May 26, 2023
Because I answer the mail at American Policy Center, I get letters and articles from all over the world. The following piece came in from Germany last week and is a great message for the world, not just Germany. I like his way of dealing with this world-destroying problem.
The beginning of the end is heralded By Hans-Jürgen Geese
Many years ago, when a wild crowd of horsemen appeared in front of your house and the fierce men on the shaggy horses put long arrows on the strings of their bows, then you knew that things were about to get serious.
Many years later, when the earth trembled and tanks aimed their cannon barrels at your house with a roaring howl of their engines, you looked horrified in the face of the enemy, facing your end.
The enemy today no longer shows himself. The enemy today is already in your house – and you didn’t even notice it. Not only that, the enemy is already in your mind. And you didn’t notice that either. You are still intoxicated by the illusion of being a free person. In reality you have already surrendered. you are a slave.
The United Nations
On February 3, 2015, United Nations Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC) Secretary-General Karen Christiana Figueres Olsen said at a press conference in Brussels: “This is the first time in human history that we have set ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic model that has reigned for 150 years, since the beginning of the industrial revolution.”
Question: Who gave these people the right to do something like this?
At the UN summit in New York from September 25th to 27th, 2015, the agenda for sustainability was drawn up. At the climate conference from November 30 to December 12, 2015, in Paris, the agreement on how to tackle climate change was worked out. The Habitat III conference in Quito, October 17-20, 2016, set the urban development agenda that will dictate how you and your children will live in the future.
Of people you didn’t choose, who nobody chose, but who were chosen to redefine the “destiny” of the world. Their decisions will affect every corner of your existence. The enforcement of these decisions will ultimately be mandatory for every government on earth.
The goals of the United Nations sound noble, and it is therefore to be expected that we will all welcome them. Among the 17 goals we find goal number 1:
“The end of poverty in all its forms everywhere in the world.” Are you against it? Goal number 2: “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.”
Are you against it? But then you have to read on. Goal 12: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production.” Goal 13: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its consequences.” These are general statements that are suitable to be used as weapons for all possible purposes against all citizens on earth use. Do you think I’m exaggerating?
Here is the definition of the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology: “The terms “Agenda 2030”, “SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations” or “UN Sustainability Goals” mean a resolution that the United Nations General Assembly in New York in 2015. By means of 17 jointly defined goals, a future-oriented economic and social system is to be created in which inequalities, disadvantages and irreversible environmental pollution no longer have a place worldwide. With the resolution of the 2030 Agenda, all states have committed themselves to ending poverty and hunger, to ensuring the permanent protection of the planet through sustainable management of its natural resources and immediate measures to combat climate change, and to peaceful.
They’re serious. They really mean it. You may now ask yourself: They really want to eliminate poverty? That’s a foolish question. Of course, they will not eliminate poverty or end hunger. These are just excuses to force you to do their bidding. After all, who’s going to be against all those great goals? These noble goals are a weapon against your freedom. You’ll have to do what they ask of you. 2030!
The World Health Organization
“zdf heute” reported on May 19, 2022: “The World Health Organization (WHO) wants to draw conclusions from the corona pandemic and is negotiating an extensive reform program. Lateral thinkers and conspiracy believers smell a new global conspiracy and the end of democracy.”
That language alone! It used to be allowed and even desired to be allowed to criticize, to have a different point of view.
The WHO is 85% funded by private organizations. Why are these 85% funding WHO? Well, probably because they expect some financial benefit from it. Did you elect these people at the WHO? Do you like that a man like Bill Gates has such a strong influence on the WHO? If you look at the WHO’s “major reform program” you will see that it puts the WHO in total control of the world’s population. The WHO will determine what a pandemic is and what measures to enforce in each country. coercive measures. For the protection of the general public, of course. The boss of the WHO is Secretary General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Would you entrust your children to this man?
The World Government
If someone were to declare world government, you could be for it or against it. Probably against. That is why no world government is proclaimed. But there will still be some kind of world government. Without you noticing. Power is currently being distributed leisurely and unexcitedly among many international organizations. And then merged at the end.
Note: If you are striving for world domination, you alone, then it is impossible for you as an individual to control the many small things, but you can control the few big things. So you have to combine the many small units into large units. Slow. Gradually. That’s the basic rule.
Hence the UN. Hence the WHO exists. Hence the EU. Hence the federal government. You could tell me now that you voted for the federal government after all. That’s impossible. Because if you had elected the federal government, there would be democracy in Germany. But there isn’t. There must not be. Because otherwise they couldn’t do what they’re doing in New York or Brussels or Berlin. What you perceive as democracy is a system designed to prevent true democracy. an illusion.
They have no control over the UN, the WHO, the EU or the federal government. Zero. They will do what they want, and you will obey. Like the last three years. What are you going to do? Demonstrate? Then have a nice demonstration. Have fun.
