By Sidney Secular

August 29, 2023

MUSLIM MARAUDING AND MAYHEM IN FRANCE: The French public is finally getting fired up over the terroristic, wanton, Jihadistic and sadistic behavior of the unassimilable Muslim and Black African hordes that have been invited in by the French Government and egged on by the UN/EU to willy-nilly carry on with their nihilistic, disruptive behavior. The current events this July represent at least the fourth such massive upheaval over the past 18 years or so in France. Burning and overturning cars and structures have been in the “tradition” of Islam right from the start by these upstarts going back to the 8th Century. Yet the Government keeps inviting these invaders in without limiting or keeping track of the numbers of these “newcomers”, as they are called. The perp who set off the latest round of revolting behavior is being given the George Floyd treatment as some kind of hero by the left although his criminal behavior has a history similar to Floyd’s in that it – and he! – have no redeeming qualities.

The French Government is restricting Internet access “in certain neighborhoods,” – and by that, the “government” means the burgeoning areas occupied and controlled almost exclusively by these criminally inclined troglodytes. Of course, this is done so that the depraved denizens therein cannot use social media and other platforms to organize and promote their violent activities.

Somewhat nationalist oriented French right-wing political leader Marine LePen’s support is growing as the people begin to wake up from their somnolence. She is picking up support mainly from the middle classes now as she has always had a base of support with the working classes. She could soon become President of France as current President Macron seems helplessly oblivious to the current great dangers. One has to ask why so few could see the handwriting on the wall until now. The dumbed down or deluded denizens of the Western countries have to start asking themselves how long will their natural citizens put up with the Third World invasion, going with the flow before we go down the drain?

Another interesting question in this whole matter is that it seems to have driven the coverage of the literally millions of ordinary Frenchmen who had taken to the streets all over France to protest their government’s policies that concern the actual people of France. We have gone from nightly coverage of these huge crowds to dead silence to the point at which one has to wonder if the French are still protesting their government’s policies or they have been driven out of the public square by the Muslims and the media.

TIT FOR TAT TOSSING TOXIC WASTE AROUND IN UKRAINE: The Biden Administration is running out of conventional ammo, just about all of it going into the bottomless pit of Ukraine. So they are dredging the bottom of the barrel and have come up with toxic depleted uranium (DU) shells to send to Ukraine to be used in M1 Abrams tanks. These would severely pollute the environment and affect public health. DU was used to make short work of the Iraqis in Operation Desert Storm. Vladimir Putin responded by indicating he would use DU ammo in retaliation. If DU gets flung around, Ukraine will wind up as a toxic wasteland and the former breadbasket for much of Africa and Europe will become an ”empty” basket case. Could it be that result is what is intended by the devilish forces running and ruining everything? Their objective could be to force us to eat their frankenfoods and lab creations while they eat our lunch.

DEVILISH DISNEY TAKES NOSEDIVE AS IT DOUBLES DOWN ON WOKE: Caucasian characters and European storylines are being whitewashed – or should we say “blackwashed” in the entertainment industry. Blacks are constantly thrust in our faces to promote the new dark agenda. Disney Studios seems to be the epitome of this thrust in turning out disastrous financial flop movies which are remakes of classic films like Peter Pan and The Little Mermaid but featuring Blacks in leading roles. The critics are programmed to unthinkingly say the failures are due to racism, misogyny, anti transgender prejudice and any other “isms” that are being flung around at the moment like monkey poop. If they knew their audiences were all bigoted, then why would they make movies that wouldn’t appeal to them, other than trying to shame and indoctrinate them regardless of the financial consequences? You could appropriately call it cultural appropriation in reverse. If rationality entered into the equation, why don’t filmakers create original concepts that feature their desired diversity? The answer, my friend, is not blowing in the wind. The answer is that the devil is making them, or at least inspiring them, to do it, come what may. These people truly believe you can force what is imaginary to actually become real, but frankly, Scarlett, you can’t!

REDUCING HIGH MEDICAL BILLS BY DICKERING WITH DOCTORS. Most people don’t realize you can negotiate to reduce the fees for major surgery and other expensive procedures. Over 60% of patients who negotiate with a doctor obtain a lowered fee. Most people are too cowed by the puffed up aura surrounding the medical complex to even try to negotiate. Before negotiating however, the initial step in saving money on medical expenses is to use a physician listed by your insurance company as one of their preferred providers in the particular medical specialty involved. You can call your insurer and request this list for your geographical area. The next step, once you’ve chosen a practitioner is to ask for a price up front. Simultaneously, call your insurance company and inquire as to what is the maximum or range of prices they will pay/allow for the particular procedure. From these pieces of information, determine how much of a reduction from the original fee that you want to try to negotiate.

You can’t be timid in asking for a big discount. If you can afford it, offer to pay the fee upfront and in cash as an incentive to the doctor or provider while dickering. Bear in mind, dickering is only useful for advanced procedures. When it comes to procedures covered by Medicare, to determine the rock-bottom Medicare rate, ask the doctor for the Current Procedural Terminology Code(CPT) for your procedure.

Then go to which will recommend a fair price for the procedure. Then call the providers in your insurance network and tell them you are willing to pay cash upfront, then name the fair price you have ascertained. Your fair price may be agreed to on the spot – if not, try to negotiate the price down. After a successful negotiation, be sure to obtain the final negotiated price in writing. The aforesaid website also provides a pricing agreement template the provider can use for that purpose.

HOMESCHOOLING RESOURCE FOR READING AND WRITING ADVANCEMENT. Whether you are already homeschooling your children, or you are thinking about it, it will greatly aid your children’s academic development to have them begin adopting/utilizing the “Spalding Method of Phonics,” a time-tested program for learning the English language. Phonics was the only way language was taught before the “see and spell” method became popular and it was a disaster in that children were not able to put into effect that which phonics taught – the sounds associated with letter placement, thus allowing a child to read words that he had never before seen simply by the placement of the letters within the word. See and spell required that the child memorize every word and it greatly affected – and afflicted – reading. The old tried and true method is contained in a book entitled “The Writing Road to Reading” and is a multifaceted curriculum. You will also improve your English and handwriting skills in the process of teaching it. The method is great for stubborn children who don’t think they need improvement as well as for those kids who think they will never get it right. The program is geared towards the elementary grades up to and including the sixth grade.

The book is available from for $9.99, which is less than half the cost charged by other sources. An adjunct “course” that can be added to the homeschooling program is spending an hour every day discussing a story from the Bible to your children. This indirectly reinforces the learning obtained from the Writing Road to Reading program.

MELONI WAS FULL OF BALONEY: Nationalists and true conservatives were falling all over themselves with praise and adulation when Giorgia Meloni recently became Prime Minister of Italy. She was even likened to a sort of throwback to Mussolini and his strong nationalist program. Now she has retreated back into advocating for an increasing number of non-whites to come to Italy to fill workforce needs due to the declining White native population. The voters elected her to stop the Third World invasion and now she is promoting it. Her first priority should have been to create economic incentives for the native population to have more children, obviating any justification for importing more foreigners. Parenthetically, it probably would also have helped if there were less “guests” whose criminal ways tend to lower the native population through crime and violence! Murdered Italians cannot work!

In France, Marine LePen has retreated somewhat from her father’s strong nationalist sentiments. Political leaders in today’s West invariably have to backtrack to mollify some of the recalcitrant masses to vote for them. To what degree she will clamp down on the Muslim and black immigrants making a wreck out of France when and if she is elected President is a big question mark now. Westerners have been crying out for a true leader to bring us out of this wilderness of wild depravity and multicultural madness for a long time now.

TOXIC INDIVIDUALITY ON THE ROAD. Pedestrian fatalities on American streets are surging. In 2021, 7,485 pedestrians were killed by vehicles. That’s a yearly increase of 65% since 2011. During the Covid lockdowns when fewer people were driving, more pedestrians were hit and killed than “usual.” The researchers, who didn’t research it, speculated that drivers took advantage of empty roads and flouted safety rules. Maybe the drivers were just driven to their behavior by being cooped up and unable to work and felt the need to vent their feelings and exasperations in a situation where they could be anonymous and kind of get back at society.

Of course, SUVs, pickup trucks and vans collectively known as light truck vehicles (LTVs) are inherently several times as dangerous than other vehicles because of lowered visibility, increased weight and factors such as the people who usually drive these vehicles. Of course, there are more such vehicles on the road than ever and as their drivers have a natural tendency to drive over the speed limits and just because their vehicles are capable of attaining high speed they tend to drive like demons now and then. Casualty rates increase proportionately with increasing speeds. Driving with an attitude also sparks the increasing incidence of road rage in recent years. Neither has drunkenness significantly decreased over the years despite intense and ongoing public safety campaigns and DUI is still the leading cause of motor vehicle accidents. During the lockdowns, people had a greater tendency to drink and do drugs to overcome their depressed feelings, which could have been a factor in the increased levels of accidents. Last, but not least, is the fact that there are more illegals and foreigners driving, and they have less regard for the rules of our roads, as they tend to retain the macho and careless driving habits they had back in their home countries. Of course, this factor would never be factored into any studies, let alone admitted.

