By Lex Greene

April 7, 2023

Marxists, socialists, communists, Maoists, fascists sheep never fail to march together as a single unit, because they are slaves to their governments. If they want their daily rations, their taxpayer funded gifts from the public trough, designed to keep them on the plantation forever, they will do what they’re told.

The U.S. Democrat Party is a tyrannical political body built upon the backs of those they enslaved a long time ago. It wasn’t democrats who freed the slaves, or passed the Civil Rights Acts in our country, it was Republicans. But because democrats have used inner city gang violence and union labor education to keep their slaves dumbed down for decades, many in their minority groups know no better.

Every minority group in the USA was coopted by Marxist democrats more than a hundred years ago. But they were “community organized” into violent destructive political tools in the 60’s by people like Obama mentor’s Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn of Weather Underground. Until “big mouth” Trump showed up representing every freedom loving American, these groups largely remained no smarter than they were during the 60’s and 70’s riots.

Today, the democrat party only controls BLM (Marxist militant Black Lives Matter) and ANTIFA (a children’s violent and destructive fascist group), both responsible for attacking, burning, looting and destroying cities across the USA. All others, from all corners, are awakened to the reality that the political RIGHT will fight just as hard for your freedom and liberty as they will their own. They are moving in mass to the Republican Party as a result.

I’m not referring to Trump fandom here. But he is the most likely leader of a second AMERICAN revolution today, which is why the LEFT must do everything they can dream up to destroy him.

Still, the RIGHT has never been any good at unity and that alone, has left the usually “silent majority” at a distinct disadvantage as Marxist Global Democrats work around the clock to destroy all things American, and all Americans.

Why can’t the RIGHT UNITE for the fight of their lives?

  1. In the USA, the RIGHT is made up of self-made success stories. They made their own future and depended upon no one else to do it.
  2. The political RIGHT gets up every day and goes to work to take care of their own, refusing to be a slave to anyone.
  3. The RIGHT is made up of true independent thinkers, marching to the beat of their own drum.
  4. The RIGHT not only pays the vast majority of taxes in the USA…they also donate the most to an endless list of charitable causes. They’re busy.
  5. The RIGHT shares a moral compass based upon the foundations of freedom. They know and accept the fact that freedom can only belong to those able to self-govern.

But also, the RIGHT is full of those with an entrepreneurial spirit, real true over-achievers in life. They expect much of themselves and work hard every day to live up to their own expectations. They take dreams and turn them into reality by the sweat of their own brow. They use their freedom and liberty, instead of begging politicians for it, or taking it for granted.

As a result, it’s challenging to get all conservatives in one room working together. They are used to cutting their own path. They are highly opinionated, intelligent, and motivated types. Type A+ personalities in almost every case. So sure, they often have strong egos too, having earned the right in most cases. They understand Trump and anyone like him.

So, the following things present a challenge to unifying them, even when their country, their freedom and liberty, their family’s well-being, hangs in the balance…

  • There are literally thousands of small freedom and liberty groups in the USA. Most have no interest in uniting with other groups for fear of losing control over their followers and their donations.
  • Some are better at gathering followers than they are at developing viable strategic solutions, causing their followers to eventually lose faith.
  • Others use the “freedom movement” to build another business, selling books, T-Shirts, hats, you name it. If they can make money from it, they will probably sell it, all in the name of fighting for freedom.
  • And still others are so overly impressed with themselves that other than the sound of their own voice, they are deaf to the words of others trying to help them protect the freedoms they claim to care about so much.

And of course, there are always a few who are just as rotten as the LEFT, either infiltrating the RIGHT to cause distractions and divisions…or just those who are so egotistical and ill-tempered that they spend all their time attacking their own, rather than their stated enemies…People who are too hate-filled, full of themselves, and too bitter to be of any use to anyone!

I have read many well-intended contemporaries as they suggest “compromise” as a means to unify.

Well, some things you just can’t compromise on, when it comes to freedom and liberty. Some things are just non-negotiable, in particular, the foundations of freedom. There is no freedom or liberty, without the foundations of freedom and liberty.

I submit for your consideration, that the only way we can ever unify for the battles we face ahead is not compromise…but rather to prioritize. I want the brightest minds in one room so that together, we can develop how we will save our beloved country from the pure evil gripping it today.

In most cases, I agree 90% or so with everyone on the RIGHT. I will NOT allow the 10% we might disagree on to stop me from achieving the 90% we agree on. Instead, I will choose to make the 90% we agree upon my primary priority. Once we achieve all of that together, we can sit around over a cocktail discussing the other 10% that we see differently.

It’s a matter of all of us setting the RIGHT priorities so that we can move together as ONE to achieve all the things we agree on. It’s not about compromise, it’s that we all have to prioritize.

What’s more important, my ego, or freedom?
Is it making more money, or defending freedom I care about more?
Is it safety and security, or freedom and liberty I care about most?
Is it leading a small group nowhere, or being part of a winning group somewhere, that is most important to me?

These are questions we must all ask and answer, if we are ever going to unite as AMERICA FIRST AMERICANS so that together, we will win the critical things which we will most certainly lose…if we fail to unite for this fight.

It’s just about our priorities…

I seek no fortune, no fame, no favor, or notoriety. I only seek UNITY in our collective effort to save this Constitutional Republic from certain ruin. I seek only freedom and liberty, for my children and grandchildren and yours. I seek a morally, spiritually, and mentally fit society for all to grow up in and prosper from.

Equity is a farce, a blatant con job aimed at the weak and ignorant…

I seek equality for all. I seek a constitutional form of government of, by and for all decent freedom lovers. I seek a sane society, where you are free to own whatever you earn…but threaten no one else with it. I seek the America that used to be, where every Citizen is free to dream, work, build, own, enjoy and pass on to the next generation, the fruits of their labor.

I seek a country free from any “cancel culture,” or violent gangs, are mentally ill mass shooters. I seek a country where black lives really do matter, most of all in the black community. I seek a society where all lives matter, and politicians don’t!

If you are like me, let’s unite upon our shared priorities. There will be plenty of time to discuss our disagreements later. Let’s put first things first, can we?

If you agree, let me know. My email address is below!

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