The law as a weapon
The decisions of all these organizations will eventually be enacted into law. And that would be it then. You can no longer defend yourself. law is law. If you try to fight back, the police will come, and you’ll go to jail. Everything legal. Because law is law. To introduce this enslavement, legions of lawbreakers had to be trained. Have you never wondered that there are so many lawyers?
The world champions in this art are, of course, the Americans. There are over 1.3 million lawyers in the US They need so many twisters. Absolutely. As operator of the interests of power. And as an economic factor. It’s a sneaky game disguised as the rule of law. Yes, rule of law. You can hire a lawyer and fight for your rights. Theoretically.
Why in theory? Well, first of all you have to be able to afford a lawyer. Donald Trump claims that since his glorious decision to enter politics to date he has spent over $100 million on lawyers. They’ve sued him every day since day one. Yes, continuously. Every day. To destroy him. And his staff.
When Trump became president, certain people sicced the FBI and CIA on his cabinet candidates and weeded out the unpopular candidates. They simply accused them and then sued them. If they want to find something to charge you with, they’ll find it. And if you don’t, they’ll still sue you until you’re broke. Trump’s national security adviser, three-star general Michael Flynn, would have ended up in prison had Trump not finally pardoned him.
Today, the so-called rule of law can drive you into financial ruin, destroy you mentally or make your existence on earth hell.
All of this no longer has anything to do with justice, with the spirit of justice. Law has become the weapon of the oppressors. Do you want to fight back? Much luck. Which judge today can still afford to administer justice when it matters, when it really matters, law in the sense of justice, not according to the file specification? How many were willing to do that in the times of Corona? The number of the upright is always a minority.
Tucker Carlson
One of the last upstanding journalists in America was fired last week. Tucker Carlson was the undisputed news superstar in the US Why? Well, he insisted on his independence. Nobody but Tucker, on all channels, really spoke the truth. The man is an idol for all freedom-loving Americans. Just recently, the interviews with Donald Trump ran for two days. Then over two days the interviews with Elon Musk. And then the interview with Robert Kennedy Junior. Tucker spoke openly about the Covid madness, clarified the background to the war in Ukraine, defended Julian Assange, spoke openly about the blasting of the Nord Stream tubes. Trump said the following in the interview:
“I’m a patriot and I have to be careful. But I can tell who it wasn’t: It wasn’t the Russians.” —Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier
Why did Trump have to be so careful? In an interview with journalist Glenn Beck, military expert Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier (recently fired from the army because he didn’t want to take part in the madness any longer) stated the following:
If the US should have blown the tubes, then under international law that would be a been an act of war. America would have declared war on Germany. But only Congress can declare war. So Biden would have broken the Constitution and that would be the end of his presidency. In addition, Germany would be entitled to claim damages.
Lt. Col. Lohmeier was one of the leading officers of the newly formed US “Spaceforce”. In his opinion, the blast did not take place as Seymour Hersh described, but from an airplane, whose route naturally left a trail that his former colleagues had identified. If you understand English, I recommend this video in which Lohmeier speaks coolly, matter-of-factly and with authority about the situation in the USA. A true patriot who convincingly presents the analysis:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFFvxllsRSM&t=378s (YouTube Deleted the Video)
Here is a Rumble Video of Lt. Col. Lohmeier.
Chancellor Olaf Scholzs
In February 2022, Olaf Scholz visited the US President in Washington and heard Biden promise to blow up Germany’s pipelines if Putin invaded Ukraine. The German Chancellor stood there like Pielke. It was one of the most shameful moments in German history. And now that what Biden promised has happened? Be silent. And Piefke is still chancellor. How is that possible?
For example, if Scholz were a real man, he could have said this to journalists after the evidence of American guilt mounted: “So listen. That’s just impossible. But… but just to show you the absurdity: if the Americans had done it, it would have been an act of war, an act of war by our ally, and I would have had to declare war on the Americans now. That’s totally insane. That’s crazy. You don’t seriously believe that our friends, that the Americans would do something like that.”
If he had fantasized like that, then the world would have taken notice, then the Germans would have taken notice, then the politicians in Washington would have taken notice. And he would have put himself and Germany in a position of strength. But the man is not able to do that. This infernal duo of Scholz and Baerbockchen will do anything to please the Americans. They won’t lift a finger to lead Germany into a better future. Should you succumb to this illusion, then hops and malt are truly lost.
You have to assume that no help can be expected from Berlin.
The act of dressage
If we had “normal times” the media would have exposed all these true conspiracies long ago. No, it wouldn’t have happened in the first place. These gangsters would not have dared to introduce an international legal system that undermines the sovereignty of states and gives them the power to exercise complete control over all citizens in the next emergency, to totally impose their will on them. But the media are the henchmen of these criminals. They just want to lull them to sleep, distract them, make them stupid.
