By Coach Dave Daubenmire

December 7, 2023

Christ isn’t just the soon coming King.  He is King right now!

For the most part, Christians are the most defeatist group of people you will ever hang out with.

Not in their personal lives, but in their view of the world.  From a PERSONAL perspective they are, for the most part, optimistic.  They believe God will bless them in the personal walk…. finances…health…relationships…but in regards to where we are in world affairs, they are mostly pessimistic people.

Their “faith” is more of a life enhancement tool rather than a Kingdom building focus.  It is the rotten fruit of the “name it claim it” prosperity gospel that has permeated American Christianity since the advent of “Christian” television.

Make no mistake about it, much of Christianity has been hi-jacked by slick salesmen who masquerade as “ministers,” selling a product designed to appeal to the masses.  These marketing techniques have worked wonderfully for the few and has given us a new genre’ of Christianity…the millionaire pastor.

Take a look at this list of millionaire pastors!  Read it and weep.  Jesus warned us “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”

Today, rich men run the kingdom.  No wonder Christianity is in such trouble.

Kingdom Christianity.  That is an interesting phrase.  You don’t hear much about that from the pulpit these days, even though the Founder of Christianity taught us to pray that His “kingdom would come…on earth, as it is in Heaven.”  Today, many pastors are using HIS Kingdom to expand THEIR kingdom.  Did you know that many of our Christian Celebrity Pastors are now expanding and creating “campus” Christianity with “ministries” in more than one location?

Much of it is fluff…designed to draw in Gen Xers with a much more popular form of gospel…a judgement free one designed to make folks comfortable in their self-centeredness.  Christianity was launched to expand a Kingdom, not to give the subjects six steps to a better life.  Authentic Christianity is about dying to self, fighting evil, speaking the TRUTH, and exposing the unfruitful works of darkness.

But that does not fill the pews.  Kingdom Christianity launches its adherents onto the front lines of a Spiritual War where the souls of men are the prize.  War, especially Spiritual, is dirty business.  Getting drafted onto team Jesus is a military assignment where we are called repeatedly to “lay down” our lives for the advancement of a Kingdom.

CHRIST IS KING and His followers are commanded to “go into all the world” and teach others to observe all He has commanded us.  That is called “the Great Commission.”  Commission is defined as a “charge; order; mandate; authority given.”  It is a military term.  Is that what those millionaire pastors are doing?  Are they engaged on the frontlines of a war or are they running a marketing campaign for their flock’s personal improvement?

Paul warned us of them who “through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you…”  Shysters.  Blindly obeying the edicts of Luciferian controlled “government.”  Shutting down services…promoting vaxes…bowing to Caesar.  Tens of thousands of Churches took government money during the fake pandemic.  Check this out

No man can serve two masters…you cannot take money from Caesar and claim to serve Christ.

But I continue to remain optimistic.  I believe, to plagiarize Winston Churchill, that this will be American Christianity’s finest hour.  We must get our focus off the “end-times” and engage the battle during the present times.  Too many Believers are endeavoring to live out pre-written history.  A new genre’ of Christian leader is rising.

What one believes, matters.  I often used the phrase “if you think you CAN or if you think you CAN’T you’re probably right” as a coaching axiom.  Currently, most of the American Church is waving the white flag, surrendering to the ideology that the Bible teaches that things are only going to get worse.  Ignoring Christ’s clear command to “Occupy till I come.”

Most Christians have been taught to think linearly, in a straight line.  We think in terms of minutes, hours, days, years, decades, and centuries.  But God works in cycles…patterns, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall.  He moves from dark to light.  “In the beginning the earth was void and without form and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  AND GOD SAID LET THERE BE LIGHT!”  And suddenly light WAS!!

America is nearing the end of a very dark period. In 1947 the SCOTUS criminalized public Christianity.  Our nation slogged through the darkness of Viet Nam, recreational drugs, Timothy Leary, tune in turn on drop out, if it feels good do it, the sexual revolution, the slaughter of the pre-born, make love, not war, who are you to judge…the complete overthrow of Christian morality.

But the sun is starting to come up.  A new day is dawning.  God fearing Americans are awakening from their punch-drunk state and are finally starting to get their sea legs under them. The momentum is swinging as Moms and Pops are realizing that their families are under assault.  Disney is dying.  Bud Light is dead.  The NASCAR crowd is beginning to push back.  The light is starting to creep over the horizon.

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Christianity is a story of victory.  The triumph of light over dark, good over evil, right over wrong.  What if most of Christianity has gotten it all wrong?  What if the greatest revival the world has ever seen is just over the horizon?  What if Satan and his minions are about to go down for the count?  What if a new day is dawning in the world?  It is always darkest before the dawn.

Stand up! stand up for Jesus! Ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high His royal banner, It must not suffer loss:  From vict’ry unto vict’ry His army shall He lead, Till every foe is vanquished and Christ is Lord indeed!

Christ is KING not just Lord!!

© 2023 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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