I was asked to comment on “who won the GOP debate” on CNN on March 10, 2015. In short, I think the GOP candidates won, CNN lost — they could not provoke a dogfight.

But they definitely tried hard, especially by attempting to make themselves look “good,” as in “politically-correct-good,” and to make Donald Trump look bad by baiting him by asking whether, when he stated in an earlier interview that he believes that there is a problem of “hate” in Islam, he “meant all 1.6-billion muslims.” It was and is a loaded, cheap, “gotcha” question as asked. It is also utterly hypocritical in light of the media’s general reaction after 9-11: “Why do they [Muslims] hate us?”

To his credit, Trump did not cave-in politically-correctly and rabbit-like retreat from that which is manifestly evidence of “hate” among Muslims inspired by the doctrines of Islam, itself. Instead, he said we need to face it and investigate, not pretend it doesn’t exist, from Paris to San Bernardino, CA, and Islamic terrorism all across the world.

But here’s my question about CNN’s question, which is a question embraced by other media, utterly hypocritically: After 9-11, CNN, and almost all major media were filled with stories on: “Why do they [Muslims] hate us?” So, why is it wrong to even raise the question of “hate” now?

That question, “Why do they [Muslims] hate us?” dominated the news after 9-11. No one questioned that it was “hate” we faced; the question was only (and pathetically): “Why do they hate us?”

In 2015, Donald Trump states what was obvious in 9-11: It is about “hate” of Islamics toward us. But the same media that acknowledged “hate” was a motivating factor of Islamic terrorists on 9-11 now paint Trump has some kind of awful anti-Muslim monster while they are ever-so-good in their political correctness, no matter that in 9-11 those same media acknowledged Muslim “hate” for America–and Americans.

Indeed, the evidence of hate in the act of the 9-11 Muslim terrorists could not be denied. That hateful act was celebrated by dancing in the streets by Muslims all over the world, and terrorist Osama bin Ladin was raised up as a Muslim messiah.

Media in America made pouty-faced “but we are innocent” postures expressed in multiple “Why do they (Muslims) hate us” articles and broadcasts. They didn’t question that it was “hatred,” only lamented that how and why could Muslims “hate us”? Articles even appeared that it was all our fault that Muslims hate us. Even those pathetic articles didn’t deny Muslim hatred for us, but instead only argued that Muslim hatred was our fault.

After 9-11, I read the Koran cover-to-cover, without any prejudice but instead a desire to learn. I found very, very little in the Koran evidencing that Islam “is a religion of love and peace,” but an awful lot of evidence, in the Koran itself, not only advising but commanding hatred for, and death to non-believing “infidels,” in particular Jews and Christians, and even of one’s own father, mother, brother, sister, should they have an “infidel” friend. It is undeniable that the Koran commands that “infidels” have but three choices: (1) Convert to Islam. (2) Pay a special tax and life in a second (third, or fourth, etc.) class position in Muslim society. (3) Or die, be killed. Osama bin Ladin declared war on America based on those principles of the Koran, not ones he invented. If you doubt it, read the Koran yourself, and decide yourself.

I am not a Trumpeter, but there should be no doubt, on this issue Trump is right–the evidence of Islamic hate is in the hate-filled acts of terrorism by Muslims throughout the world, which Muslim leaders have the power to stop and refuse to stop, fearing to take effective action which would make themselves targets of Muslim hate and terrorism.

That objective evidence of hate cannot be denied by politically correct pieties of hypocrites in media and government. That hate, condoned and inspired by the Koran itself, represents an existential threat to America, and cannot be defeated by pretending it does not exist. It exists–and must be defeated.

2016 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

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