No More Money for the BIG “Climate Change” Lie

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

October 21, 2024

I know the election is the hot topic, but come Jan. 2025, all the state legislatures will begin their new session. Ours (Texas) is out of session until then but is in what they call an interim session where bills are submitted; some hearings. I submitted my bill regarding excess lottery money to fund (costing taxpayers nothing) poor city pet shelters (like ours) with two-year grants. My state senator has forwarded my bill to the department responsible for making any necessary updates regarding existing regs.

“A way must be found to get this book into the hands of as many Americans as possible. The myths promulgated by militant environmentalists are now accepted as fact by far too many who are ripe for a cure for this so-called crisis – a ‘cure’ which will actually rob them of much of their economic and political freedom. Dixie Lee Ray challenges the environmental prophets of doom and gloom with penetrating searing truth.  Environmental Overkill is a bright light that exposes the fraud and deceit being perpetrated against an unknowing public.”  Rush Limbaugh, 1993

I have written about this before: Why the Environmental Protection Agency must be abolished, Jan. 5, 2005: “The Environmental Protection Agency must be abolished because it is destroying the rights of Americans, it’s another monumental waste of money and America doesn’t need it. Like the unconstitutional federal Department of Education which employs almost 4,500 people and will suck up a colossal $63.3 billion dollars for 2005, the EPA with its 18,000 employees, will gobble up $7.76 billion dollars this year.

“Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution does not authorize Congress to legislate in the area of the environment, therefore, it is unconstitutional.  But, CON-gress then runs around the Constitution and does their dirty deeds using treaties. All 50 states of the Union have their own version of the EPA as authorized under the 10th Amendment. There is no need for a federal agency. The states of the Union can handle their own environmental needs as authorized by their legislatures.  One size does NOT fit all.

“At the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro, June 3-14, 1992, the Secretariat for World Order distributed a nonpublic document titled, “The Initiative for Eco-92 Earth’s Charter.” It reads, in part, under policies that must be implemented as follows:” Rest at link.

In 2003, Holly Swanson wrote Set Up & Sold Out: Find Out What Green Really Means.  It was a real eye opener for me. Review from Amazon: “Holly Swanson is waking up America to the fact that several generations have been indoctrinated/brainwashed by the environmental movement. Sure we all care for our environment, clean air, water and open spaces. Holly’s message exposes the socialist agenda and how the so called “Green Movement” is basically a vehicle for the communist/socialist agenda. Why else would Mikail Gorbachov create the “Green Cross”?????”  Her book is available at NWV’s here.

Back then school children were being taught the BIG FAT LIE: Global Warming which was given a new Madison Ave. marketing title: Climate Change, was going to burn the planet in a few years and billions would die.

True experience I had as a substitute teacher at our high school three years ago.  Subbed for the arts class of really talented kids.  Two girls had their laptop open and not doing the assignment.  I ask them quietly why weren’t they working on the drawings?  These were all seniors.  An innocent young face looked at me and said why bother?  We’ll all be dead in ten years from climate change and they had to finish a homework assignment peddling that destructive hoax. To say I was pissed is putting it mildly.  I politely told the two girls this is an art class and you can finish your other work later.

Brainwash them when they’re young like climate change queen, Greta Thunburg (She is on the autism spectrum) who blazed on the scene back in 2018; she became aware of “global warming”, according to her, at age 11. The perfect puppet to scold the global elites, “How dare you!” for not doing anything to stop climate change! Oh, boy, did that make headlines worldwide. The young as well as duped adults ate it up like candy, just like the rest of the propaganda out of her mouth:

“We are living in the beginning of a mass extinction and our climate is breaking down.”…“I remember when I was younger, and in school, our teachers showed us films of plastic in the ocean, starving polar bears and so on. I cried through all the movies.”

These starving polar bears falsely blamed on climate change have scared kids to death, Sept. 12, 2019:  “These four images of thin or emaciated polar bears falsely blamed on climate change have scared kids like Greta Thunburg to death: the four white lies that scarred a generation.”

New Hudson Bay sea ice modelling paper is more utterly useless fearmongering about polar bears, June 13, 2024:  “A new collaboration by sea ice and polar bear specialists that predicts a catastrophic future for polar bears in Hudson Bay (Stroeve et al. 2024) can be dismissed as yet another bit of utterly useless fearmongering for two reasons: 1) it’s a model projection that uses widely discredited SSP5-8.5 “business as usual” climate scenarios for its predictions; and 2) it’s based on the false premise that Western and Southern Hudson Bay polar bears have already suffered harm from reduced sea ice blamed on fossil fuel-caused global warming.”

