by Rob Pue

This week, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is scheduled to become available across the United States.  Trucks carrying the vaccine rolled out of Michigan Sunday night, December 13.  It’s been reported that the first to receive this new vaccination will be nursing home residents, followed by healthcare workers.  All nursing homes in the United States are on the list for this warp-speed, fast-tracked vaccine, and undoubtedly there are many who will eagerly line up to take it.  I will not be one of them.

While Pfizer officials have called the vaccine “completely safe and effective,” there are many horror stories from tests of this and similar COVID vaccines from around the world… including from Australia, where trials of the vaccine were suddently halted last week after multiple test subjects suddenly tested positive for HIV.  One must wonder why people would develop HIV (AIDS) after getting the COVID vaccine… because the vaccine contains a protein from the HIV virus.  Among many other dangerous — and SINISTER — ingredients.

So what’s actually IN the COVID vaccine?  Like many others, there’s Formaldehyde, which is embalming fluid; then there’s Aluminum, shown to cause neurotoxicity, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer; next, an ingredient called Nagalase, which is a protein excreted by cancer cells.  It’s found in patients with cancer, autism, diabetes, immune disorders and viral and bacterial infections.

And in case you were wondering, the “rumors” about aborted fetal tissue are true.  The Pfizer COVID vaccine contains cells from an aborted 14-week-old caucasian male, containing complete human genome DNA.  Mercury is also a prominent ingredient.  Mercury is known to cause genetic mutation and negative effects on the nervous system and reproductive organs.  Exposure to mercury in unborn babies has been proven to cause severe birth defects.

You may be interested to know that the COVID vaccine ALSO contains a strain of the coronavirus itself — taken from chimpanzees — and engineered to create the spike protein of  SARS-CoV-2, the virus that CAUSES COVID-19.

Further, there’s an ingredient called “HEK-293.”  This refers to “human embryonic kidney cells,” which are again taken from aborted babies, but these are a completely different human cell line.

So in addition to all the toxic chemicals I mentioned, we have multiple DNA cells from aborted babies, coronavirus taken from chimpanzees — and one MORE ingredient that should concern you… it’s called LUCIFERASE.  This is a bioluminescent photo-protein with the ability to monitor and track a person’s health and vaccination status digitally.  This is a cloned gene from the North American firefly… interesting, when you consider that the Bible refers to Satan or Beelzebub as the “Lord of the Flies.”

Some have wondered if this new COVID vaccine with be a form of the “mark of the beast.”  It’s already been stated in multiple countries — including the USA — that the vaccine SHOULD be made mandatory, and unless one has proof of vaccination, they’ll need to be  “quarantined” indefinitely, which means you will not be able to buy or sell, hold a job, or travel outside your home.  In Canada, “quarantine camps” are now being fast-tracked in every Canadian province, each one able to hold up to 1600 people.  These camps are being prepared now, for those who refuse vaccination, and therefore must be considered a public health risk and quarantined under supervision.  And according to reports straight out of Canadian parliament, these camps will be operated by an unspecified “third party.”

There are some more very interesting points regarding this new vaccine you should be aware of.  For some reason, it needs to be stored at a temperature of -94 degrees.  This requires special freezers, because most freezers — even those used in hospitals — do not go that cold.  It turns out there are only two companies in the world that make freezers that will reach -94 degrees, and these units are extremely expensive.  Somebody is getting quite wealthy from this new experiment on the human population, in more ways than one.

You should also note that it’s required that resuscitation facilities be available in close proximity to any facility administering the vaccine.  Resuscitation facilities!  Why would resuscitation be necessary if this were a completely SAFE vaccine to take?  Clearly, it’s NOT safe.  Trials from around the world have already shown serious adverse side effects.  These include:  Bells Palsy, where one side of your face basically becomes paralyzed, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Encephalitis, convulsions and seizures, stroke, Anaphylaxis, Acute Myocardial Infarction (in other words, a heart attack), Autoimmune Disease/HIV/AIDS, sterility in both women and men… and death.

The list of potential side effects is MUCH more extensive.  I’ve only mentioned a few of the likely outcomes of this vaccine.  So-called “health experts” have already expressed concern that those who take the first dose of the vaccine will become so terribly sick from it, that they’ll then refuse the required SECOND dose… and they’ve come right out and stated that the second dose will make you SO sick that you will NEED to factor in your work schedule when scheduling the second dose, because you WILL — absolutely — be too sick to work for at least a week, and possibly longer.

I find it interesting that they’re using the actual coronavirus (again, taken from chimpanzees) in this vaccine.  Why would they do that?  Well, that’s how vaccines work — they introduce the virus to a person’s immune system, so that one’s immune system is stimulated to fight off the infection.  But these are the same people who have stated that LOCKDOWNS are absolutely necessary and that the idea of “herd immunity” — where a population contracts an illness, their immune systems kick in and build a defense and an immunity to the illness — is absolute nonsense.

So instead of focusing on teaching people how to build and strengthen their own immune systems to fight off this virus, (which more than 99% recover from naturally), they’re actually now injecting people with the virus itself — along with genetically-modified DNA strands and flat-out POISONS.  Why?  Follow the money.  The coronavirus “PLANNED-demic” has been a huge money-maker for many of the world’s top corporations.  Consider as just one example in the retail industry.  While the majority of the world was under “lockdown” and local stores forced to close their doors;  others requiring masking, social distancing and other draconian measures in order to enter, Amazon’s business more than doubled.

