By Coach Dave Daubenmire

January 18, 2024

Many of you may not be aware, but I run a ministry.  I started Pass The Salt in 2002 after being sued by the ACLU for praying with our High school Football teams.  I left my teaching job to start a ministry that confronted the culture.  We have been pounding knots on the Devil’s head ever since.

The decade of the 2020’s has been nothing like the American people have ever experienced.  In fact, it has overwhelmed the sleepy church as the assault upon Christianity in American has reached a fever pitch.  2024 is going to be a season where more evil is going to be exposed.  That is what we have been doing on the front lines in America since the birthing of PASS THE SALT.  The Satanists have launched an all-out assault against the advancement of the Gospel of the Kingdom.  We are in a Spiritual war that is manifesting in the natural realm.  Things are about to get real.

If you have followed the J6 event you certainly understand that CHRISTIAN men are under assault by our Government.  Hundreds of them are in the DC Gulag WITHOUT A TRIAL OR THE OPPORTUNITY TO POST BAIL!  Let me put a face on some of the persecuted.

Isaac Yoder

We have known Isaac for over 20 years, thanks to our Operation Save America days and Isaac was recently booked in to Federal Prison for simply standing up for what is right on Jan.6, 2021 in Washington DC. Our ministry had over 100 people in attendance that day and experienced one of the greatest false flags in World History where the infiltration of dark forces into a peaceful gathering into a false “insurrection” orchestrated by our own government.  Isaac was sentenced to 1 YEAR in Federal Prison for doing nothing more than dressing as a patriot and fighting for our nation.  We actively pray for and financially support his wife and 3 children during this wicked incarceration.

Pastor Bill Dunfee

Our dear friend and Patriot Pastor Bill Dunfee from Warsaw, Ohio will be on trial in DC the week of Jan 22 for doing nothing more than standing in front of the US Capitol on Jan 6 and preaching the Gospel to those in attendance.  The Constitution guarantees the right to “peaceably assemble to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Pastor Bill did not go in the Capitol nor did he encourage anyone else to do so but rather addressed our need to “reclaim our government of, by, and for the people.”  There were millions of people in DC that day to simply PETITION the government and for that Pastor Bill is facing 20 years in prison for leading an “insurrection.”  The weapons we all wielded that day were SPIRITUAL and not ONE PERSON HAS BEEN CHARGED WITH CARRYING A WEAPON.  Bill’s weapons were the Bible, and a bullhorn!  Please pray him and his family.

Stand With the 10

On Jan 16, eleven brave Christians will stand trial in Nashville for their heroic efforts at the Abortion Mill in an attempt to rescue women and children from the curse and scourge of abortion.  They were charged with a FEDERAL FACE indictment and will stand trial, facing decades in prison for laying down their lives for the innocent ones.  Chet Gallagher, Cal Zastrow, Coleman Boyd, Caroline Davis, Paul Vaughn, Dennis Green, Eva Edl, Eva Zastrow, James Zastrow, and Paul Place have been ordered to appear before the federal Court.  These are all friends of ours and of the ministry and they covet your support!!  Even though abortion has been ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL by SCOTUS the Biden’ administration’s hatred of Christian activists continues unabated.  These are indeed perilous times. PLEASE JOIN US AS WE APPEAL TO HEAVEN FOR JUSTICE.

Christians Have Become the Enemy

My wife Michele and I can honestly say that “there, but for the Grace of God, go I” as we watch our friends and faithful soldiers of the cross be persecuted for their faith.  IT HAS BECOME DANGEROUS TO BE AN ACTIVE CHRISTIAN in this once great Christian nation.  The very future of our children and grandchildren hangs in the balance.  We appreciate your continued support as we endeavor to leave an inheritance to our Children’s Children.  Now, more than ever, is the time to STAND and FIGHT.  The battle is raging and the war is real!!

May God Be Glorified through our lives.  LET’S MAKE CHRISTIANITY GREAT AGAIN!!

Please subscribe to our email list for the latest updates on the Boots on the Ground initiatives that we have launched.  NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO RETREAT!!

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