By Lex Greene

July 25, 2024

It shouldn’t shock anyone that political kleptomaniacs want to ignore the Article II Natural Born Citizen clause in the U.S. Constitution concerning who is and isn’t eligible for the Oval Office. They have and will continue to ignore everything in the Charters of Freedom, to their own power-drunk benefit.

But the American people continue to ignore it as well, while they scratch their heads trying to figure out how our country is being shoved off a cliff into the ash heap of history, just another failed democracy, doomed by an apathetic and increasingly government-dependent electorate. People incapable of freedom — will not be free.

In my previous piece, 2024 Elections and the Tytler Cycle, I explained exactly why every known democracy in history has failed, followed by a piece on the fiasco that has become the highly undemocratic 2024 Democrat Party Presidential nomination debacle, in How “Undemocratic” of Democrats.

And while a vast majority of Americans seem content to blame everyone but themselves for the demise of our once great nation, in reality, the buck stops with the American people. But we can’t fix stupid, right?

The truth is, the American people no longer know what’s in the Charters of Freedom, all of it designed to prevent what’s happening today from ever happening in this country. In fact, most are not even familiar with the term “Charters of Freedom.”

The term Charters of Freedom, never mentioned in government-controlled education now, is used to describe the three documents in early United States history which are considered instrumental to its founding and philosophy. The documents include the United States Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

All that was required of the people to remain free was for the people to remain properly informed and engaged in self-governance, never entrusting their freedom, liberty, and justice to any mere politician, aka public servant. Politicians are supposed to be nothing more than house maids for the American people, not glorified rulers of the people.

But democracies have always failed because sooner or later, one generation or another, the people no longer know the source of their freedom, liberty, and justice, to the point where most no longer even care. The people become convinced that “freedom failed them” when in reality, the people failed freedom.

Everything that has happened to destroy America over the past fifteen years was easily avoidable. The power to avoid this disaster was in the hands of the people, but even today, few know it, or care.

The Natural Born Citizen clause in Article II qualifications for the Oval Office, both President and Vice President, exists for one highly important reason…to prevent the Oval Office from ever being occupied by any foreign agent driven by foreign interests and influence. (The 12th Amendment makes all conditions applicable to the President also…applicable to Vice President.)

“No Person except a natural born Citizen (1), or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution (2)” indicates that only a specific special type of citizen is eligible for this office. It also indicates the Founders could not meet the first condition, and were “grandfathered in” essentially, by the second condition. Only these two types of “legal” citizens “shall be eligible to the Office of President;”

NOTE: On July 25, 1787, Founder John Jay recommended in a letter to members of the Constitutional Convention that the term “Natural Born Citizen” (synonymous with True Citizen) be placed in Article II as a requirement for the Office of President and Commander-in-Chief, stating that only a Natural Born Citizen of the United States would be eligible for high office. Members of the Constitutional Convention agreed, adding the condition to the document that would be ratified less than two months later.

All legal citizens of the United States have equal rights, with the exception of just one right, to occupy the Oval Office. This right is reserved to Natural Born Citizens only, in Article II of the U.S. Constitution. Under U.S. Law, there are only three types of “legal” citizens in this country, one of which no longer exists, the Founders, and only one of which is constitutionally eligible to occupy the Oval Office today.

#1 Our Nation’s Founders – who became “legal” citizens of the United States via the adoption of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787. They were not “natural born citizens” due to the United States not yet existing at the time of the Founder’s births. As a result, they were the only generation exempted from the Natural Born Citizen requirement via the language “or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution;”

#2 – Natural Born Citizens – True Citizens at birth via purely natural causes, not a government process. These are the natural offspring of “legal” U.S. Citizens. They are born without any foreign loyalty, influence or interest inherent in the bloodline. The true definition of Natural Born Citizen appears in the international treatise, The Law of Nations. Concisely stated, “I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.” – Section 212 … “We have observed above (§ 212), that they have a right to enter into the society of which their fathers were members.”

#3 – Naturalized citizens – Citizens via the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Amendment ( the 14th ), and all subsequent Naturalization Laws. Anyone who was not made a “legal” citizen at the time of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, or born to a “legal” U.S. Citizen father, a natural born Citizen, is a “naturalized” citizen via U.S. Naturalization. Since none of the nation’s Founders are alive today, only the second type of “legal” Citizen is eligible for the Oval Office.

NOTE: For years now, anti-American so-called “experts” and “factcheckers” have flooded academia and the internet with false claims that “citizens at birth” via the 14th Amendment, and “natural born Citizen” are synonymous terms. Political forces have established fake factcheckers to tell the lies and then employed the courts and main stream media to spread the lies as if settled fact. But the history associated with the 14th Amendment answers the question. The 14th, referred to as a Naturalization Amendment at the time, as part of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 found in both the 13th and 14th Amendments during Reconstruction, was for the stated purpose of ending slavery, and extending legal citizenship rights to those born in the USA but not to legal citizen parentage, in particular, all former slave families. Both amendments followed the Supreme Court’s notorious 1857 Dred Scott decision, in which Chief Justice Roger Taney wrote that a Black man, even if born free, could not claim rights of citizenship under the federal constitution. The case caused Congressional Republicans to take Civil Rights action which resulted in the 13th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution.