  1. Hudson Bay sea ice not going away anytime soon as polar bears sit tight offshore, July 18, 2024 // Arctic sea ice at the summer solstice: more polar bear habitat than 2022 after hottest year on record, June 25, 2024 // Book Greta and her climate change cult followers might want to read: The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened by Susan Crockford. One thing is for certain: Parents around this country need to DEMAND any schools in their district stop teaching this big lie which, for too many kids, has caused mental health issues.

‘They’ shrieked about ‘global warming’ — but now they admit we were ‘accidentally cooling, July 8, 2024: “The “green” agenda is a massive fraud to control our lives. Getting rid of gas cars and appliances will not lower temperatures, nor will switching to highly flammable cars powered by the pollutant lithium; it will just make China richer and America poorer.

“The green agenda will also not reduce storms or keep sea levels from rising. The rise has been minimal for the last 150 years.”

Hundreds and hundreds of billions of borrowed dollars have been spent in this country alone into brainwashing Americans about the scam called global warming and slapping choking restrictions on businesses and even our home appliances.  After decades passing without the planet burning us all alive, scammers who became multi-millionaires pushing all the lies about Co2 – think Al Gore(bechev), let’s change the label to scare even more people into believing oceans of lies.

Climate narrative falls apart as the cooler-than-average La Niña expected to appear, Oct. 15, 2024: “Switching to lithium-powered vehicles will not cool or warm the climate.  There is not one piece of scientific data that shows that our consumption of oil causes temperatures to rise and more severe storms. Temperatures rise and fall, and storm activity increases and decreases, no matter how much oil we use, and how many diesel trucks are on the road.

“So why do the United Nations, $cientists, most people posing as journalists, educators, Hollywood, almost all Democrats, and some gullible Republicans say that “the science is settled” and humans and our use of natural resources is the cause of warming and climate change?

“The only reason I can think of is they are power-hungry and greedy. They want to take more money for themselves. They are willing to harm the poor and middle classes and destroy our quality of life.

“They also are very willing to keep underdeveloped countries from improving their quality and length of life. The green push is and has always been, a massive scam just like the climate is and always has been, changing cyclically and naturally.”

Yes, the climate on planet earth changes all the time.  Nothing new but there’s no big money there. The real agenda is to destroy capitalism with this phony global warming/climate change scam.  Scientists Find No Change In ‘Global Warming’ Rates Since 1970, Oct. 19, 2024

Scientists Flock to Sign World Climate Declaration and Declare “There is No Climate Emergency”, Sept. 3, 2022 – “It is no surprise that we are experiencing a period of warming,” it notes. In addition, the scientists state that there is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and similar natural disasters, or making them more frequent. “There is no climate emergency,” it says. “We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic Net Zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050.”

“Furthermore, it states that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth: “More CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yield of crops worldwide.”

“The recent rush to sign the WCD is a sign of growing anger within academic circles of the way science has been hijacked to provide a veneer of authority to the hard-left, command-and-control Net Zero agenda. As that dogma unravels by the day, and its disastrous implications become apparent to ever-growing mass of people, it is likely that more scientists will speak out against the use of model-driven ‘settled’ science to pursue controversial political aims.”

READ:  Climate Change Scam Will Bring Death & Misery This Winter, Sept. 5, 2022 (Mine):  Politicians across this country for votes began hyping how wonderful renewable energy is when in FACT renewable energy is the LEAST reliable energy source on the planet.  Only in the past year or so have Americans awakened to the FACT that those expensive electric cars depend on fossil fuels to recharge and that when an area hit by a Polar Vortex like Texas in February 2021, all that renewable energy wasn’t worth a damn.

Texas Disaster – What Americans Need to Know, Feb. 22, 2021 (Mine) and Renewable Energy IS Causing an Environmental Wasteland, March 1, 2021 (Mine) Those two columns of mine contain a mountain of truth so I encourage you to find the time to read them.  Our governor, Greg Abbott (Associate Partner in the WEF), promotes UNRELIABLE, “alternative” energy that failed so BADLY during the 2021 Polar Vortex (covered in my two columns above), dozens of Texans froze to death.

What If There Is No Man-Made Global Warming? By Tom DeWeese, March 2, 2009 [Emphasis mine]: “Last year, 52 scientists authored a much-hyped report issued by the UN’s IPCC which said global warming was man-made and getting worse. But in the past year, more than 650 scientists from around the world have now expressed their doubts about the report’s findings – 12 times the number of IPCC global warming alarmists now agree it’s bunk.

