Cliff Kincaid

In his 1968 non-fiction blockbuster, The Biological Time Bomb, Gordon Rattray Taylor wrote about the prospect of germ warfare in the context of “undeclared war.” He explained, “In current thinking the best way to wage war is to wage it without your enemy even being aware that it is happening.” He was predicting the use of infectious diseases to cripple a nation.

The current war, however, is out in the open.

Looking at the economic damage being inflicted on the United States and the world, one cannot dismiss the possibility that the rapidly-spreading coronavirus is China’s revenge on America for President Trump’s trade war. The virus has the potential impact to cause a major economic recession and sabotage President Trump’s reelection effort. Health emergencies are being declared around the country as the number of coronavirus cases increase. The interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve is an indication of desperation.

“Whether the agent comes from a deliberate biologic warfare attack, or the natural emergence of a novel virus, the results could be devastating,” notes the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness in a commentary on potential mass casualty events.

Politically, Trump and the Republicans could be the casualties.

Looking at modern warfare, Gordon Rattray Taylor had also predicted, “Some minor human epidemics might help. Even the common cold keeps people away from work. It might be ten years or more before it dawned on the health authorities that they were really being too unlucky with minor illnesses.”

China is admittedly the source of this deadly disease, also known as COVID-19. However, the regime claims that attributing the virus to a biological weapons lab in the region is a “conspiracy theory” spread by “anti-China forces.” It is going after independent journalists and whistleblowers who dispute the regime’s version of events. Globally, the high-tech social media companies such as Facebook are playing into China’s hands by censoring content that the virus is a bioweapon.

Also called by some the Xi virus, named after the Chinese dictator, the communist Chinese regime claims it somehow came out of a food market. Typical is the claim that the virus is thought to have originated from wild animals, probably bats.

However, some counter-claims are getting out. National Taiwan University public health researcher Fang Chi-tai reportedly thinks it’s possible that China’s scientists were working on a virus more difficult to contain than SARS and that the likely source of the virus is the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The latest “official” information from the U.N.’s World Health Organization is that the coronavirus mortality rate has jumped to 3.4%, as compared to a mortality rate of less than 1% for the flu. SARS, another virus from China, had a mortality rate of 9.6 percent in 2003, but COVID-19 is believed to be far more contagious than SARS.

By all accounts, the Communist regime has engaged in economic and military warfare against the United States. The United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission was established “to review the national security implications of trade and economic ties between the United States and the People’s Republic of China.” One of the witnesses back in 2017 was Edward H. You, Supervisory Special Agent in the FBI’s Biological Countermeasures Unit in the Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate. His job was described in one story as following “fast-moving developments in labs” and making sure “they don’t lead to a bio-attack.”

But American scientist Dr. Steven Hatfill was one of the innocent victims of the FBI’s post-9/11 anthrax letters investigation, known officially as “Amerithrax.” The FBI had tried to blame Hatfill for the anthrax mailings before exonerating and paying him $6 million in financial damages.   There was never any evidence indicating that Hatfill was anything other than a patriot who tried to help America prepare for the terrorist attacks that were blamed on him. A foreign connection, involving al Qaeda, was never seriously investigated by the FBI. The FBI eventually blamed the attack on another scientist.

Robert S.Mueller, Russia-gate special counsel, was in charge of the FBI at the time.

The threat today is so great that the Trump White House is working with Congress to get billions of more dollars for battling COVID-19 and other public health threats. But throwing more money at the Centers for Disease Control — the “professionals” who failed to quickly develop a reliable coronavirus test — is a smokescreen.  Where are the hearings into the source of this virus and whether it had been weaponized by a Chinese lab? Is the FBI on the job, again?

Unrestricted Warfare, a book on military strategy written in 1999 by two colonels in the People’s Liberation Army, refers to the “new concepts of weapons,” including biological weapons. The book referred to financial attacks on nations by billionaire hedge fund operators such as George Soros, the 1995 gas attack on the Tokyo subway by the disciples of the doomsday cult AumShinriKyo, and attacks by Islamic terrorists such as Osama bin Laden.

To accentuate the current economic downturn, our media have played a familiar role. CNBC featured a “top economist” by the name of Mark Zandiof Moody’s Analytics saying a coronavirus pandemic could spark a deep recession and pose a “significant threat’’ to Trump’s reelection. What CNBC did not disclose is that Zandi is a Democrat who contributed to Hillary Clinton and said Trump’s election in 2016 would itself cause a recession.

Zandi’s June 17, 2016, report had claimed, “…the economy will be significantly weaker if Mr. Trump’s economic proposals are adopted” and that “Under the scenario in which all his stated policies become law in the manner proposed, the economy suffers a lengthy recession and is smaller at the end of his four-year term than when he took office.”

Last October, however, he reversed himself, saying that Trump was a strong favorite to win a second term based on positive economic trends. But with a 10 percent correction in stock prices, “the picture changes dramatically and Democrats win under a typical turnout scenario,” he said. That has happened as a result of panic over the coronavirus. Trump’s reelection is now in question and Democratic Senate challengers are surging in the polls, threatening to take back the majority from the Republicans. Republican Senators in Colorado (Cory Gardner), Arizona (Martha McSally) and North Carolina (Thom Tillis) are all in serious trouble.

Without Senate control, a reelected Trump would not be able to get his conservative judges approved.

The stakes are high as the White House pursues a “Coronavirus Plan of Action.” Does that plan include moving to a war footing with the communist regime in Beijing? The National Defense Strategy already recognizes China as a major threat to U.S. security and prosperity.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

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