By Lex Greene

August 19, 2024

Baseball used to be the national pastime in the USA. But that’s back when a single income was enough to raise a family. It’s back before online pornography, and kids who have been raised in their bedrooms playing video games with their doped up virtual friends, desensitized by killing, rioting and looting for points of no value whatsoever.

Back then, a mother’s womb was the safest place on earth for any child through the early developmental period…and now, it’s the most dangerous place on earth for children. No one was unsure about their gender or sexual orientation, after the first few baths when they found their private parts for the first time, and back then, their parts were private, not on parade in the middle of downtown American streets.

E Pluribus Unum was our national motto, Latin for “Out of many, one” …unlike today where power-drunk political hacks have divided our nation into tiny impotent factions based upon every possible means of division.

“One Nation Under God” because a “free people” are self-governed under very basic laws of decency and honor, and under the boot of no one else.

And because of all of that, our country grew to become the most advanced, civilized, decent and prosperous nation on earth, known all around the globe as the beacon of freedom, liberty, justice, and hope, for the entire world.

But that’s not who or what the USA is anymore…

Everything has changed, because the American people have changed…

Now, political warfare is the new national pastime!

Whether 1776 or 2024, our government is at all times…a mere reflection of its people. It always has been, and it always will be, for better or worse. If you don’t like what it is, change it. But be very careful what you have been Pavlov trained to want!

“With liberty, and justice, for all…”

By all, we don’t mean the entire world, at our expense. All means all legal American citizens, from whom all political power is derived. We don’t mean for some people, just white, or just black, just Christian or just Jewish, just female or just male…all means ALL.

But some think these foundational precepts, also known as the Charters of Freedom, are old, outdated, no longer of any use, and should be replaced by new “progressive” ideas, like communism, socialism, Nazism, Marxism, fascism…some sexy sounding palatable form of totalitarianism, evil under a kinder term.

At the base of this problem is the reality that some simply do not want freedom, liberty and justice for all. Instead, they want it all for thee, but not for ye

The USA is not governed by popular vote (a democracy), or even the Electoral College, (a republic), much less Executive branch dictates, or opinions of an unelected and unaccountable oligarchy, known as the Courts. No, our country is governed by “the people.” The people are the final arbiters of truth, justice, and the American way. All political power in the USA is derived from the “consent of the governed,” the people. Through our founding documents, the Charters of Freedom, it’s the people who established government, under certain very limited conditions, spelled out and codified in the Charters of Freedom.

The Charters of Freedom were not written in legalese, which would require legal experts to interpret those words. They were written in plain English, so that every legal citizen able to read basic English, could know exactly what those documents say, what they mean, and what their inalienable Rights are as free American citizens.

However, 248-years into the world’s greatest freedom experiment, the people are so disconnected from the foundations of their own freedom and liberty, that they are easy marks for a halfwit con job by blatant frauds only concerned with controlling you, instead of protecting you.

These halfwit frauds have divided you into warring factions, pitted against one another, for their own benefit, not yours, or mine. These maniacal morons keep you so busy fighting each other that you don’t have the good sense or time to hate the people who are tearing your entire world apart.

But in the end, that cabal of social misfits and demonic liars are not to blame. They are a mere reflection of you, the American voters.

  • Strong people will vote for strong leaders, while weak people will vote for weak leaders.
  • Ethical and moral people will vote for moral and ethical leaders, while immoral and unethical people vote for immoral and unethical leaders.
  • Smart people vote for smart leaders, while stupid people vote for stupid leaders.
  • Liars will vote for liars.
  • Communist and socialist voters will vote for communist and socialist leaders.
  • Freedom lovers vote for freedom and liberty protectors.
  • Voters with no regard for human life will vote for leaders who will protect their right to take innocent lives.
  • Thieves will vote for thieves.
  • Racists will vote on the basis of race, as well as gender, false ethnicity, sexual preference, etc.
  • Selfish people will vote for self, without any regard for the destruction they cause for everyone else.
  • People who hate America will vote for leaders who also hate America.
  • Perverts and pedophiles will vote for leaders who celebrate perverts and pedophiles.

You get the point… as a result, our government is a mirror reflection of voters, all of them. The simple truth is, there are no perfect people, therefore, no perfect candidates. But there is another name for “lesser evil,” … “better choice.”

We reap what we sew… so we experience the consequences of our actions, often in a direct and inevitable manner. The hell we live with is brought upon ourselves, by the natural consequences of our actions, or inaction.

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” – anti-federalist Republican Thomas Jefferson

Today, the dumbing down and demoralization of American voters has reached a new level never before seen in the USA. How dumbed down can dumbed down get?

Millions of Americans are currently supporting the most undemocratic act in our history, a Presidential candidate that not one single American voted for, while claiming to “save democracy.” This candidate has zero accomplishments beyond slithering her way to power by any means necessary along the way. She dropped out of the 2020 primaries dead last in the democrat race with less than 1% support from her own party. But she was appointed by Obama to become Biden’s VP, before Obama forced Biden out of the 2024 race and appointed Harris the DNC nominee, nominated by no one.

This, the communists and socialists call “democracy.”

Ignorance is a problem easily solved with true and factual information. But stupidity is an entirely different problem.

Stupidity is voluntary ignorance, with a total disregard for truth and fact. Stupidity is most often driven by selfish personal pursuits at the expense of others. “I want what I want, and the facts are irrelevant.”

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he [she] is known and carries his [her] banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his [her] sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he [she] speaks in accents familiar to his [her] victims, and he [she] wears their face and their arguments, he [she] appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He [she] rots the soul of a nation, he [she] works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he [she] infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”Taylor Caldwell, A Pillar of Iron

For the terminally stupid, the facts are not only irrelevant, but they are also a threat. They must be silenced or eliminated. They must be censored from public access, ridiculed and even jailed, to protect the preferred lies of the terminally stupid.

Such is the condition of our once great nation today.

Unless smart and decent people show up to overcome the grossly ignorant and indecent voters this year, they will take our country down for good, come November. Nothing is more important than free, fair, lawful, secure and transparent elections in any truly democratic society. Nothing!

The only way to “stop the steal” in 2024 is to unplug all electronic voting machines and use verified paper ballots and hand counts, followed by careful recounts to insure a secure and legitimate elections for all legal American voters, all across this country. I used to support the notion of advanced voting technologies in a country of over 320-million. But now I know that ALL electronic voting is entirely compromised, all the way down at the county level.

The “steal” is already in place, via the election machines connected to the internet in 98% of the counties across this land. Paper ballots and hand counts is the only way to stop “the steal” in 2024, and there is little time to accomplish this in every State.

This is a “do or die” moment in American history. God bless and protect those willing to make the stand.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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