By Sid Secular

December 2, 2023

In past newsletters we have already panned electric vehicles (“EVs”) and demonstrated that the devil is in the details of the “side effects” that are shoved aside as side issues like the side shows of old. In their utilization, as in the case of drugs, these affects keep adding up. Include in that, the batteries for these behemoths require scarce metals (rare earths) in their operation that are nearly all available only from China and parts of Africa and those Third World countries already being roped into China’s sphere of influence, and therefore can be cut off at any whim of that Communist regime. Also, environmentally speaking – and isn’t everyone these days! – vast chunks of the earth will be gouged out to attain the materials required to create these monsters leaving much of “Gaia” looking worse than those vast stretches of the Appalachians raped and ruined by coal mining. In other words, the same horrors brought about by efforts to produce our present power sources will be vastly enlarged by any effort to produce the supposedly “green” electrical power that become necessary in any effort to switch to electric vehicles. Consider this: all of the necessary charging stations for these “green” vehicles are powered by fossil fuels.

However, while every effort is being made to prevent more carbon being released, no effort at all is being made to address the above very real problems and, even more interestingly, no mention is made of the tremendous increase in the need for fossil fuels required to make “electric power” work! Many suggest that our “greenies” don’t see the problem at all, but it is far more likely that they are aware but willingly support what they hate in order to gain what they want – a world dependent upon their version of the Great Reset, a matter that requires an end to everything that has made mankind capable of existing without central planning!

Quite apart from the above, the very use of “EVs” is extremely problematic. From “recharging” a vehicle – a matter only practical in developed areas because of the weight of the vehicles (“EVs” are twice as heavy as similar gas-powered machines), the need to connect such stations to power sources capable of producing the necessary voltage – to the time required to recharge an “EV” and get the users back on the road, and finally to the tremendous danger of any accident involving an “EV” – they are simply bombs with steering wheels! – this method of transportation is rather equivalent to using a rocket sled to get to work! And this doesn’t even include the cost of purchasing, maintaining and using a means of transportation that comes in a distant third to a reliable ox cart.

And now comes another problem with “EVs” that our modern day (so-called) “thinkers” have not considered because they cannot actually “think” past the “wine and cheese” cocktail parties and the Third World cuisine they enjoy with their frenetically feasting friends. Of course, our present “gas guzzlers” produce dangerous gasses such as carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxide as well as particulates that cause respiratory problems and contribute to smog and acid rain but 90% of the harmful gasses are converted into less problematic residue through the use of catalytic converters. Synthetic oils also significantly further reduce tailpipe emissions but, unfortunately, today’s “researchers” who have not done their homework – or who prefer bad news to good! – discount this “good news” with respect to fossil fuels.

On the other hand, they have discovered an even worse source of dangerous pollutants arising from our cars, that is, tires and brakes. The wearing down of these two essential parts – and especially tires! – produce fine particulates when “the rubber meets the road.” Upon total failure, tires also leave shredded pieces on the roads as well as particulate matter in the air. Of course, the larger the vehicle, the greater the pollution, so as a result, trucks are the major culprits in this as their much heavier weight leads more often to tire and brake failure. But EVs are, as noted, often twice as heavy as cars and so they will wear out their tires and brakes as rapidly as do gas powered trucks. Synthetic rubber, the main component of tires, produces even finer particulates than does natural rubber and, as a result, these are even more dangerous as it is even more difficult to prevent their passing into the air, the soil and the water and, eventually, those who are exposed. It would seem that it took our “safety experts” a century into the age of the automobile to make these discoveries.

Electric Cars beginning in 1832

In a similar vein, the copper, zinc, iron and other material entering the air as “brake dust” are even more toxic than tailpipe emissions and not as easily removed! But not to worry, in the planned 15 minute cities of the future, motor vehicles will probably be outlawed and replaced by bicycles and kids’ scooters, taking away from us the last vestige of the freedom we have come to expect in America. However, you can also expect our elite rulers to continue using fossil fueled cars and planes in their lives because they will be able to do so and they really don’t care what happens to Mother Earth.

As a final postscript on the subject of electric vehicles, a recent report on one of the many on-line news blogs made mention of an individual who went about studying the charging stations necessary to make these monstrosities work. They don’t just plug into your wall at home you know! In any event, besides the “charging stations” being directly connected to a fossil fuel means of providing them with the electricity that makes your car “go,” the inspector found that a large percentage of the damned things didn’t work at all! So, when you pull your expensive “green” means of transportation up to one of these stations, you might just find that there isn’t anything there that will make your “car” go! Well certainly, that will cut down on a lot of things, including your freedom to go where you wish, when you wish.

There is nothing new under the sun!

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