Shortly after Donald Trump announced the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, it was revealed that Gorsuch had picked a Henry Kissinger quotation to caption his 1988 Columbia yearbook photograph: “The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” Henry Kissinger, August 29, 1967

It’s an odd remark for someone whose primary credential is his supposed textual fidelity to the Constitution, but then people often change from their college days.  Yet many questions remain about our President’s first nominee for the Supreme Court.

In nominating Tenth Circuit Judge Neil Gorsuch, a Harvard Law School graduate who was unanimously confirmed to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in 2006 by George W. Bush, President Trump believes he has effectively chosen to restore the Court to the status quo.  Unfortunately, a number of strong Constitutional conservatives are not so sure.

In my February article, The Pros and Cons of Judge Neil M. Gorsuch, I stated the facts as we knew them, hoping my readers would come to their own decision on the man, but now even more about this judge has come to light.  There are some good things, and there are some very disturbing things that we need to immediately consider.

A very troubling factor to me was the fact that Neil Gorsuch was a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, listed in the 2008 CFR Annual Report Membership Roster. He is not listed in the 2017 Annual Report, but is listed as a member in his 2006 nomination by President George W. Bush. (See part 8)

Gorsuch on Executive Privilege

Judge Gorsuch’s record indicates that he is neither a staunch defender nor a harsh critic of immigrants’ rights. (We’re talking about illegal immigrants here.) In his time on the bench, Judge Gorsuch has dealt with only a handful of prominent immigration law cases. Of those, he has ruled in favor of the immigrant slightly less than half of the time.

However, while Judge Gorsuch and Justice Scalia are similar in many ways, many have noted that they disagreed sharply on how much deference to give to federal agencies’ interpretations of the law.

Under what’s known as “Chevron deference,” courts play only a limited role in reviewing an agency’s interpretation of a law within its area of expertise.  Although Justice Scalia was a staunch supporter of this principle, Judge Gorsuch has openly criticized Chevron deference, asserting instead that only judges should get to decide what the law is.

Do you see the danger here?  This would lead anyone to understand that Judge Gorsuch could side with the tyrannical judges who have stopped the Constitutionally legal executive orders of our President, Donald J. Trump, who wishes to limit the influx of Islamic foreigners immigrating to the United States, (foreigners who may well be a danger to American citizens that our President has sworn to protect), to oppose our President’s Constitutional duty and legality.

To top it off, our globalist Vice President is taking the exact opposite opinion of his boss and saying, “A judge ‘certainly’ has the right to stop Trump’s travel ban.”  I’m sorry, VP Pence, but the Constitution allows the Executive branch to deny entry into the United States.  Link  It has been done in the past by Democrats Jimmy Carter, and Barack Hussein Obama.  The President has sworn to protect American citizens!

Remember VP Pence’s pledge of commitment to the unelected councils (read Soviet) of the dictatorial European Union!  Link  And, God forbid anything happens to our President because with globalist Pence, you can forget the wall, forget repealing Obamacare, forget stopping the trade deals, and everything else that encouraged us all to vote for the man who spoke our language.

Gorsuch on Travel Ban

The Drudge Report revealed a Bloomberg article where some experts and academics say Gorsuch’s criticism of executive overreach in the Gutierrez-Brizuela case and others could lead him to reach decisions at odds with the 45th president’s policies. The judge’s thinking in those cases is likely to be a subject of intense interest in confirmation hearings next week.

Here’s the Bloomberg Story:

A Mexican immigrant who twice entered the U.S. illegally has one man in particular to thank for being able to live and work in Oklahoma City with his family — Judge Neil M. Gorsuch.

Gorsuch, the nominee President Donald Trump is betting on to be his Supreme Court tie-breaker, wrote a 2016 ruling permitting Hugo Rosario Gutierrez-Brizuela to stay in the U.S. and, his lawyer hopes, within a few years become a citizen.

“Without it we were done,” said Timothy Cook, the attorney. Had the decision gone the other way, Gutierrez-Brizuela would have been promptly deported, he said.

As Trump vows to fight all the way to the nation’s top court to preserve his temporary ban on travel from six mostly Muslim nations and immigration agents turn to more aggressive tactics on city streets, Gorsuch’s conservative credentials have been hailed as likely to swing the divided court in the president’s favor.

But as lawmakers scrutinize Gorsuch’s decade-long tenure on a federal appeals court for clues about how he might rule on hot-button issues such as abortion and gun control, his record shows that on immigration rights, he can’t be easily categorized.

Moreover, some experts and academics say Gorsuch’s criticism of executive overreach in the Gutierrez-Brizuela case and others could lead him to reach decisions at odds with the Republican president’s policies. The judge’s thinking in those cases is likely to be a subject of intense interest in confirmation hearings next week.


I am not at all convinced that this choice coming from the left leaning Federalist Society is one that will resonate with the Trump supporting American electorate.

Gorsuch belongs to an extremely liberal, pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage church, and he and his wife and daughters are very involved in this church.

Secondly, Gorsuch’s stance in this Gutierrez-Brizuela case would worry anyone about American citizens’ safety with this judge on the Supreme Court.

Please pray for our President, and pray for our nation. And above all, get off your couch and get involved. Run for a county commissioner seat, city council, school board, whatever. Trump is giving us an opportunity of a lifetime to take America back, if not for yourself do it for your grandchildren. The corrupt swamp is not just in Washington DC, it’s also in your state, county and city government as well.

P.S.  Our country needs citizens who will stand up for her and for her Constitution.  This is the call of the publisher of NewsWithViews.  He has put his reputation and finances on the line for our country.  Please help him keep the truth arriving daily in your mailbox.  You can donate here, even if it’s just a small amount every month, it will definitely help.  Thank you, and keep reading.

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