Devvy Kidd

As my schedule is my own, I have been able to watch most of the impeachment farce hearings live. Last week’s session presided over by little Jerry Nadler (each time he pounded the gavel all I could picture in my mind is it should have been a giant lollipop) did not have any witnesses.

That is correct. The four individuals were law professors who gave their opinions on impeachment. They were witness to nothing.  Witness: To see, hear, or know by personal presence and perception: to witness an accident. An individual who, being present, personally sees or perceives a thing; a beholder, spectator, or eyewitness.

For the media and gasbags in Congress to call them witnesses is just more massaging to convince the American people they are somehow important to that sham.

Considered ‘experts’ there to lecture us, all I saw was deeply partisan hatred of Trump. The exception being Jonathan Turley who opened by informing us he voted for career criminal Hillary Clinton and usurper Obama. While I do believe Turley would like to see Trump impeached, he spent his time politely laying out his case for haste makes waste and lack of any credible evidence.

Not what Demorats wanted to hear which is why he was called by Republican committee members. For his opinion, Turley was immediately bombarded with vile, threatening phone calls. I doubt they came from Trump supporters. Cry-baby Trump haters doing their usual.

We have learned Professor Prissy, Pamela Karlan, was on Hildebeast Clinton’s short list for the Supreme Court.  Of course, she’s PO’d a “misogynist pig” like Trump beat her choice so poor Ms. Karlan is stuck in a cushy high paying job at Stanford.

Whiny Ms. Karlan who is apparently a card carrying member of “[s]narky, bisexual Jewish women”, came across as someone who needs a ‘safe space’ to function when outside her classroom. The other two professors, Noah Feldman and Michael Gerhardt, looked constipated all afternoon. They were so impressive and interesting Nadler dozed off during “testimony”. Democrat Impeachment ‘Witness’ Noah Feldman Previously Claimed Sharia Law Superior, More “Humane” Than Western Laws

Since the quid pro quo and bribery accusations didn’t stick, Demorats have moved on to obstruction of justice and back to Russia. I wonder if that was decided by another ‘focus group’? So, let’s talk about Russia and I don’t mean Trump colluding with them during the 2016 election. Right now it’s fashionable to hate Russia with Demorats squawking the loudest. So, let me take us back for some factual history.

Professor Antony Sutton was a British and American economist, writer, and a man whose research should be read by every adult age American in this country. Of course that will never happen since we have a large portion of our population who are little more than dumbed down cattle led around by political imbeciles playing the two party game.

Americans have been subjected to the finest in Soviet style propaganda for decades. Using the government’s indoctrination centers they call public schools and the lies told by the ‘Marxstream news media’ (coined by Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley; advised Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher ), tens and tens of millions of Americans have become little more than useful fools and tools of tyrants. The craftier traitors who have served and continue to serve in our government must surely get pleasure out of how easily it has been to herd the cattle to the slaughterhouse. Those same cattle who someday will suddenly realize it’s too late with the smell of death thick in their nostrils, trapped in wooden chutes.

A few of Professor Sutton’s books, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (free on line), Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (the financiers who provided the money and materials for Hilter); free on line and Wall Street and FDR, also available free on line

Sutton’s book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy is critically important because Americans must know the well documented truth so we can all understand who is responsible for Russia’s military complex and I quote:

“In general, the American public has a basic right to know what is being shipped and who is shipping it, if the Soviets are using the material against us. The public also has a right to know about the personal interests of presidential appointees and previous employment with firms prominent in trade with the USSR.

“Until recently, the firms involved could publicly claim ignorance of the use to which the Soviets put imported Western technology. It is not a good claim, but it was made. From the 1970’s on, ignorance of end-use is not a valid claim. The evidence is clear, overwhelming, and readily available: the Soviets have used American technology to kill Americans and their allies.

“The claim that publication of license information would give undue advantage to competitors is not the kind of argument that an honest businessman would make. It is only necessary to publish certain basic elementary information: date, name of firm, amount, destination in the USSR, and a brief statement of the technical aspects. Every industry has a “grapevine” and potential business in an industry is always common knowledge.

“In any event, suppose there was adverse comment about a particular sale to the Soviets? Is this a bad thing? If our policies are indeed viable, why fear public opinion? Or are certain sectors of our society to be immune from public criticism?

