By Sidney Secular

February 28, 2023

There’s no haggling over the success of the Hegelian method, Marxism’s main M.O. and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). In essence, the Left advances 2 or 3 steps and then when – or if – limp conservative moral outage sets in, they backtrack a step or two and that sign of “repentance” satisfies the righteous right as a pro forma compromise until the left is ready to do it all over again. Interestingly, they never pull back all the way, and so they start the whole process from even further along in their planned agenda when it is next used. This wicked waltz continues ad nauseum and ad infinitum until conservatives have nothing left to conserve. When you’re always on the defensive – the essence of conservatism – this “dance of cultural death” is the means by which the left defeats it’s enemies. Nowhere is this strategy more obvious than in the use of Nikki  Haley as a means to trump “the Donald” in a sort of application of this firmly established method designed to eat away the body politic like a metastasizing cancer.

Conservatives are now so used to being trampled on by the media’s constant attacks that they are desperate for any “positive” attention – let alone representation – within popular culture. They’ll take anything that isn’t negative even when it’s superficial, contrived, super-silly or supercilious as in the case of the sudden and unwarranted popularity associated with the TV drama “Yellowstone” which is popular because it makes it acceptable to be white – and yellow, if you will. Americans need their fill and fix of slop offered by inane popular television series or special shows like the Academy awards or the “Stupor Bowl.” Its “schlock around the clock” because the media moguls know that many sheeple are tethered to their TVs nearly 24/7 allowing for an opportunity of unremitting blatant brainwashing. Of course, all of this has gotten worse after the COVID lockdowns! And, after all, they still tune in to the annual “Toilet Bowl” (a/k/a the Super Bowl) in huge numbers that represented an increase over last year even though last years’ show was an admitted debacle of debauchery.

Neither, during that waste of time and electric power, did white viewers tune out the divisive “Black National Anthem” since today anything black is now automatically deemed wonderful, beautiful and worthy! And as black history month morphs into black history year – and decade – with its never ending parade of black “culture” – an oxymoron if ever there was one! – the eternal whining over slavery dominates the historical narrative to the detriment of both truth and history! Given the state of things, why wouldn’t white conservatives pop popcorn into their mouths and chew chips while consuming the poppycock on their screens? For haven’t they been exposed to constant leftist screeds and creeds no matter how much the programming is aimed at their detriment, destruction and folly? After awhile even stupidity can become a habit difficult to break.

Progressives push a far-left racial and cultural agenda that conservatives naturally say they oppose. However, in truth, they willingly accept an only slightly little less extreme version of that same agenda. But that’s the dialectic at play. Conservative politicians may gain a leg up in an election by voicing opposition to progressivism but apparently they do so not to “fix” anything, but rather, in order to continue to feed at the public trough! As soon as they are safely ensconced in office, they go back to their compromising, backtracking ways. Over the long term, America’s white majority and the nation that depends on it continues its decline and descent towards the abyss. Nikki Haley is the latest pragmatist and propagandist to take advantage of this “back and forth with a lot of froth” dialectic, exclaiming against the most blatant “wokery” while claiming that strength exists whereas it actually continues to wither into further weakness. Faux conservatives like her accept the Left’s framing of the charade of political debate including the idea that “racism” reigns supreme. When you accept the Left’s “daffynition” of terms and their framing of an issue you enter into a battle in which you are already the loser. Biden began his bilious campaign with “racism” prattle and Nikki is engaging in the battle by accepting his premises! She appeals to both the Yankee and the modern denatured urban Southerner by claiming to be able heal the racial rupture through playing the part of an outsider or mediator who – supposedly – can see both sides of the issue because she is a child of immigrants and therefore not a player in the original situation that brought about the problems being claimed.

Of course, her “immigrant status” makes of her in many thoughtless minds more American than the “native born” as we’re now supposed to be a nation of immigrants! As an “outsider,” she claims we founder because we don’t live up to our “founding principles.” But being ignorant and not well versed in actual American history, she doesn’t realize or understand that the true founding principles reflect the now rejected paleoconservative philosophy that promoted rule by the civilization created by the white men she is now more than willing to push aside. But, of course, none of this matters because today’s populace, ignorant of both their historical and political roots, knows no better.  She likes to bloviate with the expression, “even on our worst day, we are blessed to live in America,” then comparing us to China and Iran, the two media punching bags that bear the brunt of our blather after Russia. But the slogan, “at least we’re not Iran,” isn’t much on which to hang one’s campaign hat – or one’s way of life! Furthermore, she brags about her economic record, but it isn’t hard to make any record look good compared to the destructive policies of the demonrats.

