By Cliff Kincaid

March 19, 2025

It was at a recent local anti-Trump “resistance” rally that I took actual photographs of lunatics carrying posters and signs threatening the assassination of President Trump and a “guillotine” for Elon Musk.

“Assassination is the highest form of public service” one sign said. This left-wing “resistance” rally included one man carrying a pitchfork with a picture of Elon Musk’s head on it. He wore a “Tax the rich” T-shirt.

The guillotine was a method of executing those condemned to death during the French Revolution. The Jacobin government that used the guillotine was called the Reign of Terror.

Today, Jacobin is the name of a popular Marxist publication.

This “resistance” rally started off the day at Frederick City Hall, in Frederick County, Maryland, and then marched to the local Baker Park to hear calls for slavery reparations and other causes.

It was held on International Women’s Day, March 8, which was the idea of Marxist theorist Clara Zetkin and established at the 1910 International Socialist Women’s Conference in Copenhagen. She thought women’s “equality” was necessary to establish a socialist society. What that means, in practice, is getting women out of the house and into the workforce, so the job of raising children can be left to the state.

Alarmed by the direct calls for violence being made by women, I called the local FBI office about these threats and was directed to the Baltimore, Maryland FBI office and no one picked up the phone. I called the local Sheriff’s office and a deputy said they couldn’t act unless there was evidence of an actual conspiracy to kill Trump or Musk.

By then, of course, it would probably be too late, considering the state of the FBI, which was unable or unwilling to stop the Butler, Pennsylvania, assassination attempt on President Trump.

Director Kash Patel must act quickly as Democrats are openly embracing “resistance” that includes threats of violence.

Cheers from the Audience

I didn’t see any sponsor or speaker take issue with the signs advocating death for Trump and Musk. One speaker asked about those in attendance and many raised their hands indicating they were either federal workers or teachers.

One sign on display showed Princess Leia, a female character from “Star Wars,” with an automatic weapon. It declared, “Well behaved women rarely defeat empires.”

“A woman’s place is in the revolution,” said another female with a sign. Still another said, “No women’s liberation without Palestinian liberation.”

Hence, destroying Israel AND America are the objectives. And feminists (and trans activists) are the shock troops.  (Lucy Grace Nelson, a transgender activist also known as Justin Thomas Nelson, is charged with hurling incendiary devices at a Tesla dealership in Loveland, Colorado).

Over the course of my career, I have covered literally dozens of demonstrations on the left, from anti-nuclear protests featuring Jane Fonda to openly communist conferences sponsored by the Workers World Party (from which I was ejected), and have never witnessed such a hunger for death and destruction.

This is the anti-Trump resistance. They want Trump and Elon Musk, a special government employee running DOGE, to be dead. Trump has already survived two assassination attempts and is clearly in the crosshairs for more.

This “resistance” gathering in Frederick, Maryland, in the Washington, D.C. area was backed by a local group called Rise Up Frederick, which meets in the local Calvary United Methodist Church, and the local Democratic Party, which advised participants to “make and bring creative signs of resistance.”

Those death threats were certainly creative and dangerous.

Approved by a Christian Pastor

The group Rise Up Frederick is led by the Rev. Barbara Kershner Daniel, who served 17 years as pastor of Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ in Frederick and is described as a preacher on “social justice” issues.

Director Kash Patel is trying to reform the FBI and get agents to respond to real threats from criminals and terrorists. Clearly, they didn’t monitor this event.

In the meantime, citizen activists can understand left-wing politics by covering what local Democrats do in your own community.

Since the FBI is still out to lunch, I suggest that conservatives attend these events and take photographs and pick up their literature. You will discover an interesting but frightening nexus of organizations ranging from communist to anarchist to religious.

These gatherings are potentially more dangerous than the anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

The local events are where potential assassins can be inspired to act and kill people.

Amidst this bloodlust, one demonstrator could be seen holding a sign declaring “On stolen land, no one is illegal.” It was meant as an appeal for illegal immigrants but also signifies the idea that European settlers stole the land of indigenous people.

Though many of those attending this event denounced billionaires and oligarchs, I found that, not surprisingly, there is a George Soros link to these local activities.

