Sidney Secular

May 11, 2022

Since America is not what it used to be and the changes we are seeing are certainly for the worse, we are inaugurating a series of articles on the desirability and feasibility of relocating to another country for those who, first, can afford to relocate as well as those who can’t take it anymore, those who can’t afford it anymore, those with an adventurous spirit, those who would like a second home or a vacation alternative, and, of course, those who don’t mind the rigamarole of the process necessary for moving to another country. Of course, you will have to like or at least be able to tolerate the chosen country’s customs as well as need to learn its language – if your country of choice is not English-speaking – or at the very least, acquire some needful foreign phrases such as “call the police,” or “where is the bathroom.”  After all, most of the foreigners invading the US keep their customs and language intact as can be seen by the course in all of our schools, “English as a Second Language!Naturally,these mostly uninvited and unwelcome (except for Democrats) “visitors” eventually are coming to your town to bestow upon it – and you – the anti-white “diversity” they (and the Dems) prattle endlessly about before they eventually take it over. For there is no doubt that the birth rate among our “visitors” is much higher than among ordinary, mostly white Americans, something that does not bode well for our future!

Although some aspects of globalism are hard to escape, there are many places in the world very little affected by the trend and where the local charm and allure remain largely intact. For your reading pleasure, we will not get into the mechanics of such a transition. There are experts and resources available to facilitate that process. Hopefully, your motivation for making such a move will overcome your inertia in initiating the process. There are also some wonderful business and investment opportunities overseas that we will bring to your attention as they arise. And so, we will be visiting special countries and noteworthy locales within those same countries for your consideration.

Our first armchair tour is to Costa Rica (Spanish for “Rich Coast”) located in Central America. The first thing you will note in this first “tourist destination” is that Costa Rica has no standing army and hasn’t had one for a very long time. Why is this so in what is obviously such a “hostile” world? Because none of its neighbors have ever invaded or attacked it, and the naughty US has never attempted to interfere in its politics probably because there was nothing in it for our boys!And so, right off the bat you may logically assume that the level of taxation will not drive you batty! Costa Rica is especially highly regarded as a retirement retreat with many American expatriates (expats) now calling it home. In surveys of countries with the happiest people, it always ranks near the top, thereby “rubbing cultural elbows” with countries that have maintained a somewhat homogeneous White population such as Iceland and Denmark.

As a destination, Costa Rica has the whole enchilada that includes a year-around tropical climate, modern cities, Caribbean beaches, Pacific beaches, lush forests, beautiful valleys and cool mountains. With its slower pace of life Costa Rica has feasible focus on renewable energy given all that sunshine for solar panels and ocean breezes for wind energy. There is very little pollution and with its small size and economy, clean water and air and an abundance of healthy fresh foods grown locally, the country has earned a reputation as one of the greenest and cleanest places in the world. For those who favor a beach retreat there are over 1,000 miles of coastline, and if you know where to look, there are incredible living arrangement bargains available.

Costa Rica ticks all the boxes in practical matters including providing some of the best healthcare in Latin America. Healthcare systems are constantly being upgraded with new hospitals, new equipment, and improvements in staff training. Once you are a legal resident, you are eligible to participate in the country’s universal healthcare system, the Caja. For this coverage, a retired couple will pay a fantastically low $150 to $250 per month for two people. Prescription drugs, some medical exams, and hospitalization are covered at 70% of cost and surgery and anesthesia are covered at 100% of cost! The World Health Organization ranks the country’s healthcare system higher than that of the US, despite spending 87% less on healthcare per capita than does this country! Of course, a country the size of Costa Rica is not burdened with the population of the US, many of whom simply “take” from the system, leaving those of us who “pay” to make up the difference. It isn’t a fair comparison when push comes to shove – and it always does!

Once a citizen you will pay zero income tax on foreign-earned income. If you buy a home in Costa Rica, your annual property taxes will run from only $200 to $500! There is no capital gains tax whatsoever. Modern shopping malls and high-speed internet are everywhere. There are many direct flights to international airports in the US and Canada and the flight-time to Miami is less than 3 hours. If you are interested in pursuing this further, there is a “Fast Track Costs Rica Lifestyle Opportunity Conference ” coming up July 29-31. Call 1-866-381-8446 to find out more. However, it would be wise, considering how things are going, to move quickly if you decide to do so. Costa Rica is a small country. We’ve seen what a population invasion can do to a large country like the US – and so has the government of Costa Rica!

