By: Amil Imani

December 31, 2022


According to Wikipedia: “A provisional government, also called an interim government, an emergency government, or a transitional government, is an emergency governmental authority set up to manage a political transition generally in the cases of a newly formed state or following the collapse of the previous governing administration.”

Interim governance arrangements are an institutional framework established to create a ‘bridge’ from political or violent crisis often situated in an authoritarian past, towards a more peaceful, inclusive and democratic government.

Dr. Iman Foroutan as an Interim Executive

Foroutan is an Iranian patriot who for decades has selflessly dedicated his life to his beloved homeland Iran in order to save the suffering Iranians from the hands of the tyrannical Mullahs of Iran.

For the past twenty-three years, each day, Iman has labored tirelessly, with utmost courage, and integrity in the defense of liberty, freedom, and the rights of Iranians inside Iran. Prince “Reza Pahlavi truly believes in Democracy and believes monarchy should be left to people to decide. yet is ready to do whatever he can to help his compatriot. He also reiterated that he “will not seek power or a political office” and in future elections, he “will not support any party, organization or form of government over another.”

Foroutan’s vast knowledge, involvement in Iran’s affairs, and decades of executive experience would make him an ideal candidate to lead and be part of the interim government of diverse Iranians.

They say history repeats itself. “It was the first government established in Iran after the Iranian Revolution. The regime was headed by Mehdi Bazargan, one of the members of the Freedom Movement of Iran, and formed on the order of Ruhollah Khomeini (known as Ayatollah Khomeini) on 4 February 1979. Mehdi Bazargan was the prime minister of the interim government and introduced a seven-member cabinet on 14 February 1979. Ebrahim Yazdi was elected as the Foreign Minister.”

We are back to square one. The Islamic Republic turned out to be a bad experience. The time has come for change.

Islamic tyranny, regardless of its form, recognizes no borders. It does not confine itself to any geographic area. It is by nature aggressively expansive and invasive. The US misguided administration’s appeasement policy has indeed emboldened the Islamic Republic in its wanton behavior.

The Islamic Republic is at its last breath. Knowing the seriousness and determination of Iran’s regime in demolishing Iranian culture and heritage, Iman singlehandedly went to work and created an invaluable patented software tool that is capable of connecting all Iranians. The New Iran (“TNI”), aka “Nahade Mardomi” which in Persian translates to People’s Foundation, a not-for-profit grassroots organization birthed by Dr. Iman Foroutan has become a powerful political organization to unite Iranians around the world for over a decade.

Anticipating the events of the last few months in Iran, Iman started working on his latest creation, SOS IRAN, a first-ever project-based eco-system for organizing and collaboration of IRI opposition worldwide.

As an Iranian-American, Iman deeply loves his country of birth and the country that has given him a home of freedom. Hundreds of thousands of Iranian-Americans feel the same way.  

Are we witnessing the end of the Islamic Republic?

There is no question about that. It is only a matter of time, and not a very long one. The Islamic regime is in deep trouble. Masses of Iranians are irreparably alienated from the corrupt oppressive Islamic rule. The rule of the Islamic Republic in Iran (IRI) is crumbling. The previously solid edifice is showing many cracks that keep growing. Too many fault lines to list here.

My Iranian colleagues and I have indeed done, and continue to do, what we can to help our compatriots in Iran, who are on the front line fighting the Islamic Regime. It is regrettable that we do not have enough material support since most of us must work for a living and are not able to substantially contribute to equipping the resistance with further means of communication and information distribution.

In my honest opinion, Dr. Iman Foroutan is the best person and candidate at this crucial time to lead the interim government in exile. For those who have not heard of this brave son of Iran, it is time for you to get to know him. He has the support of many Iranians both in Iran and abroad.

Dr. Foroutan upholds and defends the ideals of human rights. Like many past heroes of Persian history, this inestimable man also has risen to the occasion in the defense of his beloved homeland and her people.

Iman has a proven record and is a true friend of freedom. He has always stood with the people of Iran in their life-and-death struggles.

It is understood, that the Iranian people themselves can set up their own secular democratic system. Recall that Iran was the first democratic nation in the Middle East when it established a constitutional monarchy which was later subverted by Reza Shah. We are thoroughly capable of establishing our own democracy. Certainly, it would not be a panacea overnight. Certainly, there will be some rough spots. Yet, the Iranian people hardly need supervision by anyone or anybody to do the job.

Allow me to reiterate, as the Islamic Republic nears its fall and it will fall, it requires an interim government in exile. A government-in-exile consists of an individual or a group of individuals residing in a foreign State. A government-in-exile may comprise a person or a group of people based on the structure of the government that has the legitimacy of the law.

Perhaps, the efficiency of a government in exile depends mainly on the expanse of support it can obtain, either from foreign governments or from the population of its own country. I am confident that Dr. Iman Foroutan will receive both support from the Iranian people and from democratic foreign nations. I have known Iman for decades and have no doubt he will be an instrumental part of a “factionally diverse interim government.” Time is of the essence.

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