Frosty Wooldridge
Losing Your Memory
The last time I visited my mother before she passed away, I walked into her room with my wife, and sat for 30 minutes telling my mom how much I appreciated her being a super mother during my childhood. I thanked her for a litany of events that stood out in my mind. I covered everything from birthdays to sporting events to camping to helping take my first bicycle ride. I thanked her for celebrating my high school and college graduation ceremonies. I really thanked her “for being proud of me.”
At that point, I walked out of her room down the hall to the bathroom. While I was gone, she asked my wife Sandi, “Who is that nice young man with all those compliments?”
“Why, that’s your oldest son, Frosty,” my wife said.
“Oh, I never imagined him looking so different,” she said.
When I walked back into the room, my mom stood up to hug me as she now recognized me as her oldest son. As a matter of fact, she didn’t know her other sons, either. We had all become strangers to my mother.
Old age isn’t fun. It’s okay for some people and totally miserable for others. One of my old triathete buddies, one of the fittest men I ever met, now moves around in a wheelchair with vertigo and loss of hearing. He’s hoping to regain his hearing with an hearing implant.
Another X-terra super athlete friend of mine, only 62, suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. He’s slowly losing his mind. He knows me, but can’t recall my name half the time. He’s not allowed to drive any longer.
Even my mother-in-law, for the last 10 years of her life, couldn’t tell you the name of the president of the United States. She always smiled at me, but I don’t think she knew my name. She passed away at 88.
In reality, old age ain’t for sissies. We face aching joints, arthritis, obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
But the one thing that jolts me the most: losing my mental abilities.
About a year ago, I started losing ‘words’ in my everyday speech. I wanted to say the word, but I couldn’t find it in my mind. I quickly came up with another word to replace the one that I wanted. That’s when I started doing research on how to halt the loss of my memory.
Most, 7 out of 10, Americans today, especially the baby boomers, which I am a lead member, suffer obesity in its many forms. We also watch 4.1 hours of TV seven days a week. Most of us don’t exercise. We eat a lot of garbage foods that don’t help our nutrition or our health. I almost think we’re giving up on living or tired of it or simply exhausted by living into our seventies.
But not this kid! I’m living life like a man running down the road with his pants on fire toward the next adventure. I’m maintaining my attitude like a teenager. I’m eating to keep slim, trim, and a lean athletic machine. While I’m on this planet, I’m am squeezing everything out of every day I’m alive.
This life provides us with a one-time amazing opportunity to taste anything and everything on Earth. Fortunately, we live in a country that offers anyone just about everything to live his or her dreams.
Thus, I aim to keep my mind working at full bore. In order to keep my mind sharp, I found out about a ton of foods and nutrients that keep the mind sharp. Below, please enjoy the 7 Top Foods for Brain Power:
Additionally, it’s really important to exercise six days a week for 1.5 to 2.00 hours. Aerobics! You want to force fresh blood into the brain to feed your mind with energy, food, oxygen and cleanse it out. I swim ½ mile every day, six days a week. I run on the elliptical track for 20 minutes and 20 minutes on the stationary bicycle. Additionally, I push weights for 45 minutes. I also do 100 sit ups every day. After the workout, I hot tub it and pray-meditate. I take a shower, dress and go home to work. Why do I enjoy the time to exercise? I don’t watch 4.1 hours of TV daily.
Additionally, I’ve been taking a number of supplements to make my brain’s neural net and synapses fire efficiently. You can look up many brain supplements at Natural Grocers and the Internet.
Secondly, what you eat makes a HUGE difference in keeping your mental acuity. Which would you rather eat for breakfast: bacon, eggs, sausage and greasy hash browns along with, toast and butter? Or, oatmeal, blue berries, bananas, walnuts, and wheat toast with apple butter? For lunch: a ham and cheese sandwich? Or, mixed greens salad with kale, chard, spinach and cabbage, with radish, beets, carrots, onions and olives? For dinner: steak, roast, pork chops, greasy potatoes with gravy, fried chicken, sour cream and finish off with ice cream? Or, salmon, broccoli, baked potato with lime juice, olive oil-salad, and fruit salad for desert? Make sure everything you eat: organic and non-GMO.
One way of eating will slog your brain down and the other will fire-up your brain cells for your highest and best mental health. The choice: yours every day of the week!
Additionally, all of us baby boomers suffer from different levels of lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium metals, along with other heavy metals in our blood and tissue. Those metals destroy our brain cells. You can utilize different cleansing techniques to “chelate” those foreign metals out of your body.
Confused? You might try several books on how to clean your body and brain up for maximum health: Grain Brain: Whole Life Plan by David Perlmutter. He really gives you all the information you need to renew your mental and physical health.
You might also try the “Brain Games” on the Internet. It stimulates your brain in an intriguing manner: Luminosity. My wife Sandi plays it every day. She loves the challenge and it makes her brain work.
My brain? After a year of regular aerobic exercise, highly disciplined eating style, and those “7 Foods for Your Brain”, I’m not searching for words any more. You can do the same for your brain and remain a vibrant, highly articulate and healthy person.
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