By Jeffery Dover
February 11, 2023
The US federal government no longer represents nor exists for the people or the sovereign United States. It is instead part of a Cabal, run by and for global elites. The people – you, me and everyone other than those elites – are merely their beasts of burden whose role, as they see it, is to support those elites. They pay us to keep us quiet while they work against us all. Their NFL Football with its “social justice” messaging and anti-allegiance demonstrations helps to keep us quiet, among their media’s other “professional sports”, the latter day Roman “bread and circus”. We’ll refer to them as “The Cabal” hereafter.
At present powerful members of The Cabal – the president of the United States and US Congress – are getting the country deeper and deeper into the Ukraine conflict. Having already spent more than $40 billion that we know about, and who knows how much more that we don’t know about, we’re now sending Ukraine 30 Abrams tanks.
Ukraine means nothing to American citizens. They are a corrupt, second world nation which is the worse for the meddling in their politics by the US and British intelligence services for at least the past decade. Those agents first ousted a legitimate president and then installed puppet Ukraine presidents who would support them in their anti-Russia program.
Why the anti-Russia program? Because Russia opposes the New World Order (NWO henceforth) agenda of the World Economic Forum, the Council for Foreign Relations and the UN, all members of The Cabal. (Note that Trump also opposed the NWO with America First and MAGA. We saw what happened to Trump.)
US and NATO involvement in Ukraine is about one thing and one thing only: the New World Order. This is to advance the elites with their drive to global government, the success of which depends on the initial support of the world’s major nations and powers. Having achieved the installation and maintenance of complicit governments in the USA and EU, Russia is the last holdout of those major nations. Thus, The Cabal seeks regime change and the installation of a complicit puppet government in Russia. The cost and possibly the risk to the citizens of the United States and EU mean nothing to them.
US support of Ukraine has nothing to do with the welfare, upkeep or security of the American citizen or even those of the EU, not that the EU’s welfare is the responsibility of the US citizen. Neither Ukraine nor Russia — the latter if unprovoked — pose any threat to the USA. Everything about the US and Ukraine is about the NWO. If not for that, the present conflict probably would never have occurred. Ukraine would most likely have peacefully rejoined the Russian Federation a few years ago. We, the people of the USA are no consideration in any of this involvement. We do not count.
Neither will the media inform the public of the truth of matters, for the simple reason that The Cabal owns the media, here and abroad. The Cabal tells the media what we are to believe. Their media then disseminates that information, trying as well as they are able, to squelch other media which actually intend to properly inform the populace. As a second line of defense against honest news and commentary sources, The Cabal has put “fact checkers” in place as a bulwark against exposure of their lies. They use “polls” to open topics of new disinformation.
The Rubachovs of the country believe these people, the media and their phony “fact checkers”. Anyone who read Arthur Koestler’s “Darkness at Noon” will remember Rubachov, sent to prison by Stalin and awaiting execution, believing that “if only Stalin knew he was there” that he would be exonerated of the false charges and spared. Stalin not only knew; he sent him there! The Rubachovs never get it until it’s too late, if ever. Let’s not be Rubachovs.
We’re recently familiar with how The Cabal’s FBI colluded with social media to censor information and commentary which opposed The Cabal and its members. In addition to falsehoods, half-truths and other obfuscation of important events, the media ramps up fear, to make the population easier to dupe. At present, it’s fear of nuclear war which they tout due to the Ukraine situation. A year or two ago, it was Covid. Before that, it was “terrorism”. They always have some “fear narrative” on tap for us as a control measure.
One of the NWO’s objectives is population reduction and control. What could be obstacles to those goals? Nursing homes? Medical care for the elderly? Human fertility? With the recent Covid experience, a virus which was surely manmade, who did it affect primarily? The elderly. Nursing home inmates were held virtually captive inside what amounted to an infection chamber. Gene therapy experiments, called “vaccines” only because the CDC hurriedly changed the definition to include them, are known to cause fertility problems in women among other, perhaps more serious problems including sudden death. They do not prevent infection of the Covid virus.
The Cabal made sure that inexpensive, widely tested medications effective in the successful treatment of the virus were denied. Additionally, hospitalization of patients wasn’t permitted until a patient was already in serious trouble with the illness. Then treatment which was exorbitantly expensive and at best, not particularly effective was prescribed. At worst, it was lethal. Many thousands of people who would likely have been cured with the cheap, known medications died with the “authorized and prescribed” treatments, including the toxic kidney-destroyer “Remdesivir” and/or ventilators.
There was good news for the hospitals, however as The Cabal paid them a lot of money for covid diagnoses, treatments and even deaths. Perhaps most alarmingly of all, doctors were threatened with loss of their hospital jobs and even their licenses to practice if they preached or treated outside The Cabal’s official regimen and Covid narrative. Dissenting voices all were censored on social media, while California has since enacted a law which causes a “review” of a physician’s license to practice if that person should prescribe or preach other than the government’s prescribed Covid doctrine.
On additional fronts, The Cabal “mandated” the business shutdowns. It ruined countless small businesses across the nation and indeed, across the western developed nations with the business closures of what were termed “non-essential” businesses. Is it a coincidence that a NWO goal is to reduce competition for monopolistic big businesses? Of course, those in Washington know that collectively, small businesses are the nation’s largest employers. The plight of all those millions newly out of work was somewhat mollified by the inflationary response of The Cabal’s “Covid Relief” bills passed – in the billions and billions of dollars.