Local Democratic Party chair Mari Lee announced that they were creating a “Resist Fascism” page on their website that provided a link to Indivisible, a Soros-funded group that “Fights to defeat the rightwing takeover of American government and build an inclusive democracy.”

The Indivisible group, given more than $9 million in grants from Soros’s Open Society Foundations since 2017, is staging “town halls” around the country to embarrass Republicans in Congress.

The “Palestinians” and Anarchists

So-called “Palestinian activists” waving their flags at the Frederick event distributed three pieces of literature:

  • “8 Things You Can Do to Sop ICE” brochure,
  • A “Frederick Permanent Ceasefire” pamphlet, and
  • An “anti-Zionist zine” or small pamphlet proclaiming “From the river to the sea Palestine will be free” and designed to “act as an amulet to safeguard you in further actions.”

The “Stop ICE” brochure was produced by something called “CrimethInc.,” pronounced as Crimethink, which describes itself as an “international network of aspiring revolutionaries” that includes people who “have thrown ourselves completely into the struggle for a better world.”

This is typical communist rhetoric.

From February 28 to March 2, according to a website linked to the group, hundreds of “abolitionists and anarchists from across the country” recently held a meeting to implement their agenda of “abolition and destroy,” a reference to resisting “blatant fascism while simultaneously cultivating the world we wish to see blossom in its ashes.”

They want to see America reduced to ashes.

Nationally, groups seeking to destroy America’s capitalist system include the Democratic Socialists of America, the Party for Socialism & Liberation, Workers World Party, Communist Party USA, African People’s Socialist Party, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Socialist Unity Party, Spartacist League, Revolutionary Communist Party, and the Party of Communists USA.

The FBI doesn’t monitor these groups anymore because so many are tied directly to the Democratic Party. That can and should change under FBI director Kash Patel.

The “anti-Zionist” literature being distributed at the Frederick event directed people to “Stormbringer Press” in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, that listed various anarchist projects such as:

  • The Socialist Rifle Association, an “inclusive, anti-capitalist organization dedicated to advocating for self and community defense.”
  • Black Liberation Autonomous Collective.
  • Antifascists in the Pittsburgh area.

Local sponsors of the Gaza “Ceasefire” campaign were the Islamic Society of Frederick, the NAACP, and the Democratic Socialists of Frederick.

Exposing the “Palestinians”

To understand the real nature of the “pro-Palestinian” nature of the event, it is important to have the facts about the phony “Palestinians.”

I recently interviewed American-Israeli political commentator and journalist Sha’i ben-Tekoa on my Rumble channel about the so-called “Palestinians” and he explained how the  Arabs and later the communists adopted the “Palestinians” as a scheme to destroy the Jews and Israel. His book, Phantom Nation: Inventing the ‘Palestinians’ as the Obstacle to Peace, explains the history of this scam.

The local anti-Israel groups working hand-in -glove with the Democratic Party use the resources of national organizations like the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.

The Muslims, though massive in numbers, are not capable of organizing the thousands of anti-Israel protests we see around the world, including in the United States. People like the Syrian-born Mahmoud Khalil at Columbia University depend on the communists to turn out people.

On this level, I have found through covering these protests that socialist and communist groups provide most of the manpower and organizing expertise. My report on the communist-organized “Free Palestine” rally in Washington, D.C. on November 4, 2023, can be found here.

Of the various sponsors, the New York-based People’s Forum is significant in the communist realm, for it is directly linked to the Party for Socialism and Liberation and is financed by millionaire Neville “Roy” Singham, an American businessman based in China. Its “1804 Books” affiliate has merged with Liberation, the publisher of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.

We need official investigations of these groups.

As we wait for Kash Patel’s reforms to take effect, Congress can act.

The much-maligned House Committee on Un-American Activities was succeeded by the House Internal Security Committee, which published “The Workers World Party and Its Front Organizations” in 1974. After that, liberals in Congress forced the committee to go out of business and communist and socialist groups accelerated their subversive activities and started working openly in the Democratic Party.

With conservatives now in charge of Congress, bringing back the House Internal Security Committee should be easy to do. Exhibit number one should be my report “Inside the Anti-Trump Resistance,” complete with photographs of their death threats.

© 2025 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. 

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