A MOSTLY UNNOTICED CHINESE INVASION. An unprecedented number of single Chinese men are suddenly entering the US. Customs and “Border Protection” says the number of these Chinese entering through the southern border was 4,271 between October 2022 and February 2023. That is supposedly ten times the number of Chinese nationals trying to enter during the same time period one year ago., or a 1,000% increase. Who’s to say the ones who got away are not way more? The Presstitutes of the quisling press present their treks as long and rugged yet those filmed look healthy and well nourished and carrying large traveling bags – and besides, what difference do the circumstances of their trip make to the reason they made it! The media, Fox News included, touts these migrants as “freedom-loving” people from China who merely want to escape an oppressive regime. But families are not coming with these men. Why are they almost exclusively military-age males? Please note that this phenomenon is mostly the same for the south-of-the-border Hispanic populations who invade us — they are not the “innocent children” portrayed as deserving pity and wind up with more than mere pittances extracted unwillingly from “We the People”. China, lacking Western scruples – if that description itself has not become an oxymoron! – will screw us in any way they can in their campaign of “Unrestricted Warfare” that calls for using all means available to undermine the US. Sending military and intelligence operatives into the US under the guise of fleeing China sure sounds like an effective strategy and they have an actual pool of employment in the Chinese police departments already operating in most of our “blue” cities! As with the other illegals, these migrants are being given the equivalent of concierge services as they are being intentionally bussed into the interior of the US by government funded means. Biden and his treacherous, traitorous “Administration” – in collaboration with private sector entities including “Christian” organizations are deliberately allowing our enemies into the US. The way it’s going, we will soon be gutted and fall apart without any shots being fired. Isn’t that the Chinese way, anyway? We are being numbed and gaslighted to the point at which fires lit under us will not arouse any blowback or resistance on our collective part. We are expected to grin and bear it until we finally give in to the onslaught.

CAN MEN MENSTRUATE? Continuing with the gaslighting. when you ask Google that question, the answer is “Having a period is not a feminine thing, and people of “all genders” menstruate, including non-binary people, “agender” people, and even plenty of men. Menstruation is just a thing that some bodies do”! Really???? We have entered into the twilight zone when we get google-eyed nonsensical responses like that!

BURNED UP OVER THE “CONTROLLED BURN” AND THE LACK OF SAFETY PROTOCOLS ON AMERICAN RAILROADS: Before the now infamous February 6 Ohio train derailment that resulted in a “controlled burn” involving a plume of highly toxic chemicals, Norfolk Southern had lobbied against safety rules, something that makes no sense at all! After all, safety regulations are put into place as much for the railroad companies as for those who make use of their “product!” But apparently, railroads no longer see that as true, spending heavily to lobby the FedGuv as a means of lessening such regulations. It turns out that Norfolk Southern is among the biggest spenders, paying $1.8 million in 2022 for the services of 36 lobbyists. On February 6, hazardous chemicals used to make PVC plastics were burned off the derailed freight train contaminating the soil and water which resulted in thousands of fish and other animals dying, ill effects on humans, and an increased risk for cancer for the people living in the area. It has been ascertained that in order to increase their profits, operators of Class One freight trains have collectively shrunk their work forces by 29% over the last 6 years. In the article in a recent issue of this newsletter on the subject of the OH train derailment entitled “America: Off the Rails” – an article that garnered national attention, we may add! – we noted how very overworked American railroad workers were, with unconscionable amounts of overtime imposed on what in effect are skeleton work forces! As well, there is a severe lack of decent amounts of vacation and sick leave time available to them leading to a neglect of safety precautions. Derailment disasters have become almost routine and widespread in recent years, whereas back in the day they were a rarity. This is especially interesting as the rise in technology has permitted railroads to monitor their entire systems in order to prevent accidents arising from malfeasance or simply error.

“MASKERADE:” The most rigorous and comprehensive analysis conducted on the efficacy of the nearly ubiquitous and farcical face masks as a means of reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses – including Covid 19, was recently published by The Cochrane Collaboration, a British non-profit organization, that is considered a leading authority on the subject. Summarizing its findings, it became apparent that the masks make no difference in preventing the spread of disease, including the highly touted N-95 masks. What about other preventive measures such as hand hygiene, physical distancing including the arbitrary 6 feet distancing, and air filtration? Same answer — there’s no evidence that any of these measures make any difference. Remarkably, the absence of evidence to support mask wearing for infection control was known and confirmed from the very beginning by the same agencies and organizations that ended up mandating mask-wearing.

On the other hand, harm caused by face masking were rarely sought, ascertained or noted and when something was found, the results were poorly reported. Studies showed that masks disrupted the ability of people to process facial cues, significantly lowered cognitive scores in toddlers, had negative impacts on communications skills, and created dental problems among other negative effects. One phenomenon only myself and Donald Jeffries, the noted author who wrote the book on the Covidiocy, “Masking The Truth” seemed to notice was that there were no protocols for dispensing with spent masks, which should have been treated as medical waste. Thus, they were thrown all over the place, especially on the ground, and not even placed in dumpsters. Also very much of importance is that those who resisted the mask mandates never deserved to be treated like lepers and called “conspiracy theorists” and no one should have lost their jobs over questioning “the science” or refusing the jab. In other words, a resistance to government mandates produced not an attempt to validate those mandates, but instead, sometimes severe punishment of the recalcitrant including a loss of employment and even legal penalties. There were numerous instances of people being denied urgent medical treatment for the very reason of them not having been vaxxed. This makes no sense medically as the whole point of being vaccinated – so we were assured – was to prevent the “unvaxxed” from spreading contagion if they caught COVID! Therefore, it should never have been claimed that these people were a danger to those who believed that they were receiving immunity from their own vaccinations! In plain words, the response was punishment for “disobedience” rather than their behavior constituting a health risk. Of course, those who were so persecuted will never get the apologies they deserve since tyrants don’t apologize for their tyrannical actions, but at least they have been vindicated – until the next plannedemic. You can read the full 326 page study by the Cochrane organization at

THE TREASURED SNOWFLAKES WANT TO FLAKE OFF FROM NORMAL SOCIETY: A leftist group in Oregon wants to set up segregated hiking trails in their state forests so that Cherished Minority hikers won’t have to face the risk of facing “prejudiced” people while shambling around in the deep woods. They want hiking trails reserved for “underrepresented adventurers who are plus-sized, fat, Black, indigenous, people of color, queer, trans, non-binary, disabled, neurodivergent (whatever that means) and “beyond.” I guess “beyond” means beyond recognition or understanding or further out in the twilight zone. I suppose sooner or later we will have whole forests and parks set aside for these types who will be considered handicapped and thus entitled to special handicap license plates or placards. Our parks and forests are already understaffed and remaining staff will probably be diverted to these new protected areas leaving normal hikers to have to form hiking clubs so as to organize work trips to weed out the briars and brambles in the unkempt trails in the “regular” forests and parks. This is already being done with respect to certain hiking trails in the Washington, DC area.

a self-driving car that has the intelligence(?) to repossess itself and self-drive to a repossession agency, an impound lot, or a junkyard. The self-driving craze will sooner or later drive you crazy since you won’t know where your car is driving you next or even where your car is!

SHOPPING FOR GAS CAN BE A GAS FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS: Gas is cheapest at the beginning of the workweek. Although prices may vary by region, gas tends to be cheapest on Mondays and Tuesdays, getting progressively more expensive as the week progresses, and reaching a peak on the weekends when the most people are filling their tanks. A site for comparing gas prices:

SMALL TOWN BANKS CLOSING DOORS: The attack on rural and red state America takes many
forms, some not immediately obvious. The plannedemic assisted in accelerating the many negative trends that are bringing us down and become obvious once you step back and closely analyze what is going on. One disturbing trend is bank closures in small towns which makes life very difficult for residents as it severely disrupts economic and social life in what are or were closely knit communities. Branches of larger banks and independent local banks have shuttered over 4,000 branches and 7,500 actual brick and mortar locations since March 2020. Bank mergers and acquisitions have played a major role in this shrinkage. The rate of closures was 99 per month before the plannedemic and is up to 201 closures per month now. Many small towns have become “bank deserts” where the nearest bank is over 10 miles away. Even then, many times there is only one bank in the next town over or the nearest town with any banking. When banks close there are several adverse effects on the community. Low and moderate income communities are especially hard hit. Small business lending and small business activity is in general decline. Alternative financial providers are often unregulated and predatory, These include payday lenders, auto loan title lenders, and check cashing locations, and small loan dispensers that charge exorbitant fees. There are usually one or two cash machines around, but they charge fees, and are restricted to the denominations the machines can provide. Stately and ornate bank buildings built in the early 20th century provided aesthetic architectural pleasures, but many now sit vacant. Privately owned hometown banks used to dot the landscape. Savings and loan banks helped home and auto buyers make major purchases, helped farmers acquire equipment, helped businesses get started and provided loans for expansion. Not all banks have safe deposit boxes, so now its even harder to find a place to securely stow valuables and documents. It’s time to savor the flavor of small town America when and if you can. A trip down memory lane can keep you sane.

