By Lee Duigon

August 31, 2023

The short answer to the title question is No, it isn’t. Not by any shape or form.

We used to call them “public servants.” That’s a laugh. Now they’re public masters.

I am no longer alone in predicting another Great Pandemic, just in time to screw up the 2024 elections. We all know what’s coming, don’t we? They’ve already started to bring back the masks, and before long, the rest of it will follow—lockdowns, social distancing, shortages of just about everything… and of course, of course, the mail-in ballots. It worked for Them in 2020, so why not do it again?

Meanwhile, a California school district has been fined $100,000 for trying to “push” an 11-year-old girl to “change her gender”.

Do you see? They think they can do to us, and to our families, anything they please. They might even try—again—to close the schools and demand that parents pledge themselves not to “interfere” in their children’s so-called education. That one didn’t fly in 2020, but they have nothing to lose in trying it again.

When I was preparing to enter college, back in 1967, they had a mandatory summer reading program. Each and every one of those required reading books extolled “dissent” as the supreme civic virtue. We were also, um, “taught” that unjust, unreasonable, absurd “laws” deserved a hefty dose of civil disobedience. What they really meant was for us to oppose the Vietnam War and obediently follow the instructions of each and every Protest Movement. Except for any protests aimed at Far Left Crazy. If you tried that, it was no longer “dissent.” It was just being bad and stupid.

Do we know of any way to deter Them from locking us down again? We have to find some way, or it’s goodbye forever to our freedom.

How about melting down the D.C. switchboards, every day, with angry phone calls to our (ahem!) elected representatives who don’t seem to represent us anymore? That tactic used to work when they tried to lumber us with (oh, please!) “immigration reform.” True, that was before They got control of the voting machines and had some reasonable chance of being voted out of office. But it won’t hurt us to do it again; we won’t be any worse off than we’d be for not doing it.

How about some massive civil disobedience, like they exhorted us to do when Richard Nixon was in the White House? What if members of Congress couldn’t get into their offices because of angry troops of protesters? What if shoppers, once they got inside the store, all tore off their masks and threw them to the floor? What if mayors and town councils, responding to public pressure, refused to enforce the latest Mandates? Civil disobedience is not for everybody; but there are millions of us who just might be exasperated enough to try it.

How about pulling millions of our children out of public schools? If all they’re going to learn is Sex-Sex-Sex, that’s a strong indication that we don’t need those schools anymore. Break up the teachers’ unions and starve the Democrat Party of their dues.

There must be something we can do to get our country back. If we have millions of minds pondering the problem, then sooner or later a solution must emerge.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit… before they start setting up the gulags. My articles can also be found at .

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