Now, I am going to introduce you to a place off the beaten track that you almost certainly never heard of, a place in which you can have tidy, upscale living at $1,600 per month! It was the first stop on a partial tour of Mexico my wife Mildred and I made in 1972 and it was quite impressive. Please dash all your preconceived ideas/notions about Mexico or set aside all the nasty news you keep on hearing about it, or you won’t appreciate what this place has to offer. Although it has a population of over one million(25% larger than Washington, DC), and is just a short drive from Mexico City, because it lacks the party and beach scene and the noteworthy archeology that attracts visitors and tourists to Mexico, this “treasure” remains relatively hidden having bypassed the attention of the international jet set. Of course, you will find this lack of interest by the “haves” to your great advantage when enjoying a low cost of living, unlimited attractions, and an unhurried pace of life, something that retirement generally is all about. The city is named Querétaro. and has much to offer being rich in culture and history supplemented by an amazingly varied local cuisine, and enough diversions to always keep you occupied and happy. Indeed, Querétaro has one of the largest historic districts of any of Mexico’s colonial cities with neo-classic, baroque, and gothic-style churches, shady parks and plazas, cobblestone streets, and pedestrian pathways.Bougainvillea covered 19th Century structures line streets and sidewalks built from locally quarried volcanic stone with a distinctive pink hue that lends a soft, natural, pleasing ambiance to the historical feel of the city and has bestowed upon it the nickname of “The Pink City.” The city is level and easily walkable, brimming with bistros, restaurants, museums, galleries, statues, fountains, and pedestrian-only alleyways. Brightly colored ornate doors and charming courtyards grace the scene and it is possible to occasionally glimpses of sumptuous interiors.

One thing I noticed about Mexico in general was the colorful pastel paint used to decorate most buildings in contrast to the generally drab coloring of US architecture – even of individual dwellings. This depressing ambiance is furthered  by the stark commercial appearance of many new American residential areas. Indeed, in this country the war against our history has included anything built before the 1970s and many beautiful dwellings and public buildings have been demolished lest their “old fashioned” architecture “offend” the tasteless Millennials.

In Querétaro, there are frequent processions, parades, and band concerts in the plazas along with a vast array of international restaurants that offer incredible value. You can get a complete meal for $3! You can’t do that in the US at MacDonalds. As it would cost more to cook at home, it’s a perfect excuse to eat out frequently. Pristine parks with sparkling fountains, comfortable benches, and flowering trees are omnipresent. Everywhere you go it is clean and orderly. Major shopping areas are within an easy walk from the center of town. You’ll have little need of a vehicle unless you live in an outlying area or wish to visit outlying areas. The city is well served by taxis, Uber, and an extensive public bus system. If you have an INAPAM card – that all seniors over age 60 can obtain – you will get a discount on everything you can purchase from the pharmacies. Querétaro has the largest mall in Mexico, the Antea Life Style Center. There are sprawling mazes of traditional markets and most vendors are helpful and honest. Set prices are the norm and there is an absence of the haggling seen elsewhere in Mexico.

This is a proud and prosperous city with upscale developments and gentrified neighborhoods. Although English is not spoken here as much as in the major tourist areas, you will have no trouble getting what you need and learning a new language is one way to keep one’s faculties sharp as one ages.

Medical care is both very reasonable and well regarded. Dental procedures are incredibly inexpensive and the quality is first-rate. A filling goes for $30 and a porcelain crown will set you back $275. Medications available in the US are also available here but at much lower prices. The biggest monthly expense is housing. Plan to spend between $600 and $1,000 per month for a comfortable furnished house or apartment in or near the historic district. Since heating and cooling equipment are little utilized in the pleasant climate, owners usually include utilities, cable TV, WiFi, and cooking gas in the rent. A budget of $2,800 per month would allow for a luxurious lifestyle including a spacious, western-style home, a vehicle, and frequent meals at fine restaurants.

The 6,000 foot elevation provides a mild, high-desert climate with sunny days and cool nights. Daytime highs reach the upper 70s and night-time lows dip to around 50 degrees. Humidity averages a comfortable 57%, and the air quality is usually excellent. The Querétaro Expats Facebook Page will allow you to make friends with other expats and is a great source for housing choices. It will also help you to reach out before you make your decision. The local natives are exceedingly polite, welcoming, and genuinely friendly – which is more than can be said for many of our own towns and cities.

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