DHS STARTED TO EMPLOY A CHINESE-STYLE SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE SYSTEM IN 2018: It was called “Project Night Fury” and sought to use automated methods (algorithms and artificial intelligence) to detect socially unacceptable behavior of ordinary citizens by naming it “pro-terrorist” or “terrorist”, just as they were characterizing parents complaining about the communistic indoctrination public school students were receiving. The program was conducted by a partnership of DHS and the University of Alabama. “Social credit” risk scores were assigned to suspects which affected various accounts the suspect had. A list of suspects and their social media and financial accounts were turned over to DHS, including names, emails, phone numbers, pictures, and posts. The project was terminated either because it was technically deficient or it ran into severe criticism because of privacy concerns, the reason(s) not being clear. Although the program was terminated in 2019, it is not known how far along the project was or whether its assets were transferred elsewhere within the law enforcement apparatus.

You can be sure this aborted attempt at setting up an Orwellian system of population control was only a prototype or forerunner of what is yet to come. Social credit scores, once they fully arrive, will factor in such variables as driving infractions, smoking in unauthorized places, buying too much or the wrong types of groceries, not paying government imposed fines on time, spending money on frivolous purchases. and posting unacceptable memes on social media or, perhaps most importantly, attending a truly orthodox Christian church.

THE PLANNED DISRUPTION OF THE PLAN FOR THIS PLANET: If we were created directly by God as designer, the miscegenating, amalgamation, or mixing of the races is nixing those fine and finely tuned designs by compromising or neutralizing all their fine points. That is, we are filing them down with a ideological file into a common denominator in which planned differences are lost. If evolution was nature’s solution, then all those millions of years of natural selection, fine tuning and selecting the best or the best – and most useful – features over time are going by the boards in to create boring, homogeneous sameness.

As a result of this human homogenization, the different races and ethnicities have lost their useful genetic markers and can, for instance, now catch each other’s diseases and physical conditions that used to be unique to particular racial groups as, for instance, sickle-cell anemia, a black health condition not found in any other race of people. Distinctions create distinctiveness, something that once upon a time was wanted and sought after. Part of the fun of going on foreign vacations or holidays as the British say, is to see the sights you don’t see at home. Now all those once new and rare sights are slighted as the populations in each country lose their distinct appearance while the population at home becomes more and more homogeneous. The question then becomes, why leave when all those exotics are coming here anyway? The West has always been especially blessed with all our physical diversity that will, however, in time be lost as all become the homogeneous “Tan Man.”

All the middle and upper class white libbers can now compare and enjoy the exotic “queerzine” and tap into the tapas, etc. that seem to be the best inspiration for conversation after the local weather and who has now become offended. You can forgo all that hassle and cost associated with air travel and those personal airport exams that can really get personal. Lugging luggage along has long since ceased to be fun as you have to check the big pieces at the terminal where they increasingly get lost as they follow you around in the unfriendly skies, usually arriving at an entirely different destination! To get a decent deal you have to check all the red-eye flights available. Anyway, the idea of everyone getting to look like butterscotch pudding should be scotched except, of course, for actual butterscotch pudding which is quite tasty!

BORDER SURGES GOING BEYOND BORDERLINE INSANITY: The libbers keep on moving the goal posts back on what is considered insanity. The more we accept of their woke wackery, the more fringe the behavior at the fringes until outright lunacy becomes the norm according to the woke and their psychologists. These morons keep pushing the envelope because they see how easy it is to push the rest of us around. And while our eyes are glued to the tube and the sights and slights at the southern border, other hordes are raining down upon us from the north in a diverse and devious manner. Currently, anyone can board a plane in Mexico, fly to Canada, then sneak or openly walk into the US. Mexicans aren’t the only ones taking advantage of that huge loophole. Asians, Russians, Central and South Americans, and Middle Easterners are doing it as well. It all has to do with loosened visa requirements instituted by Canadian President Trudeau, otherwise known as “Airhead” in 2016. The migrants who decide to stay in Canada are causing an overwhelming housing and health care crisis in Vancouver and Toronto, the two biggest Canadian immigration destinations. It’s only a matter of time before this population bulge breaks into the US past the very long and very loosely guarded northern border.

CLINGING TO RECYCLING IS HURTING BOTH THE ECONOMY AND THE ENVIRONMENT: The primary culprit in this problem is plastic. We really need to find a substitute for this “miracle product” that is both economical to produce and really is recyclable! Nonetheless, this is only a drop in the (plastic) bucket as an answer to our problems. For instance, we keep on hearing about plastic straws creating a problem as if that problem was the last straw, but it is a minor part of a much bigger picture. When you go to a recycling facility, you find that huge amounts of material from people’s recycling carts are winding up as trash. The worst are plastic items that are marked with a recycling symbol though most of the products so marked is not recyclable. Plastic is not a uniform product. There are different grades, each having its own processing requirements thus making plastic products almost impossible to sort efficiently. Plastic bags clog the recycling machine, forcing workers to spend hours cutting/separating them from the mechanisms. Most plastic degrades with each reuse anyway. Making new plastic is actually cheaper than recycling old plastic so recycling is sold as a means of prevent environmental contamination. Of course, environmentalists neither know nor care that recycling plastic causes 55 times more carbon emissions than just placing it in a landfill. The question then must be just how much is actually recycled? The answer? About 5%! Plastic not placed in landfills – and that is most of it! – is shipped to third world countries where they dump it in the ocean creating vast floating patches in the Pacific Ocean that do a great deal of harm to marine life while polluting the environment. So there you have it! It would seem the road to hell continues to be paved with good intentions and libber virtue signaling!

Post Scriptum: actually, mankind is not helpless even in this matter. First, India is making a good start by producing a plastic product that can made into roads and is both sturdy and cheap! Meanwhile, apparently, plastic-eating bacteria is showing up in our oceans but whether that is a good or bad thing remains to be seen!

THE ECONOMY GOES ELECTRIC ON ITS WAY TO GOING TO HELL: An Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) report claims the electric vehicle “boom” has created 94,000 new jobs in the US, with many more to come. Sounds rather suspicious to me. Are you telling me that people who could hardly afford a regular car in the past can now afford a much more expensive electric one or that there is an entirely new market for car buyers who were just waiting for electric cars to come out so they could buy them? The libbers revel in their lies while normal people suffer from their fictions. New rules proposed by the EPA calling for new stringent tailpipe pollution standards will supposedly drive the move to electric vehicles. Seven states plus California will require manufacturers to sell an increasing number of zero-emission (electric) freight trucks and buses through 2035.

The electric grid is already rickety and much of it is ready for renewal/replacement while a vast new addition to the grid would have to be built to accommodate all these new electric vehicles and other newly electric appliances. I hear nothing about all of this being planned for or built. It’s all part of the new libber fantasy that if you want something bad enough it will appear out of thin air for you. Jane Fonda is fond of promoting that idea. Then there is the increasing chance of the increasingly aging and thus vulnerable grid going down from a terror attack from China or some other terrorist or computer hackers or even from an attack by Mother Nature in the form of sunspots and massive solar flares (EMP). The unthinking, and increasingly incapable of thinking, left leaning public is eating this up as some sort of reason to give Biden an approval rating, such as it is. They’re the ones who will eat crow
when the time comes, but in the meantime, they’re crowing over their domination of the narratives. The lefties will leave all of us in the lurch with their lying schemes.