FACT: Constitutional Amendments are legislative acts, not acts of nature alone. Natural Born Citizen is a Natural Law term, a condition and right which exists in nature and is produced by nature alone, inalienable by man and government actions.

“By the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers, and enter into all their rights (§ 212); the place of birth produces no change in this particular,” – The Law of Nations

Because “citizen at birth” is a term used only in a U.S. Naturalization Amendment and U.S. Immigration and Naturalization statutes, it is a term and condition derived from legislative process, produced by and subject to man’s political whims and desires. Natural Born Citizen is a condition produced by and existing in nature, inalienable by any governmental process. It is a natural Right beyond the reach and authority of men.

Why is this important?

The broad answer is, for many reasons. But in the context of what’s happening in the USA today, it’s because if this one Constitutional Clause had been known, understood, and enforced by the people in 2008, our country would not be on the brink of collapse today.

According to the official story, Barack Hussein Obama’s father was never a legal citizen of the USA. Therefore, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. is not a natural born Citizen of the USA and was never legally eligible for the Oval Office. Had the American people known it, cared about it, and enforced Article II requirements for the office in 2008, Obama would have never occupied the Oval Office and we would not be here today.

This one little simple constitutional requirement for the office exists to prevent everything we are seeing today in our country. Preventing all of it would have been as simple as “the people” enforcing the natural born Citizen requirement in 2008. Preventing election fraud falls to “the people” as well.

But instead, here we are fifteen years later, with Kamala Harris sitting in the VEEP seat and now, running for President of the United States, whose father Donald J. Harris, was a legal citizen of Jamaica, not the USA. She was never eligible to be Vice President, much less President. But who cares, right?

Despite the utter total destruction of our country under constitutionally ineligible occupants of the Oval Office since 2009, many on the “right” have been supporting equally ineligible candidates in the Republican Party…

  • Nikki Haley – an anchor baby citizen under 14th naturalization laws.
  • Marco Rubio – an anchor baby citizen under 14th naturalization laws.
  • Vivek Ramaswamy – an anchor baby citizen under 14th naturalization laws.
  • Ted Cruz – born a legal citizen of Canada and never naturalized to the USA, the son of a Canadian citizen father at the time of his birth.

The legal term “anchor baby” describes a method by which children born on American soil to parents who are citizens of another country, whose parents register the child as an American at birth, can then use the child’s citizenship via the 14th to gain legal U.S. citizenship for the parents. The child becomes an “anchor” for the parent’s legal citizenship, under U.S. Immigration and Naturalization statutes.

Today, the age old term “anchor baby” has been labeled a “pejorative” term simply because those who seek foreign occupation of our Oval Office, want to eliminate the critical difference between natural born Citizen and citizen. They have even gone so far as to refer to “naturalized citizenship” (aka 14th Amendment citizenship) as a “birthright” under the 14th Naturalization Amendment.

Natural Born Citizen is a natural birthright… all others are rights granted by legislation for the purpose of granting legal citizenship to those who were not the natural offspring of a legal citizen Father.

“I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”

Freedom is not free…it never has been. Good and evil both exist on this earth. Good never wants to fight anyone, yet evil is always at war with good, and evil comes in many forms, with many faces.

While Americans have been Pavlov trained to fight each other instead of the real enemy, unconstitutional government, or seek favor from officials for their personal pet agendas at the expense of other citizens, aka taxpayers, if everyone isn’t free, then no one is free!

People dependent upon government favors are enslaved to the government for their very existence. But the people who pay for it all, taxpayers, are also enslaved by government, as the government robs them of their earnings and uses those resources to buy votes from the terminally dependent. In the end, no one is free…except the ruling class elites of course, who are not even bound by the laws they create for everyone else.

All of it was easily avoidable. The mere public enforcement of the foundations of freedom could have and would have avoided everything happening to every American today.

But who knows, and who cares anymore? Only a small handful of Americans are old enough and informed enough to remember true freedom and the real source of freedom in America, and they are cast aside like some stumbling block to progress.

Real American progress took place between 1776 and the turn of the 19th century. Since the early 1900s, our country has been in decline, sometimes rapid decline. Each generation was less capable of freedom than the generation before them. Each was more dependent upon a despotic unconstitutional government than those who came before them.

The Foundations of Freedom and Liberty remain the same as they were in the late 1700s. They are codified in the Charters of Freedom.

But those Foundations are no more powerful than the people’s will to take actions to enforce them, for all posterity. As the people go, so goes the nation. The people only have themselves to blame!

Yet, on any given day, the people could decide the time has come for them to enforce the Charters of Freedom. On that day, the people will have begun the process of reclaiming their country and their future…but not until.

If you want your country back, you’ll have to take your Oval Office back first!

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