by Kat Stansell

September 26, 2023

Everything that is happening in this crazy world can be sorted out to be a matter of “Big Guys” vs. “Little Guys”. For clarification, WE, the American citizen, are the Little Guys. Some may argue that it has been thus throughout history. All the more reason to pay attention. History has a way of repeating itself. However, since real history is not being taught anymore, it can’t hurt to talk basics.

The unique beauty and value of the American constitutional form of government, as we know, is that it endowed the Little Guy with the wider ranging powers; and the central government, with only a few, with which groups of little guys living together needed help with – a military for national defense, a currency accepted throughout, an interstate system of roads, and a postal service that could handle things better than the old Pony Express. But, we blew it. Little by little, Americans ceded their power to big government and the current disaster was born.

OK, I know I’ve oversimplified it. But we’re about to lose that remarkable, God-given Republic that has done more for more millions of people around the world, than has any other in recorded history. I’m trying to cut to the chase to speed up our mandatory response. That is, we don’t have long to get off the couch and out the door to save America and all of its blessings which we have so complacently enjoyed.

On the federal level, we now have the Big Guys, who skulk daily in the playgrounds of the rich and famous (AND infamous), with their Big Friends in Big Business, here and around the world. If you listen to a modicum of news you get the picture. The hallowed halls of Congress are no longer used to make laws. Heck, few courts respect them anyway. Decisions about the direction of our future, once entrusted to our “elected representatives”, are now made in Davos, international meetings of the Bilderberg Group, or even at the Big Boy’s summer camp in the redwood forests of northern California, called the Bohemian Grove. And, by Executive Orders, of course.

Bringing it back home, let’s look at the state of Florida. Ron DeSantis, sitting governor of Florida has always supported the Bigs, big business and big government, edven though his pressers would have you believe otherwise.

He has enjoyed a rapid rise through an expensive landscape, to quickly land in a political career, which also requires lots of money and connections. My point: there had to have been some Big money behind that “poor blue collar boy form Jacksonville”, as he likes to bill himself. Double Ivy League degrees and Yale Secret Society membership don’t just happen to the average middle class kid from a working family.

Throughout that political career, Gov. DeSantis has supported big business and its players, as they have supported him. As evidence, I call your attention to Ron DeSantis’s voting record while in the US House of Representatives, 2013 – 2018.

According to the site, Politics That Work, Rep. DeSantis’s votes favored the wealthy 98.7% of the time; big business, 100%; broad civil rights, 20.8%; ‘narrow” civil rights, 79/2% of the time. The site breaks down every vote he cast while in the House, according to subject matter, and score them according to whom the vote benefits. The classifications are theirs, not mine.

The statistics which went into this report were taken from the well-known websites, and Open If you are not already familiar with these sites, they are excellent to rememeber and use, to check on every one of our elected “representatives” from time to time.

Now, let’s look at that big money that has been behind the Govenor lately, since he has paid back part of his dues in Congressional votes. It is not my purpose to list every contribution. Those kinds of things can be found online. is always a good place to check for things like this.

Here, from the Tallahassee Democrat, is a discussion of millionaires and billionaires – from across the country – who have donated to DeGov. NB: This was written in 2022, one year before he abandoned his responsibilities to his constituents in Florida to run for POTUS.

Since May of 2022, there have been the usual collection of BIG Boy donors, a few more interesting that others, but all Globalist to the core.

There’s Jeff Yass, one you may not have heard of before.l owner of a large share of TikTok. He and his wife were the third largest “conservative” donors in 2022, giving $49 million to Globalists.

Please consult the piece below. Yass has approximiately $21 billion of his $28 billion net worth in this Chinese spy/social control platform called Tik Tok. He donates heavily to Club for Growth (if you ever thought this gang was behind the Little Guy, you can stand corrected); Rand Paul (yes, Rand Paul); Thomas Massie, R-KY; Kevin McCarthy R-CA (no surprise there). To date, he has donated $2.2 million to the Desantis’ POTUS campaign. Read on below; interesting stuff, kind of like a scorecard with the names and numbers of lots of players…

We already know that the presidential run DeSantis promised not to make has been supported by Romney and his monied ‘friends’. Remember, in July of 2022, DeSantis traveled to Utah for a private “friend-raiser” hosted by big Utah money, aka Mitt and friends. The Florida governor also made a California swing that year, and stopped off in NY for other private conversations. Shortly after that, Tallahassee mandated that all of the Governor’s travel and visitor records be sealed – “for security reasons”. OH, please. Don’t insult our intelligence.

DeSantis spent his 45th birthday this year in closed door meetings with some of the Romney-related gang in NYC. You can be assured it was about the Romney lists which Mitt will no longer be using since he announced his “retirement” from politics. Laura Loomer does a good job of explaining the webs woven between Romney, his monied pals and DeSantis.

This week, Ron is chumming around with Bush allies in TX. Among those TX hosts are the lead RINO behind the Paxton impeachment. We KNOW that Jeb and the gang are all for Ron.

