By Lex Greene

July 3, 2024

In the good ole days of the USA, people were well capable of checking their own facts and we didn’t need highly partisan fake news “factcheckers” to tell us what’s true and what’s not. Of course, that’s back when real journalists were factcheckers, the eyes and ears of the people, and not just overpaid political propagandists for partisan interests, beholden to their advertisers, many of whom are WEF Global Reset Partners.

It’s also back when education was all about reading, writing and arithmetic, not race-baiting, social engineering, sexual grooming, and global Marxist indoctrination…producing high school graduates who can’t read, write, do simple math, or even know what gender they are.

Even as a kid, my mom used to say to me, “you just have to do everything yourself, don’t you!” Yep, because I don’t trust anyone as much as I trust myself, especially when it comes to politics where pretty much all politicians lie at campaign time. As my grandfather used to say, “if you want something done right, do it yourself!”

Think not? How many political campaigns have you seen over the same small set of issues that they use in every campaign season, because nothing they promised to fix ever got fixed in the past fifty or so election cycles, no matter who you voted for? Election after election, the issues are always the same, because governments are not in the business of fixing things. They are in the personal power and wealth business…

So, I check all facts myself. But before I factcheck the recent Presidential debate, allow me to point out that “research” isn’t just Googling a subject (with manipulated search results) in search of someone you agree with, that you can then quote as an “expert.” Real research forces one to actually do the work of checking the facts and not relying on anyone else to tell them what’s true and what’s not. All available information must be considered, in order to form an accurate opinion for yourself. Regurgitating other people’s opinions is not research.

As I factcheck the June 27 CNN debate, keep in mind that you should go check my facts for yourself too. Keep something else in mind…

Politics as Usual

In order to win an election, you need people to vote for you. It turns out that real truths may be the most unpopular things in our country today. So, expect every person seeking office to present their own “facts” in a light most favorable to themselves, to gain your vote. Sometimes this is just exaggerating their own very real accomplishments, and other times it requires outright lies to gain your vote, and all points in between. Here we go…

June 27, 2024 – Presidential Debate by Issue (True or False)

Inflation and Economy

BIDEN – for the past four years has said repeatedly, “I inherited inflation from Trump’s administration.” But on June 27 Biden said, “there was no inflation before I took office because Trump decimated the economy on his watch (2017-2021).”  FALSE

TRUMP – Trump has said many times that there was “close to zero inflation during his term,” which Biden agreed with during the debate, and that “COVID LOCKDOWNS caused economic havoc during his term.” TRUE

Border Security

BIDEN“I have been the toughest President on border security in American history.” FALSE

TRUMP “I have been the toughest President on border security in American history.” TRUE

BIDEN“Congressional Republicans have blocked my ability to secure our border.” FALSE

TRUMP“Enforcing existing immigration laws allowed me to create the most secure border in decades.” TRUE

Covid Handling

BIDEN“Trump’s handling of the “pandemic” was a disaster.” FALSE

TRUMP“The states and local governments were allowed to manage the COVID crisis based upon the severity of the crisis in their area. I just removed government red tape (warp speed) to allow scientists and doctors to move as quickly as possible to a solution.” TRUE


BIDEN“Trump’s mishandling of COVID costs millions of jobs. I created the most jobs in Presidential history.” FALSE

TRUMP“COVID lockdowns issued by State and Local Officials at the direction of the CDC and W.H.O. caused millions of lost businesses and jobs throughout 2020. Prior to COVID, I had the best economy in years. The jobs “created” during the Biden administration were mostly “come-back” jobs after COVID restrictions were lifted.” TRUE

Personal Behavior

BIDEN “Trump slept with a porn star and incited an insurrection on January 6th.” FALSE (NOTE: The FBI Investigation into J6 concluded that there was no insurrection on J6.)

TRUMP“I never slept with a porn star, and I called for calm and peaceful actions on J6.” TRUE

BIDEN – “Trump called military service members losers.” FALSE

TRUMP – “I never said military service members were losers.” TRUE

BIDEN – “Trump is a convicted felon.” TRUE (NOTE: Despite no crime, no evidence and the worst key witnesses in the history of jurisprudence, and under appeal.)

TRUMP – “Biden weaponized the DOJ for unlawful political prosecutions of his political opponents.” TRUE

I could go on for the balance of the 90-minute so-called debate, but the trend never changes throughout. As has been the case throughout Joe’s political career, if his lips are moving, he’s lying. Sadly, the same is now true of the fake news media.

No modern politician has the track record of telling whoppers that Biden has had his entire political career. But now, Joe’s dementia is at a level where I don’t think Joe even knows when he’s lying. He’s just doing the best he can to regurgitate the DNC talking points he is given by Obama, and he has no clue what’s true and what’s not anymore. Maybe he’s lied so long that he lost track of truth even before his dementia set in.

As the Democrat Party controlled mass media sticks to their talking points memo, allegedly “factchecking Trump” without factchecking Biden at all, maybe it’s time for YOU to do your own factchecking!

Maybe it’s time for every American, no matter your political views, to seek and find truth for yourselves, instead of trusting a lying media to tell you what you should think.

Maybe the 2024 election cycle will be the last chance you have to do it!

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