On Tuesday last week death arrived in the subway, death came to the airport in Brussels Belgium, in the very heart of political Europe. In fact, the subway bomb was not far from the NATO headquarters in Brussels.

One European based commentator stated,

“Once the dust begins to settle in Brussels, it’s almost 100% certain that a whole new raft of Europe-wide (and possible western-worldwide) security measures will now be rushed into place as a reaction to this latest incident. These will likely include, but are [not] limited to, new police powers of search, seizure and detention, biometric ID systems and other ‘enhanced screening’ measures. Also expect some privacy debate to ensue regarding personal device encryption, or unfettered police access to personal information.”[1]
I would agree with that analysis. What we can predict is a further loss of freedom and liberty not only in Europe but probably here in our own land. The reports are that more than 30 people died in these bomb blasts, two were Americans. One moment they were focused on getting to the destination for which they began their journey.

No doubt they had each prepared for the journey they were on whether just across town or boarding an airplane to cross the ocean and were likely not thinking about the end of their own life here on earth. But on Tuesday prepared or not, they reached the end of their earthly journey. And unless the Lord Jesus Christ returns in our lifetime, we each will also cross that same threshold. Our death may come at any time even at a time we do not expect. For those who are true followers of Jesus the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave we celebrate today is the ultimate game changer.

First the resurrection means that Jesus Christ has conquered sin and death. Next that resurrection assures us that the payment for our sins which was fully made at the cross, was then fully accepted by God the Father. In addition His resurrection confirms that the Kingdom of Christ will ultimately triumph – the defeat of sin, of death and of Satan himself has been accomplished. We are simply living through the mopping up phase of the complete victory of Jesus Christ. Then the Resurrection of Jesus Christ assures us there is more beyond the grave. We do not have a chart to guide us, save Jesus Christ; details are sketchy, but our destination is certain. Yes the resurrection of Jesus Christ was the ultimate game changer, game over, Jesus Christ wins.

Now for each disciple of Jesus Christ there is an even deeper and more profound implication of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. Turn to Philippians 3:20-21 “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body….” That glorious body is the resurrected body of our Lord and Savior.

Think of the incredible promise we are given here in God’s Word – we will have a resurrection body like that in which Jesus Christ rose from the dead. I don’t know about you, but this gets me excited, standing on tip toe, peering over the edge of eternity, eagerly looking towards that glorious hope that blessed hope of our Great Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, at whose appearing in His second Advent, we will receive this glorious resurrection body promised in God’s Word.

In fact if you know the medical path of the human body, it is a sad downward cycle of decay and corruption. If our hope were only in this world with an ultimate slide into the grave, life would be a most despairing experience. I often wonder how the atheist, the materialist, the rationalist, how they grow old and maintain any hope at all. You see if you look at the facts of the decline leading to death it is a pretty gloomy prospect, but not for the Christian. Turn to 1 Corinthians 15 where Paul speaks of death with the imagery of planting seeds in the ground.

Today I’d like to take a look at the nature of that glorious body of our resurrected Lord Jesus to just get a sneak preview of that which is prepared for us. Turn to Luke 24:36. You’ll recall the context here; the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, where Jesus appeared and walked and talked with them.

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