“I am a skeptic…Global Warming has become a new religion,” says Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever. “Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly…as a scientist I remain skeptical,” says Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, formally with NASA and called “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.”

“Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in history… When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists,” said UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh. “It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming,” said U.S. Government Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B, Glodenberg. Top these very few quotes with the fact that 34,000 scientists have now signed a petition saying global warming is probably natural and is not man-made.

“Instead, they say the science shows warming actually stopped in 1999. That the brief warming period we experienced in the past decade was completely natural, caused, in part, by storms on the sun, not CO2 emissions from SUVs. The Sun storms have ended and now, a cooling period has begun. That’s it. Done. Crisis over. Man is not to blame.”

Hundreds of scientists reject global warming. December 21, 2007. “A new U.S. Senate report documents hundreds of prominent scientists – experts in dozens of fields of study worldwide – who say global warming and cooling is a cycle of nature and cannot legitimately be connected to man’s activities.

“Of course I believe in global warming, and in global cooling – all part of the natural climate changes that the Earth has experienced for billions of years, caused primarily by the cyclical variations in solar output,” said research physicist John W. Brosnahan, who develops remote-sensing instruments for atmospheric science for clients including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA.”

It matters not to hustler, Al Gore, turned king of the environmental guru’s making MILLIONS peddling BS, that a judge over in Great Britain slapped down his cock and bull, he continues to peddle his pernicious lies. The same as these career poltroons in Congress; entrenched bureau-rats who spew lies as their daily dogma. The American people have been pummeled with all the dire predictions and “proof,” enforced by intellectually lazy saps who hold major positions in print and electronic media.

I encourage you to watch this 2:08 second video of closet Marxist, Barry Obama, aka Barrack Hussein Obama. Listen to what he says about using this phony global warming to create jobs. This is the tactic used over and over to enrich the elites and crush the middle class. (Of course, it’s on You Tube with the usual BS lies under the video screen.)

BIG money scam using scare tactics.  NGO’s (non-governmental agencies) are some of the biggest winners just like they were/are in Iraq based on another mountain of lies – the old ‘weapons of mass destruction’ deception. A proven lie.  Yes, those NGO’s employ tens of thousands of Americans so for many of them I’m positive it’s “my paycheck” vs continuing to work for an organization that is/has done so much damage to our economy and way of life. Difficult situation.

The EPA is an unconstitutional cabinet that should have been abolished decades ago.  Cackling Harris, the big ‘page turner’ couldn’t run a lemonade stand without going into debt. The Democrat/Communist Party USA and their ‘Green New Deal’ has nothing to do with the fictional ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’ fake science.  IT’S ALL ABOUT CONTROLLING THE WAY YOU WILL LIVE IN THE FUTURE.

Kamala Harris’ electric school bus program is floundering, drawing comparison to ‘border czar’ work, Oct. 12, 2024: “The EPA recently announced another $1 billion flowing into the Biden-Harris administration’s effort to replace all diesel-powered school buses across the country with electric buses. This brings the total spent so far to nearly $3 billion out of the $5 billion program.” (CON-gress has no constitutional authority to spend your paycheck on electric buses, period.)

The Republicans held the majority in both chambers of Congress for almost 18 months under Trump.  Did they stop the insanity and true agenda of “climate change” by refusing to fund it?  No.  But one governor recently got his message across: “I don’t subscribe to your religion” – Gov DeSantis responds like a BOSS to question about climate change [very short VIDEO], Oct. 17, 2024

The people’s purse is overdrawn $36 TRILLION “dollars” in unpayable debt to the private, unconstitutional “Fed”, but keep borrowing and add China to the list of our debtors TO PAY FOR A MONSTROUS HOAX perpetrated on the American people – just like COVID-19 and those dangerous, experimental gene editing injections.

I have nothing against ELECTRIC cars which IMHO are only good for tootling around town. Please notice the word electric.  I covered that in my two columns cited above as well as when and where this “environmental crisis” to destroy capitalism began.

Climate Scare Stories Keep Turning Out to be False, Sept. 16, 2024. Yep, the starving going extinct polar bear propaganda got knocked out because, quoting from that article: “Why? Because after years of misrepresentation, it finally became impossible for them to ignore a mountain of evidence showing that the global polar bear population has increased substantially from around 12,000 in the 1960s to around 26,000 in the present day.”

