By Sidney Secular

May 16, 2023

COMING COMMIES’ WEAPONS CAPABILITY NOT COMICAL: North Korea is testing a new solid fuel ICBM that is pushing the envelope in state of the art weapons technology with assistance from China. These two terrors are not paper tigers anymore and you can’t paper over it. Without going into the techy details, the new system needs testing and fine tuning to be sure, but it sure is scaring the bejeebers out of the US and its Asian allies. South Korean and US air forces staged joint drills only hours after the announcement of the new weaponry. The two sides accuse each other of escalating tensions, but once that tit for tat gets going, it’s hard to back down and lose face, something the Asians loathe and most averse to, and we’ve got to face that fact. Japan and the US nearly simultaneously conducted air drills for two consecutive days over the Sea of Japan.

Meanwhile, a new book by Col. Grant Newsham, “When China Attacks – and the US Goes Down to Defeat” paints a pessimistic but fairly reasonable scenario of how China would take over Taiwan taking the US down in the process. That would destroy the reputation of the US as a powerful military power. Parenthetically, however, former commie “President” Obama did more damage to America’s military than anything China can do unless, of course, one recognizes that it is through China and other US enemies that Obama was elected in the first place! But back to the book: Newsham is no sham. He is an expert in military, intelligence, and high tech matters and his writings have appeared in many publications including The Asia Times. He portrays the social decay (and outright decadence – editor) along with the economic weakness of the US brought about by the loss of manufacturing capability and the corruption of academic, financial, corporate and  political elites facilitated by Chinese bribery.

Unfortunately, Newsham falters when he recommends as a solution that a lot more money be spent on building up the US military. We’ve been there and done that, and still with all the waste and corruption that accompanies all that spending, along with internal attacks against our warriors based upon vaccines and various gay and liberal agendas, we continue to fall behind. Indeed, we get much less “bang” for our cheapening bucks all the time. These experts are one trick ponies trotting out their one or two favored solutions for all the maladies that beset us. One such “eternal” solution being bandied about is to reinstate the draft so as to recruit enough cannon fodder to cover for our follies and feed the ever larger war machine. Of course, this fails to take into account the apparent fact that an increasing proportion of our populace cannot pass muster as war “materiel” except in the casualty category! The think tank “The Hudson Institute” is pushing this solution which is already passe. These intellectuals like to ape each other and trot out solutions which they purport to be new but are just a rehash of ideas that already have been and are being bandied about. That they write books that sometimes sell like hotcakes speaks volumes about the ignorance of the population or perhaps just our pathetic optimism that there is some solution for our own well-worn path to hell. Tucker Carlson seems to have been the only commentator who didn’t say things just to go with the flow and was a true journalist, so they made a big deal over him until he was removed. The others just like the public exposure and the easy money they make jabbering away with preset talking points.

BARACK’S BIG BROTHER MAKING STINK OVER BRO: Malik Obama, Barack’s older brother – that is, if Barack’s father was Obama and not a black commie his mother “knew” (in the Biblical sense) back in Hawaii – is suddenly trying to get back at BO for reasons we are not privy to know but that probably involve the extreme difference in the two men’s financial condition!  Malik has released documents showing Barack was born in Nairobi, Kenya and was thus an illegitimate president. Forensic researchers had already proved that Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate was a forgery as were his seven or so SSI cards. These revelations come at the same time that Columbia University graduates who were supposedly in the same classes as Obama reiterate that they have no memory of him at all. But if Malik has his way, it will get even worse for the Obamas as “the brother” is determined to further publicize the fact that his “sister-in-law, “Michelle, a darling of the Democrats, is in fact a man named Michael who as any good “tranny,” represents “himself” as a “herself.” Michael was registered to vote as a man from 1994 until 2008, according to documents obtained from the Illinois State Board of Elections, officially changing his gender to female in 2008, the year her/his husband was running for the presidency.

In 2014, comedienne Joan Rivers publicized the fact that Michelle was “a tranny.” Rivers died some two months later during what was supposed to minor throat surgery and ever since, rumors have been swirling around that she was “eliminated” for her lack of decorum. As well, given the very obvious and suspicious “lumps” visible below the waist when “Michelle” wore any of her more form fitting dresses, it is probably that little or no “gender affirming” surgery was ever performed. And, of course, the ever present (and seldom silent) President Donald Trump has long claimed that the story of Barack Obama and his wife Michelle is one of the greatest scams and cons in the history of politics.