“Soviet dependency on our technology, and their use of this technology for military purposes, could have been known to Congress on a continuing basis in the 1950s and 1960s if export license information had been freely available. The problem was suspected, but the compilation of the proof had to wait several decades until the evidence became available from Soviet sources. In the meantime, Administration and business spokesmen were able to make absurd statements to Congress without fear of challenge. In general, only those who had already made up their minds that Soviet trade was desirable had access to license information. These were the deaf mute blindmen only able to see their own conception of events and blind to the fact that we had contributed to construction of Soviet military power.

“In 1968, for example, the Gleason Company of Rochester, New York shipped equipment to the Gorki automobile plant in Russia, a plant previously built by the Ford Motor Company. The information about shipment did not come from ‘the censored licenses but from foreign press sources. Knowledge of license application for any equipment to be used to Gorki would have elicited vigorous protests to Congress. Why? Because the Gorki plant produces a wide range of military vehicles and equipment. Many of the trucks used on the Ho Chi Minh trail were GAZ vehicles from Gorki. The rocket-launchers used against Israel are mounted on GAZ-69 chassis made at Gorki. They have Ford-type engines made at Gorki.

“Thus, a screen of censorship vigorously supported by multinational businessmen has withheld knowledge of a secret shift in direction of U.S. foreign policy. This shift can be summarized as follows:

  1. Our long-run technical assistance to the Soviet Union has built a first-order military threat to our very existence.
    2. Our lengthy history of technical assistance to the Soviet military structure was known to successive administrations, but has only recently (1982) been admitted to Congress or to the American public.
    3. Current military assistance is also known, but is admitted only on a case-by-case basis when information to formulate a question can be obtained from nongovernment sources.
    4. As a general rule, detailed data on export licenses, which are required to establish the continuing and long-run dependence of the Soviet military industrial complex on the United States, have been made available to Congress only by special request, and have been denied completely to the American public at large.

“In brief, all presidential administrations, from that of Woodrow Wilson to that of Ronald Reagan, have followed a bipartisan foreign policy of building up the Soviet Union. This policy is censored. It is a policy of suicide.”

Suttons’s book contains several appendix; this excerpt is from: Testimony of the Author Before Subcommittee VII of the Platform Committee of the Republican Party at Miami Beach, Florida, August 15, 1972:

“Of course, it takes a great deal of self confidence to admit you are sending factories to produce weapons and supplies to a country providing weapons and supplies to kill Americans, Israelis and Vietnamese. In writing. In an election year, yet. More to the point — by what authority does this Administration undertake such policies?

“Many people — as individuals — have protested our suicidal policies. What happens? Well, if you are in Congress — you probably get the strong arm put on you. The Congressman who inserted my research findings into the Congressional Record suddenly found himself with primary opposition. He won’t be in Congress next year.

“If you are in the academic world — you soon find it’s OK to protest U.S. assistance to the South Vietnamese but never, never protest U.S. assistance to the Soviets. Forget about the Russian academics being persecuted — we mustn’t say unkind things about the Soviets. If you press for an explanation what do they tell you? First, you get the Fulbright line. This is peaceful trade. The Soviets are powerful. They have their own technology. It’s a way to build friendship. It’s a way to a new world order.

“This is demonstrably false. The Soviet tanks in An Loc are not refugees from the Pasadena Rose Bowl Parade. The “Soviet” ships that carry arms to Haiphong are not peaceful. They have weapons on board, not flower children or Russian tourists. Second, if you don’t buy that line you are told, “The Soviets are mellowing.” This is equally false. The killing in Israel and Vietnam with Soviet weapons doesn’t suggest mellowing, it suggests premeditated genocide. Today — now — the Soviets are readying more arms to go to Syria. For what purpose? To put in a museum?

“No one has ever presented evidence, hard evidence that trade leads to peace. Why not? Because there is no such evidence. It’s an illusion. It is true that peace leads to trade. But that’s not the same thing. You first need peace, then you trade. That does not mean if you trade you will get peace. But that’s too logical for the Washington policy makers and it’s not what the politicians and their backers want anyway. Trade with Germany doubled before World War II. Did it stop World War II? Trade with Japan increased before World War II. Did it stop World War II?

