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Donald Trump won the White House on the promise to “drain the swamp” in Washington, D.C. He rode the wave of outsider all the way inside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But does Donald Trump even understand what the swamp is or who the people are that keep filling the swamp? By many of his presidential picks thus far (already summarized in this column), I am getting the impression that Trump may not understand who these swamp-fillers really are.

The swamp-fillers are NEOCONS. And they are the biggest threat to America and to everyone who lives on this planet regardless of nationality.

The word “neocon” has become a common term in our political lexicon. However, I don’t think most people truly understand its definition. And at this juncture, I am highly suspicious as to whether Donald Trump understands the definition.

Neocons can be Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal. Political ideologies and parties mean nothing when it comes to who is a neocon. Many neocons are conservative on domestic social issues. Many are liberal on domestic social issues. When it comes to identifying a neocon, titles are meaningless. Hillary Clinton is as much a neocon as Paul Ryan.

First, it is imperative that we understand how politicians in Washington, D.C., operate. Congressional leaders know which congressmen and senators are controllable–and most of them are. Only a handful of our federal congressmen and senators are “untouchable.” My guess is, less than one hundred out of the 535 House members and U.S. senators are truly NOT controlled–and that includes liberals and conservatives.

The vast majority of our congressmen and senators are either morally tainted, which makes them prime targets for bribery and manipulation (can anyone say former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert?), or they are egotistical, ambition-driven hedonists and sociopaths who will do virtually anything to advance themselves. This is the largest group, in my opinion.

Before any vote is cast in Congress, leaders take note of the political makeup of the districts and states that elected their representatives. Was he or she elected by a liberal or conservative district? What are the issues at home that the legislator campaigned on? All of this is readily known by congressional leaders.

Heads are counted before the actual vote to test whether a given bill will comfortably pass or not. If there is a comfortable margin of support for a bill, members who come from a district with opposing views can vote according to the way that will keep the constituents back home happy. ONLY if a bill’s passage requires that members vote against the will of their constituents will they be asked to do so. And the ones who are controlled WILL vote with their congressional leadership–regardless of how much it riles up the constituents back home. Of course, leadership has professionals that will coach the legislator as to how to explain the “bad” vote to the people back home. And, since most votes are not that close, these tactics are not usually required and the legislator’s voting record can appear “good” to the folks back home.

Again, there is only a small handful of congressmen and senators that are untouchable and will NOT cave in to their political leadership when the pressure is on. Congressional leaders refer to these legislators as “rebels.” And they are punished by not being given plush committee assignments or by being overlooked for leadership positions. Plus, leadership will often target the rebel legislators of their own party for defeat in future primary elections in an attempt to replace him or her with a “team player”–meaning a controlled toady for leadership.

Secondly, please understand that the fundamental goal of the elitists who control the neocons is globalism. For the most part, these people care absolutely nothing about domestic social issues. It doesn’t matter to them one whit whether a congressman is pro-life or pro-choice; whether he or she is “pro-family” or pro-gay marriage; whether he or she is identified as a conservative or a liberal. These issues don’t even enter the mind of a globalist. They have but one goal: globalism. Therefore, everything they promote promotes globalism. Everything! Never forget that.

Therefore, “conservative” scorecards are little indication as to whether a congressman or senator is a neocon. A congressman or senator can easily have a “B” or “80%” or better conservative rating and still be a controlled neocon. Most of the issues on these “conservative” or “Christian” or “Family Values” scorecards do not even grade congressman on most neocon issues, so a high score in these rating systems means little. This helps explain why so many Christian voters have little discernment in the voting booth. Their entire reason for voting is skewed. Plus, don’t forget that many of the so-called Christian leaders who put together these scorecards are themselves controlled neocons.

So, just what is a neocon? Remember again that neocons are controlled by globalists. Therefore, the goal is globalism. Here are six of the core issues that promote globalism. Here are the issues that form a common denominator among neocons. When you observe your professing “conservative” congressman or senator supporting these issues, you can KNOW that they are, in reality, globalist-controlled neocons.