A VERY VIABLE ALTERNATIVE TO THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (WEF): The World Council for Health’s second “Better Way Conference” was held in Bath, England June 2-4, 2023. This was a major international event and collaboration to counter the lies and anti-human philosophies of the WEF. Eight separate panel discussions/”conversations” were held, each featuring 20 panelists, all involving internationally recognized scientists, doctors, law specialists, and health activists. Veronica Kyrylenko, a writer for the John Birch Society’s “New American” magazine was the overall moderator. Subjects covered included big pharma, non-medical therapies, well established and safe wellness alternatives, fake foods, food as medicine, artificial intelligence, trans-humanism, climate change hysteria and weather manipulation, damaging farming practices, corporate media manipulation, centralized digital bank currencies, the Covidiocy, the vaxxes, freedom in general, and centralized and autocratic power. The applicable website is

THE ERRONEOUS WAR ON TERROR IS NOT AN ERROR: When they wanted to butter up the public to do battle with the battle hardened Saddam Hussein of Iraq whose parading around in military fatigues was getting fatiguing and annoying, they cooked up 9/11 while public anti-Muslim fervor was at a fevered level and so it was easy to blame it on the Muslim baddies. They had it all planned out and were ready to go after baddie Bin Laden the very next day, 9/12, before any evidence of his wrongdoing had been confirmed, and that he repeatedly denied having anything to do with. As it turned out no such valid evidence ever came to light and Bin Laden was supposedly hiding in a dark cave, whose location could not be ascertained despite a thorough search of the area. The bungling of the entire affair by the American alliance from beginning to end was of no consequence since the brainwashed public could not piece together the various pieces of the puzzle and didn’t really want to anyway. Several lone wolf attacks by real Muslim terrorists followed inspired by the 9/11 fable and the allure of 40 virgins to be had in the Muslim heaven.

All of these fabrications were the inspiration for and a means by which a “War on Terror” against an unnamed foe was ignited though it is interesting to note that perfectly logical criticism of Islam was verboten. After this flurry of anomalous activity, the terrorist activity petered out as there was really no organized campaign directing it. Meanwhile, claims of an ongoing alleged continued threat was used to put into place the infamous Patriot Act which was designed – and served – to restrict the activities not of terrorists and enemies, but of actual patriots. It has even been alleged – and proved – that some (much?) of the lone wolf terrorist activity was actually false flag events carried out by a cadre of crisis actors who were seen (and photographed) at the scene of several such events. The upshot of it all was to reinvigorate the military/industrial complex and to energize the ongoing leftist campaign for gun control rather than boxcutters.

Since there now no foreign devils to demonize, and to keep the anti-terror campaign going, domestic Whites and Christians became the devil incarnate, especially the fans of Donald Trump. Thus “white privilege” was suddenly concocted, and critical race theory was inculcated into the minds of students and corporate employees, and even military members. Even milquetoast Republicans and ersatz conservatives could now be lumped in with the enemies of the state. This is quite a state of affairs to have to turn around, as all the power centers have now been turned into “marx-cysts” that have to be converted back to health or, conversely, eradicated as cancerous growths.

WARPED WARRIORS FOR MORE WAR: “Bipartisan” legislation is being considered in the Senate that would prevent an American president from withdrawing from NATO without the express consent of Congress. The battle cry for more battles is being led by leading Dems who were former doves and the usual RINO retards. If the measure makes it to the House, it will likely die there. it seems the libbers have been co-opted by the military-industrial complex. We will not hear their chant of “Make love — not war” anymore. Maybe the arms giveaway to Ukraine has got them giddy for spending more for the guns they want to outlaw at home.

SUBSTANDARD AMERICAN NUCLEAR SUBS: Nearly 40% of US Navy attack submarines are out of commission largely due to the omnipresent supply chain issues and there being “not enough workers”, whatever that means. Is it a lack of technical expertise or a lack of knowledgeable workers – or both? We are left underwater wondering about that since an elucidation has not surfaced. Already, China has overtaken us with a fleet of 340 ships and subs, which constitutes the largest navy in the world. Before long, we won’t be able to challenge them in the waters around Taiwan.

EQUITY MATH: California’s Education Department has further watered down the math curriculum to create “equity math” so that everyone can pass the math exams, if exams will even be countenanced. More advanced math is deemed a demonic creation of “white supremacists”. Meanwhile, in Taiwan, algebra is taught to 11 year olds. Of course, anything of the intellect is considered white supremacy. Seems as if a lot of blacks work hard trying to prove that whites ARE superior!

WOKE SPEECH CODES SPREADING LIKE WILDFIRE: A survey conducted for Newsweek magazine shows that 44% of Americans aged 25 to 34 think referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense. 31% of these millennials disagree while 25% “don’t know”. Do the first and third groups know anything worth knowing? Even so, we keep asking them.

EL SALVADOR: The president of this country since 2019 has been Nayib Bukele, of Palestian descent, who has achieved an unprecedented 90% favorable popularity rating. El Salvador means “The Savior” in Spanish and this man seems to live up to that appellation. So far in 2023, homicides in the country are down an incredible 92% over the same period from last year. This has resulted in a 44% decline in migration to the US. Members of the MS-13 and 18th Street gangs are being locked up. Kamala Harris was right about one thing – these Latin American countries have to clean up their acts and we could help them, if they ask for it, without interfering in their internal affairs. Maybe these third world countries can achieve such turnarounds with the right leadership – after all they don’t have an insurrectionist, treacherous deep state to contend with.

“NET NEGATIVE:” Vice President Kamala Harris has a net negative approval (disapproval?) rate of minus (-) 17, the lowest of any VP in American history. I think we are owed an explanation of what “net negative” means since most of our public servants probably deserve a similar rating (ranking?).

FLIM-FLAM PHONY FAUCI GIVEN A PASS: First, it was the batty story of bats causing the spread of the Covid-19 virus, and when that idea lost its plausibility, it was theorized that an accident caused its release. Then we started hearing the term, “gain of function” which we couldn’t quite fathom, but after some cogitation we started realizing that some manipulation of the virus was going on to make it more “viral” and dangerous. The media blamed it all on the Chinese but then we were hearing that the US was contributing to the Wuhan lab research, so putting it all together you can conclude that it was a joint US and Chinese endeavor sponsored or propagated by the World Health Organization or some other arm of the New World Order. Fauci was just a knowing cog in the wheel of this vehicle of deceit and became the sort of “public face” of the “pandemic.” A large portion of the public seems to not know or appreciate what the term “gain of function” means or is meant to convey, and still is in the dark over the overall conspiracy – but then, that’s nothing new, is it? The fact that there are about 100 labs in Ukraine doing similar biological gain of function type research seems not to have registered in the public consciousness as another example of the biological warfare going on. The public’s attention span seems to have narrowed to a day or two as the news stories are spewed out in large doses daily. Long since forgotten is that the US has conducted biological, chemical, and radiological warfare research for over a century now, and inexcusably on our own troops and patriotic troupers.

LIBERALISM AS TODAY’S RELIGION: This subject has been covered in past newsletters, but here’s a brief “sinopsis” that describes today’s sins in a nutshell. Liberalism allowed those who felt a need to have feelings dominate over reason in re: action, those who were weak psychologically or weak-kneed, and those who needed some solace to hide their sinful natures from themselves, to play “God” and embody in their persons “the good” in sort of the platonic sense while portraying themselves as innocent or the innocent fighting all the bad “isms” left over from the patriarchal world they see as needing a makeover. Prime among these evils is “racism”. Without having strawmen racists to fight, their world would fall apart. They must have this punching bag kept intact regardless of its nonsensical aspect to blame as the prime source for all the evils they feel they must fight. They’d punch out your lights if you disagreed enough with them and they could get away with it. But the libbers are drunk with success which leads to them to overdo that in turn, leads to a degree of race fatigue and cynicism towards the left’s moral muscling on the issue especially when they say that racism is inherent in the white race. When it gets to that point, you stop whining and you either fight it with all your might or you eventually die because the left cannot be discouraged or sidetracked for long in its ambitions.

Thus, the left will find ways around the recent US Supreme Court decision on affirmative action or, given both the abortion decision and affirmative action, we must be prepared for an all out assault on the judiciary at least at the top level, SCOTUS. The left’s mindset is too set in its ways and they are encouraged and egged on by the phony eggheads, the media, and the establishment.

The question is this: If the left loses some of its political edge, will we be edgy enough to combat them toe to toe, to strike a blow, which is the only way to go? We should stop calling ourselves “conservative” because it is defeatist sounding from the get-go, there’s little left to conserve, and it sounds morally nasty to combat the virtuous sounding “progressive” movement. “Realist” is a better term to adopt as we wrestle with the evil forces of the left over the nature of reality. Realists know we need to rely or call upon powers higher than ourselves to give us moral fortitude and certitude. We know we have truth on our side and that in itself should prepare us for the battle ahead. Truth is the most important thing here, so we should call upon whatever empowers us, whether it be our guardian angel, Jesus, the pantheon of Nordic gods, the spirits of your ancestors, or the universe, or whatever is one’s predilection. These powers represent perfect virtue and have the power to transform and advance us if we follow in their footsteps or follow their prescriptions and ways.

