By Cherie Zaslawsky

October 4, 2024

Since the Dems obviously believe Trump will win this election unless they can keep him busy in courtrooms fighting bogus charges and/or jail him in before November 5th—or worse—they’re not only working overtime on their extensive cheating apparatus by registering illegal aliens to vote, they’ve also added a new fail-safe to their programme: steal Trump’s platform, promises and plans!

When Trump came out months ago with the idea of ending taxation on tips for those in the beleaguered service industries, many hailed it as a stroke of genius. Wayne Allyn Root praised this idea to the skies, saying it means Trump just won Nevada.

Funny thing, but months later, Trump’s brilliant idea somehow made its way to Kameleon Harris’s campaign promises as well. I guess great minds think alike.

Or has Obama been whispering to Kommie Kamala to up her game by doing one specific thing: Copy Trump. Makes sense! If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!

Trump created “Opportunity Zones” to help low-income communities; Kamala announced she plans to create an “Opportunity Economy”. How opportune! I guess she thinks she can do that while raising taxes.

She also stole one of my favorite lines from Trump, claiming she intends to be “a President for all Americans.” The difference? Trump meant it!

Here’s the good news: At last, Kalamity seems to have discovered we have a southern border—the one she hasn’t visited during all this time as Biden’s Border Czar—and that caravans of military aged men mostly from third world countries have been illegally entering our country through that border due to the Biden’s open invitation, which means through her invitation as well. And now, after three and a half years of avoiding any hint of responsibility for her vitally important role as Border Czar, she’s figured out that she should have done something about that when today was yesterday—make that yesteryear.

So now she’s on board with enforcing the law against illegal aliens entering our nation—just like Trump!

And here’s another tell—a really choice one.

Since Trump made history by embracing RFK Jr. as a new supporter of his campaign and has plans to appoint him to a significant role in his administration, Kamala—she of great independence of mind—just announced that she, too, will welcome a…wait for it…member of the opposing party in a Cabinet post if she wins the election:

I think it’s important to have people at the table when some of the most important decisions are being made that have different views, different experiences,” Ms. Harris said. “I think it would be to the benefit of the American public to have a member of my Cabinet who was a Republican.

This far left Progressive Marxist suddenly got the bright idea to bring a Republican into her Cabinet. That’s originality for you! How about Peter Navarro as her Attorney General?

What’s really pathetic is that the Dems have nothing to offer but obvious falsehoods and mendacious mediocrities to tell those lies. Perhaps that’s why they’re all in for DEI. Remember Biden plagiarized—not surprising for a pathological liar. And Kamala is doing her version: plagiarizing from Trump.

Makes sense for the desperados: they’re now appealing to people who want Trump’s agenda, but prefer an accompaniment of word salads instead of mean tweets.


I winced when I learned that Kamala’s first semi-formal interview was to take place in a coffee shop in Savannah with her support animal, I mean her VP Tim Walz, by her side. If she needs a “safe space” and her VP sitting next to her to answer softball questions in a CNN “interview”, how’s she going to deal with heads of state from Russia, China or North Korea? Let’s hope we never find out because a tough guy from Queens is our Commander-in-Chief.

Speaking of word salads, while I watched Kamala’s long awaited interview, two other women came to mind: Margaret Thatcher and Gertrude Stein.

Prime Minister Thatcher because she’s the polar opposite of Kamala in every way: a powerful and intelligent woman grounded in historical knowledge, principled, articulate, insightful—and who rose through the ranks not because she was a woman, but in spite of it.

Regarding economics, who can forget Mrs. Thatcher’s trenchant remark, complete with a dollop of British wit: “The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” Someone should share that quip with Ms. Harris.

But why Gertrude Stein, you ask? For her famous description of Oakland that one might apply to the lady in question: “There’s no there there.” And because Ms. Stein rarely made sense.

