By Coach Dave Daubenmire

February 10, 2023

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to with stand in the evil day, and having done all, to standEphesians 6

Lucifer has come out of the closet.  Hollywood and the Sports/Entertainment industry no long hide whom they serve.  The open worship of Satan was broadcast for all the world to see during last week’s Grammy Awards.

You didn’t see it?  Good.  It was a blatant worship service offered to the Prince of Darkness.  Satan, and his minions, have come out of the closet.

How long before we get it?  How long before Bible believers stand up and say enough is enough. What will it take before we actually MAKE A STAND and stop supporting the unfruitful works of darkness?

This Sunday, Round 2 of Lucifer Month in the “entertainment” industry’s war on Christianity will roll out masquerading as the Super Bowl Halftime Show.  As in years past, the glorification of evil will be on full display.  Perhaps you remember when I came under attack from Stephen Colbert for my pushback against the halftime porn show 2 years ago.  (Start at the 3:30 mark HERE.)

There is nothing wholesome, edifying, nor family friendly about the debauchery of the NFL Halftime Show…ever.

To make matters worse…THOUSANDS of Apostate churches have Super Bowl parties…giving their endorsement to the Luciferian industry.

This Sunday Rhianna is going to “entertain” 50 million consumers with what is sure to be a filth-laced performance designed to poison the minds of mind-numbed Americans.  What could possibly go wrong?  Who is the NFL target audience?  Why is the Devil always after our kids?

Although none of us know what is going to be vomited into our homes at Halftime we can all rest assured that it was cooked up in the Pit of Hell.  Are we simply to sit around and take it as the Demonic bilge spews out of the plasma screen into the conscience of quasi-innocent viewers?

It is time we stood up and fought back.

We are engaged in a Spiritual War.  Most Americans have no understanding of the battle.  Those of us who do, understand that we have a duty to fight back.

I host a Daily podcast that is focused on the battle between good and evil.  We “coach” Christians on how to effectively fight the Spirits of Darkness.  We are going to war at Halftime of the Super Bowl.  Will you join us?

Here is the plan.  We are going to gather online to pray against the Principalities and Powers and their Diabolical plan.  Instead of offering our time and attention to the Halftime Orgy we invite you and those you are watching the game with to join us for 30 minutes of prayer and intercession as their Satanic ritual is streaming.  TURN OFF YOUR TV DURING HALFTIME and join us in prayer.  Nothing hurts the NFL more than turning off the TV.

We invite you to log on to www.COACHDAVELIVE.COM as we stream LIVE, INTERACTIVE prayer across the world in a counter offensive against the forces of Darkness as they perform another Satanic ritual.  We will war in the Heavenlies as the Scriptures call us to do.

Log in at the 2-minute warning.  Simply go to and click on the RED JOIN button. YOU will be given the opportunity to pray with us!

Share this with your friends.  Let’s get an army of God’s soldiers engaged against the dark forces enveloping this nation.  If you can’t join our live session, organize and pray right where you are.

Let’s storm the gates of Hell!!

© 2023 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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