NOT SO FAST – LET’S NOT FORGET THE PAST: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is running for president. In an election cycle that promises more vast criminality, fraud and fulmination among frustrated voters, he hopes to be the solution for those offended by the same uni-party choices or Deep State reject Donald Trump; that is, people just looking to be offended by any number of things one can easily be offended by. JFK, Jr. wants to be viewed as someone new, or at least sufficiently apart from the swamp so as not to lumped in with the usual coterie of creeps by new voters and/or the rest of the lumpen proletariat. He’s made his mark by exposing the Covid and pharma scams in a major way – and writing a best seller on it – and making the rounds of the talk show circuit since its publication in 2021.

But Kennedy himself continues to remind us that he is STILL a Democrat, and he wants us to remember that as well as to remember that that label stands for hypocrisy, deceit, deception and delusion even though Republicans are giving Dems a run for their bags of money. The man has been a prominent environmentalist and that is OK in a neutral sort of way Indeed, he has even done some good in that role! But on the other hand, he is also a UN Agenda 21 total control freak and like the other supposed “environmentalists,” is all for solar and wind while remaining all but oblivious to the harm that these renewables cause to the environment. And, alas, he does not respect the Historic American Nation that fostered our true commonality, together with the Constitution that put in place the rule of law that only that Nation would steadfastly follow. JFK, Jr. is still a card-carrying member of the swamp and if he is our “choice,” will wind up swamping us and going overboard with a boatload of false propaganda. Despite the man’s name and claim to fame, he will be going up against the main body of presently deranged Democrats who are still all on board with untested vaxxes, lockdown mandates, and the already discredited “maskerade!” As a result,  he will be stifled and shunted aside by the legacy media and mocked by the hardcore mainline demonrats while the rest of us who reject such Democratic agendas as he does support, will find him unacceptable for that very reason.

UNFATHOMABLE AND UNBELIEVABLE  MONEY-LAUNDERING SCHEME YIELDS FANTASTIC FOUNT OF FUNDS:  Public records show that some Democrat supporters appear (on the surface at least!) to be making multiple donations of small amounts of money – sometimes dozens of times each day! Of course, these “small payouts” quickly add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Of course, naturally (and obviously), the present Department of (In)Justice is oblivious to all this despite the fact that the original “donors” are livid about it. A colossal money laundering scheme stares them in the face while they go foaming at the mouth after the chimera of white nationalists fomenting insurrections. Here’s how it works as far as we can determine: An unsuspecting person makes a donation to a “Demorat” politician or organization. Suddenly, bogus donors then pile on with thousands of donations using the original donor’s identity and address while the donor is oblivious to what’s going on. Many of the ersatz donors are either elderly or unemployed and therefore couldn’t possibly make such prodigious donations. The top donor in Arizona supposedly made 18,672 donations over 3 years, which comes to 17 donations per day!  Another Arizona woman claims she did not make the 18,000 donations made in her name to the tune of $170,000, despite what the Federal  Election Commission records showed. Using this methodology, funny money can be funneled to any favored candidate facing a significant election challenge.

Much of the funny money went to the organization ActBlue, whose website boasts of “raising” billions since 2004. Half of the donations ActBlue received in 2019 came from people who were unemployed — and untraceable! The burning question who is: Who is making all these donations? James O’Keefe of O’Keefe Media Group recently investigated this phenomenon. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)  has called for an investigation into this matter especially as it relates to ActBlue. One would think ActBlue itself should be audited. They must have their own internal auditor. He should be put in the hot seat and made to sweat until he provides some answers. Sherlock Holmes needn’t be consulted in this case as even Inspector Lestrade could do it.

AI – THE FRANKENSTEIN ABOUT TO MASTER MAN: Twitter CEO Elon Musk has joined over 1,000 Artificial intelligence (AI) experts and industry executives in signing an open letter calling on all AI labs to “immediately pause” the training of systems more powerful than GPT-4 for at least 6 months. Among the signers was Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak, AI guru Emad Mostaque, and engineers from Meta and Google. “The AI systems being developed have human-competitive intelligence and pose profound risks to society and humanity” said the statement, and cited extensive research on the issue. You know this is a stop-gap measure because once something pernicious gets going, the impulse to see it to completion overcomes resistance to proceeding with it. This is a Frankenstein monster with a digital mind that no one – not even its creators can understand, predict, or reliably control. It’s unbelievable but these experts believe that non-human minds might eventually outnumber, outsmart, render us obsolete, and replace us. This does not mean that the gurus are giving up on AI development, but only want to make it governable and less gargantuan. The monster could take on human criminal activities such as cybercrime and other malicious actions and spread disinformation. The monster could suddenly decide to kill us all. Maybe the gurus should take their own advice to heart and control their urge to micromanage us. Musk is happy that Chuck Schumer (Demonrat – NY) is laying the groundwork for Congress to regulate AI. That sounds too much like the foxy wolf trying to get the upper hand (paw ) on his fellow conspirators. It is also most necessary to remember, most of our major weapons systems are run by computers. If we were still beating each other over the head with clubs, AI might be less of a threat, but one of the four AI “androids” that killed some twenty-eight people after having been partially deconstructed had found a way to “link in” with a satellite that was giving it the means of repairing the damage it had sustained! Had the connection not been broken or the machine sufficiently damaged to stop its murderous rampage, who knows what the result would have been!

DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN: NATO is sending depleted uranium armor-piercing shells to Ukraine in a not-too-unprecedented act of escalation. This weapon is radioactive and is known to cause cancer and horrific birth defects. They can ruin the land they detonate on for generations. They could turn the contested Donbas region into a wasteland — nothing is beyond the pale when it comes to combating the evil Russkies. The UK’s defense minister, Annabel Goldie, mentioned none of this when boasting that the rounds are highly effective in defeating modern tanks and armored vehicles. The NATO powers openly obstruct the possibility of productive peace parleys so they can get their jollies beating their contrived opponents to a pulp. Depleted uranium munitions were used in the Iraq war. Horrifying images online document the life-altering and often fatal effects civilians face in their wake. In some cases, babies whose mothers were affected by the munitions are born with multiple extra limbs and other severe disfigurements. Uh-oh! Russian President Putin has already stated NATO has crossed a “red line” and that Russia will respond accordingly. The Western media, never shell shocked over explosives or explosive news, has backed the delivery of the depleted uranium munitions, with the mouthpiece, “Popular Mechanics” magazine ridiculously describing the delivery as “modest”.

BIDDING IT AUDU-BON VOYAGE: After months of supposed “delibberation”, the Audubon Society, in a decision “for the birds”, is changing its name, citing John James Audubon’s background as a White heterosexual, Christian male. The organization, dedicated to the scientific study and appreciation of birds, announced the bombshell decision on its website and in an email sent to members. The nonprofit will begin a process to develop a new name that “embodies our organizational values”, and is “inclusive and welcoming”, as if members knew or cared about the founder’s heritage or background. All the environmental organizations have these mental issues and are dissing and dismissing their founders in this manner. The Arbor Day Foundation, which I support, has changed the name of its sub-group from “Morton Oak Foundation” to “Oak Foundation” as the appellation for the  member group who has the organization named in its wills. J. Sterling Morton, a very prominent legislator and environmental activist in Nebraska founded the organization in 1872. His sterling accomplishments were of no account because he made some offhand remark supporting slavery. Wikipedia has excised his name completely from its article on the organization. Their letterhead paper looks weird because there is a very conspicuous blank space where “Morton” used to be – anything to mollify or mollycoddle the super sensitive snowflake members. The members make sure they plant plants with well-established roots and are happy to have rooted out the most important person in helping the organization establish its roots.

In an interesting Post Scriptum to the Audubon Society’s decision Wikipedia reports that the man himself was born in what became Haiti and it is pretty much believed that while his father was a French planter, his mother was of a much lower birth rank and might even have been what those days was called a “quadroon” or a person who was one-fourth black. So it would seem that the artist wasn’t white after all! Will wonders never cease!

BIDEN TO DEPLOY “ARMY” OF SOCIALIST SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS: They would ostensibly assure the youth vote for him. This mini-army will be stationed in a briefing room at the White House. A social media influencer uses videos of themselves on social media platforms for paid product endorsements. This is the way to drive the digitally driven and the deluded woke crowd into the Biden camp. The influencers are considered “press” and will receive press passes so they can pass into the inner sanctum to ply their propaganda. This is really a high prestige position in today’s inverted society since “social media influencer” is the number one career choice of woke youth who have yet to enter college. The media provides the messages that matter the most in our messed-up mass society.

DHS IS RUNNING A “CONCIERGE SERVICE” FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS TO ENTER THE US AT 8 DIFFERENT POINTS:  A One Mobile app called CBP One allows foreign nationals to schedule appointments, akin to restaurant reservations, at the Mexican border so they can quickly and seamlessly be released into American communities. No need to try to sneak in anymore. Once released into the US, they are given free food, lodging and smartphones on your dime. No interviews or questions are asked. It’s like getting a Ticketmaster reservation. This is just the ticket eventually leading to an effortless takeover of the country by foreigners. The illegals schedule a time on their smartphones and we’re waiting to greet them with open arms at the time and place they desire. Almost 10,000 foreign nationals were thus released into the US in January, and 20,000 were so released in February. This is a new “service” so the numbers are going to climb exponentially now that there is no processing for Covid candidates. To date, about 40,000 have used the “service”. Most of these “guests” have come from the socialist paradises of Venezuela and Haiti. New York City’s mayor has already spent millions with at least 100 hotels and motels and even office buildings to provide free housing for the illegals. Even New York area Democrats are astounded at the mayor’s hospitality and the hosing being administered to the taxpayers, some of whom are bound to be Democrats.

