We all have read about or witnessed relatives and friends who suffered the horrors of cancer.  As a twelve-year-old lad, I saw up close how that dreaded disease can take down even the mightiest of men, whom for me was my own Dad.  What begins as one bad cell grows into a little lump and if unchecked through great nutrition and good procedures will eventually morph into a massive tumor that can and often will wreak deadly havoc upon the human body.

Many now believe that the root of cancer stems from a combination of negative stress, bitterness, lack of proper sleep, bad eating habits and smoking sugar-cured tobacco.

Of course, if such factors are not corrected or changed, the likelihood of cancer increases dramatically over time.  When or if cancer is detected in the body, swift and decisive action must be taken.  Thanks to increasing nutritional and immune system awareness, more and more people are at least on average living much longer and increasingly being cured.  But without a solid plan of action, including faith, exercising and nutrition, cancer will destroy the host body from within rendering in premature death.

In similar fashion, decades of government school indoctrination created a massive cancer of leftism.  It is an evil philosophy that literally based upon destroying America from within, stripping away our national cohesion and security.  History has shown time and time again that no nation can long flourish with open unsecured borders.  The cancer of leftism is designed to literally eat away our rights.  Compounding the effects of leftism is a malignant Congress that has long refused to care enough to pass tough laws against rampant illegal border crossing into our republic.

The Cancer of leftism has literally eaten away intelligence and common sense throughout society. As a sad result, much of America’s famous can do spirit and know how has been reversed into we cannot do the right thing and we don’t know “nothin” and got that mixed up.  In fact, the United States is wrongly perceived to be a paper tiger nation of idiots.  Why else do you think that ragged rogues from banana republics believe they can just show up to our southern border and shuffle in with no problem?  People throughout the entire world call we Americans stupid. That is because they know many Americans in and out of government will help them screw over our own nation to the tune of billions of dollars every single year.

So far, illegal border crossers receive a taxpayer funded education and better medical care than millions of sovereign American citizens.  The United States is called the most powerful nation on earth.  But yet has conducted the weakest border security possible.  In fact, illegal border crossers and their stupid American born supporters boldly tell us what they want, what they will do to us and instead of being locked up, are allowed to tell us we cannot do anything about whatever they say or want to do.  The cancer of leftism has been literally destroying our quality of life for decades.  Any giant caravan of 1,500 dregs demanding to get into our republic illegally and tries to act upon it should be made to dread the day they were born.

When a nation is so weakened by the corroding cancer of leftism and no longer exercises rational self -interest, illegal border crossers will be emboldened to swoop in to kill, steal from and destroy the framework of that society.  It is not to late to cure our republic from the cancer of leftism.  But we do not have the luxury of an indefinite period of time to right this self- inflicted curse.  It is my prayer that “We the People” will stand together and reestablish the rule of law, a higher moral standard and sincerely seek Providential Guidance.  Through the grace of God, the republic we cure from the cancer of leftism, may be our own.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

It is my pleasure to bless you with the Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 1:00 PM PST, 4:00 PM EST emanating from KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada, www.shrmedia.com and Spreaker.  Or you can catch a rebroadcast of The Ron Edwards Experience Saturdays at 12:00 AM via www.talkamericaradio.com. Don’t miss a page from the “award winning” commentary, The Edwards Notebook on the Captain’s America overnight weekend talk show emanating nationwide to 74 radio stations from flagship WGUL AM 860 The Answer Tampa, Fla. I am also a regular contributor on the Captain’s America overnight talk show, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:05 AM and Saturdays at 4:05 AM.  Also, you can enjoy both the Ron Edwards Experience and The Edwards Notebook commentary every day on www.freedominamericaradio.com. For more information please go to my website theronedwards.com.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

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