The Washington Times is unsparing in its reporting on Kalumny’s long-awaited interview:

Interviewer Dana Bash failed to elicit a detailed explanation from Ms. Harris as to why she suddenly supports legislation that would resume construction of the southern border wall, why she no longer supports ending private health insurance after pledging to implement “Medicare for all,” or why she no longer seeks to ban fracking on federal land, after pledging to end it when she ran for president in 2019.

But she did reassure us that her values “have not changed.” That’s a relief! Once a Commie, always a Commie I guess.


OK, Trump didn’t knock it out of the park. He won, but not as spectacularly as he might have done. But he saved the day with a single, trenchant, courageous and spot-on assertion: “She’s a Marxist!”

Her obnoxious non-verbal response was a particularly arrogant smirk, as if to say “that’s ridiculous!” but Trump had just exposed the real Kamala to the voters. Let’s hope the undecideds were paying attention!

And speaking of obnoxious, Kameleon kept using the imperative voice, apparently channeling Obama, with phrases like: “Let’s be clear…” and “Understand that…”, delivered in as forceful a manner as she could muster. Makes one want to say: “Will the real Kamala Harris please stand up!” But we already know who she is, a Marxist through and through.

Good to know her values haven’t changed. See above.

The so-called debate was an obvious set-up of three against one, including shameless “fact checking” to humiliate Trump although he was right each time, while ABC’s shill David Muir got it wrong. True to form, Kamala, she of the smug Cheshire cat grin, was not above dredging up old, debunked lies about Trump that, ahem, Mr. Muir and Linsey Davis apparently forgot to “fact check.” She recited the Dems’ golden oldies: Charlottesville, Nazis, The Insurrection—all bogus, but seared into the minds of low-info voters. Since all the Dems have is Orange Man Bad, that’s the card Kalumny played…ad nauseum.

The great irony is that Kamala is the only candidate in American history who’s running against herself. She’s promising to “fix” the issues plaguing the Biden/Harris incumbent administration as if she were talking about Trump’s! Her motto? “A New Way Forward!” Yup. A great reset. But I’d call it downward: a speedy downward slide into Communism and communal misery on the path to the dystopian New World Order.


Of course the Biden/Harris regime is really Obama’s third unconstitutional term, and a vote for Harris is a vote for Obama. All those who want even more inflation, more illegals invading our towns and bringing crime, third world diseases and drugs, should vote for Kamala/Obama. Caveat emptor.

And since it’s all about Obama, let’s take another look at him and his puppets. The American radical Left, aka the Democrat Party, scraped the bottom of the political barrel to humiliate our nation with all three of these stooges.

Barry, I mean Hussein—OK, Barack—was a brilliant Soros find, from his ineligibility as a presidential candidate even if he was born in Hawaii (father not an American citizen, mother too young to qualify), to his homosexual past, to his apparent Muslim faith, all the way down to his Marxist toes—the perfect insult to America in every way, who proved himself equal to the task of spitting on our nation while doing his level best to destroy it from within once he got into office.

Beijing Biden was an easier pick—a run-of-the-mill crooked politician used to selling out what few principles he may have had in order to make a fast buck—the 10% for the Big Guy, or more.

And then there’s Kamala—a poster child for DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)—an ineligible anchor baby with no discernible qualifications for the all-important role of Commander-in-Chief, and whose concept of foreign affairs is like that of a ten-year-old:

Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that’s wrong.

Ouch! Make that a seven-year-old.

Remarkably, she’s been able to grin, cackle and cheat her way up to the top, laughing at We the Suckers who could possibly be stuck with her wanton destruction of what’s left of our country during the next four years if the Dems’ world-renowned cheating machine can steal enough votes from Trump’s landslide. But that’s a tall order, and I believe the odds are still with us. The MAGA Millions can presumably push Trump over the threshold with a lead too big to steal.

Let’s pray that come January 20th, we can bask in President Trump’s triumph on Inauguration Day.

I, for one, can’t wait to see what Melania will wear!

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