By Sidney Secular
January 25, 2025
YOU’RE PROBABLY ON THE FEDERAL LIST: You are now considered a potential terrorist because of your political and/or religious beliefs. There are 72 specifically mentioned categories of Americans that are now considered extremists or potential terrorists and are identified as such in official GovMint documents. Broadly speaking, if you are a libertarian, a Christian, or a gun owner – if you are opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the UN or the NWO, you are the new-fangled enemy and the FedGov will look to bury its fangs in you. The Obama Administration, so inclined to coddle Muslims and promote evil, removed the label “terrorist’ from the Islamic jihadists and placed the label around your neck as your very own political albatross. The first step in persecuting and eliminating any group of people is to demonize them. Today, large groups of peaceful, law-abiding citizens are being relentlessly demonized. The J6 prisoners are currently the most conspicuous group plastered with opprobrium by the evil Dems and the Deep State. As I write this, President-elect Trump’s Inauguration is only days away, and in no way is the relentless roundup of J6 participants easing up. They are among the seventy-two categories of Americans considered “personas non-grata” and subjected to demonization and persecution. I’m sure you get the idea, so I need not list these categories individually, but I have generalized and summarized them below:
- Any who talk about individual and constitutional liberties and states’ rights;
- All who are concerned about immigration and the great replacement;
- Those involved in the patriot movement and/or who attempt to “live off the grid”.
- Those opposed to Agenda 2030;
- Those who believe in and are concerned about FEMA camps;
- Those trying to change the tax codes and limit the power of the IRS and other government bureaucracies;
- Returning veterans and those who belong to survivalist groups;
- Those who believe in “end time” prophecies; and
- Evangelical Christians; traditional Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians – that is all Christian denominations that do not support “progress” in the Church or who consider Christ the only path to salvation and the Bible as the Word of God.
Within the government documents that relate to these supposed enemies of the state, members of the military and the police are specifically warned not to have anything to do with the castigated groups. This listing has been making the rounds of the Internet for years now, but has not elicited the necessary outrage, resistance and rejection that should have been found amongst the citizenry. The list is becoming a bit outdated now, so expect a new and even more vindictive and atrocious listing to come out soon, especially with the return of Donald Trump to the White House.
IT’S NO WONDER IT’S SO HARD TO FIGHT THE LA FIRES: For two years now, under the guidance of Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, a/k/a Governor Newsom, LA County has been sending firefighting equipment, including firetrucks, to Ukraine. Under the now dissed and distant Constitution, states could not have separate dealings or treaties – let alone trade relations! – with foreign countries, but California has long since abandoned the Constitution and has extensive formal foreign trade relations with China as if it were a sovereign nation. Which LA County politicians ran on a platform of providing aid to Ukraine? None did and therefore no one voted on it! Indeed, none probably knew about this, making Newsom a dictator accountable to no one, and therefore no different than the ones running North Korea and Ukraine! Indeed, he is running California, as the Ukraine, into the ground.
THE AFTERMATH OF THE US INVASION OF IRAQ. There was no threat to the US from Iraq as the Bush administration claimed. It is now widely acknowledged that the Iraqis did not have weapons of mass destruction even though their dictator, Saddam Hussein was a threat to decent people everywhere. Still, if that were an excuse for war . . . At the time, the US GovMint falsified documents alleging Hussein had purchased uranium from Nigeria to make them. The real threat from Iraq was not to America, but to Israel, and so, we invaded Iraq on a false pretext. The puppet government we installed in Iraq after the execution of Hussein fired all the government employees including nurses, and ruined Iraq’s medical system, turning it from a relatively safe country with little crime into one of the most dangerous places in the world. The American-backed hooligans extorted billions of dollars from the Iraqi people. Due to the lack of stability and security thus engendered, groups such as ISIS have flourished in Iraq. ISIS and its affiliates have committed mass atrocities in Iraq such as mass executions, slave trading, and organ harvesting.
THE REBIRTH/REJEUVINATION OF RECONSTRUCTION. Confederate soldiers returned home from the War to find their homes and communities destroyed, many people near starvation, no functioning government to provide law and order, and their state occupied by an arrogant alien army – such was largely the nature of the period known as Reconstruction which ended formally in 1877. Four important facts not acknowledged by establishment historians was that the period did not intend to rebuild the devastated South (which “rebuilding” did not occur until the preparations for World War II began), second, that Reconstruction never really ended and continues in modern form with the denigration of the South and the reconstruction of America’s original constitutional republic of sovereign states into an all-powerful indivisible “federal” government began then and is still in progress; and that the South’s efforts to resist Federal occupation and military dictatorship were primarily of a non-violent nature, widely exaggerated accounts of Ku Klux Klan terror notwithstanding. Indeed, the largest, most active groups in the Klan in the early 20th century existed not in the South, but in the Mid-West! Once the Yankee troops left in 1877, a passive resistance to domination ensued, which lasted until 1965, characterized by a sort of forced reconciliation and acknowledgement of Southern valor and virtues referred to as “The Grand Bargain.” That period of “peace” between the sections ended with the beginning of the Civil Rights era with the South and the rest of “Red” America subjected to an increasingly oppressive government along with anti-traditional values promoted by that Government.
