By: Devvy

March 6, 2024

If only Republicans had passed Dirty Harry Reid’s bill in 2017, this on-going invasion would NOT be happening.  No doubt open border cockroaches like the ACLU and others would have sued but I believe the bill will be declared constitutional.

I tried.  Three months after Trump took office, I sent him a letter with the first page of the bill along with a copy to his hot-shot senior advisor for policy, Stephen Miller.  No response.  I waited three more months and spent from my limited budget overnight mail, again, to Trump and Priority to Miller.  No response.  Over the past decade I’ve sent a similar letter and first page of the bill to dozens of U.S. Senators and House members who were all very outspoken about the invasion at the border.  The last one was blabbermouth, Rep. Chip Roy.  Not a single response from any of them nor has the issue of stopping welfare in ALL forms at all level of governments ever mentioned.

Trump did fight hard to get a wall built but he had to battle RINO’s in his own party as well as the DemonRats in Congress and partisan judges who should have been impeached for siding with criminals who violate our immigration laws and given a free pass.

While Donald Trump was a highly successful businessman before he was elected in 2016, he was a neophyte in the dirty, filthy world of the blood sport known as American politics.  I have zero doubt he had any inkling at the beginning those around him were setting him up for failure.  Now he knows.

Trump did not utilize the power he had as president to stop the invasion and either his over rated advisors were also ignorant of his presidential powers or they never told him.  I do believe this time around, when Trump is elected, we’re going to see real action taken right along with riots and violence.  Make no mistake about that statement.  However, the American people overwhelmingly want illegals deported – especially violent criminals and terrorists the Obama, er, Biden “administration” has welcomed with open arms.  Over this past weekend, another 14,000 illegals walked right into OUR country; the Tucson, AZ sector led the way for the invasion to continue.

Trump told his audience on Sept. 20, 2023, at a campaign stop, he would immediately invoke the Alien Enemies Act to facilitate deporting illegals.  Never heard of the Alien Enemies Act of 1798, but am very well versed on the Sedition Act of 1798.  Right away liberals (socialists) and progressives (communists) went ballistic.

Trump said his intentions in using that Act would be to deport illegals involved in drug cartels, human and drug trafficking or individuals from our enemy nations suspected of terrorist activities.  The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has a lengthy historic and legal analysis of that Act that I strongly encourage everyone to readThe 225-year-old ‘Alien Enemies Act’ Needs to Come Out of Retirement, Oct. 10, 2023

Former ICE Director Promises ‘Biggest Deportation Operation’ Under TrumpTom Homan says there will be consequences for illegal border crossers under another Trump administration.  “I promised President Trump when he announced that if he goes back, I go back. And I’m going to run the biggest deportation operation this country’s ever seen because these millions of people being released in this country, nine out of 10 will get an order of removal based on immigration court data,” wrote Homan on X.

“A judge orders them to be removed. We’re going to find them and we’re gonna remove them,” he added. “If there’s no consequence, we can’t fix the border. We’re going to have a consequence in the Trump administration.”

This is a video interview featuring Stephen Miller on the Clay & Buck radio show.  Miller lays out in great detail just how millions of illegals are going to be deported utilizing personnel from various agencies.  Okay.  One of the biggest problems is going to be what’s happened with the Marxist president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, who has told the fake Biden administration do not send any illegals from Venezuela back to them. Miller spoke about the role of the State Department.  I do recommend you take the  time to watch the Miller interview here.

Besides being Trump’s chief advisor for policy and his chief speech writer, after the stolen election in 2020, Miller and a select few attorneys opened up the America First Legal Foundation.  While Miller did receive a BA in political science, to my knowledge he is not a lawyer.

Now, it’s all well and fine to use the National Guard and all the other law enforcement personnel Miller covers but we’re talking about a MASSIVE undertaking and they better get it right the first time.  Let me refer to the Monroe Doctrine: (Emphasis mine.)

Text of Monroe’s Speech – Seventh State of the Union Address.  Monroe was our fifth president (1817-1825) and a member of a member of the Democratic-Republican Party.

“I transmit a return of the militia of the several States according to the last reports which have been made by the proper officers in each to the Department of War by reference to this return it will be seen that it is not complete, although great exertions have been made to make it so. As the defense and even the liberties of the country must depend in times of imminent danger on the militia, it is of the highest importance that it be well organized, armed, and disciplined throughout the Union.”

Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:  A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Many Second Amendment advocates celebrated the Heller decision, per Cornell Law:

“In the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court held that the “Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.”

Of course, that Supreme Court completely ignored the first thirteen words of the Second Amendment as if they didn’t exist.  Prior to that we had the mess called the Dick Act of 1903 which did NOT Amend the Second Amendment to read the National Guard being necessary to the security of a free state…

Back in 2013 and despite Dr. Edwin Vieira’s best efforts in trying to explain the constitutional militia to a couple of AZ senators, then AZ governor Jan Brewer signed a toothless, worthless law:  Arizona’s Volunteer Militia On Call For Public Safety.  Those who had little understanding of the constitutional militia wet their pants over Brewer’s Bungle thinking that new law was the answer.  Sure, it was as AZ is being still being invaded by double digit thousands of illegal aliens.  So, where’s this “volunteer militia” in AZ as thousands of illegals walk right across their state border?

