By Greg Holt

A powerful Democrat operative attorney is determined that Trump Will lose

Democrats have been filing lawsuits, since LAST summer in order to – you guessed it, overturn/change election rules.  Specifically, what votes, the type of vote, when they are submitted, how they are collected, how long after the election votes are considered legitimate, and changing voter ID laws.  Are you sensing a problem here yet?

Since the election Democrats have been busy.  First the Dems attempted to overturn the results of the election of Donald Trump in 2016 (while currently informing us that we should all accept the election results today, for the good of the nation of course).  Then they attempted to have Trump removed from office.  There was then a seamless transition into attempts (still ongoing) to change election rules in order to favor the Democrats.

Favor the Democrats is just another catch-phrase for CHEATING.

There are lawsuits filed in 14 or more states right now.

“Apparently, calling the process voting-by-mail didn’t gain traction with the public. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told MSNBC on May 20 it will now be called ‘voting at home.’ Voting in person is ‘a health issue’ in the era of the pandemic, she said.”

Mail-in voting is said to be particularly susceptible to fraud 

The Epoch Times reports:

“‘The consensus among people who study fraud carefully is that voting by mail is a much more fertile area for fraud than voting in person,’ Charles Stewart, a professor of political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told National Public Radio (NPR) in 2018.”

The lawyer who is spearheading the legal push?  Marc Elias.  Recognize the name?

This is none other than the attorney of record who works for the high-powered Democratic law firm Perkins Coie.  The same lawyer who hired Fusion GPS – who hired former British spy Christopher Steele, who in turn wrote the infamous Steele dossier.  Elias was also an attorney for the DNC and Hillary Clinton – both of which financed the spurious Steele dossier.  Is it coming into focus now?

Elias is out to implement some changes in voting, changes that could have serious repercussions.

These changes are called the Four Pillars – which consist of:

  • Postage for mail-in ballots must be paid for by the government
  • All ballots mailed out on or before Election Day must be counted
  • Signature matching laws must be changed in order to protect voters
  • Community organizations are to be allowed to collect and deliver “voted” and sealed ballots

Does anyone else see the ENORMOUS potential for fraud here, or is it just me?  Stacey Abrams (who thinks she is the governor of Georgia) calls these Pillars “the Gold Standard.”

Did you know that these pillars have already been included in legislation?

Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act 
VoteSafe Act 
Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act

Did you also know that Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Utah, and Hawaii carry out their elections wholly by mail?

In Minnesota the attempt is being made that votes received via the mail should be accepted through November 10th.  This is ridiculous, that would (did) allow plenty of time to “find” many new votes.

The Democrats are trying to use the so-called pandemic as an excuse to, or in their eyes, an absolute need to change the voting rules.  This is nothing short of pure election fraud, tampering, and election theft.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit ruled that the Minnesota consent decree authorizing votes to be counted until November 10th to be overriding the role of the state legislature.  The Justices also said that “There is no pandemic exception to the Constitution.”

In Wisconsin:

“President Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn Wisconsin’s election results by tossing ballots only from the state’s two most heavily Democratic counties is an ‘assault on democracy,’ attorneys for Democratic Gov. Tony Evers said in filings with the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”

Here is the problem, Trump won almost ALL of Wisconsin.  But in two counties (which just so happen to have as much or more population than all the rest of Wisconsin put together) the vote was heavily for Biden.  Throw in some nefarious voting practices, such as accepting votes in a public park, and one has to wonder about the results of said vote.

In Michigan:

“In court filings and interviews, Republican poll challengers and lawyers said they witnessed election workers engage in wrongdoing at the TCF Center, a convention center in downtown Detroit, and were excluded from the ballot-checking process.”

Leftists (including WSJ) say that there is no evidence of this.  Funny, there is story after story of elections misconduct, like #DetroitLeaks which TCP News reported on.  The evidence is refused, buried, ignored, and ridiculed all because the media is almost wholly on Joe Biden’s side.

I just reported on #MaidenGate a few days ago.  Clever election thieves used the maiden names of women to vote without their knowledge of course.

On election night, Trump was ahead by HUNDREDS of thousands of votes.  Suddenly in the overnight hours, the vote count was stopped, and voilà, Biden is ahead and winning by a large margin.  Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that there is a problem here.

Rudy Giuliani: The key fraud is the mail-in ballot. That was the backup in case they fell too far behind. That’s why they cut off the vote at midnight, 1:00 o’clock, when President Trump was getting too far ahead, particularly in Pennsylvania, in Michigan, in Wisconsin, and also in, uh, Pennsylvania.”

People need to be aware of what is happening here, namely the largest ever perpetuated election fraud, hoax, coup attempt, and insurrection event ever conceived of.  Yes I said insurrection – never forget, the pen is mightier than the sword.

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Article sources:
The Epoch Times
The Washington Post
Star Tribune
The Wall Street Journal
The Mental Recession
TCP News