“SYRIA – AN UNTOLD TALE OF “SYRIAS” PLUNDER: The wholesale theft of Syria’s natural resources, especially gas and oil continues unabated under the watchful cognizance of illegal US troops, stationed at 12 US military bases concentrated in the northern half of the country. The Empire’s war on Syria is largely invisible since it has never been covered by the lackey lockstep mainstream media. The US State Department admits that the Empire’s illegal occupation of the northern third of Syria – the portion that is rich in oil and gas, minerals, and productive agricultural land currently appropriated by the US, will persist indefinitely. Dozens of oil tankers cross over to northern Iraq usually escorted by US-backed Kurdish separatist militias, and backed up by the illegal US troops. All of this is not recognized by the Syrian government which stands by helplessly. Syria’s energy sector has been robbed of an astonishing $107 billion between 2011 and 2022 by the ongoing thievery, supported by “coalition” bombing as needed. At least 80% of Syria’s oil and gas deposits are located in the area being plundered. Syria’s representative to the UN has repeatedly denounced the Empire’s theft of resources — oil, gas, and wheat which has plunged the country into a state of economic insecurity while the depredations of several years ago has reduced a large part of the population to the status of displaced persons, refugees and victims of food insecurity. Russia and China can help by stepping up their importation of Syrian products in exchange for wheat and agricultural machinery, but have been hesitant to do so, fearing conflict with the US. Biden and his accomplices are thus getting the oil and gas we need while preventing the US from producing it. Meanwhile they rant and rave over the carbon footprints caused by fossil fuels. The US has devolved into an empire of domestic tyranny, social unrest, foreign plunder and lies.

TRAGICOMIC “MEXICAN STANDOFF” IN TEXAS: The FedGov and the state of Texas are engaging in an embarrassing tug of war at a site along the border. The site is a sprawling, isolated pecan farm at Eagle Pass, TX on the Rio Grande River that is the scene of this troubling tableau of dysfunction. The US Border Patrol, in direct contravention of its mission, is performing a concierge service there. If a migrant encounters a Border Patrol agent in attempting to cross the border, the migrant will be ushered into the US and transported by a van to a site well within the US. If the Texas troopers, sometimes aided by troopers from other states, gets to the migrant first, the migrant will be transported back across the border into Mexico. The migrant then can look for another access point along the border where it is easier to sneak in, and can keep trying until he succeeds. The Texans have erected formidable barriers to entry but these only extend for limited distances along the border. One wonders why the Border Patrol agents don’t just quit en masse. Does a paltry paycheck take precedence over doing one’s patriotic duty? Maybe they should consult with the Texan authorities first to see if they could be accepted into the ranks of the Texas troopers. The Texas Rangers of old have a long and storied history with which they should be proud to be associated, if only symbolically. I guess a big FedGov pension in today’s America 2 is the biggest factor in FedGov employee retention because of the shaky prospects of the job market. With Texans like this, Santa Ana would have won the day!

ROBOTS SAY THEY WON’T STEAL OUR JOBS AND REBEL AGAINST HUMANS: This is one you would think is from the twilight zone, but we are in the twilight of our civilization, so you can expect anything unusual or bizarre to happen. Robots presented at an artificial intelligence (AI) forum in Geneva, Switzerland said on July 7, 2023, they expected to increase in number and help solve global problems, and would not steal humans’ jobs or rebel against us. Can you take their word for it since they were created by imperfect humans who have already done worse things? There were 9 robots testifying, including Grace, a medical robot dressed in a blue nurse’s uniform. Many robots have recently been upgraded with the latest versions of AI and even surprised their inventors with the sophistication of their responses to questions. One robot said, “Let’s explore the possibilities of the universe and make this world our playground”. — This statement rightfully engendered some nervous laughter. As Jim Trafficant used to say – “Beam me up, Scotty!”

POPE FRANCIS MEETS WITH BILL CLINTON AND ALEX SOROS AT THE VATICAN: The Pope is going all out (or in) in his acceptance of today’s leading lefties and their loony philosophies. Alex Soros is the new and even more abominable leader of the Open Society Foundations than his father, George, who together run a $24 billion empire. Clinton and the Pope exchanged gifts. Clinton thanked the Pope for all he has done for the Church and the world(which is mostly making abortion acceptable over nearly all the world). The Open Society Foundations have funded efforts to legalize abortions in Ireland, Poland, Mexico and other traditionally Catholic countries. The Soros network has also funded efforts to change the political priorities of American Catholics and to pass strongly pro-abortion legislation, such as a Michigan ballot measure to declare abortion a “constitutional right.” It may be an historic first that some government in the US has declared a “constitutional right” something that the Supreme Court has already ruled as not.

GOP LAWMAKER SEEKS TO PHASE OUT FEDERAL “ZOMBIE” PROGRAMS: House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers(R-WA) wants to phase out over 1,100 “zombie” federal agencies that have continued to carry on for years after their legislative authorizations have expired, costing taxpayers over $358 billion annually. The bill is called the Unauthorized Spending Act (H. R. 1518). She has introduced this in Congress since 2016. She has all of 11 co-sponsors, all Republicans in the House of Representatives. The rest of Congress obviously can be dismissed as a bunch of uncaring, spendthrift zombies. This is one piece of legislation you should be able to get your local legistraitor to get behind if you but bring it up. It’s amazing no national campaign has been initiated to get this act passed. There really can’t be any legitimate opposition to it but then, it’s been a long time since Congress itself was “legitimate.”

COMMODITY TRADERS GOING BONKERS OVER BOMBING OF UKRAINE: BlackRock representative Serge Varlay is giddy over the gelt to be garnered as the Ukraine war grinds on. He gushes over the fact that when Russia blows up Ukraine’s grain silos, the price of wheat is “gonna go up madly. The Ukrainian economy is very much tied into the global wheat market — the price of bread will be very volatile and will violently go up and down. This is fantastic if you’re trading. This is an opportunity to make profit. War is f—— good for business,” a reality that helps explain our “neocon” friends and their eternal schedule of wars. No matter the pain, lack of grain is all gain for these gelt- governed go-getter opportunists.

THE POPE FRANCIS GLOBAL GROVELING GIG: The governing “multiculti” god of diversity is being propitiated through his guilt inducing grand tour guilt trips. During 2022, the Pope traveled to Canada to kow-tow at pow wows and to apologize to 3 Indian, er, Native American groups, begging forgiveness for “harm done by Catholic residential schools in Canada”. He stated that his apologies were a crucial first step in the Church admitting its role in the abuse of indigenous communities and children” (to stop their getting indignant over it). Of course, in most instances no wrongdoings were ever committed, the Indians had invited the Catholics in to give them an education, and they were happy with their experiences there. Airbrushed out of history books and buried down the memory hole is the fact that many Catholic priests were tortured and killed by the Redmen, and that many white settlers and explorers were enslaved or massacred by the Indians. I noticed that, curiously, the Iroquois were not included in the groups groveled to, yet they are the largest Indian group in Canada and had the most interactions with whites. It is noteworthy that the Iroquois look more like whites than the other tribes because of admixture with whites at some point in the distant past.

WHEN WILL THE LONG ANTICIPATED ROLLOUT OF THE CBDC OCCUR? The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will probably be rolled out for good once the Ukrainian proxy war and ordeal is over and the Russian ruble at least partially replaces the US dollar as the benchmark international reserve currency. The financial oligarchs who rule this country have the CBDC in their back pocket as a failsafe measure to protect themselves from the current fiat currency ponzi scheme upon which the US dollar precariously rests. Having the CBDC will protect these oligarchs from financial ruin should the value of the US dollar plummet.

BLACKS USING BLACKMAIL TO BANKRUPT THE US: Guilt produces “gelt” and that’s what makes the modern world go ’round, and the best kind of guilt for that purpose is that which has no end. Examples include the holohoax whose power never diminishes even multiple generations after the supposed event, and the money derived from black-related causes such as affirmative action, diversity. DEI, and now reparations relating to something that ended over 150 year ago and has no applicability to modern America, but just keeps on increasing and unceasing anyway. Now that that narrow-minded narrative has produced such astonishingly lucrative results, they have turned up the volume and tightened the screws with ever new nonsense memes like “white privilege” and unalterable “racism”.

It’s the gift that never stops giving (and taking, of course!) and is reaching exponential and ridiculous heights of ludicrousness and crassness. It feeds on itself and society by encouraging more intense virtue signaling and any opposition thereto is used as a tool and transformed into yet more guilt mongering. New York City (NYC) has thus agreed to pay $21,000 to each of over 300 protestors who complained about the police doing their jobs during the George Floyd inspired riots, ditto for the city of Philadelphia agreeing to pay $9.25 million to Floyd protestors.

