By Sidney Secular

June 24, 2023

The incredibly weird current political condition is most frustrating to us who have already been long flustered, but it is understandable in a wacky woke sort of way. Perplexed conservatives and actual Republicans who take delight in pointing out the many weaknesses, blunders, stumbles and mumblings of our faux President are, sadly, misreading the situation. We flail and flounder around in an attempt to enlighten our fellow Americans to Biden’s lack of any ability whatsoever, but to no avail. Biden’s flaws, which we treat with guffaws, are the very reason the now out of touch and clueless electorate supports him.

The Wokesters and their libber fellow travelers actually prefer a leader willing to voice the dogmas of identity politics with the obedience and obeisance of a trained parrot or a programmed robot. The weak-minded leftist masses need a leader as themselves – that is, a robotic follower of the true elite rulers – and his defects and incapacities therefore must mirror their own that they identify with him. They love losers especially as these have proven via the offices of the Deep State able to “defeat” true winners! Indeed, they are lost in their empathy towards such creatures no matter how grossly deficient.

Each lapse by the lefty loon merely reinforces his appeal and increases the probability of his re-election with no reboots necessary. Jackboots on the ground are fine with them as long as they are on “their side.” The Deep State’s gambit of gambling with a loon and goon come what may just could be the ticket for a return performance by the bad actors who are perforce leading us down the drain.

In a nation neutered by the notion and imposition of identity politics in which individuals are ranked by a victimhood demographic, we no longer have standard politics in the sense that we no longer have power struggles among actual legitimate factions and interests. The only thing that matters now is the extent to which the contemptible candidate fawns, flails and falls in line with the currently acceptable fads and memes while in the process making sacrificial offerings out of the White, straight, Christian demographic. Oddly enough, this set-up works when a White man sits at the head of the “multicult” altar. Identity politicians need him to act as a focal point, referee, and moderator for all those victim groups who are diametric to him in every way so as to keep them from uncontrolled in-fighting for status and Simoleans.

The collectivizing and harmonizing label, “people of color” is but a contrived connivance to garner support as it indicates that none of the “elect” are themselves “White.” Hence, the necessity for a White male president (or even females) of the proper politics and “morality.” The Deep State has stuck with the present PC icon through the presidential primaries and subsequent election battles and now are stuck with him no matter how much his physical or mental states deteriorate between now and the next faux election day. Parenthetically, the Deep State always has its “on-hand” strategy that has been used on so many of its former members who were no longer “useful.” Any glimpse into the history of the Clintons can provide proof of the efficacy of this removal process!

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