War era Republicans such as Secretary of War Edwin Stanton saw the North’s victory not as an opportunity for reconciliation but as an opportunity to exact/impose revenge and retribution on white people in the newly conquered area they called a “territory”(a fitting name would be “terrortory” as an area in which terror was promoted and excused by the federal government) using the domination of the Republican Party to carry out its aims. Part and parcel of this control was to prevent “every rebel” from exercising any power in the newly conquered “Military Districts” as they were also called. The illiterate black “freedmen” were selected as the enforcers to dominate, humiliate and control the population, creating the racial animosity and fear that eventually led to a system of segregation known as Jim Crow established by the Supreme Court under Plessy v. Ferguson’s finding of “separate but equal.”
Nothing short of stupendous ignorance or brutal malignity can explain the arming of former slaves – both ignorant and easily used – and setting them up as guardians and overlords over whites and even their fellow less amenable blacks, a matter that became the common practice. To add insult to injury, black militias were deliberately housed near the homes of widows and crippled veterans. These malicious and untrained black troops routinely marched 4 abreast in the streets and sidewalks, purposely forcing whites into the gutters and off the streets. Old, hungry or crippled white men were deliberately harassed. Black troops sometimes forced their way into homes and demanded that the (usually white) women of the house feed them. With no reliable legal system in place to prosecute the offenders, it would be irrational to think some form of vigilante resistance would not take place. The matter resulted in the emergence of the first manifestation of the Ku Klux Klan as a defense mechanism. This group was dissolved with the removal of Union troops at the “end” of Reconstruction but there were two subsequent “versions” that were most powerful in the Mid-West in the 20th Century. The Union League was created by the Government during Reconstruction as a means of enforcing “order” against Southerners. Indeed, it was the actions of this group that led to the appearance of the original Klan!
Modern-day reconstruction emerged with the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and subsequent legislation designed to reinstate some of the abuses against whites in the name of protecting blacks. As a result, the white majority could be compelled to pay welfare to an assortment of minorities of all colors and flavors that weren’t present in the 19th Century. Modern-era reconstruction is characterized by political correctness, affirmative action, and the DEI and ESG forms of favoritism imposed upon ordinary Americans. Less conspicuously and directly, high or unfair taxation, excess spending on pork projects, fraudulent elections with ineligible minorities allowed to vote, and the weaponization of the government agencies against conservatives are modern forms of reconstruction meant to keep current day “rebels” down. Modern reconstruction now applies to the entire nation, and not just the South and finds its protection in America’s court system that no longer represents unbiased legal protection for all.
BIDEN’S APPALLING AND GALLING PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM FRAUDS TO PEOPLE UNWORTHY OF AWARDS: Everything that relates to true achievement nowadays is turned into a political football to annoy those who would have the gall to question it. As if to cement his place at the bottom of the dung heap of recent presidents (with the possible exception of Donald Trump), the pugnacious and petulant puppet President piled it on by issuing hundreds of pardons to criminals possessing no redeeming qualities and then topped it off with over-the-top choices for the Presidential Medal of Freedom. First and foremost, Biden hung a gold medal on the thoroughly evil George Soros when he should have hung him. Soros, the epitome of evil and whose not-so-subtle subterfuge has openly expressed his contempt for Western Civilization by undermining democratically elected governments in Europe and installing criminally-inclined attorneys general in major metropolitan areas. The patriotic portions of the populace have been pummeled by his installed puppets. Hillary Clinton also received her Presidential Medal of Freedom as a consolation prize for placing second in a presidential race, constantly flailing away at any freedom initiatives, and staying in the background during Biden’s unlawful stay in the White House. Many of the recipients from the worlds of art and sport kept their eyes shut as they received their medal. Whether this was due to modesty or damning shame, we will never know. They all knew they were groveling go-getters who went along to get along all along in their careers.
FOWL PLAY: Is their yet another gain-of-function* fraud designed to get the best of us with this avian flu humbug? They’re starting to really “bug” us now. Millions of chickens and turkeys have already been killed because of bogus PCR tests for bird flu. The US still hasn’t had a fatal case of bird flu, yet the authorities are beating the drums and flying off on their own migration paths, reinventing the same duplicitous scenarios they used with Covid. That should frighten anyone with brains because the Covid quackery resulted in deadly “vaccinations” so it is quite probable that they current “flight” will end up with more H5N1 “vaccinations” down the road despite the known fact that nasal and throat sprays and gargle would work if there were any real danger involved! What is needed at this point is a criminal investigation into what happened the last time instead of a conjured up “scientific debate” that will undoubtedly end with the incredible culling of the credulous. Legislators, state officials, and senators need to immediately haul in the top (and lap) dogs at the USDA Poultry Research Center in Athens, Georgia and require them to testify under oath while and subpoenaing their research records, emails, and all hand-written communication to nip this bird nuttiness in the beak, er, bud. Farmers and ranchers need to raise holy hell with their elected representatives before they are forced out of business due to the culling of living birds leading to an increase in the cost of eggs to the point at which no one will be able to afford their purchase. [*Gain of function studies are illegal in the United States but that does not seem to in any way curtail their use. Meanwhile, people are arrested and prosecuted for saying things that “offend” certain “protected” classes.]