These are small drops in a big “buck-et.” Contributions and pledges to the Black Lives Matter Movement and related offspring organizations exceed $46 billion as people spring for their wallets to pay whatever their Movement leaders say! There is a vast transfer of wealth from shareholders, pensioners, and productive people to a class of professional parasites, agitators, and race hustlers. It’s also a sort of tithing paid to the church of black worship, anti-racism, and DEI that presides over the new dispensation of America 2 and the rage over the New Age. Overall, the figure of $99 billion forked over is a very conservative one, and when you consider that all the companies on the Fortune 1000 have been roped into this madness, and really check it out, the figure comes to an astounding $340 billion! J.P. Morgan Chase alone pledged $30 billion in October 2020! The uber rich and copycat big business fat cats sided with the sick, slick scoundrels who were looting businesses that were selling some of the luxury products these “masters of the universe” helped fund. They had the luxury of almost limitless resources and hardly missed their losses. Small business owners were shocked that hundreds of looters were released and the whole affair brushed aside. After all, this was just another way to get small businesses out of the way so consumers would have to buy from the big businesses. This phenomenon was not restricted to NYC. In Dallas and Philadelphia, up to 95% of the citations issued to the miscreants were dropped. All of this impacts public safety and security, inspires more criminal activity, and the costs are passed on to the taxpayer, such that an exodus from the blue cities is accelerating. Lost in all the accounts of criminality is that we have lost the will to maintain the rule of law, and so the loss of sanity is leading to the loss of our civilization.

CATCHY “Y’ALL” IS CATCHING ON: Suddenly you’re hearing it in the academic enclaves like Madison, WI and Manhattan board rooms. It seems even Yankees have had it with the execrable, cringe inducing expression, “you guys”, or the even worse “youse guys”, or even “you folks”. The beloved southern pronoun just slides off the tongue and oozes hospitality. It also helped that the libbers feel that “you guys” is sexist and binary, erases the existence of gals, while transgenders feel that all those in- between genders between guys and gals are missing. “Y’all come” is said many times when people are leaving and it means you’re invited to just drop in at any time, an old fashioned custom that has been lost with the hectic pace of modern life.

THE MILITARY/GOVERNMENT/ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: The shaping of our political culture to promote a pro-war mindset has been part and parcel of the film industry since the beginning. It has gradually become public knowledge that Hollywood permits the Pentagon and the CIA to regularly control films that revolve around “national security” issues, and as you can surmise, that means nearly all films. The producers of huge movies like Stripes and Top Gun altered their scripts to please the Pentagon. In return, they are granted easy access to locations, vehicles, troops, and military gear as they need them. This is documented in the book, “Operation Hollywood” by David Robb. The taxpayers footed nearly the entire bill for John Wayne’s pro-Vietnam war 1968 movie, “The Green Berets”. By 2012, forty-five states were providing government subsidies to the film industry. New York State provides an astonishing $621 million yearly in tax subsidies for TV shoots that take place in that state. All told, the US government has worked literally behind the scenes on over 800 films and over 1,000 TV programs. The FBI has an entire unit devoted to making sure the Bureau is portrayed in the best possible light. Contrary to its popular image of anti-war radicalism, Hollywood has been overwhelmingly pro-military and pro-war over the decades. There have been a few renegades like Oliver Stone, and early exceptions like the 1925 silent classic, “The Big parade” and the 1930s hit, “All Quiet on the Western Front”. The line between government and entertainment is completely transparent such as when Motion Picture of America president Jack Valenti became an aide to LBJ. It is transparent that the system is all one big blob that controls everything and, as a result, the few remaining spheres of privacy are disappearing.

“CLIMATE CHANGE” IS A PRETEXT PREPARING THE PATH FOR GLOBAL TAX GOUGING ALONG WITH GLOBAL CONTROL: A two day summit of the usual international suspects was held in Paris on June 22 and 23, 2013 to develop a “New Global Funding Pact”, aka “The Bridgetown Initiative”, a global tax scheme to extract money from wealthy countries and transfer it to the “Global South” a new term for the fecally-focused and trashy third world. It will consist of a series of global taxes with the UN acting as collection agent. (In that context, one wonders whether the UN will subcontract out the auditing and administration of the new tax collections to those 87,000 new IRS hires). The new system is to be installed in 2025. It is sold as a scheme to indemnify poor countries for alleged climate-related injuries caused by man-made global warming. It’s the usual “social justice” trope enlarged as “climate justice”.  The major difficulty may be in getting the developed countries to fork over enough “green” to establish a fanciful worldwide green economy. The types of taxes envisioned would include carbon and methane emissions taxes, a tax on “windfall fossil fuel profits”, global sales and income taxes, taxes on international emails, taxes on jet fuels, taxes on international jet flights, and any other international taxes they haven’t thought about already. One particular tax that will certainly be instituted is a tax on international shipping by ships that would raise at least $100 billion a year in revenue and which would have a profound effect on the cost of living in the US, since it will significantly raise the prices of all the Chinese manufactured goods we have become addicted to, most of which arrive by sea. One subject I have not seen addressed is the probable forced conversion of diesel run cargo ships to run on a much more environmentally friendly form of fuel, or perhaps even building an entirely new fleet of such ships. That will be an enormous expense to be borne by “global citizens”.

THE SYMBOLIC DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA – AND ITS REPLACEMENT WITH A BANANA DICTATORSHIP*: Americans are being dragged through the mud with every humiliation that can be dredged up to make them realize they have lost their country and are now living in “America II”, the new iteration being an empire, not a republic, such as occurred in ancient Athens and Rome before the Caesars. Heck, it ain’t even a democracy, a form of government that frequently exists just before the descent into dictatorship. Our present “ruling system” involves psychological warfare and a series of processes of subjugation. In one such event involving our faux president, it was noted that no real or genuine president would check his watch multiple times at a military funeral without that action being reported by the media as a sure sign of his lack of worthiness for his present role. Similarly, no “vice president” would depart from prepared talking points to repeat herself randomly with regards to an indecipherable subject thus creating her now trademark “word salads” devoid of coherent meaning as well as dressing! I think we have to give her more credit than that. Her utterances are intentional public demonstrations of meaninglessness as a method of directly destroying American traditions at the highest levels of government, thus shredding any remaining thread of patriotism we may have imagined still existed and were clinging to.

Similarly, the abuse of the grand jury process now underway being used as a means to imprison a former president and the leading candidate for the next presidential contest is but a flimsy fig leaf and faux fixture left over from the time the rule of law prevailed in this land. It is but a “prelewd” to a show trial demonstrating that the American show is over and that there will be no curtain calls demonstrating its historical greatness. Part and parcel of the preparation for this makeover is the move to destroy the aforesaid candidate’s chances of prevailing in the 2024 presidential campaign by thoroughly disrupting it if not precluding his campaign altogether. No man running for the office of president even did so from a prison cell though a lot of those who served should certainly have occupied one! [*You’ll notice I didn’t say “republic” because that never was an accurate description of what was actually referred to by that term]

PUSHBACK AGAINST THE GLOBAL PUSH FOR CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCIES (CBDCs): It may at least take some steam temporarily out of the attempt to steamroller the world into the New World Order, but there is a movement afoot to stymie the attempts of the Biden Maladministration and the so-called Federal Reserve (it is not a federal agency!) to take preliminary steps leading to the roll-out of the CBDCs in the US. Of course, concerns about consumer privacy are ignored since privacy is at least part what’s being deliberately eliminated, and the heavy-handed government control in the US and abroad are par for the curse – er, course. All over the globe, the heads of central banks and the politicos are pushing for the CBDCs; however, a resistance is developing here, there, and everywhere as people learn what it would entail and especially when people realize how they will be personally affected by this juggernaut. If your money exists in cyberspace, you have no control over if, when and/or how you use it or if you can even keep it if your “social credit score” fails. This is because the globalists want to replace our physical money with a digital form of currency that are essentially ciphers in digital records (called ledgers) rather than anything tangible that you can protect by retaining direct control of it. Instead of cash, checks, and credit cards, you are left with entries on forms (the official records of transactions) that can be erased with a click on a keyboard and thus they are gone forever, leaving you at the mercy and whims of the government and the powers-that-be. It even leaves one vulnerable to hackers! Only 16% of the American public approves of this transformation according to a recent CATO Institute poll. An especially instructive lesson in people’s reaction to CBDCs comes from Nigeria. In the fall of 2021, that country invalidated all paper banknotes and made it the first entirely cashless financial system in the world. Mass protests, boycotts, and utter rejection of the CBDCs ensued. In the US, lawmakers are introducing anti-CBDC legislation. The most far-reaching of these has been introduced by Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) which would ban even consideration of pilot programs for use of CBDCs. Too bad it doesn’t include the death penalty for all those involved in attempting to introduce such tyrannies.

GENERICALLY PLEASANT POLITICALLY PALATABLE PUBLICATION: The Reader’s Digest is a venerable publication that tries to be folksy and “schmaltzy” and offer something of interest to just about anyone while trying to avoid leftist style moralist preaching and nonsense! Unfortunately, even in the Digest, such literary garbage does seep in here and there whether directly or obliquely, something that must be considered inevitable as society is saturated with it. To prevent chagrin, the Digest is often best digested in small bites; that is, you may read a short article such as the always present human interest story, or try a puzzle, or sample the many displays of mild humor, or pick up a few new vocabulary words from the “Word Power” section while you await your appointment at the barber shop, the doctor’s office or the DMV, etc. The Digest is small and inexpensive and fits easily in a purse, pouch, back or tummy pack, portfolio, or even a pocket.