THE foremost expert in this country on the Second Amendment and constitutional militia is Dr. Edwin Vieira. If you are unfamiliar with Edwin, his full bio is here.  Like hundreds of millions of gun owners over the last century, I had no understanding of the true meaning of the Second Amendment other than I get to own a gun for personal protection until Edwin began writing about it for Newswithviews back in 2005.

Too many gun owners think that amendment is all about hunting.   The links below are absolutely essential in understanding the true meaning of the constitutional militia and will help better understand why President Monroe highlighted it in his State of the Union Address:

Who Regulates “A Well Regulated Militia?” by Dr Edwin Vieira, March 3, 2015

No Second Amendment Revolution Is Necessary, by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Aug. 9, 2016

This series by Edwin addresses private militia:  True v. False Militia and Why the Difference Matters, July 30, 2007

Because there is a great awakening here in America (and around the world) regarding plans to end all nations sovereignty and force us all to live under a one world government, the evil doers – globalists who have NO loyalty to any country – it’s time to go after “militias”:

H.R.6981 – Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024 was introduced by one of the slimiest Marxist puppets and big shots in the Democrat/Communist Party USA, Rep. Jamie Rankin [D-MD].  I watched him perform during the political impeachment against Trump.  It made me sick to my soul such a deceitful, lying POS serving in the U.S. Congress.  Davy Crockett would have cleaned his clock.* Currently there are 12 cosponsors, all DemonRATS.  Here’s the full text of Rankin’s bill that needs to be used as target practice.

Look out because that cancer is spreading:  Republican Governor Joins Democratic Crackdown on Militias.  The bias in that yellow journalism is in neon lights.  Written in 2023, it opens with this drivel: “Several states are moving to enact legislation cracking down on paramilitary organizations after a years-long rise in organized political violence across the United States.”

And just who has been committing all the violence since George Floyd?  BLM & ANTIFA. Not to mention the EVERYDAY violence we’re seeing across this country by black individuals.  And, no that’s not racist, go watch for yourself.  Two days ago:  “They opened a Six Flags outside Atlanta and there was, of course, a gunfight immediately. Massive brawls, multiple people shot.”  Shot and killed; more videoFor what?

As those keeping up with efforts here in Texas and the human invasion are aware each time Texas takes aggressive action to stop the flood of criminals who violate OUR immigration laws, the communists file all kinds of lawsuits.  JUST IN: Federal Appeals Court Reverses Judge’s Ruling, Allows Texas Immigration Law That Allows Police to Arrest Illegals to Take Effect, March 4, 2024.  “The appeals court ruling will stay in place unless the Supreme Court intervenes by March 9.”  Our state has that right which I covered in a recent column:  State and Local Authority to Enforce Immigration Law

As I write this, I have no doubt the communists from various organizations will file yet another lawsuit to overturn the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Trump had better get reelected and make the invasion a top priority.  He CAN re-instate the Remain in Mexico policy and add Canada.  Those here after filing for asylum have 30 days to go back to Mexico or Canada.  Yes, I’m fully aware hundreds of thousands of them have been given court dates all the way to 2030.  TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.

The international rule has been asylum seekers go to the nearest country from the one they’re leaving.  Apply for asylum and remain there until they get a court hearing.  Oh, but you can’t do that here!  Why, they’re all over the country, renting houses or apts and their kids are enrolled in public indoctrination centers cheating America’s children by draining financial resources.  Too damn bad.  Either the Trump administration fights back or the invasion will continue and our country will be completely destroyed.  OUR America will be gone.

Back in 2002, I wrote a column, Where Have All the Men Gone?  I received an avalanche of email agreeing with me, but of course, the do-nothing whiners sent some pretty nasty emails so I wrote a follow up column which I have only done once or twice:  Questioning America’s Manhood Draws More Excuses

So, which is it going to be?  Real men and women warriors in Congress and our state legislatures or spineless Republicans too afraid the prostitute media might call them racists.  Republicans who don’t want to offend voters in their district while our country is being invaded and believe me, the crime wave is increasing by the day.

A warrior or a senator like Susan Collins, R-Maine?  Pro-killing the unborn, voted yes to add sexual deviants to the list of hate crimes for which Congress has NO legislative authority, free-trade advocate to keep destroying our most important job sectors; that’s a very short list.  Why she hasn’t registered with the Democrat/Communist Party USA is a mystery.