Propaganda:  “Greenhouse gas emissions keep growing. Global temperatures keep rising. And our planet is fast approaching tipping points that will make climate chaos irreversible.  We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator” – Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations.  One of the major reasons the U.S. MUST get out of the United Nothing aka UN.

Hundreds of billions of phantom borrowed dollars have been spent on the climate change con and most of it ends up in the pockets of the global elites who could give a fig what Greta wants.  Money the states badly need to repair roads, bridges, the crumbling grid, education.

Biden admin releases most restrictive offshore oil and gas drilling plan in U.S. historyStill maintaining its ability to push offshore wind development, Oct. 1, 2023. “The release of the U.S. offshore leasing program, mandated by law and long overdue, is an utter failure for the country,” National Ocean Industries Association President Erik Milito said of the schedule. “The White House simply ignores our energy realities in once again limiting U.S. energy production opportunities. With global demand at record levels and continuing to rise, regressive policies like this serve to harm Americans of all walks of life.”

Texas Land Commissioner Blasts Offshore Wind Farm Proposal, Texas Scorecard: Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham has sent yet another letter to the Biden-Harris administration opposing a federal proposal to lease nearly 150,000 offshore acres to an energy company with no experience in wind projects. Will Biagini has the details.

“According to Buckingham’s letter, the proposal aims to lease 142,528 acres off the coast of Texas in the Gulf of Mexico to a company called Hecate Energy Gulf Wind LLC. The company allegedly has no experience with the construction of offshore wind farms.”  No problem, call Hunter Biden.  Oh, and all those beautiful dead whales washing ashore on the upper Eastern Seaboard isn’t caused by those off-shore wind turbines. Why it’s just another conspiracy theory!

“Green Energy Transition” Is a Costly “Myth,” Says Expert, and “Isn’t Happening”, Oct. 13, 2024 – Excellent.

While I would never vote for RFK, Jr., I give him great credit for all his work regarding those COVID injections and protecting children’s health.  In the past, Jr. said those who deny climate change should go to jail; later he dialed back a bit and said he meant CEO’s of corporations.

Having said that, Kennedy did a video I do highly recommend called The Pipeline Deception; watch here. Honesty, I don’t believe the majority of Americans value our farming and/or ranching families.  That’s for another column, but watch that video because eminent domain is striking again and the target is our farming land.  One individual hit it on the head in the comment section: “CO2 pipelines- what a dumb idea. Glad to see the issues are coming to light.”  It’s unfortunate towards the end Jr. goes right back to the BS about CO2, but the video is still worth watching – especially if you live and farm in Iowa.  More insanity – and jobs for a dangerous and insane pipeline.

Most sane humans want clean air and uncontaminated water, but let me tell you America’s farmers are the best when it comes to responsible stewardship of the lands.  Oh, sure, there’s always a bad apple in the bunch, but make no mistake about it: the climate change hoax must be erased, please see my last column on this: Republicans Must Denounce Climate Change Scam, Feb. 13, 2023. Of course, with an election year: crickets.

Right now, we’re all waiting for Nov. 5th, although I doubt a final announcement will come on that legal Election DAY.  You can guess why.  But, come January, it’s up to US to get to our state legislators and DEMAND they denounce this big lie called climate change and simply refuse to allow the insane agenda driven fools out in the District of Corruption (Washington, DC) to dictate what they have no authority to shove down the throats of the sovereign states. It’s called nullification.  It’s do or die, governors and state legislators.

The best web site for FACTUAL TRUTH about the scam called climate change is  Daily update global weather and it ain’t “global warming” is at the Electroverse web site.  I’m sick of being forced to pay taxes to support and enrich those promoting and profiting from this big lie.

During his first term, Trump made America energy independent and he will do it again.  But he needs a majority in Congress. VOTE.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

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I’m a farmer – and know Kamala Harris would be a disaster for American agriculture – The bottom line: America’s farmers and ranchers were better off when Trump was president, Oct. 18, 2024

Scientists Find No Change In ‘Global Warming’ Rates Since 1970, Oct. 19, 2024

Hundreds of scientists reject global warming, Dec.21, 2007

Harris won’t support expanding fossil fuel drilling, campaign says, Oct. 2024

Experts say it’s possible for hackers to take control of EV features, even trigger battery fires. Oct. 5, 2024 (Not good if it’s in your garage.)

Nobody Told EV Owners How Quickly They Burn Through Tires, March 27, 2024

The Energy Absurdity of the Week: Nothing to See Here, Just Another Random Exploding EV, March, 31, 2024