Sidney Secular and Valerie Protopapas

May 9, 2023

Immigration: noun – the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country

Invasion: noun – 1. an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force: the Allied invasion of Normandy 2.  an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity: stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans. 3. an unwelcome intrusion into another’s domain: random drug testing of employees is an unwarranted invasion of privacy. 

In 1997, Mr. John C. Vinson wrote an interesting booklet entitled Immigration and Nation, A Biblical View.[*] Obviously, Mr. Vinson intended to reach the many “Bible believing” Christians who accept the present “immigration” situation in the United States and the West with the belief that somehow to deny or prevent this movement of huge numbers of people is “unchristian” when, in fact, what is really taking place is a mass invasion. Mr. Vinson believed obviously that many Christians misunderstood the correct “Christian response” to what was going on; that is, they acted on the assumption that God wanted these “needy people” to have a place of refuge, a need that should not be stopped or constrained by mere human “law.” [*Information on obtaining this work is found at the end of this article.]

Beginning with a Biblical look at the events in Scripture that resulted in man refusing God’s command to go out and “inhabit” the earth after the flood, a refusal that resulted in the Tower of Babel and the “confusion of tongues” that was not ended until Pentecost and the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles in Jerusalem, Mr. Vinson covers such topics as Nationhood, (the) Love of the Stranger, The American Nation and Immigration, The Christian Response, Wealth Distribution – a very important facet in the immigration debate! – Racism – another supposedly Christian false flag – (The) Break(ing) Down (of) Barriers, Evangelism and, the final chapter, Quo Vadis America? In other words, the author reaches out to American Christians who view “immigration” as helping the needy and oppressed and therefore failure to do so goes against the Word of God.

I will not go into Mr. Vinson’s arguments. He can present them much better than I. What I wish to at least mention in passing is this – past periods of immigration were not the same as that which is going on now. The “New World” has always been a destination for people who “migrated” out of their own lands. This goes back to the Bering land bridge that brought people from Asia and Siberia into the Western hemisphere in prehistory. Different periods brought different people but in the “modern era” – the 16th through 20th centuries, most who “migrated” here came from someplace in Europe. Those who were not European were not ordinary migrants but either outright slaves from Africa or Chinese workers sent from their own nation to earn money through their labor for their masters back in China. But whatever the case, once the United States became a nation, immigration was not without its rules and limitations! Actually, the understanding in the West after the original period of immigration, an understanding that was held in both America and Canada, was that those immigrating were to be people whose identities matched with the identities of the countries to which they were immigrating. Even so, often these immigrants, if numerous enough, caused difficulties in the societies into which they had moved, difficulties that remained often for generations.

But today’s “immigration” is not your grandfather’s immigration. Today’s immigration is a sort of Normandy invasion “lite.” Indeed, many of those involved are armed and have committed horrible crimes in their “countries of origin” while women and children are being trafficked (bought and sold for sexual commerce) during the entire “immigration” procedure. Frankly, the invasion of Normandy was far more “Christian” than the present invasion over our southern borders and to attempt to “Christianize” the whole strategy is akin to putting the Archangel Lucifer back into his position as one of God’s favorites! But simply put, we cannot – and I do mean cannot! – even discuss immigration if we do not understand the motives behind it. This is not a matter of a displaced or disadvantaged people seeking relief and a new homeland! Rather, it is a strategy of war run from the top! Its leaders are those who want to destroy the West because it is white and because it is Christian and fill it with those who are neither white nor Christian! And as the white birth-rate has already been seriously compromised through feminism, birth control, abortion and the “gay agenda,” when you add non-whites into the breeding pool, you eventually end up with no more whites. Decades ago, a rabbi wrote that the last white children were being born at that time and that soon all future whites would be mingled with lesser races and destroyed thus making way for Jewish power to rule the world. I didn’t say it, a rabbi said it. Neither is this something unheard of among those interested in the New World Order today.

In any event, our present “immigration” crisis at least with regard to the numbers, the races and the religion of the “new immigrants” began back in the 1960s when it was revealed that no longer would white Europeans be accepted as immigrants. We soon learned – if we looked hard enough! – that those who were being imported, rather than having to look after themselves as was the case historically, were now receiving government handouts including housing while many Americans went without. What we had wasn’t “immigration” but “importation” as a means of population replacement, a situation designed to change the fundamental makeup of America! And this was not an accident or incidental. It was a strategy of the New World Order whose members intended to remove the very concept of the “nation-state” by removing the borders that defined that concept. This is a globalist-Marxist strategy and has among its primary adherents, international Jewry including Israel.

Now many books have been written about the New World Order and its “makers and shakers.” That is not the purpose of this article. The purpose here is to point out that it is futile to argue this matter under the heading of “immigration” just as it would be futile to argue any invasion of a country by outsiders armed or otherwise, under that particular heading. All that is needful is for those people who see this as a problem of “displaced persons” or “refugees” to realize and accept that such is not the case and as a result, the issue cannot be “solved” by dealing with it as an immigration issue. No, we must deal with it as we would deal with any assault upon our nation by an enemy, foreign or domestic. Our response must be not only against the invaders but against those who are fostering and promoting that invasion. If it is not, the crisis will never be overcome and the eventual outcome will be an end to our national identity along with the loss of all that that means to Americans, the people whose land this is.

*John C. Vinson
Immigration and Nation, A Biblical View (copyright 1997)
American Immigration Control Foundation (
P.O. Box 525, Monterey, VA 24465

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