubt in mind Flight 93 on 9/11 was shot down by our Air Force.  Written about that numerous times including my trip to Shanksville, PA. to investigate.)

NO ONE FROM THE EXAMPLES ABOVE TO THE MANUFACTURED RUSSIA HOAX, YOU NAME IT – NO ONE IS EVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE.  Smaller government?  I hear that every two years at election time while both parties spend pretend “money” – TRILLIONS – all borrowed with the interest slapped on our backs; our children and grand children inherit nothing but unpayable debt.

This newly remodeled Commitment to America pledges an economy that is strong.  Who the Hell do they think they’re kidding?  America will NEVER become financially free until the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Banking Act of 1913 is abolished which former Congressman Ron Paul tried to get passed in 2007.  Zero co-sponsors.  He also tried in 2002 His son, Senator Rand Paul, doesn’t seem much interested.

We hear the “Fed” tried to “cool” the economy earlier this year so raise the interest rates.  Oh, that’s worked out really well.  Americans with APR mortgage loans are once again, just like 2008, finding out their monthly mortgage payments are going up vs a fixed loan.  Those in 2008 who couldn’t afford the increase simply walked away from their mortgage and home or declared bankruptcy.  Millions of them.

The truth is what should have been done a hundred years ago – get rid of the Fed – hasn’t happened and it won’t until the system collapses because both parties need the magical money machine to keep funding BORROWED trillions in unconstitutional cabinets, agencies and social programs for which they have NO legislative authority.  The FED manages our economy!  Yep, with inflation, deflation, stagnation, hyperinflation (just over the horizon), recessions and depressions.

Dr. Edwin Vieira has written so many columns on the disabilities of our monetary system over the decades as have others.  One writer recently (yes, on NWV’s) promoted crypto currency as the solution!  Oh, great.  Crypto “currency” exists in the digital world.  When I read that I thought, oh my God, you can’t be serious?

Well, we’ve passed the point of no return.  The world is out of “money”.  Global Depression is Already Underway, August 1, 2022 (Mine)  The FED is nothing but a damn thieving syndicate kissed and blessed by every Congress longer than I’ve been alive.  Edwin has given testimony to state committees and written so many articles about sound money bills at the state level over the decades.

When the final collapse comes, all Hell is going to hit all of us.  Below is a video featuring Edwin on the money issue that I urge you to watch and share with everyone because the worst is coming at us and no glitzy ‘Commitment to America’ can stop it.  It’s October “surprise” time so what might it be?  Think:  Everything is a big bubble right now.  What caused the 1929 stock market crash? (Oct. 24, 1929) Very important to know history.  You’ll see today back then.

Edwin Vieira: Constitutional Money & The Bill of Credit–What is Money? Part 2 (Video)

Now deceased, Sen. Harry Reid [D-NV], September 17, 2008, when the banks and housing crashed:  “No one knows what to do. We are in new territory here. This is a different game. We’re not here playing soccer, basketball or football, this is a new game and we’re going to have to figure out how to do it.” They still don’t know what to do in the U.S. Congress but the Commitment to America is going to give us a strong economy!  Gag me.

There are a lot of very conservative candidates running for Congress, governor and state capitols.  And people – despite articles and blogs blasting why should I vote when my vote is stolen? – everyone must get out and vote Nov. 8th.   I’m not a tech person as anyone who knows me can tell you but crushing the system with votes will break the algorithms and then lights out.  Remember, it’s not just Congress or your state houses but sheriff’s and other offices.

Yes, I know it’s sounds hypocritical but we have no choice other than R or D (again) but we simply have to get rid of as many DemonRats as possible.  Yes, I’m sick and fed up with voters who don’t do a lick of research on HOW their incumbent voted all the time they’ve been in office.  Election day really starts during the primaries and tragically, a ton of incumbents allegedly beat very qualified challengers.  What to do after Nov. is for another column.  Don’t give up hope just yet.  We are the people and we are the power if we’d just use it.

And EVERY alleged loser on the GOP ticket MUST conduct a forensic audit.  File to stop certification and get the audit done.  Elections HAVE been overturned because of fraud; I’ve covered that repeatedly.

And, critically important:  For federal offices NO votes can be counted AFTER midnight ON election day.  YOU must raise hell with your county election people if they continue to count votes for U.S. House and Senate candidates after midnight.  SCOTUS 9-0 Decision:  That’s exactly how Trump was cheated out of his second term; ballots by the hundreds of thousands dumped in the middle of the night just to name one of their cheating methods that night.  READ:  Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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Dr. Vieira’s archives (Older).  Particular attention to his columns:   A Cross of Gold, A Cross of Debt and Corporativism in Money and banking has led America to Fascism

A plethora of articles on money and economics I highly recommend here.

Greyerz – This Global Collapse Will Feature Food Shortages, Stock Market Crashes And Unprecedented Panic, Sept. 25, 2022

U.S. Pension Funds Could Face Their Own “Lehman Moment”, Oct. 1, 2022

The World Is Hurtling Toward A Terrifying Hyperinflation, Sept. 15, 2022 – (Ukraine/Russia)  “In any event, the campaign season on the ground cannot last long before late autumnal rains and snow turn battlefields into muddy quagmires. The war will then turn into a stalemate and armies become entrenched like those of the Somme.”

Many Retailers Facing Collapse As Hard Times Are Coming, Sept. 28, 2022

The Story of the Fed is the Story of a Crime

The Entire Global Economy is Breaking Up on the Rocks

Emergency Bank Of England Intervention Reminds Me Of When The Financial Crisis Hit The United States

Some Thriving in Biden Economy: Migrant Smuggling Cartels Make Billions, Oct. 2, 2022

I watched it live and he did it which shocked everyone except the dunderhead DemonRats on the committee:   Georgia Senate Subcommittee Witnesses Expose Election Corruption, Jan. 2, 2021 – “During the meeting, a breaking news report came in after the witness testimony of many others. Inventor Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, came forward to inform the committee that he was able to successfully enter Dominion Voting Systems via the internet in the Georgia polling place.

“Pulitzer confirmed that the Georgia run-off election is connected to the internet. Pulitzer indicated that he was able to establish a two-way communication from a polling pad in a voting center.  “At this very moment, at a [Georgia] polling location in the county, not only do we have access through the poll-pad [voting system], but we are in,” Pulitzer explained.”

Podcast by Jovan Pulitzer on audits and how to catch them.  Naturally the “fact checkers” who are the worst liars next to politicians have tried to destroy his incredible credentials.

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