By Frosty Wooldridge
February 6, 2025
Part 3: We’re going to cover “how and what” to eat. How to detox your body from heavy metals and chemicals. How to make sure you avoid all the “crap” food, sugars, dyes, poisons, deadly synthetic sugars, best stores for your health, and how you can force your schools into healthy breakfast and lunch programs. Your dollars will drive this new “Make America Healthy Again” crusade.
The fact remains that America offers the largest selection of foods in the entire world. No other country offers over 60,000 food items in large grocery stores. In the produce section, dozens of healthy greens, reds, yellows, and orange-colored vegetables await your purchase. You’ve got every kind of apple, banana, grape, Kiwi, lime, lemon, peach, coconut, blackberry, strawberry and blueberry at your command. You find those fruits in the frozen section as well as in jars and cans. Notice there is no special packaging that demands your attention in the vegetable section. That’s because fruits and vegetables constitute your healthiest foods. Over the course of human development, we all ate very simply, very basically and close to the earth.
In the grocery store, the butcher shop displays every cut of meat in the world. It all looks good, but unless they are organically-fed critters, the average cow and chicken on display have been fed or injected with nine different chemicals from growth hormones, GMO’s to antibiotics. When you eat their flesh, you eat all those chemicals.
Along the shelves, you may purchase cereals, breads and pastries. Some stores offer an entire aisle of ice creams. Other aisles offer juices the color of the rainbow.
Rows of canned, packaged and boxed foods await you. Instant dinners offer their easy fix at meal time.
Ah, but there is a catch! Just about everything you might purchase in a box, can, package or glass/plastic container—offers up an endless line of ingredients from dyes, preservatives, sugars, salts and more. If you read the ingredients, you realize you’re eating a chemical bath injected into that “food.”
Let’s make this fact perfectly clear: white refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, Sucralose and other synthetic sugars are VERY DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH. There must be 50 different names for “sugar”, but they are all nasty for your health. Top prune juice companies put high fructose corn syrup in their products. Some baby food manufactures inject sugar into their jars—that addict your babies. It’s a ‘cartel of ill health’ that gets all of us by our throats.
At the checkout line, you come face-to-face with every kind of sugary candy known to humanity. Those grocery stores feed your sugar addiction, also known, as “point of purchase.”
No wonder 66 percent of Americans are overweight, fat and/or obese! No wonder our 12 year old kids feature 40-year old pot bellies and diabetes. No wonder America leads the world in heart attacks, cancers, diabetes, and obesity along with dozens of other consequences to poor eating. No wonder Alzheimer’s Disease explodes among our baby boomers! They’ve spent a lifetime eating a lot of bad foods.
As the Surgeon General said last month, “Because of alcohol consumption, 100,000 Americans are diagnosed with seven forms of cancer annually, and 20,000 die.” Was anybody listening? Probably not!
Are you ready for a slim, trim, healthy body? Do you want a vibrant body, mind and spirit? For many people, it feels SO out of reach because of emotional problems that make “comfort foods” very addictive. Many times, when you see overweight parents, the children also suffer from obesity because their parents feed them the same foods that made the parents fat.
Please notice that when you stroll down the “cereal aisle”, you’re face-to-face with an advertising campaign with a tiger that tells your kids that his sugar-coated flakes are, “Wonderful!” Well, there are another 15 cereal brands covered in sugar, dyes, colors, chemicals and worse. Buy the organic cereals with “no sugar added.”
Avoid all soda pop! It’s really bad for your longterm health. Drink water!
How about fast food joints? Do you think they care about your health? Not a chance. They advertise to your emotions and feed you a nightmare of fats, oils, chemical foods and worse. That’s why they are called “Junk Food Joints.” Choose healthy eating establishments. Let your dollar dictate what kind of fast food joints succeed and let the bad ones fail.
Are you already to be slim and trim? You can still clean up your food intake with organic choices, chelate heavy metals out of your body, and delete toxins.
Speaking of heavy metals, if you’re a baby boomer, and you live in a big city, you’re subject to breathing heavily polluted air that carries dozens of heavy metals. Lead, mercury, cadmium, palladium, and other metals get into your blood stream to be deposited to every part of your body, including your brain. That’s how older people suffer dementia.
How can you detox your body of heavy metals? Well, my wife Sandi suffered severe heavy metals in her body. We discovered a combination of cilantro leaves, Humic/Fulvic Minerals (liquid) and Chlorella (green algae) pills—-that chelate those metals out of the body. After one year, she dropped from the highest levels on the urine test to baseline. We keep her on that schedule to keep her entire body detoxed.
Yes, there are lots of detox formulas on health food store shelves. You can detox your liver, blood and colon. See a specialist in those natural food stores.
What about high blood pressure? Men and women suffer from it along with their overweight bodies. First off, you must move your weight back to your “lean and clean” high school days. Lose weight the natural way with Weight Watchers, GoLo, Sienna, Nutri-System and many more. In order to bring down high blood pressure without pills, buy an incredible book by Dr. Steven Sinatra: The Sinatra Solution. It saved my brother’s life, and I have used the “solution” for 14 years to maintain a healthy heart and blood pressure. It even offers a “solution” for “couch potatoes” along with top athletes.
What about your liver? It’s the filtering system for your entire body. Give it a liver cleanse twice a year.
The biggest thing you can do for your health is to buy food products that are organically grown, non-GMO, not sprayed with chemicals or grown with petroleum fertilizers. Check every food package for ingredients. If you can’t pronounce them, avoid buying them.
If you’re a parent with kids in school, please realize that the “dominant” food paradigm is already dug-in to serve your kids poor foods, sugary foods, soda, pizza and the like. You must go to school board meetings and demand a healthy, nutritional breakfast and lunch program.
Since this topic is massive, I give a one-hour program: How to Regain, Sustain and Maintain a Healthy Life past 40,50,60,70,80. At the end of the program, attendees come up to the podium to thank me for educating them toward a healthier life. If you would like an email four-page handout, it will fill you in with incredible knowledge, breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas. It features books to educate you to your highest and best. Email me at: While I can’t guarantee you anything as to health or wellness, this program will give you a pathway toward well-being.
Good health and high spirits,
Frosty Wooldridge
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