By Sidney Secular

November 8, 2023

The audience wasn’t kidding when they booed Nicole Kidman for her role in the Oscar-winning film “Birth” at the Venice International Film Festival in 2004. In the film, she thinks her husband has been reincarnated as her 10-year old son and so he joins her in the bathtub in which they cinematically wade into unknown waters. This was certainly one of the opening salvos in the sex-with-children push, as the so-called sexual revolution leads to ever more dangerous and deranged settings.

How and when did we first buy into wanton sexual anarchy disguised as freedom? Let’s turn back the clock to a more innocent time – past even the comparatively halcyon days of the 1950s to 1948 after we won the war and so could get involved in more “recreational” activities. Early that year, unknown Indiana University zoologist Alfred C Kinsey released his bombshell of a book, “Sexual Behavior of the Human Male in America”.  This caused a sensation such that America could be divided into pre-Kinsey and post-Kinsey eras. Funded by the prestigious Rockefeller Foundation and based on thousands of interviews, Kinsey supposedly “discovered” that while virtually all American men of the World War II era pretended to be faithful and monogamous, 95% of them had intercourse prior to marriage, and could be classified by the laws in effect in 1948 as “sex offenders”. Moreover, according to Kinsey, 70% of men had sex with prostitutes, 33% of the men had extramarital affairs, and about 25% of them had homosexual affairs. The oft-repeated claim that 10% of humans are homosexual comes from Kinsey’s perverted published research.

Kinsey deliberately painted a picture of American men as amoral sexual animals seeking constant gratification. His press coverage for these outlandish claims could not have been more extensive or enthusiastic, and was presented to the public as if he had discovered the cure for all diseases.  All the mainstream press pounced on these “findings” as the most exhaustive scientific survey ever of Americans’ sexual habits. These findings from an unknown and very unlikely source and a “conservative” Republican and “family man” to boot catapulted Kinsey overnight to the status of a sort of scientific national hero, in keeping with public’s newfound near worship of this particular branch of knowledge. These revolutionary “Kinsey Reports” as they came to be known, together with his 1953 companion book, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Female”, rocked the nation’s beliefs about itself in particular and mankind in general,  setting the stage for the acceptance of all manner of abnormal and deviant sexual behavior in the years to come.

The Kinsey Reports came to the stunning conclusion that children are sexual from birth and small fry from as early as a few months of age have the capacity for a “pleasurable and healthy” sexual life. The brave new world of sexual enlightenment and aberrant sexual practices had been ushered in. But it turns out that Kinsey relied upon an isolated and fringe group of sex abusers to come up with his findings, especially those on childhood sexuality. How did Kinsey determine that children emerging out of infancy were enjoying sex? Kinsey defined and assumed children’s torment(screaming, convulsions, temper tantrums, etc.) were in fact orgasms!  Where were the pediatricians when these absurd claims were made? Among the thousands of reviews of the Kinsey Report no one questioned these absurdities, allowing the pedophile movements of today to gain the ground they needed to get to the point where they are are on the threshold of gaining acceptance if not soon being considered normal outgrowths of the sexual revolution.

Normal women would not get involved in his research and claims about normal males were based on an 86% aberrant male population involving 200 sexual psychopaths, 1,400 sex offenders, and hundreds each of prisoners, male prostitutes, and promiscuous homosexuals. All of this would cast doubt on his findings.  Now we come to the question of Kinsey’s own unorthodox  sexual practices and obsessions, which should themselves have been sufficient to cast doubt upon his findings without further information on the methods he used to obtain his data. To start with, Kinsey was a sexual psychopath who preferred homosexual sex and sadomasochistic practices of a truly cringe-worthy character. Believe it or not, Kinsey circumcised himself without benefit of anesthesia, an act to derive pleasure from pain. That syndrome is characteristic of sadomasochists.  An early adherent of masturbation, his brutal masochistic methods led to his early demise.  Kinsey’s admiring biographers all admit that Kinsey was a sadistic bi/homosexual who seduced his male students and coerced his wife and staff (and their wives) to perform for him and with him in pornographic films made in the family attic.

Was all of the fawning over Kinsey and his findings part of an overall strategy to supplant the narrow procreational Judeo-Christian ethos with  a promiscuous “anything goes” bi/gay pedophile paradise? It would appear to be so in the same manner as the media being “in bed” with the establishment as it so conspicuously is at the present time. The globally massive abduction of children all around the world to provide for pedophilic practices can be directly attributed  to the acceptance and promotion of Kinsey’s dementic “findings” and the philosophy and practices that grew from them. When it comes to America and the West’s culture, laws, beliefs, practices and attitudes towards sex, Kinsey is still king – revered to this day by the vast majority of academics and “sexperts”. The entire sex industry and research establishment worldwide today acknowledges that Kinsey’s research is the basis for their “science” and therefore legitimizes everything they do, say or write. If Kinsey’s research were properly discredited, their house of cards would come tumbling down and they would find themselves out of business.

To sum it all up, today virtually everything having to do with sex – from attitudes towards extramarital affairs and homosexuality, to the nation’s sex-education curricula, to the utterly deranged transgender movement and all the ways that medicine, psychiatry, psychology, and even criminal justice systems define and deal with sexual pathology – is firmly rooted in the tragically and ludicrously fraudulent “data” of Alfred Kinsey and his cohort and cult of criminally deviant sex “researchers”.

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