The picture is clear, Ron DeSantis and his Big Boy friends are tight.

His actions in Florida (when he’s there), clearly show that he is on their side, as well. Here’s a quick review. Tallahassee’s solution for the insurance crisis threatening homeownership in the state was to change the law to favor business over the citizen. Details below

There is also the ongoing struggle for true medical freedom. Florida citizens helped to draft legbislation to protect them from future government mandates concerning personal choices for their health care. Tallahassee rejected a bill submitted by citizens and their legislators, in which medical freedom was termed a “civil right”. Instead the Legislature passed – and DeSantis signed – one which left the people of the state of Florida subject to mandates from the federal government and the World Health Organization (WHO). Read below to understand what went down.

Also, to protect themselves where legislation will not, citizens have developed a “Ban the Jab” resolution, which has, to date, been adopted by ten counties. See it below. That resolution has been on the desks of Desantis and Ladapo for several months, with no acknowledgment or response. I have placed several calls to the Surgeon General, to get his statement about the resolution. Crickets, to date.

Recentely, Dr. Ladapo and the Governor gathered to talk about the upcoming federal health mandates, and recommend against following them. For now. How much of this was politics, we will have to wait and see.

Also, we can’t forget that Ron DeSantis spoke out in support of jailing innocent patriots on Jan. 6, 2021, and did nothing for any of the 103 families who had family members sent to the DC Gulag.

Nothing. They were just more litle guys.

Perhaps the most blatant disregard for the citizen is was the deaf ear Tallahassee has turned to the massive amounts of voter roll manipulation, aka FRAUD, which had occurred in the state since 2020.

Instead of correcting the problems, Tallahassee passed the “election integrity bill”, SB 2050, this spring, which made machine voting mandatory, and disallowed citizen participation in audits or canvassing. Only government officials such as county Supervisors of Elections, are allowed to challenge election results. Nothing to do with integrity.

It was, of course, the citizens who proved the fraud in the first place, so, in the interest of “integrity” the legislation keeps them away from the process in the future. Yeah. Again, nothing to do with integrity.

After proving millions of voter record manipulations in counties all over the state, Kris Jurski, of and the Florida Republican Assembly, agrees that the “little guy” is just not DeSantis’s focus.

Every voter record should represent one person, one legitimate citizen with voting rights. However, with the knowledge of Tallahassee, over a million voter records have been shuffled in and out of counties, on and off rolls, with zip code or apartment number changes and more. This is identity theft on a grand scale, says Jurski. It is effectively taking away the individual’s right to make free choices at the polls.

While individual Supervisors of Election in some counties have worked to rectify the problems of phantom (illegitimate) voters on their rolls, many don’t. Most of these voters are just those little guys again. Tallahassee doesn’t seem to care.

Even the feckless Republican National Committee has now come out with a resolution in favor of hand-counting ballots. Can Tallahassee do no better??

OK, finally, to the question of “where are the adults?”

It is possible that Ron DeSantis began his adult life as a conservative’s conservative. However, he is not on that road today. His supporters are Globalists. Now, he is as well. Face it. It’s clear to see. My folks always said, “You’re known by the company you keep.” Bingo. Don’t know whether Ron knows this, or cares.

Ron DeSantis just continues his payback to the Bigs by running for POTUS, to take down their arch rival, Donald Trump, whom many might consider one of the few adults in the room of politics right now. Whatever you do or don’t like about Donald Trump, he stands for a strong independent America, and our Consitutional law as its base.

To me that is real adult stuff.

Remember, DeSantis promised Florida citizens that he would fulfill the term to which they’d elected him. Who cares?? They’re only the Little Guys. The Big Guys want me to do this…

I’m still waiting to find out if there are any other adults in the room; truly I see only a very few. Killing our Constitutional republic is the goal of the Globalists, but should never be even considered by someone who can still think. Freedom beats tyranny any day, any time. I’ll bet some kids understand this on some level. History proves this over and over again, but the Globalists have bought into Marxism. Only those with full pockets and empty promises go there.

Money is the root of all evil, and about 85% of our elected representatives in the DC swamp are bought and paid for. We know that. Trump doesn’t need their money, and didn’t take ours, for the entire four year of his service to the country. The fact that he can’t be bought is their main fear.

It’s well past time for us Little Guys to stand up in defence of o ur own freedom. If we want to keep our free Republic, we will get off the couch and out the door – to work for changing our legislator’s minds and souls. To allow thousands of us across the state and country to be part of a hand-count brigade. Whether parallel to the machines, or as a sole means of determining winners, hand count is our only hope. Be a part of it, or live in totalitarianism.

Politics, once again, does make strange bedfellows. Grassroots and RNC RINO’s going for the same goal? Whoa. It is our turn to let the country know that we all want and need honest elections. With the RNC now in favor of hand counts, politicians pretending to be “Republican” will have a harder time denying the demand. Maybe we can still find enough adults in the room to do the job that must be done.

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