by Lee Duigon

August 1, 2024

We are governed—perhaps I should say “ruled,” or “lorded over”—by people who despise us. “Useless eaters” is what the No. 2 pinhead at the World Economic Forum calls us. “Keep ‘em on drugs and video games till we decide what to do with ‘em.”

Now I don’t know how true it is that Marie Antoinette ended up on the guillotine because she dismissed the desperate complaints of her time’s useless eaters with “Let them eat cake.” But if that’s what finally pushed the plebs too far, our own elites might well take warning from it.

Bill Gates and his playmates at the Untied Nations (let the error stand) have recently ramped up their campaign to get The Common People to eat insects. It’ll Save The Planet—see? And it’s Sustainable! Science says so! And Science is always right—at least, for as long as scientists can tell which way the wind blows.

You could probably create a whole series of college courses, for budding scientists, on How to Stay on the Right Side of Public Opinion and Politics No Matter How It Shifts. You could get a Ph.D. in that.

In our diet—Good heavens, not in theirs! What can you be thinking of?—Gates and Co.intend for bugs and worms to replace such staples as beef, pork, lamb, etc. We have their solemn assurance that Science says so. Remember the equation: Science + Politics = Politics.

Then they hop aboard a private jet or two and join the Obamas in a Kobe beef blowout. P.S.—We’re not invited.

Now when was the last time you saw John Kerry chow down on a bowl of live crickets, or even dead ones? Or Nancy Pelosi ordering tomato worm soup? Do we risk too much by saying “never”?

Because haute bug cuisine is not intended to feed you, keep you alive, please you, or anything else that normal food has always done.

It’s meant to put you in your place.

They want to be invisible to anyone who isn’t looking up to them as if they were the gods on Mount Olympus, partying on dishes that they’ve placed out of our reach forever—except for maybe black market White Castles, or contraband fried chicken. They’ll set up camps for those who need persuasion. After a week or two without any food at all, you might feel more receptive to the menu they’ve designed for you.

What better way to establish who does the ruling and who gets ruled, than to set up two radically different food regimes? Are you feeling uppity? Nothing will squash you back down into your place like a water-bug platter for you and rack of lamb for Them.

Because, you see, it’s all about power. What could be a more blatant assertion of power than to tell you what you can eat? Than to send you to bed without any supper at all, if you don’t feel like sautéed caterpillars? You’ll soon figure out who’s in charge!

How we ever wound up being governed by such people… Well, God knows; but we don’t seem to listen when He tells us.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit: we aren’t serving anything that the WEF would approve of. My articles can also be found at .

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