By Sidney Secular

May 19, 2023

As we scrape along in our newfound hostile environment led by jackbooted tyrannical extremists while trying to hold onto scraps of the freedoms we once enjoyed, we are forced to plan for survival both personal and of some semblance of our Western-style society. President Trump seems to have been the catalyst setting off the mass insanity that had long latently lay beneath the skulls of the psychotic, the mindless, and the brain-addled. Then along came the well-planned and executed global Covid “pandemic” – and those of us not in the New World Order “loop” were knocked off our not so lofty perches and shaky foundations, resulting in the crafty criminal cretins opening us to heretofore unknown total tyranny! It was a no-brainer for them as they had been in the process of setting us up for such eventual total control for centuries, making use of usury, financial domination and political sleights-of hand among other weapons, as handy tools. It’s all gone global now as moderate and even sedate governments have been ground under the heels of the ingrates via Covid lockdowns, election rule rigging and open vote tampering to institute their power plays while media domination was the vehicle to propagate their poop-laden propaganda.

Newly installed woke leftist regimes treat any opposition as unacceptable and make of such views objects of censorship. Opponents are censored, doxxed, denied basic human and constitutional (legal) rights and all opposition to their tyranny is derided as expressions of white supremacy even when the those resisting are black! These blockheads all belong to one closely knit leftist bloc that blocks any attempts at amelioration of our newfound slavish condition. Leftist schemes and victories are mounting faster than they can be analyzed or countered, let alone counted. Poisonous racist wokeness is infiltrating and corrupting everything from corporate boardrooms to medicine to criminal law to sports to military recruitment to judicial systems and, of course, to the actions of governments large and small. Civil discourse is hard to maintain and when it actually does occur, is easily corrupted and/or commandeered, even when it remains somewhat civil. Of course, in order for it to remain civil, only one side is permitted victory! Any chance of a different result usually also results in a mass shooting somewhere.

President Trump’s indictment is a far more significant event more in its consequences than what happens to the man himself. The leftists are already spinning/twisting poll results to allegedly show that swing voters are OK with indicting the former President on petty or phony process charges, now more accurately termed “technicalities.” But as with all such polls, they are skewed to screw the opposition, and to lull or con gullible and malleable GOP politicians and some independents into believing the Trump indictment is not necessarily a “new normal” to be directed at other GOP reform candidates “going forward” – but rather a one-time blip unique to the criminal, Donald Trump. Anyone with horse sense knows that such a claim is mere horse hockey and that the leftists will soon go bonkers with their bunk and accusations against any threatening pol. Once they get a toe in the tent, Libs can attack anyone even if they are peacefully resting on their bunk. It’s open season all year round now on all critics and/or those making inquiries about all the queer things going on. It’s a warning to all not to take on the Deep State or you’ll wind up over your head in deep doo-doo.

It’s no coincidence that even as Trump was arrested, influence peddler Hunter Biden came out of hiding triumphantly parading around in a public victory dance at high-level White House events to which the now leftist-controlled Drudge Report triumphantly blared: “Hunter Biden out of the shadows! Front and Center  Alongside Father.” The “optics” of an indicted Donald Trump being finger-printed and photographed will be imprinted on people’s minds where it will be processed into negative thoughts among the unsophisticated, the malleable and the gullible. There is no safe way to throw President Trump to the wolves that establishment Republicans would prefer, but they’ll take what they can get. The attempt to trash Trump was immediately followed up by initiating destruction on the image of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, making it clear that Senate leftists intend to impeach him using a local Soros-backed prosecutor to indict him on some trumped up tripe. This is a message to the Soros-backed attorneys general that going after liberty lovers is now de rigueur, low risk, and good politics – not to mention personally profitable – and therefore they can now get their kicks kicking right-thinking people around.

Meanwhile, targeted small businesses – already take down or nearly taken out by the Covid criminality – also face increased vulnerability and prejudicial put-downs by the Sorosian prosecutorial apparatus. Federal laws and regulations are so prolific that the average businessman unknowingly commits multiple technical misdemeanors and felonies each day. These “hidden crimes” can be placed in play whenever the dictators want to play around with their subjects. Their power grabs are blatant, intense and hideous, and there is no need to hide them anymore, now that they can get away with their power plays at will. The wealth, health and future of the critics of the system are in critical condition as the conditioning of the public mind against them continues at a frightful pace. Though a blind man can see with his cane or his canine, the willingly blind look past what is going on and thus become oblivious to what will happen next.