But that’s retail… “peanuts” compared to the profits being raked in now by Big Pharma.  Consider that companies like Pfizer, Moderna and others in the vaccine industry have received billions of dollars in research funds to develop this “horror movie.”  Then consider the billions of DOSES of the vaccine they’ve already sold, with billions more on the way; not to mention the two sole companies in the world that will benefit from the freezers to store the vaccine in, which I mentioned previously, and things become very clear.  This has never been about anyone’s HEALTH.  If it were, we would have been encouraged to strengthen our immune systems, develop “herd immunity,” and move on.  But such ideas were quickly censored from social and alternative media and never once even MENTIONED by health officials or the mainstream media.  It’s a known fact that “Big Pharma” is the largest business in the world, with more power, influence and control than even Big Oil.  You may be interested to know, also, that the pharmaceutical industry has spent more than $4 BILLION dollars on lobbying our legislators over the past 20 years — more than any other industry in the world.   Is it any wonder that vaccine manufacturers now have immunity from lawsuits when the vaccines cause irreparable harm and even death?

One more interesting point to consider regarding this new vaccine.  Just as the trucks carrying the vaccine were rolling out of Michigan Sunday night, President Trump stated that “people working in the White House should receive the vaccine somewhat later in the program,” and added, “I am not scheduled to take the vaccine, but look forward to doing so at the appropriate time.”  I would seriously doubt that Dr. Fauci, Debra Birx, Bill Gates and the others who have pushed this so-called “remedy” will be taking the vaccine any time soon.

Still, I’ve been monitoring public comments as hospitals announce their plans to administer the vaccine.  A frightening number of people are extremely eager to get it, and are quite hostile to anyone who dissents.  They’ve been totally and thoroughly brainwashed now, by the mainstream media, and they can’t wait to have these poisons injected into themselves and their children, as soon as possible.

Before I run out of time, I need to tell you about one more thing I discovered while doing research for this message.  The “Luciferase” ingredient in the new COVID vaccine — that bioluminescent photo-protein with the ability to monitor and track your health and vaccination status digitally… Luciferase goes hand-in-hand with something Bill Gates has been working on and is now ready to implement.  It’s called the “Human Implantable Quantumm Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System.”

This is a “band-aid” or “patch” system which delivers the vaccine through tiny “needles” within the patch, which later dissolve beneath the skin.  These “needles” are literally modeled after the fangs of a snake.  It’s how snakes inject venom in their prey.  But in order for this Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System to work, it requires the use of the bioluminescent “Luciferase.”

This will not only deliver the vaccine, but it will also create an invisible “tattoo” or “mark” — so by simply scanning the area of the body that was implanted with these micro-needles, government and health officials (and others) will be able to tell if you’ve been vaccinated, and thereby be allowed to shop at sores, eat at restaurants, travel freely, work or live any sort of normal life.  We’re already being trained and conditioned to being “scanned” — many public places are requiring people to have their foreheads scanned (to take their temperatures) before being allowed to enter.

I’m not a Bible scholar but I do have to wonder about the words of Revelation 16:  “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped it’s image.”  Festering sores and boils — this is just likely ONE of the side effects of this COVID vaccine and the micro-needle delivery system… which will likely be touted as a much more “easy and convenient” way to comply to this new world order mandate.

In Galatians 5:19-20, Paul writes, “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft.”  We should note that the New Testament was originally written in Greek, and the Greek word used in this passage for “witchcraft” is “Pharmakeia.” It’s root word is “Pharmakon,” which refers to a “druggist, pharmacist, poisoner, magician or sorcerer.”  Our modern words “Pharmacy” and “Pharmaceutical” come directly from the greek word for witchcraft.  Our modern day dictionary defines “Pharmakeia” as “the use of, or administering of drugs,” “poisoning,” “the use of drugs, potions, spells, witchcraft and sorcery.”

In the 1980s, there was a big push against illicit drugs.  I remember TV and radio “public service announcements” touting the catch phrase, “Just Say No!”  Interestingly, it was right about that same time that the pharmaceutical industry exploded.  Today, you will see an ad for a prescription drug in every magazine, newspaper and every fifteen minutes on every television show.  You should also note that in every ad, they spend HALF of their very expensive air-time  or print space pushing the drug and the other half warning of the very dangerous side effects of the drug.  (Read the fine print).  Some of those side effects are outrageously insane.  If those are the SIDE effects, I’d much rather have the disease!

Just in the last few years, there’s been a 400% increase in the use of antidepressant drugs.  And what’s the main side effect of most every antidepressant drug?  By the drug-makers’ own admission, it is “the increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.”

Remember, friends, Satan comes as an angel of light but he’s a liar and a deceiver and there is NO truth in him.  While the drugs currently being pushed by Big Pharma have earned them grotesque profits, those profits pale in comparison to those they make on vaccines.  Remember, they can be sued for side effects of drugs, but they’re IMMUNE from prosecution when a vaccine kills you.

There’s so much more I could include in this message.  But for now, suffice to say the vaccine they’re rolling out this week is just one piece of the giant jigsaw puzzle that began with the coronavirus.  This “Planned-demic” also entails the collapse of the world-wide economy; the overthrow of the United States (and the demise of western civilation and national sovereignty) through election fraud; population control through the use of mandatory vaccination; the “Great Reset” whereby all private property will be confiscated in exchange for the promise of a “universal basic income” for all; and of course, absolute, totalitarian control of every man, woman and child on planet earth through a digital implant tracking device.  This whole thing, and all that’s been revealed this year, is ABSOLUTELY DIABOLICAL.  I urge you to do your due diligence regarding this vaccine — and every other “mandate” the “powers that be” are foisting upon us now.  And when it comes YOUR turn, I urge you: JUST SAY ‘NO!’

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 313.

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