• International “Free Trade” Deals

From GATT to NAFTA to TPP, these so-called free trade deals are nothing more than international loopholes that discriminate against the manufacturing jobs and labor class of individual countries in favor of the billionaire class that conducts business internationally.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][image_slider_no_space on_click=”use_custom_links” custom_links=”#” height=”100″ navigation_style=”light” highlight_active_image=”yes” images=”15715″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Donald Trump won the White House on the promise to “drain the swamp” in Washington, D.C. He rode the wave of outsider all the way inside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But does Donald Trump even understand what the swamp is or who the people are that keep filling the swamp? By many of his presidential picks thus far (already summarized in this column), I am getting the impression that Trump may not understand who these swamp-fillers really are.

The swamp-fillers are NEOCONS. And they are the biggest threat to America and to everyone who lives on this planet regardless of nationality.

The word “neocon” has become a common term in our political lexicon. However, I don’t think most people truly understand its definition. And at this juncture, I am highly suspicious as to whether Donald Trump understands the definition.

Neocons can be Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal. Political ideologies and parties mean nothing when it comes to who is a neocon. Many neocons are conservative on domestic social issues. Many are liberal on domestic social issues. When it comes to identifying a neocon, titles are meaningless. Hillary Clinton is as much a neocon as Paul Ryan.

First, it is imperative that we understand how politicians in Washington, D.C., operate. Congressional leaders know which congressmen and senators are controllable–and most of them are. Only a handful of our federal congressmen and senators are “untouchable.” My guess is, less than one hundred out of the 535 House members and U.S. senators are truly NOT controlled–and that includes liberals and conservatives.

The vast majority of our congressmen and senators are either morally tainted, which makes them prime targets for bribery and manipulation (can anyone say former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert?), or they are egotistical, ambition-driven hedonists and sociopaths who will do virtually anything to advance themselves. This is the largest group, in my opinion.

Before any vote is cast in Congress, leaders take note of the political makeup of the districts and states that elected their representatives. Was he or she elected by a liberal or conservative district? What are the issues at home that the legislator campaigned on? All of this is readily known by congressional leaders.

Heads are counted before the actual vote to test whether a given bill will comfortably pass or not. If there is a comfortable margin of support for a bill, members who come from a district with opposing views can vote according to the way that will keep the constituents back home happy. ONLY if a bill’s passage requires that members vote against the will of their constituents will they be asked to do so. And the ones who are controlled WILL vote with their congressional leadership–regardless of how much it riles up the constituents back home. Of course, leadership has professionals that will coach the legislator as to how to explain the “bad” vote to the people back home. And, since most votes are not that close, these tactics are not usually required and the legislator’s voting record can appear “good” to the folks back home.

Again, there is only a small handful of congressmen and senators that are untouchable and will NOT cave in to their political leadership when the pressure is on. Congressional leaders refer to these legislators as “rebels.” And they are punished by not being given plush committee assignments or by being overlooked for leadership positions. Plus, leadership will often target the rebel legislators of their own party for defeat in future primary elections in an attempt to replace him or her with a “team player”–meaning a controlled toady for leadership.

Secondly, please understand that the fundamental goal of the elitists who control the neocons is globalism. For the most part, these people care absolutely nothing about domestic social issues. It doesn’t matter to them one whit whether a congressman is pro-life or pro-choice; whether he or she is “pro-family” or pro-gay marriage; whether he or she is identified as a conservative or a liberal. These issues don’t even enter the mind of a globalist. They have but one goal: globalism. Therefore, everything they promote promotes globalism. Everything! Never forget that.

Therefore, “conservative” scorecards are little indication as to whether a congressman or senator is a neocon. A congressman or senator can easily have a “B” or “80%” or better conservative rating and still be a controlled neocon. Most of the issues on these “conservative” or “Christian” or “Family Values” scorecards do not even grade congressman on most neocon issues, so a high score in these rating systems means little. This helps explain why so many Christian voters have little discernment in the voting booth. Their entire reason for voting is skewed. Plus, don’t forget that many of the so-called Christian leaders who put together these scorecards are themselves controlled neocons.

So, just what is a neocon? Remember again that neocons are controlled by globalists. Therefore, the goal is globalism. Here are six of the core issues that promote globalism. Here are the issues that form a common denominator among neocons. When you observe your professing “conservative” congressman or senator supporting these issues, you can KNOW that they are, in reality, globalist-controlled neocons.

• International “Free Trade” Deals

From GATT to NAFTA to TPP, these so-called free trade deals are nothing more than international loopholes that discriminate against the manufacturing jobs and labor class of individual countries in favor of the billionaire class that conducts business internationally.