“What was in this German and Japanese trade? The same means for war that we are now supplying the Soviets. The Japanese Air Force after 1934. depended on U.S. technology. And much of the pushing for Soviet trade today comes from the same groups that were pushing for trade with Hitler and Tojo’ 35 years ago. The Russian Communist Party is not mellowing. Concentration camps are still there. The mental hospitals take the overload. Persecution of the Baptists continues. Harassment of Jews continues, as it did under the Tsars. The only mellowing is when a Harriman and a Rockefeller get together with the bosses in the Kremlin. That’s good for business but it’s not much help if you are a G.I. at the other end of a Soviet rocket in Vietnam.

“I’ve learned something about our military assistance to the Soviets. It’s just not enough to have the facts — these are ignored by the policy makers. It’s just not enough to make a common sense case — the answers you get defy reason. Only one institution has been clearsighted on this question. From the early 1920’s to the present day only one institution has spoken out. That is the AFL-CIO. From Samuel Gompers in 1920 down to George Meany today, the major unions have consistently protested the trade policies that built the Soviet Union. Because union members in Russia lost their freedom and union members in the United States have died in Korea and Vietnam. The unions know — and apparently care.

“No one else cares. Not Washington. Not big business. Not the Republican Party. And 100,000 Americans have been killed in Korea and Vietnam-by our own technology. The only response from Washington and the Nixon Administration is the effort to hush up the scandal.

“These are things not to be talked about. And the professional smokescreen about peaceful trade continues. The plain fact — if you want it — is that irresponsible policies have built us an enemy and maintain that enemy in the business of totalitarian rule and world conquest. And the tragedy is that intelligent people have bought the political double talk about world peace, a new world order and mellowing Soviets.

“I suggest that the man in the street, the average taxpayer-voter thinks more or less as I do. You do not subsidize an enemy. And when this story gets out and about in the United States, it’s going to translate into a shift of votes. I haven’t met one man in the street so far (from New York to California) who goes along with a policy of subsidizing the killing of his fellow Americans. People are usually stunned and disgusted.

“It requires a peculiar kind of intellectual myopia to ship supplies and technology to the Soviets when they are instrumental in killing fellow citizens. What about the argument that trade will lead to peace? Well, we’ve had U.S.-Soviet trade for 52 years. The 1st and 2nd Five Year Plans were built by American companies. To continue a policy that is a total failure is to gamble with the lives of several million Americans and countless allies. You can’t stoke up the Soviet military machine at one end and then complain that the other end came back and bit you. Unfortunately, the human price for our immoral policies is not paid by the policy maker in Washington. The human price is paid by the farmers, the students and working and middle classes of America. The citizen who pays the piper is not calling the tune — he doesn’t even know the name of the tune.

“Let me summarize my conclusions:

“One: trade with the USSR was started over 50 years ago under President Woodrow Wilson with the declared intention of mellowing the Bolsheviks. The policy has been a total and costly failure. It has proven to be impractical — this is what I would expect from an immoral policy.

“Two: we have built ourselves an enemy. We keep that self-declared enemy in business. This information has been blacked out by successive Administrations. Misleading and untruthful statements have been made by the Executive Branch to Congress and the American people.

“Three: our policy of subsidizing self-declared enemies is neither rational nor moral. I have drawn attention to the intellectual myopia of the group that influences and draws up foreign policy. I suggest these policies have no authority.

“Four: the annual attacks in Vietnam and the war in the Middle East were made possible only by Russian armaments and our past assistance to the Soviets.

“Five: this worldwide Soviet activity is consistent with Communist theory. Mikhail Suslov, the party theoretician, recently stated that the current detente with the United States is temporary. The purpose of the detente, according to Suslov, is to give the Soviets sufficient strength for a renewed assault on the West. In other words, when you’ve finished building the Kama plant and the trucks come rolling off — watch out for another Vietnam.

“Six: internal Soviet repression continues — against Baptists, against Jews, against national groups and against dissident academics.

“Seven: Soviet technical dependence is a powerful instrument for world peace if we want to use it. So far it’s been used as an aid-to-dependent-Soviets welfare program. With about as much success as the domestic welfare program. Why should they stop supplying Hanoi? The more they stoke up the war the more they get from the United States.