Oh, relax, FBI.  This is about the Constitution, the right of the states and legal actions by Texas; hopefully other GOP governors will find their backbone and proceed.  Hopefully, your county sheriff and local law enforcement will stand up and fight back: State and Local Authority to Enforce Immigration Law

One thing Trump needs to do on day one besides implement the master plan for mass deportation as outlined by Stephen Miller (which tells me meetings have been going on with Trump):  Put Dr. Edwin Vieira in charge of the constitutional militia to school and get all fifty state governors organized and how to do it.  A series of conference calls and explain to them pursuant to the U.S. Constitution their obligation to organize the constitutional militia.  And:  How the States Can Suppress Illegal Immigration, Sept. 3, 2021, by Edwin Vieira.  Presidential Questions, May 9, 2015, by Dr. Edwin Vieira. VERY important for Trump.

For right now, the only way to at least stop some of the invaders (summer is coming and the number of hordes will increase by millions more to suck down your paycheck and commit more heinous crimes) is the states.  Our state AG, Ken Paxton is fighting like a true warrior, but it’s going to take many more state AG’s and governors to step up and say no more.  Our governor, Greg Abbott is not the big hero people think he is.  The day career criminal, Joe Biden, was unlawfully sworn into office, Abbott (and I’ve written to him several times about this and never received even the usual form letter; I’m not one of his millionaire/billionaire donors), should have called up the Texas State Militia:

From one of my columns last year:  “Texas governor, Greg Abbott, has refused to call up the State Militia which I wrote about in detail, Sept. 11, 2023: Illegals Invasion: What Are You Waiting for Governor Abbott?  Call up the State Militia.   GOVERNMENT CODE  – TITLE 4. EXECUTIVE BRANCH –  SUBTITLE C. STATE MILITARY FORCES AND VETERANS – CHAPTER 431. STATE MILITIA.  Repel means you don’t let any of them put one foot on U.S. soil.

“If you haven’t read it, please do as it’s very important as is this follow up:  Yawn: Governor Greg Abbott Officially Declares INVASION at Southern Border, Sept. 25, 2023.  Years too late.

“I don’t care how loud Democrats squeal like pigs or the ACLU making threats, just get the State Militia on the border.  Once illegals making their way find out they’re not going to step on U.S. soil, game the asylum system or just waltz in and disappear, most will not continue to the border.

“Man up, AbbottEither you get tough and mean it or this monstrous invasion destroying our country will continue.  Not a pretty situation but we did not create this problem. Mexico, Democrats & Republicans did by refusing to stop the hordes over the decades. They’ve done NOTHING but whine and play politics.

“There’s no doubt in my mind there will be thousands of Texans, retired or even working who will volunteer for the State Militia on a rotating system.  A lot of them retired military and law enforcement. Not a bunch of hot-heads.  Lawful patriotic Americans stepping up and taking part in protecting OUR homeland security.  OUR duty to do so.”

You can contact Gov. Greg Abbott’s office and politely demand he call up the State Militia (list the government code) and quit depending on other states to send their National Guard.  If 100,000 Texans contact Abbott he just might do what he should have done years ago.  Phone: (512) 463-2000.  Fax or email here.  Don’t depend on someone else to make that call, send a fax or email.  It’s up to us to roar.  You, your wife, son, daughter, sister, brother – we’re all targets of the criminal element that’s been allowed to cross the border and continue to be released into our cities and towns.  More blabbering on radio talk shows isn’t going to get the job done.

Right now, if you live in Texas, please call Paxton’s office (512-463-2100) and ask him to do what Dr. Edwin Vieira wrote in his March 5, 2024, column which needs to go viral and link on X and Trump’s social media platform.  By the time you read this I will already have contacted AG Ken Paxton.  MAKE THIS GO VIRAL:

Now Is the Time for Texas to Seek a Writ of Prohibition

One last thing.  If Republicans keep a majority in the House and Senate, they had damn well better get Harry Reid’s bill passed so Trump can sign it.  YOU have to make this an issue with every GOP candidate/incumbent who wins this Nov.  The free ride is over.  Paxton and every GOP AG also need to get this done; a dozen GOP states sue in one lawsuit:  TX AG Ken Paxton: PLYLER v. DOE, 457 U.S. 202 Must be Overturned, Oct. 2, 2023

See Part I

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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TREASON: Biden Regime Admits Flying 320,000 Illegal Immigrants Secretly to at least 43 Airports in the U.S. to Lessen Border Crossing Numbers, March 5, 2024

Nice someone besides me is bringing this to the forefront:  Colorado Democrats Lay Off Americans and Mull Giving Illegals Government Jobs, Violating Federal Law, March 4, 2024 – “Despite growing concern over handing illegal aliens government jobs even without legal work permits, U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) urged Centennial State officials to ignore federal law and give illegals government jobs anyway. The senator even blasted the feds for threatening to sue cities for ignoring the law and hiring lllegals.”

A U.S. Senator telling state officials to ignore federal law.

*Davy Crockett died in battle at the Alamo, March 6, 1836.  He served in the U.S. Congress representing the 9th District.

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