Meanwhile, the scapegoating mobs have all gone digital and the transition to the electronic has made them far more effective as well as insidious and thus, the results far more hideous. The “can’t take it no more” sensitivity of those claiming to be victims, victimizes the rest of us and helps leverage their grievances into gain in personal power if not net worth. Thus, the “vindictivity index” of the cancel culture is patently and potently realized and reinforced and the negative energies magnified by the employment of social media are thus enjoyed and savored by the unsavory through the use of unsavory means. The violence that results is justified in the name of victim advocacy and the ends always justify the means – at least when “meanies” employ them. Negative energy feeds and builds on itself and evil thus escalates unless sufficient opposing force is mustered, applied, and maintained. As an example of all of this, a Federal Research Council report indicated that assaults against churches are up 288% so far this year. The orchestrated attacks across 29 states include arson, bomb threats, and vandalism.

How did the Deep State get so consolidated; that is, solid, entrenched and able to act in concert? It goes back to just who is in charge today. When young, today’s “movers and shakers” got tired of being targeted, arrested and somewhat deprecated in connection with their anti-Vietnam War and civil rights protests as well as their rioting and rants against patriarchy that were translated into the latent feminist movement. They “grew up” in a horribly mutant sense and went to work in and for the system they had previously despised, with the intent of taking it over, over a period of time. They still nostalgically look back on their juvenile antics and reminisce over “Woodstock” with its feelings of solidarity and orgasms together with that enjoyable feeling of thumbing their noses at the establishment. Now that they ARE the establishment, they get a vicarious thrill at seeing themselves and their offspring spring all kinds of attacks on system opponents, kind of reliving and reviving that youthful feeling of growing power and displaying it in a newfound reverse and perverse way. They’ve given up on the anti-war protesting, having found the usefulness of unending war to their purposes. As a result, they are now the perps perpetrating the unending wars which they now see as useful for the desired outcome of their perpetual struggle. They also constitute the corporate communist cadre of cads and they can have their cake and eat it too, in that they can parade around in pinstripe suits, and still revert to their sloppiness on informal Fridays, and walk around all the time in those ridiculous looking running/track shoes and faux cowboy boots that look out of place in an office.

Soros, his sons and their lackeys were able to co-opt this boomer operative mentality to their ends and took advantage of this uniformity and conformity with leftist goals using the media, his moolah, and his social media influencers to push the envelope ever leftwards. The puppet-master has  ties to all the major media and decides what stories are to be run or spun, whom to laud/applaud, and which ideas and people to demonize  It’s uncanny how all this canned action happens simultaneously and often with the appearance of spontaneity. All the media memes were left to cook and simmer for a time and then were spiced up and permeated with a vicious anti-white ideology propagated at every turn and turn of the screw and were served as a stew meant to stir everyone up. It was deep down a visceral campaign of the Deep State against Whites and Christians and against Western Civilization’s foundation of tradition and stability. Everything everybody does as habit and common tradition is traduced as derived from or deemed a White supremacist act, on the grounds that White people viciously stole anything worthy of emulation from “people of color” via colonialism.

Coffee shops seem to be a focus of this fulmination as places to supposedly wake people up as coffee is wont to do. They are accused of not catering to the coloreds therein and denying them access to their restrooms, even though they are not patrons and customers, and they look like they would turn the restrooms into retreats for drug taking and dealing and render them inoperative for conducting bodily functions. It is never noted that whites are similarly denied access when signs are posted saying restrooms are for patrons only. Sometimes restrooms have only one toilet or urinal and so can’t be turned into public restrooms. Starbucks at first had to give in to the pressure (the prattle in Seattle) but eventually got “pissed off” reverting to a “restrictionist” policy. However, the leftists are not through with their campaign against coffee shops and the coffee industry in general. One prominent racist blog foolishly fulminated thusly: “Every facet of the coffee industry is rooted in racism — from the moment Whites viciously stole coffee from Blacks and Browns, to the present day “Karen” sipping her cup of White supremacy, Whites have been able to drink the fruits of our labor with impunity”. “Karen” is the new anti-white female pejorative that is rampant on the internet. It is the equivalent of the N-Word, aimed at people who just happen to be White. If you google or go to YouTube and enter “Karen arrested” you will see unadulterated White bashing that YouTube refuses to cancel or moderate.

Many ignorant and easily swayed swaths of the public including parts of the Republican Party establishment have already surrendered to the leftist terror campaign. Since you have gone this far in reading and appreciating this article and possibly the newsletter it is featured in, we know you are enlightened and stand a good chance of survival – and maybe even thrive – in this unusually regressive, oppressive, and repressive atmosphere at least until the guns are drawn. But you have to do certain things. First and foremost, you have to pull the plug if not entirely on your exposure to the output of the mainstream media, especially TV cable news which will damage your psyche and your health if you get hooked on it. The constantly repeated lies, misinformation, disinformation, and negativity in general will drag you down. Now, this doesn’t mean that you don’t keep abreast of what your enemies are doing! You have to check with the media from time to time as long as you don’t “check your brain” when you do so! Ignorance is never a useful strategy. However, you will have to develop social and business networks of people with like ways of thinking and interests and do some “prepping”. These subjects will be covered in a continuing series of articles in this newsletter.

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