“One final thought. Why has the war in Vietnam continued for four long years under this Administration? With 15,000 killed under the Nixon Administration? We can stop the Soviets and their friends in Hanoi anytime we want to. Without using a single gun or anything more dangerous than a piece of paper or a telephone call. We have Soviet technical dependence as an instrument of world peace. The most humane weapon that can be conceived. We have always had that option. We have never used it.” The Best Enemy Money Can Buy (1986) is available on line for free.

The Fulbright mentioned was Bill Clinton’s mentor. Fulbright was a member of the Pratt House and the Alfalfa Club. W. Averell Harriman referred to was former U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union; Skull and Bones, Pilgrims Society, founding member of the treasonous Council on Foreign Relations, Pratt House Director. David Rockefeller was a founding member of the treasonous Trilateral Commission, Pratt House, Pilgrims Society, Alfalfa Club – all secret societies.

Harriman was a particularly dirty piece of work – the same flavor as Prescott Bush: War seizures controversy

“Under the Trading With the Enemy Act (enacted October 6, 1917), business transactions for profit with Nazi Germany were illegal when Hitler declared war on the United States. On October 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City.

“The Harriman business interests seized under the act in October and November 1942 included: Union Banking Corporation (UBC) (from Thyssen and Brown Brothers Harriman); Holland-American Trading Corporation (from Harriman); Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation (from Harriman); Silesian-American Corporation (this company was partially owned by a German entity; during the war the Germans tried to take the full control of Silesian-American. In response to that, American government seized German owned minority shares in the company, leaving the U.S. partners to carry on the portion of the business in the United States.) “The assets were held by the government for the duration of the war, then returned afterward; UBC was dissolved in 1951.”

From Major Jordan’s Diaries by George Racey Jordan (free on line) is a fairly short read by an Army veteran who could no longer stomach the transfer of our technology to our enemy:

“I went into the Army as a businessman in my forties and a veteran of World War I. From the First, as my story shows, I worked wholeheartedly on behalf of the Russians because, like everyone else, I considered it my duty to do so. That they were satisfied with my efforts is indicated by the fact that it was Colonel Kotikov, head of the Russian mission at Great Falls, who requested my promotion to Major. But the tremendous volume of Lend-Lease material going through under “diplomatic immunity,” the infiltration of Soviet agents through the Pipeline, the shipments of non-military supplies and even military secrets, were more than I could stomach. I finally protested through proper channels, first in Great Falls, and then in Washington; nothing happened. This was in 1944, while I was still in the Army.

“When the atom bomb was first dropped in August 1945 I learned the full meaning of a word – uranium – I had already encountered in my contact with Colonel Kotikov. When the President announced in 1949 that the Russians had the bomb, I went to see Senator Bridge and my story was thoroughly investigated by the F.B.I. as well as by Fulton Lewis, Jr., who interviewed me on his broadcasts. There followed one Congressional hearing in December, 1949 and another in March, 1950.

“I have been shocked at the efforts of the character assassins and press experts to keep the implications of this story from being brought into proper focus. A vicious attack was launched against Fulton Lewis, Jr., and the sniping at me has continued for nearly three years, in the vain hope that this story would never be evaluated and understood by the public.”

So, you see, some things never change because tens and tens of millions of Americans never bother to get their head out of the sand. Such disinterest in our history and their own freedom has grown exponentially over the decades. You can blame the public indoctrination centers called schools and parents too busy on their electronic gadgets to pay any attention to what their child is “learning”.

Uranium is mentioned above but Hillary Strongman Clinton’s Uranium One deal is verboten just like talking about Hunter Biden and poppa. The Clinton’s, Comey, the whole damn bunch of them are so dirty they make a baby’s soiled diaper look clean.

Down into a deep black hole

FBI Informant Claiming Uranium One Scoop Cleared from Gag Order, October 25, 2017

“The Department of Justice cleared the FBI informant – who brought the Uranium One scandal roaring back into national headlines with his claim, through his lawyer, to have information about the Clinton Foundation’s role – to testify before Congress Wednesday night.

“The informant worked undercover to investigate bribery and intrigue in the Russian nuclear industry during the Obama administration and was, until Wednesday, bound by a gag order from speaking about what he knew.”