J-6 – ANOTHER DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY: Fantastically framing the lie that whatever actually happened on January 6th, 2021, was an “insurrection” and not just a testament to the maliciousness of the demonrats and their mousy followers, is testimony to the ignorance, gullibility, and mindlessness of the American public. During an occasional lucid moment, Joe Biden never missed an opportunity to label the J6 event as a “deadly insurrection” whereas it was more like a bunch of rowdy schoolkids on the obligatory trip to DC. And, in fact, most of what happened was “performed” not by angry Trump supporters who believed (correctly!) that the election was fraudulent, but by government agents promoting Biden’s claim! As what little did happen, the psychopathic DOJ and FBI have imprisoned well over 1,000 peaceful protesters who were “invited” into the Capitol, a building that cannot be accessed from the outside! The protesters were either not charged, or were charged with “trumped-up” charges for which they have been housed in horrendous conditions, denied legal counsel and pre-trial bail and treated such that some committed suicide while others were driven into bankruptcy having lost their job and having their bank accounts and credit cards cancelled.
Given the treatment of the vandals who destroyed property and attacked innocent people when the Dems were annoyed, the stench of this “two-tiered justice” gets stronger as the rank cruelty gets more revolting with the passage of time and the reminiscing and retelling tales of it. “Remember Jan. 6th” will eventually acquire the same connotation as “Remember the Alamo”, provoking patriotic fervor in the face of despotic big government/Deep State brutality. Millions of Americans have realized for the first time how the GovMint and its media accomplices routinely lie to the public. However, the remaining normies, who still constitute a majority of America’s citizens, will remain blockheads and a stumbling block to progress.
AMERICANS IN THE DARK ON THE VULNERABILITY OF THE POWER GRID. The idea that our power infrastructure is resilient enough to handle natural disasters, cyberattacks, and equipment failures all at once is laughable. In reality, the grid is a patchwork quilt with each piece owned and operated by diverse entities and cobbled together with outdated equipment often running decades beyond its intended lifespan. The Texas freeze of 2021 in which millions lost power and lives were lost was not just an isolated incident; the entire country has similar and in some cases even greater weaknesses. With each utility company doing its own thing, there exists a shocking lack of coordination and planning! And even though these companies have “contingency plans” in place to deal with outages, their ability to respond to a widespread, long-term blackout is inadequate. Indeed, we have become so “technologically advanced” that even the best responses would not be sufficient if the entire grid went down! Why? Because the grid depends upon a vast network of transformers that are often locally made for that particular area and can take months to replace, thus making rapid recovery impossible. These local specifics are the weak link that makes the entire system very problematic indeed.
Furthermore, the present reliance on renewables makes the grid more unstable during peak times of use especially during extended cloudy or windless periods that affect both solar and wind power generation. In another area of concern, while some grid facilities have adequate physical security, many are surrounded by nothing more than a chain-link fence! This is a godsend for saboteurs presently known as “terrorists.” The large number of interconnected systems and software make them susceptible to cyberattacks, especially as more electronic devices are added to the grid and the number of potential access points for hackers, physical and electronic, also increases. We know that electromagnetic impulses (EMPs) occur naturally from solar flares, but they can also be artificially created to fry the aforesaid vulnerable transformers leaving the entire nation in darkness, perhaps for months. However, EMP cloths are an affordable, reliable way to shield electronics from the devastating effects of an EMP event and should be added to an individual’s prepper supplies. Sadly, cybersecurity measures employed by power companies are always in a catch-up mode, a fact that has fueled a recent rise in ransomware attacks globally. A well-coordinated attack on a few key substations can cause cascading failures across a wide area and as it can take a month to fix one substation, if several were hit simultaneously, most of the country would be plunged into darkness, without any “quick fix” available. Sitting in the dark for days would be the least of it – without power, water treatment facilities would cease to function, leaving millions without clean water, food supply chains would be disrupted, and grocery stores would quickly run out of merchandise. Hospitals, despite having backup generators would struggle to provide care as fuel supplies dwindled. The economic impact would be devastating, and society might well unravel in a matter of weeks.
Americans must learn about and take proper prepper measures as outlined in other issues of this newsletter and in The Success Express Personal Planning Newsletter. It’s time to wake up and see the grid for what it really is: A fragile, overburdened system that’s ripe for failure.
© 2025 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
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