By Kat Stansell
January 16, 2025
Zoning, A True Globalist Tool
Control of zoning controls lives. For instance, in California:
California Senate Bill 1123 passed last summer – May in the Senate, August in the House – and was signed into law by Newsom this past September.
I have to wonder how many Californians were even aware of this
This law was already on the books when the fires hit. It was passed in 2024. Then, the fires took care of much of the rest. Those victims of their own government may find that developers are constructing multi-family residences where once there were beautiful homes . This may or may not be found to be unconstitutional but the bill seems to have become law nonetheless.
A total of only NINE legislators in both houses – ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PEOPLE – voted against this Marxist land grab.
Remember, Karl Marx felt that Communists should seek ‘the abolition of bourgeois property’. That meant, property belonging to the upper class, not the “worker”. Pretty much describes a lot of the properties now in ruins in the wealthy communities of LA.
In my last Substack on the subject, I suggested that Newsom, Bass et. al., allowed (encouraged? planned?) these fires to ravage the wealthy areas, in order to remove many of the beautiful homes, because they had plans to rebuild LA in the image of a UN C40 City, with multi-family residences only, in tall “stack and pack” towers.
The existence of this legislation – passed PRIOR to the fires – kind of makes it look that way, hideous as that is to consider.
A famous American Globalist, Bush 41, signed UNAgenda 21 into our lives, where after UNAgenda 21, Agenda 2030, and C40, they have greased the skids into Marxism
Several days ago, people on X were talking about a video of Newsom talking to a reporter who asked questions about the concerns of the Governor of Hawaii, who had asked the possibility of speculators buying up the ravaged properties. Gavin behaved oddly to say the least. Watch the linked video.
Newsom’s “shoulder shakes” and the seemingly inappropriate smiles that kept breaking on his face while he discussed the Governor of Hawaii’s concerns were misread, I believe. People seem to have got lost in a discussion of whether or not Newsom’s strange behavior meant drug use. Frankly, I don’t care.
What I see is obvious glee that he seems unable to hide, when he says that this has all been taken care of. It has. I sincerely doubt if your constituents even know how “good” Sacramento has been to them. Their rights of private ownership have been, at the very least, sorely abridged.
Criminality is in the eyes of the beholder perhaps.
Please watch the 20 second video then scan the legislation above again.
As I talked about yesterday, I believe that LA is slated to become a C40 City, ala UN Agendas. Here’s what that means, from the C40 website.:
“Around the world, C40 mayors and the cities they lead are taking ambitious, collaborative and urgent climate action that aligns with science-backed targets. They work together across borders in order to protect people and communities everywhere, and build a more sustainable, resilient and equitable future”.
That’s the “New Dense Multifamily Construction on Private Homeowner Land” they are allowing. IMHO, this may be their “equitable future”.
LA home ownership has “been taken care of” alright, Gavin.
Property rights are part of our bedrock. But clueless citizens have allowed it all in California.. Stay tuned to see what goes down when and if they wake up.
Anytime citizens ignore their government AT THE LOCAL LEVEL their rights – their Constitutional rights – can disappear. You MUST demand a seat at the table. Always.
Ron DeSantis, recently pulled something like this over on his constituents. After his reelection at the end of 2022, Tallahassee quietly and quickly (only 6 weeks!) passed FL SB 102. This is the “Live Local Act”, one of the first laws passed in the new 2023 legislative year:
“deleting the authority of local governments to adopt or maintain laws, ordinances, rules, or other measures that would have the effect of imposing controls on rents; providing an exemption from ad valorem taxation for land that meets certain criteria; authorizing local governments to adopt ordinances to provide an ad valorem tax exemption for portions of property used to provide affordable housing meeting certain requirements; suspending, for a specified period, the General Revenue Fund service charge on documentary stamp tax collections; authorizing the Governor, under the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund, to approve state or local public infrastructure projects to facilitate the development or construction of affordable housing, etc.”
To facilitate the construction of “affordable housing”…rather than “bourgeoise”…
This bill is much less direct but it essentially does the same, removing local government from their own control over zoning and taxing ordinances and allowing the Governor to approve local building projects for affordable housing, ETC. What’s the “ETC”, I wonder…? How much more can Tallahassee slip in here?
This “Live Local Act” is not nearly the obvious grab of private ownership rights as is California’s law, but it does remove some Constitutional rights of governance. I couldn’t help but point it out, with the latest behaviors of Tallahassee as it tried to remove America First Republicans from power in the Party. Remember, those counties most in the eye of that storm are those with plenty of land yet to be developed.
The concerning issue in FLSB102 and CASB1123 is that citizens of both states have lost their seat at the table of governance, which is a most dangerous position for us all.
Coincidence? Maybe. Unconstitutional. Quite possibly.
The importance of local action and involvement cannot be overstated. The mess of which Karl Marx would be so proud in California is a horrible object lesson.
I’ll stop here. Residents of Cali might be so far gone, they’ll never notice We’ll have to see how it all pans out.
In Florida, which state has some of the best and most actively aware citizens in the nation, it may be different. The Sunshine State, however, is also home to millions of retirees, who have lost the vision or desire to watch over their freedoms, and are easy targets for unprincipled politicians.
THIS IS A WARNING TO EVERY STATE. People get involved in their lives and don’t watch their government.
Nobody said that living free was easy…
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