And? This has been buried while the American people have been distracted, by design and fed asinine drivel like the impeachment hearings. Who was head of the FBI at the time and still is? Master obstructionist, Christopher Wray.

Why aren’t Demorats in Congress condemning Hildebeast for her dealings with Vlad Putin? During the impeachment farce Dems have belly-ached about Russian oligarchs under every bed but the one in bed with them were the Clintons.

This is also a must read: What We Know About The Russia-Clinton Uranium One Deal So Far Is Crazy Enough, Dec. 5, 2017

“The deal gave Uranium One, and thus Russia, access to 20 percent of the U.S. uranium market. That’s problematic for two reasons: 1. The United States has to import uranium because it can’t produce enough on its own; and 2. It suggests a potentially serious breach of national security, possibly greased by corruption. The agreement enabled the Clintons to reap a financial windfall for their foundation and Bill personally…

“But it didn’t end there. The Hill reports that in 2010 Bill Clinton, who who had petitioned the State Department to conduct meetings with oligarchs in the Russian nuclear industry, met instead with Vladimir Putin himself. Fox News reports that a bank, Renaissance Capital paid Clinton $500,000—twice his usual fee—to give a speech in Moscow. According to Bloomberg, the speech occurred after Rosatom made known its interest in Uranium One, and that Renaissance Capital actively promoted Uranium One to potential investors.”

And last but not least. Biden bragged about withholding $1 billion in military aid to Ukraine in March 2016 unless the prosecutor investigating Burisima was fired; we all now know Biden’s son, Hunter, was on their board. Bribery.

At the time, the national debt created by your incumbent and mine in Congress was a little under $19 TRILLION dollars. Where did that $1 BILLION come from? All borrowed debt with the interest slapped on our backs forever. The Founding Fathers have stopped spinning in their graves for fear of ending up in Beijing.

No where in Art. 1 Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution does it authorize Congress to rape We the People to pay for any country’s military arsenal. Who knows where the dough really goes which is why Trump didn’t withhold the unconstitutional military aid, but rather hit the pause button over corruption concerns.

And what did Ukraine President Zelensky say earlier this month? “But as the Ukrainian leader is preparing for talks with Russia – as he works to end the conflict, which included Russia’s 2014 seizure of the Crimean peninsula — he argued that withholding aid for any reason is not something an ally should do.

“If you’re our strategic partner, then you can’t go blocking anything for us,” Zelensky said in an interview with TIME, France’s Le Monde, Germany’s Der Spiegel, and Poland’s Gazeta Wyborcza. “I think that’s just about fairness. It’s not about a quid pro quo.” Our allies are only our friends if America pays them.

Listening to alleged witnesses, mostly career diplomats, one would think Ukraine is SO important and our greatest ally.

This is also a must read because Americans need to know factual history: When did Ukraine become a ‘critical ally’? by Patrick Buchanan, a meticulous researcher and historian:

“Despite dramatic depictions of Ukraine as our embattled ally, Ukraine has never been an ally. We are not now nor have we ever been obligated to fight for its sovereignty or territorial integrity. Efforts to bring Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia into NATO have been repeatedly rebuffed in the United States and by our European NATO allies.”

It is long past time for the U.S. government – particularly the Trump administration – to follow the wisdom so articulated in the Monroe Doctrine. Speech given by President James Monroe at the seventh annual message to Congress, Dec. 2, 1823:

“It need scarcely be remarked that the results have been so far very different from what was then anticipated. Of events in that quarter of the globe, with which we have so much intercourse and from which we derive our origin, we have always been anxious and interested spectators.

“The citizens of the United States cherish sentiments the most friendly in favor of the liberty and happiness of their fellow-men on that side of the Atlantic. In the wars of the European powers in matters relating to themselves we have never taken any part, nor does it comport with our policy to do so. It is only when our rights are invaded or seriously menaced that we resent injuries or make preparation for our defense.”

I encourage you to read his short but very important speech.

The spilling of our military’s blood and bankrupting us using borrowed money to fight foreign wars, provide military hardware for any foreign country, tribal spats, foreign civil wars or invading other countries for geopolitical agendas must stop.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2019 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

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