By Lex Greene

October 23, 2023

In the 3rd attempt to seat Rep. Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House as a member of the

House majority party, 25 backstabbing fake republicans came closer to electing Democrat Marxist Hakeem Jeffries than fellow Republican Jim Jordan.

Here’s are the FAKE Republicans who did not vote for Jordan in the third round, leaving Jordan with fewer votes than democrat Jeffries.

  1. Don Bacon voted for McHenry
  2. Vern Buchanan for Donalds
  3. Ken Buck for Emmer
  4. Lori Chavez-DeRemer for McHenry
  5. Anthony D’Esposito for Zeldin
  6. Mario Diaz-Balart for Scalise
  7. Jake Ellzey for Garcia
  8. Ferguson for Scalise
  9. Brian Fitzpatrick for McHenry (new vote against Jordan)
  10. Andrew Garbarino for Zeldin
  11. Carlos Gimenez for McCarthy
  12. Tony Gonzales for Scalise
  13. Kay Granger for Scalise
  14. John James for Donalds
  15. Thomas Kean for McCarthy (new vote against Jordan)
  16. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania for Scalise
  17. Jennifer Kiggans for McHenry
  18. Nick LaLota for Zeldin
  19. Mike Lawler for McHenry
  20. Mariannette Miller-Meeks for McHenry
  21. Marcus Molinaro for Zeldin (new vote against Jordan)
  22. John Rutherford for Scalise
  23. Michael Simpson for Scalise
  24. Pete Stauber for Westerman
  25. Steve Womack for Scalise

But this time, there won’t be 15 rounds of voting like McCarthy had before becoming Speaker at the beginning of the new congress. Instead, after three losses, Jordan received the boot in a so-called “SECRET VOTE” by his fellow fake republicans, who apparently but unofficially removed Jordan as a candidate for speaker in a reported 86-122 vote behind closed doors.

In other words, it’s a full-scale mutiny against Jordan and all America First voters, by far more turncoat republicans than the official 25 on the record. Apparently, the republican traitors in the House do not number 25, but rather 122.

Meanwhile, democrats have failed to cast a single vote for conservative Jordan or moderate Scalise, while publicly calling for “bipartisanship” while voting in the most partisan fashion possible.

In the end, this amounts to House Republicans surrendering control of the House to minority democrats in the chamber.

Now there’s no hope for a “pro-America First Speaker” at all, and republicans who hold a House majority are 100% responsible for this total disaster, as well as every disaster that follows.

There is NO WAY for this to end well or peacefully now. The People are on their own! We have NO representation at all at the Federal level.

NOW HERE’S THE REALLY CRAZY PART…. The 25 who voted against Jordan in the 3rd round could agree on who to NOT vote for, but NOT at all on who TO vote for…

Jordan 194
Scalise 8
McHenry 6
Zeldin 4
Donalds 2
McCarthy 2
Emmer 1
Garcia 1
Westerman 1

Further, everyone with between 1 and 8 votes is allowed to remain in the race for speaker, but the guy with 194 votes is now allegedly blocked from running a 4th time by 122 “secret squirrel” votes in some private backroom deal to relinquish control of the House to minority democrats.

You just can’t make this depth of insanity up and you have to see it with your own eyes to believe it! Apparently, any republican can run except the guy with the most votes now. Sound familiar?

These republicans have committed political suicide for the entire party. These 122 traitors will go down in history as the republicans who finished off the republican party in the USA.

NEXT UP: McCarthy has now endorsed House Rep. Tom Emmer from Minnesota for House Speaker, who received just one vote from Rep. Ken Buck in the 3rd round vote for Jordan last week. Emmer was “selected” House Whip in another republican backroom “secret ballot” shortly after the 2022 mid-terms. Not so long ago, Emmer was a national spokesman for George Soros’s National Popular Vote initiative aimed at eliminating the Electoral College. Without the Electoral College, Al Gore would have been President in 2000 and Hillary Clinton would have been President in 2016. Emmer is known on the hill as the “most moderate republican.”

As I exposed and predicted in my two previous pieces, once Jordan was defeated by his fellow republicans, it has become impossible to elect any AMERICA FIRST constitutional conservative to House Speaker. The RNC in DC will only put up left-leaning republicans to gain democrat votes now.

“An evil enemy, will burn his own nation to the ground…to rule over the ashes.”  —Sun Tzu

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

If you don’t know where this quote comes from, look it up!

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