Another prerequisite for the guaranteed success of the conspiracy is that the institutions of thought are paralyzed or even appropriated. I’m talking about schools and universities. So, it couldn’t have been any other way, it had to happen that the schools and universities became institutions for the idiocy. thinking undesirable. obedience demanded. The new belief is: “There are 97 genders. A man can be a woman. There is a climate catastrophe. The Russians are to blame for everything. Biden is a genius.” And so on. This is the new belief. But faith belongs in the church.
So why haven’t the churches cried out? Have you heard of the churches? No? Well, the church, the institution of the church, is also part of this mafia. Otherwise, your pastor would be beating you with the truth every Sunday. He would tell you that Jesus Christ was a revolutionary, a fighter for the poor and oppressed. The pastor would talk in a similar way. And soon disappear in prison. What pope would want that?
There can be no democracy today
Here are a few simple truths that have been known for hundreds of years:
Freedom and ignorance are incompatible. Therefore, our schools and universities are becoming idiotic institutions.
There cannot be a liberal constitution with immoral people.
If justice is lost, then nothing in the constitution matters. Then all is lost. Even human rights are no longer worth anything.
A democracy can only exist with democrats. However, man is not born a democrat. He needs to be raised to be a democrat. But that doesn’t happen. And so we have no democracy. It’s even impossible at the moment. Our brand of so-called democracy was created to prevent democracy. Our “democracy” is a gigantic fraud.
So it’s the job of the media to give you the illusion of democracy. This can only work if all politicians lie and if all media lie. And by playing well in this system of illusions.
Recognize and accept reality
If you take your time and look at reality soberly, you will find to your surprise that all of our problems are man-made. After all, the good Lord did not decide to make the earth sterile, to increase the price of food, to bring wars over the world and to deprive people of their freedom. These are all actions by people who you supposedly elected. They elected idiots to power who then brought misery to the world. Admit it.
The logical good news is that if these problems really are man-made, all we have to do is put the right people in power. Even better: that we ourselves will ensure in the future that the simple foundations on earth are created according to the laws of logic and love. Is that complicated? No of course not.
All you have to do is understand a few simple basics of freedom. You have to understand that you cannot influence what they in New York or Brussels or Berlin plan and force on you. Do you understand that?
Here is the future
If so, then you must break away from this system of oppression. If it helps, write a letter to yourself: “I’m not participating anymore. I don’t want to be a slave. I was born a free person. I will live as a free person and die as a free person.” And then you just don’t go along with it anymore. They just ignore this place called politics. And of course you don’t go to those weird elections anymore either. Ditch all that crap. That is past.
What to do? Let’s say you live in a community of three thousand people. You have a council. It’s your damn duty from now on that you go to every ward council meeting. You and every burger. Even if you have to take the day off. You have to go there by the hundreds. Anyone who doesn’t fit in the booth stays outside. But from now on you and everyone else in the village will practice democracy (act accordingly in towns).
Your church belongs to a circle. There is a district meeting. Thousands of people who live in that circle must come to these circle meetings. Thousands. Tens of thousands.
And then there is a state parliament with state parliament sessions. Hundreds of thousands have to come to these state parliament sessions. Hundreds of thousands. That’s all. If you do that, everything else will fall into place almost automatically.
Stop demonstrating!
They can march and demonstrate in the millions in Berlin on Saturday or Sunday. And then? It’s quiet again on Monday. Life goes on. Nothing has changed. Politicians don’t give a damn about these demonstrations. You can’t move anything in Berlin. Neither in Berlin, nor in New York, nor in Brussels. Demonstrations in New York, Brussels and Berlin are a complete waste of time.
But if hundreds of thousands appear in the state parliament and in front of the state parliament in Dresden, at a state parliament session, quietly and peacefully and ask questions and talk to the members of parliament and to each other, then something will change.
And when the next elections in the community, in the district, in the country are coming up, then you will definitely not vote for someone who belongs to a party. They only vote for independent candidates. And it’s only about things in your country. It’s all about Saxony, it’s all about Bavaria, it’s all about Hamburg.
No, you cannot influence what happens in New York or Brussels or Berlin. But you can influence what happens in your community, county and state. Should I repeat this a thousand times? And one more thing: there is no reason why the Saxons or the Bavarians or the Badeners shouldn’t declare themselves independent. If they want. Or would you rather let a gang of crazy people in New York or Brussels or Berlin dictate your life and mess it up?
There is no democracy in Germany. If you want democracy, you have to create democracy. It doesn’t fall from the sky. Wake up. Get free. Turn on your brain. And your anger. Make!
Life on earth is really not complicated. Not when you’re free.
Not when truth and love rule. Not if old, venerable values such as integrity and honor and respect for creation and for one’s neighbor are given their traditional place in Germany again.
That is the message to all Germans.
© 2023 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt: koipolloi@protonmail.com