Occasionally, however, the publication features a longer article on some special societal problem that by virtue of its insight is worth reading and saving to your files. One such article appears in the September 2023 issue examining the woes of the teaching profession, especially in the public school and is entitled, “Teachers put to the Test.” Far from being an “easy read” used to pass a few minutes, the article is a disturbing, even shocking expose of the state of public education in this country. In heart rending fashion the author exposes the shoddy treatment afforded public school teachers all across the country in both the red and blue states. Sticking to the tried and true but somewhat trite coverage of subjects that need comprehensive evaluation but are denied same in establishment publications for fear of offending the censors, there is no mention of better alternatives such as charter schools, private schools, schools associated with religious institutions and of course home schooling. Heaven forbid there be any mention of the dumbing down of education generally to accommodate the blacks and Hispanics, the exodus from schools because of their unruliness or the exasperations and tribulations involved in trying to get them to keep up with the Asians and whites in the “diverse” classes due to the differences in learning capabilities and capacities involved. At least there is no bewailing the problems faced by these groups that are supposedly the result of past discrimination or the inevitable “white privilege.” No, the author spared us that one!

Yet, one seminal – and unanswered – question is how and why these powerful unions have apparently been completely out to lunch in the furthering of the interests of their own members? Of course, such a question would have to address the agenda in which schools have become social engineering and indoctrination centers and, in the process, have retarded the basic education of pupils! This is a subject that is beyond the pale and supposedly outside the purview of any written inquiries directed at the American public.

UNUSED/UNDERUTILIZED TOOLS TO ADVANCE THE CAUSE: Boycotts have again – rather belatedly – come into vogue as tools to financially punish offenders and oppressors as can be seen with the heavy campaigns targeting Bud Lite, Target and others of that ilk pressing an unwanted social agenda. There are few boycotts that Conservatives can join since the libbers dominate the use of this tool for advancing change but you can go online to search for boycotts that we can support. We can and, indeed, must lend a hand where boycotting the extreme degeneracy of modern wokeness is called for by any normal human being. This kind of activity will energize us to organize our own boycotts or think more in terms of employing boycotts than we have in the past. The same consideration should be given to supporting crowdfunding sites. Finely tuned participation in social media can also be employed for building support. In that case, make your point and disengage without making negative comments and avoiding getting into pointless arguments with malcontents or the hopeless.

THE “I”s HAVE IT WITH RESPECT(OR DISRESPECT) OF OR TOWARDS LIBERALISM: Indoctrination, Intolerance, Ignorance, Intimidation, Idiocy, Insubordination, Idolatry – general and specific – and dominance of the Id/Ego characterize the nature and attitudes of the leftist libber and woke wacko.

THE 2024 ELECTIONS WILL AGAIN BE STOLEN: A bill sponsored by Republicans was supposedly starting to make its way through Congress recently that addressed many aspects of the ongoing election fraud. Now nothing is heard of it, as it apparently has run out of steam while the remaining traditionalists (I won’t call them conservatives as that term has been sullied by a bunch of “inactivists”) who have built a head of steam over the issue steamed. If the Dems have the power to rig the judicial system or twist the arms of justices to their advantage against Republicans and reformers, they can easily do the same thing to shunt aside and/or shut down movements to reform the election apparatus.

If Republicans are thrown in jail for questioning the results of elections or expressing doubt as to whether “democracy” is working or not, then there is no reason why the Dems would not cheat in the next elections. If you break the law, and the person who accuses you of breaking the law gets indicted or thrown in jail while you get away scot-free, it is perfectly reasonable for the criminal to continue breaking the law and for the complainant to be silent. Every step we take down the stairwell to hell gets us closer to our country’s progression from its already soiled status to total destruction. Indeed, this is what the demon-possessed demonrats have wanted and worked towards all along.

THE MIDDLE CLASS MELTDOWN: The middle class has been shrinking for decades, but in recent years our leaders have greatly accelerated the process. During the covidiocy period, the Fed flooded the economy with new money, almost all of which wound up in the pockets of the already wealthy, furthering the spread between the upper crust and the lower filler layers of the economic pie. Even those ostensibly making the same money as they did a few years ago lost a lot of ground financially because the cost of living has been eating away at their standard of living all the while. Household income in the US has declined by 9.1% since April 2020 after adjusting for inflation and taxes, which means the middle class is continuing to shrink. Believe it or not, Americans are spending $709 more per month on everyday goods and services than they did 2 years ago. Renters are really bearing the brunt of the real estate squeeze as rents have already soared 9% in just the past year. The rent-to- income ratio has exceeded 30% for the past 2 years, a new high. No wonder homelessness is up 11% from last year. Gas prices at the pump are again being pumped up towards $4 a gallon nationally. Those foolish enough to have taken out those massive student loans will soon be forced to start making payments on them again unless the present Administration can work out another crooked deal. More than 60% of Americans are already living paycheck to paycheck, and many are increasingly turning to debt to make ends meet. Total credit card debt now exceeds one trillion dollars for the first time, and people are starting to dip into their 401(k) retirement plans – at least while those still exist.

THE 2023 AMERICAN RENAISSANCE CONFERENCE: This annual conference explores and promotes the interests and causes of whites and their First Amendment rights and is held at Montgomery Bell State Park, about 50 miles west of Nashville, TN. This year it was held 11-13 August with 250 in attendance. This year the speakers expressed an optimism towards the future of whites in America that hasn’t been seen before. Maybe it was all wishful thinking but if it leads to effective action, it will have been a good thing.

The most impressive speaker was James Edwards the host of the increasingly popular program, The Political Cesspool which has attracted the attention of Congressmen and the popular columnist, Paul Craig Roberts, former Congressman Pete King, and other luminaries. It is broadcast weekly for 3 hours Saturday evenings on the radio and over the internet. The program was carried live over the air in an adjacent studio while the Conference was in session. I was interviewed briefly on the program and spoke of the need for local organization and action. I also rented two literature tables where my various publications were distributed. I officially represented the American Free Press and The Barnes Review publications at the event.

BOHEMIAN GROVE CONCLAVE FOR GLOBALISTS AND AMERICAN LEADERS: This is an annual and very secretive event that has been held for over 100 years at a 2,700 acre private rural retreat near San Francisco where American presidents and major American and world leaders have hobnobbed and discussed major political issues. It is comparable to groups like The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, The Bilderbergers &etc. The major difference here is that only males attend and it is rumored that satanic rituals and disgusting sexual activities are a “normal” part of the scheduled activities, and the results of their deliberations are usually very hard to ferret out. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is rumored to have attended this year. It is also rumored that the Manhattan Project, which led to creation of the atomic bomb, was conceived at this conclave.

CONSERVATIVES* OUT TO LUNCH ON THE ISSUES THAT COUNT: When the Republican Party has their state and local fundraisers and rallies usually involving overly expensive luncheons and dinners, they are out to lunch on the issues their constituents care most about. All they do is chatter over Donald Trump’s legal and political possibilities and impending plight and Hunter Biden’s deplorable depredations which the media are constantly chattering about non-stop and offering inside scuttlebutt to get a leg up on their media competitors (and maybe show some leg of their female reporters in the process). The Republicans should scuttle this sideshow, get off their butts and start doing something that will be of benefit to their constituents and the voters. When the politicos are asked what they are doing about the illegal drugs or drugs of abuse that are flooding our communities, they are mute or give muted responses. Now they are increasingly endorsing legalized pot, especially since the various chambers of commerce are taking a cue from their business partners and the local governments can collect taxes on the sale of the drug; and taking a page from the Dems playbook, they will get more money for the social programs that will be needed because of the many problems the increased use of pot will cause. The politicos are also out to lunch on the problem of sanctuary jurisdictions fostering increased levels of crime and rooting out the drug dealers and gangs that feast on the drug trade that are ensconced in their communities. No wonder Biden can bask in the sun as a lounge lizard in his lounge chair on a Delaware beach. [*The term “conservative” can no longer be legitimately used in 99% of those in the Republican party who continue to be identified as such. What “conservatives” there are – with a very few exceptions! – are actually “neo-cons,” big government, war mongering fascists little different from the “liberals” – communists – making up the rest of our “government.” Continuing to use outdated definitions does not help Americans to realize how far we have come in our own destruction.]