Did the people ask for any of this? Are they clamoring for the NWO, it’s reduction of the USA and others to global totalitarian rule in a socialistic economic setup? That’s where Washington is taking us. Are the people asking for higher taxes so the United States can send money to African dictators? Why are bills brought before the congress thousands of pages long? The media doesn’t cover them other than to give them some innocuous-sounding title, “Covid Relief”, “Omnibus Spending”, or other, when hundreds of line items having nothing to do with Covid are included. Instead, they describe the theatrical “give and take” among the congressional factions prior to the inevitable passage of the bill. It’s all a show. It’s not about us. It’s about The Cabal.
That The Cabal wants the people in the dark about what they are doing is why one cannot go to a government website and see a plainly detailed, item-by-item list of expenditures in any bill, either prior to or after passage. Yet one can go to any corporate website, pull up their financial reports and see those items. Why doesn’t the federal government use its massive workforce to provide this basic information to the population which they ostensibly represent? That’s a rhetorical question.
Neither did The Cabal want people to know that “Russian Collusion” in the 2016 election was pure fabrication. Their fabrication. Edward Snowden made it clear that the NSA spies on us all. (The Cabal really wants him “brought to justice”, though so far, he has escaped the “Seth Rich treatment”, residing in Russia.) Of course, the CIA and the other intelligence agencies certainly keep tabs on bad actors. Or do they? Maybe they are the bad actors. How is it that neither of those agencies would not know of the “Russian Collusion” fraud? How could they be ignorant of “Hamilton 68”, the phony RussiaGate tracker which informed all the media of that lie?[1] Note that those involved with that site are all Democrat operatives and Neocon William Kristol. Cabal members all.
Are the people asking for illegal aliens to invade the country, taxing the infrastructure and creating a massive social problem? The Cabal is supplying it for us nonetheless. (Mayorkas smuggled 100000 job seeking migrants through parole pathway) But is this new? Is this only about the Biden administration? Did the GOP congressional majority support president Trump and his landslide voters in funding and building the wall with unanimous support? No. They refused to fund, or otherwise enable or give their assent to the wall. Neither did their Deep State employ necessary measures to prevent the invasion without the wall. As we see in the link above, the Deep State enables the invasion, though neither is that news. The GOP and the Deep State are Cabal members. They are not there to represent the will of the people.
The Cabal tells the people that electric cars are the future and that soon all will be required to run them. Yet, they also tell us that we must curtail mining and oil/gas/coal production. The cars must all be charged at electric charging stations. Yet, fossil fuels account for more than 60% of all electric energy production in the United States.[2] The Cabal tells us that we must curtail mining operations. Yet the lithium which the car batteries require must be mined. The copper for the motors must be mined, though The Cabal throws barriers at every opportunity to prevent additional copper extraction. This is accomplished via their expedient of “permitting”. It’s been going on for at least ten years with Arizona’s Resolution Copper mining operation.[3]
Behind it all, is the specter of the “climate change” agenda, dear to the NWO and The Cabal. It is based on the nonsense that mankind is causing damaging “climate change” and moreover, is in a position to reverse it.
To believe such rubbish, one has to ignore the fact that there was once an Ice Age, with glaciers covering most of N. America. With so much ice around the globe, what must seawater levels have been at the time? Mankind did not create the Ice Age nor did they have anything to do with its reversal. The “Global Warming” took place without any human assistance. It’s simply what the Earth does. The Cabal members who own worldwide propaganda organs see “climate change” and attendant lies as a path to their ends of the NWO and their power. Huge populations taught to abandon critical thinking and lulled into a state of catatonic absorption of such false information, are a vehicle for the The Cabal’s power.
So, what to do about it all? There’s so much more, beyond the scope of this writing. Along with the writing of others, Kelleigh Nelson, Devvy Kidd and many more on NWV, the picture comes together. How do we respond?
Two things are very clear. One, we have no credible fighting force for the retention of US sovereignty and a return to our founding principles of limited government, individual responsibility, equality under the law and freedom.
The second thing which is totally clear is that, given the first, we must create that political force to achieve those things which American citizens and indeed, humanity, need in order to live in plenty or in some instances, to merely survive. We must get behind some new ideas, closing our eyes, if necessary, to the past, moving ahead with faith. The old saw “God helps those who help themselves” is certainly true. Helping ourselves requires that sometimes we must get out of our comfort zone and venture into uncharted territory.
We must create a new political force to rally and support the millions and millions of us and our countrymen. Only then will we put ourselves in a position to project our majority into the proper operation of our governance.
Can we achieve that new construction? Of course! Back in the mid-1800’s when Whig voters wanted abolition and emancipation, they saw that the power in their political party wouldn’t support them. They didn’t get their underwear twisted, wringing their hands saying “We’ll split the vote!”, or “the Democrat will win”! Instead, they went out and formed an organization which led them to and achieved what they wanted. They called it the “Republican Party”. The Whig Party disappeared.
There’s an outline for such a new organization at Give it a look. If the Cabal wins, as they are at present, we’re lost. It’s really that simple. We had better get started. There’s no time to lose.
© 2023 Jeffery Dover – All Rights Reserved
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