Haley’s M.O. includes touting her response to the Dylann Roof shooting, something that any half-baked politico with any smarts would have included photo opps. By the way, what’s happened to that perp – or was that affair just another false flag event? Haley further distinguished (extinguished?) herself by making war against the very people who elected her, taking down the Confederate flag at South Carolina’s Capitol and helping precipitate the massive takedown of patriotic statuary across the country. Her action was especially egregious, hypocritical, and ironic because in seeking Southern votes in 2010, she claimed that states have the right to secede from the Union, which was the Southern position that precipitated the so-called “Civil War.” In that statement, correct as it was, she showed her gross contempt for the voters who put her in office with her subsequent actions vilifying that legal secession and by doing so, she makes Kamala Harris  look good by comparison –  and that, believe me, is hard! A matchup of those two “miss-fits” would make of America truly the world ‘s laughing stock! Indeed, white advocates would probably more likely to be shut down by a President Haley because many clueless and/or yellow RINO Republicans would no doubt go along with it. But it would never work the other way around. Republicans and other “knee-benders” are too cowed to demand that black nationalist symbols be taken down in response to blacks attacking police or in going on their blatantly anti-white benders of murderous attacks coupled with the destruction of property.

As well, Haley is running for president despite saying she would not do so if Donald Trump ran. She also said, were that the case, she would support Trump, something that apparently now she won’t. Remember, Trump chose Haley to be ambassador to the UN despite having no political “debt” occasioning his choice. If her actions are not examples of ingratitude, disloyalty and of being a turncoat and a liar, what is? Our political class of both parties has no class and will go with the flow whichever way the wind blows, that is, they follow the way of the world and what has become the new normal. Haley’s “ideas” are the tired shopworn tropes of “Conservatism, Inc.” For instance, she would blame “socialism” for the fact that there is not a single student proficient in math in twenty-three of Baltimore’s public schools, reasoning that our public school systems prefer socialist indoctrination over teaching the basics. That the Baltimore public schools are in critical condition because they teach such hardcore communist drivel as critical race theory is in fact correct, but meanwhile she says nothing about the discipline problems arising from an all or mainly black student body or Big tech’s censorship of free speech or the domestic surveillance state either. Why? Because either she is ignorant – something that seems very unlikely – or she is in favor of such practices or, at the very least, willing to turn a blind eye to them.

Haley is the consummate follower except when she sees the opportunity to become the political shepherd leading the sheeple down the  primrose path. If in fact she does run, the libber journalists and mainstream media will have a field day forcing her into senseless concessions on any issue they decide to use against her. On the other hand, our side will have a wily demagogue who, while saying she eschews identity politics, will choose the same to her advantage. As well, we will have yet another conservative candidate who lacks any indication or demonstration of both independent thought and action and who would retreat from any characterization of her as a racist by her opponents. In the current political climate these attitudes might actually help her with other wishy-washy or pragmatic politicos. They would support her because the present intense progressive outrage is enough to move the dialectic leftwards with little opposition from conservatives who can’t seem to get outraged over anything but the failings of other conservatives – at least as they see them. Naturally, this scenario is outrageous in its potential consequences and America’s precipitous decline will continue until a critical mass of whites stops defending themselves against fraudulent charges of racism and “meanness” and begins to wage a battle for survival in the new Millennium.

Meanwhile, American “patriotism” continues to decline among progressives where it was never a strong point to begin with while many conservatives no longer identify with this country or recognize it as part of the First World. Yet Haley seems oblivious to this, carrying on with her newfound and increasingly baseless “American Pride” program. The post-Obama military doesn’t want “far-right” or White Americans generally and is especially dismissive of Confederate heroes for which many military bases are, or rather were, named. In this further genocide of Southern history and heroes, the military turns off potential recruits from the South, its primary source of  manpower and patriotic esprit-de-corps. The Army missed its 2022 recruitment goals by a full 25% and had to cut its size by 10,000, equivalent to an entire division.  As well, the Pentagon estimates that over 75% of young Americans would not qualify for military service due to obesity, health problems or drug use. Fortunately, it would seem, sexual perversion is no longer a handicap for those seeking a military career as the photo of military leaders in drag clearly indicates! How then would candidate – or President – Haley rally the youth to join a crusade against Russia, China, Iran and/or North Korea?  “Flag wavers” are always suspect because that is a strategy to bolster flagging prospects or for some other ulterior motive – unless, of course, it is a rainbow flag and then all is acceptable. But waving the American flag might work as many conservatives are foolish enough to believe any non-white flattery about American values and patriotism. Indeed, whites are so despondent and down on themselves that this might provide a means by which they can feel good about themselves again!  Thus decent Americans have been reduced to a hope that hollow and superficial patriotism will save us but a hollowed out America will not survive long under such circumstances. Nostalgia gets stale and false hope is nauseating under these wretched conditions.

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