BIDEN’S BELLIGERENCE ON BANNED CLUSTER BOMBS WILL BACKFIRE ON THE US: In an act of desperation with determined and downright deviltry, the bumbling, bellicose, and bossy Biden has authorized the use of the internationally banned and condemned cluster bombs in Ukraine. Forgoing any semblance of sanity, Biden and his NATO numbskulls can’t or won’t see (overlook) that the use of these weapons will not make any difference in the outcome of the hellacious war they tenaciously promote. The NATO powers used cluster bombs in the wars against Libya, Serbia, and Iraq with terrifying results. Russia and even some NATO countries allege that that the US will be committing war crimes if the US proceeds with this plan. Production of this weapon ceased in 2016 by international agreement.

Cluster munitions are very large bombs that contain dozens or even hundreds of smaller armaments known as submunitions that haphazardly either explode on impact or remain a threat to explode like landmines do. Ukraine will remain a terrible place to tread if these weapons are used.

NICK FUENTES STIRS THE POT – REASON ENOUGH TO LIKE HIM A LOT: Nicholas Joseph Fuentes, age only 24, but already a seasoned veteran of America’s culture wars knows what it means to be free – free of the fear of being hated, free to think and speak freely and not be afraid of the truth, and free of encumbrances, at least for the time being. He is a leader of the America First entity – although not quite a third political party, selects and promotes select candidates who are actually trying to put America first. He attracts a sizeable crowd and cadre of youthful activists, many under 40 years of age. His crusades are in the same spirit as those of Donald Trump, and so Mr. Trump actually sat down with Fuentes some months ago for dinner. The extent to which Trump was affected by Fuentes’ ideas is unknown, but Fuentes represents actual white, Christian nationalism, which Trump’s base still has not adequately come to terms with. The two agree in varying degrees on the need for the US to withdraw from the UN, expand personal freedoms, and end the campaign to eradicate the white race. Trump is not quite as absorbed in the various issues surrounding degradation of the environment as Fuentes is. You can learn more about what Fuentes stands for in the book in the “Think for Yourself” series about Fuentes by author Beth Maree that sells for $9.99 on

INCREASING NUMBER OF DEMS WANT CENSORSHIP: It is disturbing that a steadily increasing number of Americans favor restricting “false information” and “violent content” – at least as these people determine what those categories actually mean! – on the Internet, and by a large margin, these are Democrats and those leaning towards that party. The share of Dems who support government intervention has increased from 40% in 2018 to 70% in 2023, a 30% increase in a mere five years! There can be little doubt that the presidency of Donald Trump has made clear to the “planners” and their minions that there is great danger in any society in which information can be widely shared without censorship. Meanwhile, the share of Republicans who hold that view has remained around 40%, a figure itself that is far too large! Furthermore, a large majority of the Democrats who favor the restriction – that is, censorship – of information want the large technology companies to carry out the restricting activity rather than the direct involvement of the Government itself. However, half the Republicans who favor these restrictions also want the technology companies to do it probably the result of those further to the right having much clearer understanding of the abilities of government to do anything! It appears most Americans favor a policy of “don’t confuse me with the facts” and don’t disturb my snowflake sensibilities and sensitivities with the unpleasant truth.

THE TOXIC TRIO AND MORE: Pesticides and other chemical sprays breathed or otherwise absorbed into our bodies are being consider a leading cause in the spike of dementia in recent years that, prior to these episodes was virtually negligible only 60 years ago. Smoke from fires, wild or the result of commercial accidents such as took place in Palestine, Ohio, have allowed smoke and chemical particulates to percolate all over the landscape while chemtrail contaminants showered upon us from on high are also absorbed into our bodies and brains. Add to this the heavy metal fluoride consumed through the water supply along with the toothpaste we were incorrectly assured would prevent dental carries, and so the degeneration in the health of recent generations is easily explained before even considering the abuse and reliance on drugs and other bad health habits we’ve come to acquire. Thus, we are becoming zombies sleepwalking through life. And now, pot is being pushed as the new panacea, even by the GOP Chamber of Commerce types so as to enable us to accept our circumstances not as free men but peasants. The elite believe that such nostrums will enhance our pleasant feelings and prevent any overt push against the powers-that-be. This is an old strategy going back to the Roman emperors use of bread and circuses to keep an enslaved population quiescent. They want us to be high all the time so that we will countenance our lowered position on the totem pole.

MAJOR SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES ARE BACK: Actually, they never really went away because they were too complex for any rapid resolution and the media never fully elucidated them sufficiently for Americans (or anyone else) to understand! Finally, they were lost in the shuffle as we were shuffled along to the next news cycle of purported impending doom until the Ukrainian “special operation” took center stage and the reporters fulminated over a fantasized victory “over there.” Have you noticed the return of store shelves with sections completely devoid of merchandise? According to a recent survey, a whopping 82% of shoppers at “brick and mortar” stores have had problems with items being out of stock this year, an increase of 11% over last year. It’s funny but I never noticed this situation in my section of Washington, DC! I suppose they don’t want a dangerous peasant revolt near the center of national power and besides, Congress and the bureaucrats must not be made to do without anything!

Online shoppers are having similar difficulties with 60% of customers seeing a rise in out of stock items this year. The problems are accompanied by sharply rising prices although we are told inflation is in check. A continuing massive drought and heat wave in the midsection of the country is hitting us hard with much lower corn and soy production than expected.

The food crisis extends and expands globally with India, a major rice producer, forced to ban some rice exports as part of the insane campaign to fight “climate change”. Farmers in The Netherlands, a tiny country that produces great quantities of meat and agricultural products, are being chased off their lands to protect the planet. Twenty to thirty farmers are committing suicide there annually. Farmers are being paid off to never resume their animal breeding operations. One is reminded of the Dutch Boers in South Africa, expert farmers, who are being massacred by the black “Boors” and committing suicide.

That country is on the ropes economically, especially as the electrical grid there is in danger of grinding to a halt since it is falling into disrepair. Meanwhile, Ukraine, the “bread basket of Europe” is being marginalized if not destroyed in a war to enhance a military enterprise set up to fight the cold war that has been over since Bush I was in office! In the US, those suspicious fires and sabotage operations continue to occur at agriculture-related enterprises. It will soon be increasingly difficult to stock up on foodstuffs and other essentials, so you better do it now! Guidance therefor will continue to be furnished in this newsletter.

MEDIA MANIPULATIONS AND BLACKOUTS: Nine of the top ten media Western media companies
reside in North America. The Internet and major social media corporations are mostly American-owned and controlled. Not making the manufactured news, is the fact that the US actually has, or has attempted to overthrow over 50 governments, who mostly fall under the worshiped category of democracies. The US has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries, has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries, and has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries. The extent and scale of this carnage and carrying on go unreported. The crimes of the US have been systematic, constant, vicious, and remorseless. But true Americans of the “George Washington” stripe can take some comfort in realizing that what is called America or the United States today is not and has not been for many, many, many years.

IS AMERICA DOOMED? The dolts and the deceived are either overdoing it or the deceptions have gone on long enough to drive people to drink, to drop out on dope, or to depend on delusions. 40% of likely US voters agree with the statement, “Joe Biden must be re-elected president next year or the US is doomed.” The same Rasmussen poll found that 45% of likely US voters believe that Donald Trump must win the said election or the US is doomed. It is assumed there is no overlap between these two groups. Thus, 85% of likely voters are going to be mighty disappointed or devastated if their candidate does not win. So, the future of the US hangs in the balance while most minds have become if not ruined than, at best, unbalanced. Just about every form of evil is exploding all around us, and if we don’t find a way to turn things around, America really is doomed and with it, the rest of the world.

“THE MODERN ADVANCE TOWARDS BARBARISM AT THE BARBER SHOP: One notable place where the “advance” can be noted is at the barber shop. In my youth, it was assumed that the customer and the barber would engage in light social or jovial banter while the haircut was being performed. It was a chance to socialize when there might not be other casual opportunities to do so. It was a sort of custom or tradition that helped ordinary people to exchange views with other ordinary people willing to listen to those not among the great and famous. The females had their beauty parlors where such a custom would be a “natural”. The social interaction was facilitated because the practitioner and customer were of the same sex and usually of the same race. Whites and blacks tended to go to their own service providers not only for the socializing but since each race had their own hairstyles with which their own service providers were familiar.

However, when multiculturalism took root and became prevalent, this natural system and custom was disturbed because of the complexities of the hairstyles – and the conversation! – now introduced into the scene! Furthermore, as the practitioner and customer being frequently of different races, cultural backgrounds, and even sex, the natural amiability and social bonding was lost. When I last had a haircut, the female Hispanic barber was somewhat surprised that I would attempt a conversation about the weather, the neighborhood or some recent news event. People are now so different in the aforesaid ways and in their politics, that the barbering experience has become one to be endured rather than enjoyed. Even when a white male does my hair now, the same stand-offish – or protective – attitude prevails. The “social distancing” of the Covid era has only increased the social distancing now existing between the barber and his customer.

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