FBI EXTENDS ITS SPYING AND INFILTRATION ACTIVITIES INTO CATHOLIC HOUSES OF WORSHIP: This situation is presently occurring in at least the Richmond, Virginia area, but it may be in a lot of other places as well. Why this matter is going on in that area was not revealed. The FBI is cultivating church leaders and clergy members to act as surrogate undercover agents to reveal evidence of “radicalization.” The Feds apparently now considers at least some “traditional Catholics” and their particular parishes as nests for “racially or ethnically” violent extremists in the “Radical Traditional Catholic Movement”. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a Jewish infested hate organization that receives huge amounts of taxpayer dollars to create bogus enemies among those it doesn’t like, is still relied upon by the present law enforcement community to ferret out enemies of the state to pounce upon, even though its reputation has been sullied by corruption, it is apparently now “siccing” the WOKE FBI on its targets.

SOROS HEIRS APPARENT CARRYING THE TORCH TO TORCH WESTERN CIVILIZATION: George Soros, age 92, has two sons set to fill his oversized shoes when he passes on. The Soros dynasty won’t be happy until Western Civilization dies out mainly due to their constant outsized infusions of cash into all the left wing causes extant. Son Alexander Soros is seen regularly blackening the White House with his constant visits, having been seen there at least 14 times since October 2021, and having meetings with multiple high-ranking officials and attending  state dinners for the likes of French President Macron and his entourage, Barack Obama, and yucky Chuckie Shumer. The Soros family was behind the election of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, best known for bragging about his role in prosecuting/persecuting former President Donald Trump. The other Soros’ son, Allan, was the son-of-a-gun most involved in that project. The Soros family is almost single-handedly responsible for selecting district attorneys across the nation who are busy dismantling our justice system by turning a blind eye to crime and releasing violent criminals back onto the street to rape, maim and murder some more.

FAUX SENATOR FETTERMAN (Demonrat – PA) CONTINUES IN OFFICE DESPITE DISABLING HEALTH ISSUES AND SUSPICIONS: Despite being out of office for over two months and hospitalized due to deep clinical depression and   “lightheadedness,”  Fetterman has returned seemingly unfazed and is carrying on as before. His release aroused suspicions because it was not accompanied by videos or photo-ops and the Senator refuses to answer reporters’ questions. The conspiracy minded and those with some common sense believe a lookalike double for him has been found and installed in his place to look and act like the unlikely winner of the senatorial race in Pennsylvania. Another not so way-out theory is that a clone of Fetterman has been created using state-of-the-art medical technology. The Dems will do anything to assure that their hold on Fetterman’s seat remains unfettered in the critical swing state of Pennsylvania.

MODERN MEDICINE or KILLING US SLOWLY WITH HEALTHCARE: Sons of Liberty Media has brought to the attention of those Americans who still care about whether they live or die that a drug that has been foisted upon us all for decades is really killing us, albeit slowly. The drug that has been added to many products over the years is the heavy metal fluoride. Yes, that’s right, the stuff that’s supposed to prevent tooth decay. I don’t know if it actually does prevent tooth decay, but according to Dr. Eashwarran Kohilathas, the author of the book “Calling Out The Shots: Questioning the Science Behind COVID-19 Genetic Agents, fluoride is the “main culprit” in the calcification (hardening) of the pineal gland, a small endocrine gland in our brains that produces melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone that modulates sleep patterns. The gland is located near the center of the brain and is one of the neuroendocrine secretory circumventricular organs in which capillaries are mostly permeable to solutes in the blood. Calcification of the organ produces many different ailments including a defective sense of direction, insomnia and even brings on the onset of schizophrenia. It is also suspected as an agent that, like it’s heavy metal cousin mercury, may be one of the main reasons for the slow but steady decrease in IQ found in America and the West today.

Even before it began its life as an “additive,” fluoride’s poisonous properties were well known in medicine. As noted, in the beginning, using the reason that supposedly fluoride prevented tooth decay, it was put into tooth paste but now it is hard to be sure into what fluoride is not included given that warning labels no longer mean much of anything.

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